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The Gathering of Heroes

It was a clear morning sky and the sun was shining brightly on Domino city. The roads and streets were packed with citizens carrying out their daily lives and schools were filled with eager and bright students. Now, this world may seem like a normal and peaceful one, but not everything is what they appear to be, and so this story takes place ten years after the King of Games, Yugi Muto had become the #1 duelist in the world. We now join another young duelists adventure to become the greatest. In a small house on the coast side of Domino, lived a young boy named Ryu Mikigami. He was 16 years old and still a junior in high school. He had just heard about a duel academy that was having a re-opening and decided that it was time to put his dueling skills to the test Oh man I overslept! Ryu screamed as he ran out the front door with his backpack and his duel disk. He had stayed up all night thinking about how exciting it would be to join a duel academy, and because of it he overslept which resulted in this little incident. Ryu ran as fast as he could to get to the shore where the boat was going to be taking the new students. He jumped over fences, blitzed through green lights, and flipped over cars so that he would make it. Come on, I can make it! he screamed and continued to run. Ugh! a voice came from an alley way that Ryu just passed. He stopped what he was doing and saw two shadows at the edge of the corner. Should I? Ryu pondered wondering if he should go check it out. He peeked his head over the edge and was slightly startled to see a tall, muscular, and smelly man cornering an old senior who looked like he was 60 years old. Look old man, you better hand over those cards if you know whats good for ya! the man ordered and inched closer to him. Neverthese cards are sacred and I will never allow someone like you to posses them... the old man mustered and backed up but ran into a wall behind him. The man inched closer the senior smirking. One way or another, your gonna hand over those cards to me..

Hey! Ryu screamed as he stepped out from the edge. The man turned around and was surprised to see a kid staring at him. Huh? The hell do you want squirt he said as he turned around. Picking on an old man for some cards is pathetic even for a low-life like you. Ryu had a pained expression on his face. How dare this guy try to bully an old man for some cards, which are probably old and useless anyway. A vein popped up in the mans head and he crunched his fists together and slowly started walking towards Ryu. Bad move kidnow Im gonna have to deal with you for insulting me he said as he inched closer to Ryu. Ryu looked towards his left and noticed a can of sprite on the floor, he quickly ran towards it and picked it up and shook it behind his back. The man became irritated and lunged himself towards Ryu. Ryu revealed the bottle in his hand and opened it up and sprayed the man in the face with it. Gah! My Eyes! the man screamed in pain as he covered his eyes with his arms. Ryu took this opportunity and ran past the tall man and grabbed the steel pipe behind him. The man turned around trying to regain his vision, but when he did he was met with a steel pipe to the face, which knocked him clean out. Ryu sighed and dropped the stick. Phew, that was a close one. Ryu turned around and looked at the old man who was still shivering. Are you alright, grandpa? Ryu asked and bent down. The old man stopped shivering and looked up to see Ryu smiling at him and looked at the tall man who was knocked out. Oh, did you do that all by yourself? Thank you very much the old man thanked Ryu and bowed his head. Ryu slightly blushed and said that it was no problem. Ive had a little training from my own grandfather, so I could deal with jerks like him.. Suddenly, Ryus watch began to ring and he noted the time. Ah! Its almost time, sorry grandpa I would love to stay and chat but I have a cruise to catch. And with that Ryu took off. Wait! Tell me your name stranger! the old man screamed as Ryu ran. Its Ryu.Ryu Mikigami. He said as he turned around. MikigamiCould it be the old man pondered and then looked closely at Ryus face which he recognized. It has to be him! the old man thought to himself. He then reached into his pocket

and brought out his deck case. He then took out a card and called out to Ryu. Here, take this card! as he threw it to Ryu. Ryu caught the card and then looked at the old man. Why, are you giving this to me? Ryu asked. Consider it a gift for helping an old man he said as he smiled. Ryu took a closer look at the card and noticed how powerful it was. Whoa, this Card is amazing, are you sure you want to give it to me? Ryu asked thinking that it must have been a mistake. Nope, that card belongs with you, and youll need it for whats to come. With that the old man walked away and disappeared into the alley way. Wonder what that was all aboutOh man I completely forgot about the cruise! Ryu screamed and ran off too catch the boat. Ryu ran as fast as he could and could see the cruise take off without him, but Ryu Mikigami was not a man who gave up. The parents and family members that said goodbye to their friends and families noticed Ryu running and moved out of the way for what he was about to do. Before Ryu could jump, four police guards blocked his path. Im sorry sir, but the ship has already left the dock. One of the officers said and tried to stop Ryu from going but he wasnt going to have any of that. The hell with that! Ryu screamed and jumped on top of the guards and launched himself at the cruise. Everyone around them screamed in shock at what the boy had just done, and covered their eyes, but when they re opened them he was safe and was holding on to the edge of the rail waving goodbye at everyone. You just got trolled, hehe Ryu stuck his tongue out at the guards who were furious at what he had just done. Ryu flipped back onto the deck and looked backwards at his hometown. MomDadSisIm goingand I promise you that Ill become the best duelist in the world he thought as he opened his eyes and turned around. While walking on the main deck, he noticed several different duels taking place with all kinds of monsters. Go Jinzo! Attack him directly! a kid screamed as his Jinzo card fired a laser beam at his opponent and won him the duel.

Ryu was in paradise, he had always wanted to come to a place where he could duel endlessly and not get into trouble for it, and better yet its a place where they actually teach dueling. Ryu continued to walk around and examined everyone dueling. So all of these kids are here to join the academy? Ryu asked as he continued walking. Well, it doesnt really matter because Im ready for anything but what came next was something he wasnt ready for.

Ryu fell back onto the floor after crashing into something. Ow.hey man watch where youre going! he said a little angry but noticed that he bumped into little red haired kid who was wearing a white hoodie.

Kid: Why dont you watch where youre going! the kid yelled back at him. They both got up and glared at one another and made silly faces to intimidate one another. After they both ran out of energy, they laughed it off and both apologized for not looking where they were going.

Ryu: Hehe, my bad man I wasnt looking where I was going Kid: Ah I should say sorry as well, by the way my names Ikki the kid said happily as he got back up. Ryu: Nice to meet you, Im Ryu Mikigami and Im from Domino City. Ryu also got up from where he was sitting from and dusted himself off. Ikki: Domino City? No way, thats so cool; you get to live in the same city as Yugi! Ikki said with excitement in his eyes. Ryu: I know right, its such an honor for any duelist. Ikki: Youre a duelist? Ryu looked at Ikki confused and not sure if he was being serious. I wouldnt be on this ship If I wasnt he said and laughed a bit at Ikkis slowness. Ikki blushed a bit from embarrassment. Ikki: Shut up! I knew that, I was just testing you! he screamed at Ryu

Ryu:Oh really now. Ryu asked inching closer to his face wanting to discover if he was telling the truth. Ikki slowly backed up and tried to hide his face. Ikki:Y-Y-Yea, really! Ikki replied trying to convince him. Ryu:Whatever you say, anyway you down for a duel? Ryu asked him wanting to test out his new card. Ikki: Anytime bro, Ill duel circles around ya Ikki replied and the two stepped back and setup their duel disks. Ryo and Ikki: Ok Du As they were about to start their duel, they heard an announcement on the microphone. Captain: Attention all passengers of TWA academy, we will be arriving shortly at our destination. I repeat all passengers of TWA academy; we will be arriving shortly at our destination. Ryu put back his duel disk and walked up towards Ikki. Looks like well have to continue our match later he said as he brought his fist out. Ikki: You know it he said as he pumped fists with Ryu.

The ship had now finally reached the island where one of the greatest dueling institutions had ever been held, TWA academy. This academy was founded by Maximillion Pegasus who named it after his favorite series of cards.

After the boat had docked, all of the students headed off of it with their duel disks and decks. Ryu and Ikki and got off as well and headed inside the main building, which was enormous by the way. While inside, they looked at the walls and gazed at pictures of past students who were named as the greatest duelists. When they finally reached the main building Ikki and Takeshi noticed hundreds of students in the stands watching as the new freshman class roll in. Ryu: Incredible.who knew so many students attended this academy Ryu said as he looked around the arena.

Ikki: Yea...I cant wait to join this place! Ikki said with excitement in his voice. A man with a white headband on his head and a uniform was at the top of the stands and held a microphone into his hands. This man was Dexter, the current chancellor of TWA academy. Dexter Welcome new recruits, to the greatest, and most hyper active academy ever, I give you Toon World Academy! he said as he yelled into his microphone. This caused all of the students to cheer along with him. Ryu: He sure knows how to get people excited... Ryu and Ikki then began walking towards the registration counter. The lady at the counter gave each of them a number and told them that when there number is called it will be time for their test. Ryu looked at his little sheet of paper. Looks like Im number 14...what about you Ikki? Ryu asked turning to his small friend who also had a card. Ikki: Im number 05 he said as he looked at his paper. Just then the test announcer began talking on his microphone and announced the next test matches. Announcer: Will #s 01, 22, 54, 12, 31, and 05 please head to the testing areas Ikki: Sweet! Im up firstI totally got this... Ikki said as he smiled and punched his fist. As he was about to leave, Ryu put his fist out in front of him. This is a promise that well both win and pass our tests. Ikki looked at Ryu for a little while and grinned widely and propped him back. Of Course! he said and with that he was off. Ryu then walked into the stands of the academy and noticed a couple of empty seats on the far left. It was quite the place, there were students dressed in Purple, Yellow, and Blue jackets. As Ryu took his seat, he had looked around and noticed that there were quite a lot of students being tested. Ha! Look at all these talentless losers! Ryu turned his head to see who had said that and noticed three students dressed in Blue blazers. What he had just said angered Ryu quite a bit for calling the new students losers. Ryu: Hey, watch your mouth! Ryu angrily said and got up from his seat. Some of the students then turned their attention to his sudden outburst. The Blue students just snickered.

Carter: Oh yea? And what if we dont freshman? Now it was their turn to stand up. Both sides looked at each other with intense eyes and it seemed like they were to engage in an argument but.

Misaki: Knock it off you three a girl said from behind them on the top of the staircase. Both sides turned around and saw a purple haired girl that wore a half top that showed off her flat stomach and some jeans. She was a very attractive girl who most of the boys in the stadium were drooling at and even Ryu couldnt help but stare at her. The three Blue students had become a little frightened by her and apologized immediately and moved to another seat. Ryu: That deals with them..for now I guess Ryu said sighing in relief. Misaki: I apologize for that, not all of the students in the Blue dorm are like that the girl said as she walked closer to Ryu. Ryu just smiled and waved his hands. Ah, dont worry about it there will always be jerks no matter where you go... he said with a comedic look on his face. The girl just giggled at this and the two continued to have small talk. Girl: Are you a new student here? she asked hoping that he would give her a little bit more information about himself. Ryu: Yea just got here today; this academy is such a sweet place. Ryu said admiring the arena around him. Blue girl student:Misaki! Come on lets go we have to go to where the others are another Blue student called out to her. Misaki: Oh sorry about that, Im on my way! she yelled back her friends. She then began to walk towards them but then remembered she had forgotten to ask him something. Misaki: I forgot to ask your name freshman. Ryu then stared at her and was about to call his name until. Announcer: Will Numbers 04, 07, 55, 34, and 14 please report to the testing stage. Ryu just remembered that he was #14 and sprinted towards his duel arena.

Misaki then noted how he forgot to give her his name. interesting one she said and smiled to herself and walked towards her friends. Ryu finally made it to his testing area and noticed Ikki just finishing his. He walked up to him and asked how it went, to which he gave him a thumbs up and smiled widely. Ikki: Piece of cake! Ikki said and he high fived Ryu at his success. Ryu: Nice work man, Ill be joining you shortly Ryu grinned and jumped onto the platform. To his confusion there was no one there. Ryu: So, wheres my opponent? he asked looking around. Suddenly a grown man launched himself at the arena and right in front of Ryu. He was fairly tall wearing the same jackets that those arrogant jerks were wearing earlier but his was full white. He had short silver hair and he looked as if he was one of those Im better than everyone else faces. Professor Loke: I am Professor Loke and I shall engage you as your instructor for the test, any problems? he asked looking to see if he would actually object. Ryu just smirked and brought out his duel disk. Hell no! Lets get this started Professor Koki he replied. This caused to professor to drop anime style. Professor Loke: Its Loke you buffoon! he screamed at him. He brought out his highly advanced duel disk and loaded his deck with it. As the duel was about to begin, students in the crowd noted who the freshman kids opponent was. Blue male student: Is that kid really going to duel our headmaster? he said. Blue female student: Thats just cruel, sending in an advanced duelist on a amateur. She said. On the other side of the gym, students that were dressed in Yellow began to comment as well. Yellow male student: This kid wont last a minute with a duelist of Professor Lokes abilitiesright Setsuna? the student said and looked across towards his friend who was sitting down watching the duel.

Setsuna: Dont underestimate the kid...something tells me that he is not just some amateur Setsuna said and kept a good eye on Ryu. Back at the stadium, Ikki was at the side rooting for Ryu. You got this bro, take him down! Ryu turned around and smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He then looked back at Professor Loke and wished him luck. Professor Loke: Ill make sure that this garbage never enters our school, hell pay for making fun of my Shining Blue students! he thought to himself and glared at Ryu. Kyo & Professor Loke: Time to Duel! they both said and the match was on. Kyo: 4000 LP Professor Loke: 4000 LP Professor Loke: Ill start us off...Draw! he said as he drew a card I call Dark Grepher in attack mode!A dark warrior emerged from the shadows (1700 ATK). Next Ill activate its special ability, which allows me to discard one DARK monster from my hand, and select any DARK monster card from my deck and send it to the graveyard. He picked Plaguespreader Zombie and placed it in his graveyard. Ill place these two cards face down, and that will suffice Kyo: Bout time old man, let me show you how its done.Draw! he said as he drew a card. Ill blow you away by summoning Blackwing-Shura the Blue Flame in attack mode! A huge gust of wind appeared before Ryu and revealed a winged beast human hybrid (1800 ATK) Now Shura, attack his Dark Grepher.Black Hurricane! he screamed and his monster blew violent feathers towards Dark Grepher which destroyed him. Professor Loke: (4000 3900) Kyo:And thanks to my Shuras special ability, by destroying a monster in battle I can now special summon any Blackwing monster from my deck with 1500 ATK points or less, so come on out Blackwing Gale the Whirlwind! a green storm formed around the center of the stage and from it popped a little green birdman (1300 ATK) Now attack him directly Gale! Ryu screamed for his monster to attack him in which the green monster charged at him. Professor Loke cringed in pain at the attack.

Professor Loke: (3900 2600) Blue female student: That kid is actually winning! Amazing she said in admiration of him. Yellow male student: Hes a lot better than I had thought he said and looked at his friend Setsuna who was correct about him. Ryu: Whats wrong teach, this isnt too much for you to handle is it? he overcockly said as he crossed his arms. Professor Loke: Ill admit Im impressed.but if you think thats all I got you have another thing coming! he said and began his next turn. My Draw! he draws his next card. I activate Monster Reborn he said he placed the spell card down on his disk. Now I can bring back a monster from my graveyard, so welcome back Dark Grepher! he said and his dark creature returned from the hole underneath him. (1700 ATK) But he wont be staying for long because I sacrifice him in order to play my Caius the Shadow Monarch! Dark Grepher returned to the shadow and a gigantic shadow monster appeared from a dark crack in the middle of the stage (2400 ATK). Ryu: Awesome! What a sweet card Ryu exclaimed happily. Arent you afraid of it? Loke asked as he was confused by the boys sudden excitement. Of course not, how could I be scared of something that cool he said as he had stars in his eyes. Loke just sweat dropped at Ryus enthusiasm and continued his turn.

Well youll think hes even cooler once I activate its special ability. It allows me to remove from the game any card on the field and I choose your Blackwing Shura! The monarch now charged his hands and banished Shura. Shura! Ryu screamed out at his now gone monster.

Professor Loke: Also just to add on, you lose 1000 life points if that monster was a DARK attributed one. Ryu: (4000 LP 3000 LP). Ryu winced in pain from the sudden attack. Professor Loke: Now I play my trap card, Jar of greed which allows me to draw one card he draws a card. Finally, Caius attack his Gale the Whirlwind! Fearful Ripper! he screamed and Caius fired a dark energy wave at his monster and obliterated it. Ryu: Gah! he screamed in pain at the attack. Ryu: (3000 LP 1900 LP) Ikki: Ryu! Hang in there bro he screamed at his friend to hold on. Professor Loke: Ha! This little street punk doesnt stand a chance against a duelist of my caliber, Ill finish this no name punk on my next turn and see to it that he never duels in this academy! he thought and laughed loudly that everyone could assume what he was thinking. On the stands, a man in a brown jacket with spiky hair was watching from afar with a girl with long pink hair and a strange outfit. Jason: What do you think of him, Tsubaki? turning to girl who was staring intensely at Ryu. Tsubaki: He is.someone not to be underestimated. Jason looked onto the duel and was interested in how the freshman would get out of this mess. Professor Loke: If this match is too much for you, you could alwa. As he was about to finish his sentence, he looked at Ryu and couldnt believe his eyes. He was.laughing. Why are you laughing, your losing so how can you find any of this funny! Loke asked wanting to know the answer behind it. Ryu continued laughing and stopped briefly. Simple.its because no matter if a person is losing or winning, enjoying duels is more important than the outcome he said blatantly. Professor Loke: What nonsense are you saying, winning is everything!

Ryu just smirked and put his finger on his deck and smiled. Well Im about to show you why you should think differently! Draw! He drew his next card. He examined it and smiled.

Ryu: Check this out! I activate Mystical Space Typhoon, and it lets me take out one of your face downs. A typhoon appeared from the card and sucked up Lokes last face down which was Dark Bribe. Now because you got a monster and I dont, I can special summon Blackwing Gust the BackBlast! a storm appeared and a small colorful bird appeared from it (900 ATK). Time to get rid of your Caius with the spell card Lightning Vortex, now If I ditch one of the cards in my hand, I can destroy every face up monster you got A lightning storm appeared from the ceiling and crashed into Caius sending it to the grave. Professor Loke: Grr, So what! Your little chicken only has 900 ATK points; itll hardly leave a scratch. Ryu smirked at this. Well teach your rightor you would be if I didnt have this card. I now summon Blackwing Blizzard the Far North! small snowflakes appear, and from them a small snow bird appeared from it. (1300 ATK). Thanks to my Blizzard, I can now special summon a Level 4 or lower Blackwing monster from my graveyard in defense mode. I now bring back Blackwing Bora the Spear! A giant black whirlwind appeared and from it a red human winged beast with a giant spear descended (1700 ATK) Professor Loke: Wait, how did he get in your graveyard? I never sent him there. He said wanting to know if Ryu had cheated. Ryu: Of course you didnt send him there.I did, with my lightning vortex spell card Ryu reminded him which caused all of the students to giggle at the professors misconception. Professor Loke: Well so what, its in defense mode so my life points are safe... he said feeling relieved.

Ryu: They would beif I wasnt going to synchro summon... Ryu said smiling. Professor Loke: Wait, What! he said in terror Ryu: I now tune my Level 2 Blizzard with my Level 2 Gust and my Level 4 Bora, in order to synchro summon my Level 8 Blackwing Silverwind the Ascendant! Ryu screamed and placed down his new monster, in which a all three of his monsters lined up and combined and from them a silver wind gathered which gave birth to a giant black bird with a staff, that was wearing armor.(2800 ATK) Professor Loke: T-T-Twenty Eight hundred ATK points!!! Loke mustered out and started backing up. Ryu: Now Silver, attack his life points directly with Silver Wind Gust! Ryu commanded, and Silver proceeded to twirl his staff and blew a giant gust wave at Professor Loke which knocked him back off the arena. Professor Loke: Gah!! he screamed as he was knocked backwards. Professor Loke: (2700 LP 0 LP) Winner: Ryu Mikigami All of the students were shocked beyond compare. How did a freshman beat one of the best instructors in the school? Dexter the leader of TWA was impressed with the match and began to clap, in which everyone else clapped along with him. Ikki ran up to Ryu and tackled him to the ground. Awesome duel, Ryu-aniki! Ryu: Aniki? Whats that about? Aw who careswe made it Ikki! Ryu said happily and swirled him around in circles. Meanwhile in the stands of the stadium students were very impressed with the match especially certain individuals. Sarah: Wow that guy is like so cool... she said with admiration in her eyes

Jennifer: Yea, and hes also super cutedont you think so Misaki? she said all giggly and looking towards her best friend. Misaki: Ryu. Was all she could say as she stared at the boy who was wrestling with Ikki. Ryu: Were finally in Ikki, and were going to make it to the top no matter what! Ryu said and threw his hands into the air. Ikki: Yea! he said happily And with that, this was the start of Ryus journey to become the greatest duelist in the world but little did he know that the road to greatness is no simple task and he will face many dangers on his journey. The End of Chapter 1 Reviews are welcome please

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