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Miracle in Hahira

I am going to attempt to describe what happened to us yesterday. Be patient as you read this and I pray that this will be an inspiration to someone out there that needs to surrender their life to Christ and is wondering whether there is a God. Some of you already know that Monas Dad(Big Pawpaw) has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. Pawpaw is not only Monas father but he is truly one of my best friends. He is either almost 88 or 90 depending on if you are going by his real age or the age the government thinks he is because like so many of his generation he told a little fib to the navy to be able to enlist and defend his country at age 16 during WW II. Over these last few weeks we have been burning the road between Fernandina and Adel to see a multitude of Drs and come up with a game plan on what if any treatment that he might be able to withstand at his age. In the middle of all this his old friend and constant companion Honey Bear developed what began as a sinus infection. Pawpaw began a series of medications to treat his friend but as soon as Mona and I took the first look at her we knew that is was not a sinus infection but she also had cancer. We knew this because she had the same symptoms that her moma, Sarah Bell(our old friend) had a couple of years ago that took her life. The last few days has been especially ruff as Honey Bear has refused to come inside and has sought refuge under the azalea bushes. We all know what it means when an animal no longer wants to be around the ones they love. They are trying to prepare themselves and us for that final separation. It has been very difficult to watch as Pawpaw was refusing to acknowledge the obvious. He has been crying as he kneels over her trying to get his friend to eat. He knows where this is heading but he is refusing to let her go. Yesterday afternoon after much soul searching he did what he knew he had to do. He loaded Honey Bear up for her last ride in the car and took her to Dr. Ruff in Hahira. He could bearly see to drive through the tears but arrived safely at his destination. He was met with an absolute miracle. No, the miracle was not a healing of Honey Bears physical body but a healing of Pawpaws spiritual body. You see it turns out that Dr Ruff is a devoted follower of Christ, and being a Christ follower calls us to be the Body of Christ to each other. He calls us to wash each others feet, and that is exactly what Dr Ruff and his staff did for Pawpaw yesterday. Not only did they help him in his decision to let Honey go, they gathered around him and prayed over him. When he told them that he didnt know how he was going to bury her in his condition the good Doc said , not to worry, he would have somebody deliver Honey Bear to him and that person would have a shovel with him.

That all happened yesterday. Today Honey Bear is safely placed right where PawPaw needed her. He is at peace because he knows he did the right thing. I know for a fact that Dr Ruff and his staff are at peace because they did the right thing. Mona and I are at peace because we were reminded once again that we serve an awesome God that is in control. Why are we surprised when we surrender to God that he answers our prayers, not always like we thought but always in a way that only He can get the glory. So, if you are ever in Hahira Ga and need a vet, or someone to pray for you I highly recommend Dr Ruff. Mona, I hope this does justice to your thoughts. I love you

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