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> <book> <entertainment type="masque"></entertainment> <pb n="841" /> <headmargin rule="double"></headmargin> <headline vignette="20mm"></headline> <titlepage> <titlefull> <maintitle> <seg>PART OF THE |</seg> <seg>KINGS |</seg> <seg>ENTERTAINMENT |</seg> </maintitle> <secondtitle> <seg>IN PASSING TO |</seg> <seg>his |</seg> <seg>Coronation. |</seg> </secondtitle> </titlefull> <byline> THE AUTHOR <author name="Ben Jonson">B. I.</author> </byline> <epigram> <source name="Martial"><hi rend="small cap">MART.</hi></source> <quote><hi rend="italic">Quando magis dignos licuit spectare triumphos</hi>!</quote> </epigram> <rule width="4.5cm" /> <imprint> <pubplace><hi rend="small cap">L</hi>ONDON,</pubplace> <pubdate>M. DC. XVI.</pubdate> </imprint> </titlepage> <!-- verso leaf is blank --> <pb n="842" /> <pb n="843" /> <!-- woodcut head piece


<title>At Fen-Church.</title> <l>THe Scene presented it selfe in a square and flat</l> <l>vpright, like to the side of a Citie: the top</l> <l>thereof, aboue the Vent,and Crest adorn'd</l> <l>with houses, towres, and steeples, set off in</l> <l>prospective. Vpon the battlements in a</l> <l>great captiall letter was inscribed,</l> <l>LONDINIVM:</l> <l>According to TACITUS: At SVETO-</l> <l>NIVS mir constantia, medios inter hosteis</l> <l>Londinium perrexit, cognomento quidem Co-</l> <l>loniae non insigne, sed copia Negotiatorum, commeatu maxime celebre. Be</l> <l>neath that in a less different character, was written</l> <l>CAMERA REGIA,</l> <l>Which title immediately after the Norman conquest it began to have; and</l> <l>by the indulgence of succeeding Princes, hath beene hitherto continued.</l> <l>In the Freeze ouer the gate, it seemth to speake this verse:</l> <l>PAR DOMVS AEC COELO,</l> <l>SED MINOR EST DOMINO.</l> <l>Taken out of MARTIAL, and implying, that though this citie (for the</l> <l>state, and magnificence) might (by</l> <l>Hyperbole) be said to touch the starres,</l> <l>and reach vp to heauen, yet was it farre inferior to the master thereof, who</l> <l>was his Maiestie; and in that respect vnworthy to receiue him. The high-</l> <l>est person advanc'd therein, was</l> <l>MONARTIA BRITANNICA,</l>

<l>and fitly: applying to the aboue mentioned title of the citie, THE KINGS</l> <l>CHAMBER, and therefore here placed as in the proper seate of the empire:</l> <l>for, to the glorie and light of our kingdome M.CAMDEN, speaking of</l> <l>London, saith, thee is, totius Britanniae Epitome, Britannicia Impery sedes,</l> <l>Regumg. Angliae Camera, tantum interomneis eminet, quantum (vt ait ille) in-</l> <l>ter viburnaCupressus. Shee was a woman, richly attyr'd, in cloth of gold</l> <sidenote>Annal 1.14</sidenote> <sidenote>Camd.Brit.374</sidenote> <sidenote>Lib.8.Epig.36</sidenote> <sidenote>Brit 367</sidenote> <catchword>and</catchword> <signature>Bbbb2</signature> </book>

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