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Smith 1 Molly Smith Professor Heather Trommer-Beardslee TAI 170 Tues/Thurs 3:30 13 December 2012 Poetry Assignment For

my three poems I chose to perform Because I Could Not Stop For Death by Emily Dickinson, an excerpt from The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, and Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas. These poems are all connected by the theme of death. The poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death by Emily Dickinson, could be both fictional and non-fictional. It could be fictional because obviously the author has not died and the story is about a person's last moments. However, it could also be non-fictional if it is the author's interpretation of what her death will be like or Dickinson reflecting back upon her life. It is difficult to tell the difference because she uses I, however it is about dying so it is in the scope of imagination but it had not happened to her at the time it was written. The poem is a reflective poem, as the speaker looks back on his or her life because the speaker is not

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