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News & Views

For conscious females coming of age in the 21st century.

The SHE Institute

652 E. 89th Place Chgo, IL 60619

Mothers are the key to peaceful, nonviolent living.

What is it about mothering that needs to be awakened? In the advent of the senseless onslaught of innocent children and adults in Connecticut, we must examine the mothering aspect to determine what we are doing wrong. I say we because even though our sons did not do this terrible crime, our sons fill the jails and kill, steal, rape, destroy and terrorize our communities. Our daughters do likewise. Jails are akin to slave camps and our children are magnetized to this way of life, why? It has been said that, A female enslaved cannot help but give a semblance of her enslavement to her children. We proclaim to be free, but our children are evidence to the contrary. Is freedom something that can be given to us by another or is freedom an individual pursuit and attainment? Freedom is only available to those who have the courage to stand up for truth in a spirit of love. Is freedom something we look at others in comparison to achieve? So males got more pay than females in the 60s and even today for the same work. Was it correct to compare ourselves to them to determine what we needed? If we had been truly honest and truthful we would have realized that we needed more than what males were being paid, in that in order to join the workforce we needed facilities to provide loving, devotional, care for our children. Instead we neglected our children and turned them into latch key children. In many cases we chose strangers to raise our children rather than their fathers or grandparents, because of our unresolved hurt and desire to punish them. Forgiveness is an essential quality that must be engaged if we are to move forward and undue the tragedy that we have created as a result of making faulty decisions based on toxic emotions. We must forgive ourselves and all others whom we have attracted who have hurt,

harmed and abused us. We must see them as our harbingers of growth and change. We must come to know, love, control and be ourselves and we must start now, for tomorrow is to late. We females are so powerful and yet we are totally unconscious of the power we have. We give birth to kings and queens, saints and sinners, In this we create our world for none come into the world save through us and we program them at the moment of conception and reinforce it in the womb. We are the people makers and we have a responsibility to pray, plan and prepare before conception that the soul we bring forth is of worthy character, principled and of a spirit of love and goodwill. By doing this we can change our world for the good. We can select our mates and assure that they are healthy of body, emotion, mind and spirit so that their seed is congruent with our prayer and that they will be supportive during our gestation, birthing and child rearing stages of development. Lastly if we are not prepared to have a child, we can take the time to study our bodies to determine when we are fertile and take the necessary precautions to avoid conception. We dont have to engage in haphazard childbirth because we can know. We dont have to react to a failure to plan anymore, we can be responsible.. Professional mothering is the key. We anxiously await the publication of: LunaQueen, The Divinely Feminine Art and Science of Professional Mothering, by Helen L. Bevel, in the late fall of 2013. You can pre-order today and receive an autographed copy and an invitation to a live workshop in the spring of 2014. Send your pre-order request in a self-addressed stamped envelope to SHE Publications, 652 E. 89th Place, Chicago, IL 60619. The cost of the book is $22.99.

The newly published , is a remarkable contribution to the world of female empowerment. Not only does it provide females of all ages with a beginners calendar for gaining self-knowledge but it also provides an institutional construct for developing a life of meaning and purpose. The author, Helen L. Bevel, has put a lot of love and work into this presentation that is sure to become popular with women worldwide. Taking females a step beyond the norm, this book challenges us to stop playing small and to rise to meet the challenges of today. Doing this means creating new institutions that are acclimated to the feminine spirit, mind, emotion and body as outlined thoroughly in this book. We can no longer squeeze the totality of ourselves into the narrow confines of a world created by mothers that are ignorant of self, and who project through their sons, who are programmed in the womb. A womb of fear, guilt, shame and inferiority, says Helen. This book challenges us to know, love, control and be ourselves, in a world of uncertainty, chaos and confusion. It shows us how to throw off the fears of the past and gain the courage to build something of essence as we connect with our Divine Feminine.

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