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A SCRIBBLE FROM A SAD LOVE A scribbling to unveil the burden of my chambers Which are filled with stream of love

than blood And if blood, carrying passion than oxygen. I hope by the time you see this outburst You must have drifted far away By distance and thought. The distance can be shrunk and gap can be bridged But the breach in mind and the split of the soul? No, for the heart is sunk. You call this assumption, presumption or intuition But all these flashed across at one point of time Which, if unexpressed, render my feel or stupidity go in drain. Will I succeed to make you feel the way I feel? But let me make a sincere attempt atleast If it keeps your spirit still intact and raised Do you know I am shedding so many tears now Than the drops I produced in lifetime? But what is new in my crying though! But my dear, each new tear carries a new and a unique pain How nice would it be, if each precious pearl washes down All the pain as it rolls on my pale cheeks down?

A woman like me can deliver pearls and crystals Better than the oysters and nature But o dear, only to drain the pain and never as weapons. The deluge of tears may drown my pillow Will it drown my fears or sorrows? Or will it ever reach the shore of your heart? Pain should know real pain As love should know true love Since heart should know sincere heartas they are entwined. The love to you is by my choice So the terrible phase and suffering should be Although the heart is laden with lead. I may fly to give a surprise appearance And to bury my face on your beating chest If only your heart hasnt flown away yet. The hands that embraced and played with my hair Gone away into wild search of fun somewhere The residue of memories is the entangled mess. The worst pain of all known to lovers Is the one that comes from replacement And the feeling of being ignoredslowly and gradually. The restlessness or the feel of insecurity Triggered by a butterfly hopping in search of new blossom No right to arrest but only to plead for the love. You may not weigh my love and feel the gravity But atleast the sinking heart under the excruciating pain Which may or may not signify the divinity of love.

May I know what made you to opt for replacement plan? Is it the nagging or poking or impractical demand from me Which drove you more comfortable with your new bud? I cant be one in many my dear For I am too selfish and possessive to digest And I cant soothe out the burning heart either. Priority gets changed as change is the only dynamic thing The replacer becomes replaced and The chain continues non-stop. Emotions override my intelligence Heart over mind than mind over heart An absolute unwise architect and engineer of my sufferings My absence may not leave any void nor cause any perturbation Except occasional flashes of old memories in you For you may have new pleasant snapshots to cherish and tickle about. But all clouds will pass by one day The pleasant surprises as well as worries alike... Time and situation....make the best or the worst! The stupidity or childishness or possessiveness Is not because I dont have faith in you But because of the boundless love for you. I know that you have a special niche for me Which no way means I must be on the top... For I dont have any right over you to fit into that slot... The heart bleeds and sinks and the mind blinds... Deserted eyes get moistened ...with still left over few drops... Nevertheless, it is a life-time experience to cherish or perish!

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