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Class: Interview: America after 9/11 Oh Lord, let there be peace in our time.


On September 11, 2001, America watched in horror as terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and a portion of the Pentagon. As we are still rebuilding our country and morale, it is important to think about how this affected America, as well as our sense of ourselves as Americans. Directions: Conduct a brief interview of someone who was 15 years old or older at the time of the September 11th attacksthis person could be a teacher, friend, parent, family member, coach, etc. Gather information from him/her about: o his/her experience & thoughts finding out about the attacks o his/her opinion and memories of America before the attacks o how he/she feels America changed since the attacks Take 5-6 bullet points or sentences of notes (maybe on the back of this page), and be ready to share ideas from your interview Day 1 in class.


Class: Interview: America after 9/11 Oh Lord, let there be peace in our time.


On September 11, 2001, America watched in horror as terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and a portion of the Pentagon. As we are still rebuilding our country and morale, it is important to think about how this affected America, as well as our sense of ourselves as Americans. Directions: Conduct a brief interview of someone who was 15 years old or older at the time of the September 11th attacksthis person could be a teacher, friend, parent, family member, coach, etc. Gather information from him/her about: o his/her experience & thoughts finding out about the attacks o his/her opinion and memories of America before the attacks o how he/she feels America changed since the attacks Take 5-6 bullet points or sentences of notes (maybe on the back of this page), and be ready to share ideas from your interview Day 1 in class.

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