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<Till Death Does its Part> an original screenplay by <Thomas K Jemmerson>

<Thomas K Jemmerson> <25 Weldon Place> <Covington, GA, 30016> <678-923-6827> <>

FADE IN 1 EXT. THE WOODS- NIGHT A YOUNG LADY and her young DAUGHTER are kneeling on the dirt. They hold onto each other and are both crying. Standing close to them is A SHIRTLESS MAN. He is bent and grotesque and points a shotgun toward their faces and takes delight in their fear. Nearby, is another man, the child's FATHER and woman's husband. He seems almost frozen in position but his eyes seem tortured by the scene he is witnessing. The shirtless man, turns toward him for a second. SHIRTLESS MAN You ready? He starts to squeeze down on the trigger, almost enjoying the emotional distress he is causing. FREEZE FRAME FATHER (V.O.) But that's how the story ends. FLASHBACK TO 2 EXT. A FOREST- NIGHT The FATHER, in mercenary gear is running through the forest, trying to escape THREE CHASING SOLDIERS. FATHER (V.O.) Infiltrating a terror cell is always risky. When you're caught, nobody knows you. Nobody who matters anyway... Finally he is cornered, beaten and his hands bound behind him. while on his knees one of the soldiers, THE LEADER, pulls out a pistol and presses it against the kneeling man's forehead. The soldier speaks with a thick accent. LEADER Time to die American dog. He starts to squeeze the trigger in slow mo. FATHER (V.O.) My last thoughts were of my family. Scenes of past times with his family flash through his mind as the trigger continues to be pulled back in slow mo. FATHER (V.O.) (CONT'D) Then came the voice 2 1

2. SHIRTLESS MAN (O.S.) You don't have to die here. You can go home, see them again. FATHER How? SHIRTLESS MAN (O.S.) Just say yes... But there is a price. FATHER I don't care about the price. Do it! SHIRTLESS MAN (O.S.) You sure? FATHER Yes, YES! The shot is fired and as the bullet exits the chamber it remains suspended in the air. Time is frozen as are the soldiers. The Shirtless man, appears out of thin air and swiftly moves between them, dismembering them. He then turns toward the cringing father grabbing the bullet from the air in front of his face. FADE TO BLACK 3 INT. A HOUSE- DAY The father his wife and child are having a video gaming session. There is laughter and horsing around as they play. All seems well. FATHER (V.O.) A year had passed since that and I had almost forgotten about him. Life was good. Their game is interrupted by the sudden appearance of the shotgun wielding shirtless man. As he appears out of thin air, the room distorts, it's walls taking on a concave shape. The wife and child scream and cower while the father attempts to confront him but cannot move. He is bound by the distorted space around him. The Shirtless man smiles wryly. SHIRTLESS MAN Time to pay the piper. The space around him echoes his movement as he approaches the terrified wife and child. 3

3. FATHER (V.O.) Everything in me wanted to attack this man, this thing but I was a prisoner in my own body. I could do nothing FADE TO BLACK 4 EXT. A FOREST- NIGHT The shirtless man points his gun toward the kneeling, crying wife and child. the rage and sadness burn in the eyes of the father as he stands there looking but he can do nothing. SHIRTLESS MAN (to father) You ready? FATHER (to shirtless man) Take me instead. SHIRTLESS MAN It doesn't work that way. You have a contract. FATHER You never said this was the price! SHIRTLESS MAN You're right I didn't He writhes as though he is trying to break free but still cannot move. His daughter cries. SHIRTLESS MAN (CONT'D) (scoffing) Are you done? The father falls to his knees, exhausted. He looks into his wife's eyes. The rage fear and sadness are plain to see. A tear rolls down his cheek. Scenes of happier times flash through his mind. FATHER I'm so sorry... FATHER (V.O.) (CONT'D) This thing, this demon, was the spirit of death, of war. It was only interested in collecting souls, the more, the better. He had made a good deal. I wasnt so lucky. 4

4. The shirtless man fires twice. FADE TO BLACK END

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