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Relationship Advice For Women From The Experts at LoveRomanceRelationship.

Relationship Advice For Women By Experts in the fields of Love, Romance and Relationships.

Get Him Without Nagging Him


Even sadder is that some women dont even realize they do it! Nagging is counterproductive in a relationship. Its like a cancerous tumor, eating away at an otherwise healthy relationship.

by T Dub Jackson Hows it goin? Travis here to visit with a relationship question for ya If you had to guess what one thing women tend to do that really annoys the heck out of men, what would you say it is? If you guessed nagging, youre right. Im sure there are other things too, but nagging is pretty high on the list. And the sad thing is, it rarely ever accomplishes what the woman is hoping to accomplish.

What It Means: Nagging serves no purpose. It does not prod the man into doing what youre nagging him to do, nor does it cause him to stop doing anything. In fact, in many cases, the behavior youre nagging about actually gets worse. Bottom Line: There are much more effective ways to let him know that youre bothered by something. It usually boils down to simply telling him. Once youve done that, the two of you can work out a solution together. From Sarah: T Dub teamed up with Jonathan Green to create Girl Gets Ring. Its all about whats really going on with men so you can stop pushing him and stop wasting time waiting for him to pop the question. Watch the free video and read

all about their approach to get a handle on your relationship->>

Dave (who asked me the question in the first place) is a guy . . . But if Id gotten the same question from Danielle my advice would have been pretty much the same, because this was a one-time case of infidelity, because there was no malicein the act, and because he felt horrible about it.

Men Arent the Only Ones Cheating

Bring Him Close Free Report... Get your free report, exclusive discounts, bonuses & our FREE newsletter to help you: Talk to a man in the way that works! Make him fall for you quickly Turn your love life Email: No Spam | Cancel at any time Statistics show that women are cheating in relationships only slightly less often than men are and that womens numbers are going up. Im not letting either sex off the hook here. Also, its been well established that women arent designed for monogamy any more than men are. Again, my apologies if it seemed like I was being sexist. It definitely wasnt my intention. Honestly, I wish a woman had written me that email instead because I think it would take away some of the punched in the gut reaction folks can (often justifiably) have to this topic. 2. Im by no means condoning cheating, saying its OK or giving men or women a free pass to cheat willy nilly and never say anything. I firmly believe that if you make a promise you should do everything you can to keep it. But I also think as a culture we make a huge mistake by thinking that monogamy and being with just one person for the rest of our lives is easy or natural. Because its not. Its hard. Its a fight. And the expectation that it should be easy is one of the biggest problems holding most people back from having the relationship they really want. I get emails from women and men every day talking about how awful they feel for even being attracted to people outside their relationship . . . Or how they feel dead inside because of the lack of emotional and sexual spark in their everyday lives. And that I take relationships and helping men and women have better relationship, more honest and more satisfying relationships very seriously.

About Cheating


OK, I knew when I sent out my email this morning answering a question about cheating that Id be stirring up some controversy . . . But it has gotten a little bit crazy =-) 1. Ive gotten a couple emails saying that Im being misogynistic or that Im promoting a double standard here. If youve been reading my advice for any length of time you know I respect women on a deep level.

Lets Look at Daves Case Cheating One More Time:

He loves his wife. He loves his family. He goes on a business trip.


Daves a happily married man with a couple of kids.

And while hes there he ends up having sex with a woman he works with. Now, Dave didnt give me a ton of details about this woman, but from his email I dont get the impression that Dave had any intention at all of cheating on his wife and his mistake wasnt about his wife at all. He wasnt sneaking around or scheming. He just found himself in a tempting situation and didnt have the willpower to say no and get out of it. If Dave (or Danielle, or anybody) wrote me and said he was carrying on an ongoing affair with someone he works with, it would be a whole different story and Id tell him he had to come clean. If Dave wrote me (and Ive gotten these emails before from both men and women) saying that hed been cheating on his wife with a variety of people for years Id tell him he probably needed to end his marriage. But in this one case? This one mistake? This one crash in an otherwise soaring marriage? Would telling his wife really be the smart or empathetic or kind or the right thing to do? I dont pretend to have all the answers, but I think in this one case the right thing to do is for Dave to keep his mouth shut, suffer his penance in private and move on. Agree? Disagree? Best, Mike If this article worried you, Mikes got a lot of ideas and advice to help you avoid cheating in your relationship. He has an incredible assortment of full texting scripts and great romantic texting ideas to try with a man (I immediately downloaded Text The Romance Back and loved it so much thats why Im recommending it here) Go here to discover how you can nearly instantly create way more romance with a man and hopefully never face the pain and distrust caused by cheating->

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Cutting The Cords After A Breakup


by Virginia Clark When you go through a divorce the marriage is dissolved in the eyes of the law but theres no equally clear-cut separation where your heart is concerned; the same is true with a breakup; you now live separately or stop contact altogether. You can remain psychically and emotional tied to your ex after a breakup and it has nothing to do with how he feels about you. These emotional cords that connect you with him can get stronger through time if you refuse to let go and hang on to what might have been.

Change Your After a Breakup


If you have obsessive thoughts about getting back with him or keep going over in your mind how he hurt you, youll be bound together by emotional cords youve created in your mind. It doesnt matter that youve burned his photos or thrown away

everything that reminds you of him; if he is still dominating your thoughts youre still tied to him.

Cutting the cords after a breakup is a powerful way for you to use visualization to help you let go by clearing out the cords that hold you hostage to him, such as guilt, anger or jealousy. After a breakup: Cutting the cords are the key to your freedom. Cut the cords that keep you in a negative place of attachment, they only sap your confidence and strength.

It will be impossible to move on unless you change the KIND of attachment you have with him for good. So how can you have an attachment with your ex after a breakup thats not so dis-empowering to you and painful?

Acknowledge and appreciate the good that connects you, it will help to reinforce a positive connection that you have with your ex no matter what hes thinking. Then you can move forward from the present into the future without dragging your ex behind you. Virginia is the real deal. Her story of meeting

Heres a Quick Visualization That her man late in life and getting married (shed never been married before) is amazing, and her Can Help After a Breakup:
Imagine that you are attached to your ex with colored cords. These cords can look like a rope or wire, whatever works for you. Close your eyes and imagine him in your mind sitting with you. Start to identify the cords that connect you to him. For example there may be a cord you identify as anger that connects you. Give the cord a color, for example black. Open your eyes and write it down. Close your eyes again and identify another cord, perhaps its a cord of love, give it color. Continue writing down the cords and their colors until you have identified all the cords that connect you to him (other examples are resentment, shared history, understanding, etc) When you feel complete, go back and go through them one at a time. Decide whether to cut the cord or leave it attached. If you chose to cut it, imagine a knife or scissor and sever it completely. Consider the cords you cut no longer active in your mind; theyre gone. The cords youve chosen to keep now attach you to him in a new wayin a way thats to your choosing. As you go through this process you will be reminded that despite how youre feeling now, there were good things that you shared in the past. Hopefully youll keep the connections that feel good rather than the ones that hurt and fill you with negativity.

ebook Its Never Too Late To Marry will give you the hope you need, step-by-step instructions on how to make it happen for yourself, and the inspiration to transform your love life. Go here to check out Virginia and learn how to move past your breakup and into a new and better relationship->

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If Hes Not Showing Interest In You What To Do? Ask Orna and Matthew

like youve made it clear to him. If he is not pursuing you, then there is only one conclusion you can come to: he is not interested. It is tempting to make things complicated when we are attracted to someone. You might find yourself wondering why he hasnt reached out to you, or you may begin making excuses for him, justifying his behavior. We suggest you avoid that temptation. People tell you who they are by their behavior. His behavior is telling you he is not interested enough to pursue you. You could make it easy for him by doing some of the pursuing yourself, but then you are setting yourself up for disappointment.


by Orna and Matthew Walters This weeks dating question comes from Sylvia: Hello Orna and Matthew , I would like to know about a man Im interested in. I met a man online and we seemed to hit it off. Weve been chatting online and I finally wrote an email to him but he hasnt answered me yet. He told me he wanted to meet and then I havent heard from him. I really like him and I dont want to mess this up. What do I do!?! Thank you.

Dating: The Energy of the Chase

All relationships have an energetic component to them and the feminine energy is a receptive energy, masculine energy the driving force. When women step into the driving force energy it emasculates the man and gives him no role to play. Additionally, this is a perfect example of you not truly valuing yourself. When you love and value yourself then you dont settle for crumbs of affection or attention. Instead you hold out for the real deal. Love is available for you. Good men are easy to find. Your work is to begin to take care of you and draw a clear boundary. Dont waste your time with men who arent fully into you. Dont waste your time chasing men. That is their role in the beginning of the relationship. Your role is to send a clear signal that you are interested, be receptive to a man that you find attractive and let him lead. We hope this helps. Love and Abundance, Orna and Matthew From Sarah: Orna and Matthew are the only couple working together coaching women on relationships getting the amazing kind of results I personally know theyre getting youll LOVE their ebook-plus-audio program Get Your Mr. Right it will turn around EVERYTHING you believed about getting the lifelong love you want and help you so fast its incredible just check out Get Your Mr. Right here to gain great dating tips->

Our Dating Advice

Dear SylviaThanks for reaching out to us. First off, know that you cant mess this up. What we mean by this is if it works out and he turns out to the kind of man you can create a conscious relationship with, or if it doesnt work out with him, that you have done nothing wrong. The key is how you approach it from the start. First off, you must understand that a man who is interested in dating you will pursue, especially if you let him know that you are interested. And it sounds

If thats the case, then you need to break out of this harmful train of thought. The things you want to be are already inside you, but youll need a healthy amount of self-confidence for others to see it!

Bring Him Close Free Report... Get your free report, exclusive discounts, bonuses & our FREE newsletter to help you: Talk to a man in the way that works! Make him fall for you quickly Turn your love life Email: No Spam | Cancel at any time When you think about the dating scene, what do you believe are the necessary selling points you need to get a guys attention? It seems like some girls know something others dont. A lot of women end up scratching their heads thinking, How does SHE do it? Its as if she does practically nothing but shes NEVER short on dates! Well, the real trick to connecting with quality guys is by putting yourself on EQUAL footing with them. After all, the kind of man you want needs to be on the same page as you are, so lets go through three quick tips.

How To Be The Girl Men Want To Date



Kickstart Your Success Pointers:

#1: Look after yourself


You may think that this is about being a flawless specimen of beauty or wallowing in vanity. NOT at all. What Im stressing here is that you need to let everyone know you care enough to look your best. And thats not the same as physical perfection guys just need to cotton on to the fact that youre always on top of your looks. The men that we squeal in delight over are considerate enough to look as good as they do. Even if he isnt without a few flaws here and there, you KNOW that hes got it together. Thus, we ladies should be game enough to make ourselves just as presentable as they are. Would you date someone that had no regard for hygiene? Any guy whos let go of himself would lower his chances

by Mirabelle Summers NEWS FLASH: Does climbing Mt. Everest seem easier compared to achieving greater selfconfidence and dating success? Perhaps you feel that being a bolder, more attractive version of yourself is too much of a tall order. Are you one of those women who turn into a NERVOUS wreck when meeting a cute guy for the first time? Worse, do you feel like you should be a totally different person or stuff down all wonderful the aspects of your personality?

of finding a partner that certainly applies to us as well! Now, what details should we be concerned about? First of all, being fresh and clean is paramount. You may have an awesome personality, but you can help others see all of that by being in a PRESENTABLE package. This is where regular showers and other daily habits such as flossing, brushing your teeth and shaving come in. Why should we let cleanliness be an issue thatll get in the way of meeting gorgeous men? Try putting on a nice feminine fragrance that distinctly defines you. Get beautified by spritzing on a light perfume that isnt overpowering but pleasant enough to have guys at the first whiff! Also, dont be shy with lotions (like vanilla or other similarly enticing scents) to keep you looking AND feeling smooth. Theres nothing like a feminine appearance of delicate softness to appeal to a guys masculine sensibilities! This same approach goes with your sense of style. Dont be afraid to try on outfits that amplify your womanly attributes. Looking good doesnt have to mean baring too much. A tasteful outfit should bring out your feminine essence, expose just ENOUGH skin, and accentuate your curves. If you need help with this, employ the help of the people in your life who have a knack for style and fashion.

Of course, FITNESS has a lot to do with being a girl who has it together. You dont need a perfect body mass index, but it does matter that you are making an EFFORT in this regard. As busy girls, we have a load of excuses to keep us from working out regularly. However, if we recognize its importance in the general scope of dating (or your health for that matter), we can ALWAYS find time to work on ourselves, one way or another. As for other matters, a dentist, dermatologist and other specialists who offer the kind assistance you need (be it your teeth, skin, etc) to really help polish the overall package. Investing in their services is a necessary factor to letting everyone know youre looking after yourself. Generally, the sum of your beautifying efforts weighs a lot more than your imperfections. What girl doesnt have something they dont like about themselves? But it doesnt matter since guys are willing to gloss over these infinitesimal details if they know youre the kind of girl who doesnt neglect herself. In a parallel universe, we could look into each others inner beauty and that would be enough. However, the way we present ourselves still matters when it comes to making a memorable first impression!

After the First Impression, You Theyll be able to recommend dresses, tops and Keep the Dating Experience blouses thatll keep you classy and sensual at the Positive When You:
same time. The most elegant wardrobes allow a HINT of skin in the right places any guy with the tiniest bit of imagination will be intrigued enough to take notice! #2: Have yourself to rely on Neediness in an emotional and material sense is one of the biggest roadblocks to greater attractiveness. Sure, guys may get the occasional kick out of being your knight in shining armor, but for the most part youll need to let them know you can live without their brute strength. In many relationships, the balance of power is so lopsided against a womans favor that it allows bad stuff to seep in, such being taken for granted. If a guy knows you can live WITHOUT him, hell naturally treat you better and it will breed MUTUAL respect. Its a human tendency to VALUE something you could lose at any given moment, right? But of course I dont recommend that you flaunt this fact in

Im sure you know at least one woman who happens to have fabulous hair that suits her perfectly. You dont have to imitate her style; instead ask her where she gets her hair done so the same salon can fine tune your own set of locks. Everyone is different, so consulting with a stylist will help narrow down a customized appearance that complements your frame and personality. Whether your hairstyle is straight, wavy or curly, the important thing is that its clean, lustrous and fully expresses your unique identity!

anyones face or use it as a way for a guy to submit to your whims. Im simply asking all the ladies out there to project a sense of independence. Guys absolutely LOVE it when they cant have a 100% hold on a girl you have no idea what self-sufficiency can do to their hunting instincts. Men are in it for the thrill of the chase, and knowing that he cant tame you is plenty of fuel for his masculine drive to conquer, pursue and achieve. Tapping into this wellspring (using your independent personality) is a great way to get a lot of dates! # 3: Get a life! I hope you dont take this the wrong way because all of us obviously *have* lives. Its just that sometimes, pursuing a relationship or having one can obscure the importance of having a WELLBALANCED life. Even if we are talking about improving your dating life, remember that you have a LOT of other things to be passionate about. And this kind of attitude is what makes a woman more attractive and dateable in a guys eyes. When youre dedicated to improving yourself as a whole person, it just makes you more interesting and compelling to know. Jumping into a relationship just so you can have one isnt the right away to go about dating. For your dating life to flourish, it needs a good, sturdy ground to stand on, namely a happening life filled with stuff you care about and ACTIVELY go after. For instance, a guy is more likely to be riveted by a girl who has weekly brunches with her family, regularly attends a fitness class and excels at her chosen career. Furthermore, this interesting woman may also have a bunch of other hobbies that open her up to opportunities to meet other similarly appealing people! If you simply lived out the other parts of your life EQUALLY, chances are that this lucky guy will be dying to be part of your awesome life! And the great thing about this is that you arent actively seeking a mans validation or approval;

living as a driven woman NATURALLY does that for you. So my advice for you is to get involved in the other things that interest you ASIDE from cute guys. In the end, we have ourselves to look after anyway regardless of whether were single or not. All in all, the way you treat yourself is a like a big, fat neon sign that tells the world how they should treat YOU. Thats why the way we handle ourselves be it in terms of looks, self-sufficiency or lifestyle is a reflection of what kind of women we are. And when you send the right kind of message to guys out there, you can be sure that these quality men are going to pick up on your signal! Right now Mirabelle is offering some special bonuses with her book that you should check out also. I strongly recommend that you get a copy of 2nd Chance because it could entirely change your perspective on dating==>>

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Your Fear of Rejection Is Getting You Rejected



by Bobbi Palmer

We all know that dating over 40 can be a bit of a jungle with challenges, surprises and pitfalls. Im sure youve encountered your share of Pingers, Needy-men and Players as you meet single men. I get it, and you belong to a large, loving sisterhood. But its not only us gals who have dating disasters. Men have their fair share of icky, confusing, egocrushing experiences too. In my ongoing effort to help you empathize with those nutty creatures with whom were trying so hard to connect, Im showing you my 6 FemiTypes: the over-40 women men date who send them running for the hills. (Btw, I know that many of my readers are under 40. To you, this will either be super helpful or a stern warning as to what not to do as you mature.) Previously Ive introduced you to The Princess and The 18 Year Old.* Today youll learn about The Scaredy Cat.

When The Scaredy Cat perceives that shes being let down, her walls go up and she overreacts. She projects her expectations into the future because this somehow helps her feel like she has some control. (She usually doesnt actually know this.) She sees problems that exist only in her mind. She cant relax and just get to know a man because shes too busy picking every moment apart and questioning everything. She picks the bad guys because shes familiar with them and (perhaps subconsciously) they prove her right. CHARLESS STORY I ended what could have potentially been a relationship with a woman because she just wouldnt get in the game. Id do things like tell her I had a nice time and liked being with her, and she would respond with Thanks. Id compliment her and shed shrug or give me some bulls*t about how it wasnt true. All these ways I tried to let her know I was interestedand she just wasnt buying it. Then, after about four weeks of dating, I had to cancel our plans for the weekend. She hardly let me tell her what was going on before she unloaded on me. I explained this ridiculous deadline my boss had given me, and she says Finejust call when you have time for me. The attitude was like: how dare youlike I was some kind of jerk.

Dating and the Scaredy Cat

Deep down, The Scaredy Cat feels unworthy and afraid to receive love and attention, especially from potential romantic partners. She has been wounded by past relationships and hasnt been able to move on emotionally. While she carries these wounds below the surface and they arent there for all to see, given the proper trigger (like a man not calling exactly when he says he will), her fear can take center stage at a moments notice. She operates from contradictory perspectives: I dont deserve a good guy and/or There are no single good guys. Because she says she will never open up herself to be hurt again, she makes her guy jump through all kinds of hoops to prove hes okay and wont hurt her. She needs him to show interest first. But when he does show his feelings, she questions it and ups the ante or runs.

She emailed me a nice note after the call, but that was it for me. I really liked her but after that attack, forget it. It was way too much work, and Im not going to pass tests or constantly have to prove myself to anyone. I actually still think about her and wonder how shes doing. But Im really glad I moved on. Charles was really digging this gal and hanging in, hoping she would accept his interest. But when he canceled their plans she probably had her dating life flash before her, remembering the feelings from the hundreds of times shed been lied to or dumped in the past. (In truth there were probably only a few times, and whether she really was being lied to or dumped is up for interpretation.) She was going to make him pay for all the men who done her wrong. So The Scaredy Cat unleashes on this guy. Shes probably used this shoot-first-and-ask-questionslater-you-better-not-hurt-me approach ton of times before.

Understandably, Charles is overwhelmed and a little pissed off by her unbending and over-emotional approach to the situation. Coupled with her inability to accept his overtures and just enjoy getting to know one another, he wants no part of it. For sure The Scaredy Cat has dated or even married immature, selfish and/or unkind men in the past. If shes like many women, she probably had a couple real creeps early on and is just repeating the pattern. In my experience, the truth is that the real bad guys in her life add up to maybe 10; and when youre in your 40s, 50s or beyond, thats really not a lot. Yet The Scaredy Cat uses those few guys to represent the entire species. (As a recovering Scaredy Cat, I get this big time. It wasnt until my 40s that I came to understand that real men werent like the two jerky man-boys who broke my heart early on: one when I was a teenager and the other in my 20s. It took me many years to learn that most men were awesomeand so was I!) Because her defenses are so sky high, The Scaredy Cat turns away good guys whom she prematurely judges to be just like all the others. She tosses aside his compliments and attention. She focuses a very bright light on the one or two things that dont meet her expectations. She is always looking for a sign that hes slipped up and shown her that hes just like all the rest. When The Scaredy Cat overreacts to some perceived insult or omission on a mans part, hes blind-sided by her emotions. He probably ends it as fast as he can and voilaonce again she is proven right: all men are______(fill in the blank). Then her play can start all over again with the next guy. Shes living out a self-fulfilling prophecy of Im not good enough and all men suck. When a guy like Charles dates a Scaredy Cat, he can feel confused or just plain uninterested. His attempts to please her go unappreciated, and his emotional generosity is one-sided. The brick wall she has erected is just too high for him to climb; and since they barely know each other, its very easy for him to just leave. (I used to call my wall the Wall of I Dare You! You can read about it in my eBook. Men need to feel appreciated and trusted. (This is huge!) They need to know that theyre enhancing your life. When The Scaredy Cat doesnt receive well, holds back emotionally, and freaks out over

slight disappointments, good men go running because none of their needs are getting met.

From Scaredy Grownup Dating




There is hope for The Scaredy Cat! I know because I was one. It all starts with breaking down those emotional walls that took years to build. The first action is Step 1 of my 6-Step Find Hope and Find Him System: Falling in Love with Yourself. (I based my system on what I did to meet my fab husband.) Once you do this, you can start getting clarity about what and who will really make you happy (and how to attract him). Imagine feeling good about yourself and deserving of love. Then heap on an understanding of what would truly make you happy for the rest of your life. Do you see it? With this you can start trusting your own judgment! And then the fear and angst starts to disappear. Do you think you have a little Scaredy Cat inside you? Can you look back and see how it has affected your dating and relationships? If shes lurking, I urge you to stop, take a breath, and give yourself permission to acknowledge and verbalize what is fantastic about you. Then make a commitment to change the thoughts and behavior that are causing you to turn the good guys away. (A great place to start your journey is to read my personal story of how I finally found love at 47 and then complete the exercises I give you.) There are SO many good guys out there! I found one, and I have many clients who consistently have great dates and have found great partners! Once in a while these guys disappoint us. Sometimes we feel insecure or unsafe. But we trust ourselves and weve knocked down our walls. And were loving our grownup partnerships. Join us! *** After talking to countless men Ive identified the Six FemiTypes: The Princess, The 18 year old, The Scaredy Cat, The Wow Me Woman, The Bitter Gal and the Sex Pot. Im sharing what Ive learned with you to help you understand and appreciate the men youre meeting. This empathy will surely lead you to become a more grownup, compassionate and HAPPY dater and, ultimately, life partner.


From Sarah: Bobbi is absolutely adorable! You will SO identify with her and her story personally, and her FREE Man-O-Meter test is really helpful. Just go here to take the test and get Bobbis great free stuff and advice about how dating - how to get the man and relationship you want shell teach you how to DateLike A Grownup->> There certainly are many ways to avoid feeling our feelings and addiction is a way for a person to avoid feeling negative emotions. Whether were talking about sex addiction or socalled love-addiction this is all a faulty program for coping. Bring Him Close Free Report... Get your free report, exclusive discounts, bonuses & our FREE newsletter to help you: Talk to a man in the way that works! Make him fall for you quickly Turn your love life Email: No Spam | Cancel at any time When we have sex, particularly when we orgasm, there are an enormous amount of feel-good chemicals that flood our entire system. Its a rush that is very similar to the rush from many drugs and it is possible for a person to become addicted to this rush. As with any addiction issue, a new way of dealing and coping with life must be created in order to live a balanced and harmonious life. The help of a professional is very important so that one does not give up one addiction for another. All of our behavior has positive intent meaning that we all want to receive love, approval, and acceptance, as community and connection are our soul-based desires. HOW we go about attempting to receive these feelings can become dysfunctional at a very young age, setting the stage for lifelong problems. It is possible to exercise our free will and change these programs, just remember that a person does not stumble into them, this transformation requires dedication and commitment. Love and Abundance, Orna and Matthew Orna and Matthew have a great love story of their own, and they use it to help others realize their dating potential and recognize the real Mr. Right. Look at their Get Your Mr. Right to get a leg up in your approach to dating.

Love Addiction Are You Caught In It? Your Turn Ask Orna and Matthew

This weeks question comes from Sharrie: Hi there! Love your weekly notes! How about addressing love addiction? Very little is written or researched on this topic. Dear Sharrie, Thanks for asking about love addiction. We feel that this statement in itself is an oxymoron these two words just do not go together. The LOVE we speak of and support people in creating cannot be connected to Addiction theres no room for it.


You may be surprised to learn this, but in the relationships of many of the women Ive coached and counseled, teasing is utterly missing. The women dont tease their men, and vice-versa! Its a very stoic, very serious relationship these women go through and the boredom sometimes gets so bad that infidelity, arguments, cheating, and break-ups are often the result. Bring Him Close Free Report... Get your free report, exclusive discounts, bonuses & our FREE newsletter to help you: Talk to a man in the way that works! Make him fall for you quickly Turn your love life Email: No Spam | Cancel at any time So heres a tip dont make the mistake of totally banishing the art of teasing from your own dating life! In this newsletter, well talk about a few teasing tips that you can try out with your man, or the men you meet, TODAY!

How To Tease Men Through Your Words

Heres another dating fact that youll want to remember for the rest of your life words are POWERFUL. They are! In fact, theyre SO powerful that one wrong word, said at the worst possible time, can be enough to ruin a relationship. Heres an example. Im sure some of you have read this story in one of my articles One of my readers, in the middle of an argument with her partner, made the mistake of saying his member was tiny. (Ouch!) They made up soon after, but their sex life was never the same again. See how the wrong words can ruin a relationship? On the other hand, the RIGHT words can actually build and strengthen the relationship, making it a great place to be in for you and the man of your life. Try it instead of ranting about the many bad things that happened during the day, tell him about the few good things that happened. Instead of dragging the mood down, youll actually be pulling it up! Your dinner will be livelier, the ride home will be more enjoyable, and hell be looking forward to your next date even more. But heres the great thing YOUR WORDS BOYFRIENDS ARENT JUST FOR YOUR

How To Tease Men

by Alexandra Fox Do you know how to tease men?


Do you think teasing is a bad thing that shouldnt have a place in dating? Heres a fact the more you tease men, the more confident you become, and the more the men around you will notice you! How do you feel about the word tease?

Do you think its a bad thing that only the naughty girls do, and shouldnt have a place in dating and relationships? Or do you think its something that actually adds life to an otherwise lifeless relationship?


In case youre still single, youll be pleased to know that saying the right words isnt just for boyfriends and husbands. Lets say you had a guy friend youre in love with, but he doesnt know. Try teasing him the next time he cracks a joke, laugh, smile, wrinkle your nose, and tell him I hate you. Trust me, hes going to wonder where THAT came from for a long time! There are, of course, more flirty ways of using your words to tease a mans deeper desires For instance, when you meet a guy who seems a little too prim-and-proper to be true, try saying something like, Nice shirt. I wonder how it would look on the floor. Again, he wont see it coming and his reaction will tell you whether he really IS the prim-and-proper type, OR if hes really a naughty devil deep inside! Even conversations that are normal, everyday, and ordinary (in other words, boring) can be spiced up when you put a few sexy thoughts in his head. One of my favorite words that do this is naked. Here are a few examples: My co-workers gossip so much about everyone! Sometimes I feel so naked in the office! I love my cousins, but sometimes theyre too nosy. I feel naked every time they ask about my private life. Ever had those dreams when youre walking around town naked? Trust me, almost instantly, hes going to wonder what you look like naked. Hes going to start entertaining thoughts like, Is she going to be my next girlfriend? Will we be good together? I wonder if shes open to a second date? Go ahead practice teasing the next guy you go out on a date with. And the next. And the next. The better you get at teasing, the more confident and more attractive you become! But why stop at your words?

And thats definitely true in the dating game. When a man doesnt express his affections with his words, but throws those sweet glances at you every now and then, then trust me he likes you! But thats another story. Right now, lets talk about how you can very easily tease men without even saying a single word! For instance, narrowing your eyes when you make eye contact, smiling, licking your lips, playing with your hair, and exposing your neck to him are all great ways to play with him! Stuck with a guy you obviously share feelings with, but hes a little shy about making the first move? Try this when you make eye contact, wink at him. (Or if thats a little too forward for you, just smile and wrinkle your nose.) Itll be enough to make him man up and make the move! And of course, dont forget your appearance. The way you look, after all, is the first thing he notices. (He doesnt notice your smarts first, and he doesnt notice your personality first he notices your LOOKS first!) And the great news is that there are many great ways to dress like a tease, without looking too trashy. For instance, got great breasts? Then look for bodyhugging tops with low necklines, and a nice necklace or pendant that directs attention to your cleavage. Got great legs? Then draw attention to them by wearing a short skirt, crossing your legs, and moving your foot in circles. Later on, youll learn your own special ways of teasing even without saying a word. Ill leave that up to you! LEARN HOW TO TEASE! Make no mistake teasing is a easy, powerful way to make that emotional connection with a guy. Its just sad that most of the women I meet simply dont know how to use it or even dont WANT to! Id like you to be one of the few women who actually know how to tease. Id like you to make teasing one of your weapons in the dating game. much more control (and a lot more fun) in your love life!

Why Not Tease Men With Your Believe me when you can tease well, youll have Actions, Too?
You know what they say Actions speak louder than words!

To the happiness you deserve, ~Alexandra Fox From LoveRomanceRelationship: Alexandra is the author of the well-loved book 77 Secrets to Make Him Love You among others. Visit her webpage to find out about her book and learn from more of her fabulous advice about avoiding love mistakes.

A lot of women do things that prevent men from approaching them without even realizing it. One example is if you go out to a club or a bar with a large group of friends. If you are in a big group, it is a lot less likely for a man to approach you and there are a number of reasons for this. One is that a nice guy might feel like he is interrupting if you are sitting there, chatting with your friends. A bigger reason is the fear of rejection. Its not easy for a lot of guys to approach a woman because of a fear of rejection. The only thing that is worse than being rejected by a woman, is being rejected by a woman in front of several other women. All but the most confident men will have this image in their mind of going up to you, getting shot down, and then having a group of attractive women laughing at him. To make yourself approachable you will have to spend a little bit of time by yourself. You can still go to a bar or a club with your friends but you can take a little walk by yourself or stand by the bar for a minute without traveling in a pack.Your body language also says a lot and the way you carry yourself can make you more or less approachable. Men are simple creatures though so it is important to keep things as simple as possible. If you want a man to approach you, make eye contact with him and give him a nice smile. If he is attracted to you and he is not a complete wimp, he will come up to you. Bottom Line: If you want a man to approach you, youll have to make it as easy as possible for him. Breaking away from your group of friends for a minute and giving a guy a nice smile lets him know that you might be attracted to him and gives him an opportunity to approach you without the risk of being embarrassed in front of all of your friends.

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If You Want A Man To Approach You, You Have To Make Yourself Approachable


by T Dub Jackson What it means: In our society it is generally the mans job to go up to the woman to strike up a conversation and possibly ask her out for a date. From Sarah: T Dub teamed up with Jonathan Green to create Girl Gets Ring. Its all about whats really going on with men so you can stop pushing him and stop wasting time waiting for him

to pop the question. Watch the free video and read all about their approach to get a handle on your relationships>>

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