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NYC Community Colleges Training Agenda

6:00-6:10 Introduction 6:10-6:30: State of the Network & History of Network 6:30-6:45: Overview of community colleges initiative 6:45-7: CCI in NYC the Plan and Feedback 7-7:30: How to pitch Roo 7:30-7:45: FAQs 7:45-8: Next Steps and scheduling info sessions How to Pitch Roo: Components of a successful pitch 1-Explains succinctly what Roosevelt does 2-Pitch why Roosevelt matters to the group (It helps to post questions and get feedback from the audience first!) 3-Explain why Roosevelt? What are the benefits of being involved 4-Show results and talk about victories 5-Make a clear ask

How did the Roosevelt Institute | Campus Network form?
The organization began in 2004 at Stanford and Yale, followed soon after by Middlebury and Bates. The students that founded the organization believed that college campuses were effectively think tanks already, just not efficient ones. The Roosevelt Institute Campus network is founded on the firm belief that students have more to offer the political process than money, and manpower. We have ideas, ones that are creative, new and sorely needed.

How does the Roosevelt Institute | Campus Network relate to the Roosevelt Institute as a whole?

The, then called, Roosevelt institution merged with the Roosevelt Institute in 2009. It is at that point that we became the Roosevelt Institute | Campus Network. We are now one of four key components of the Roosevelt Institute, along side Pipeline, the FDR Library and the Four Freedom Center, which house the Institutes Senior Fellows. Senior Fellows at the Roosevelt Institute include Susan Crawford, Dorian Warren and Joseph Stiglitz.

How big is the Campus Network?

The campus network is comprised of about 100 chapters across the United States and Canada. We engage about 10,000+ students across our network. We are currently, starting chapters at community colleges across the nation, particularly in California and Chicago.

Who runs the Campus Network?

You! Students make up the leadership of the Campus network. Our field team, Senior Fellows and Board of advisors are all students at chapters across the country.

Have community college students been engaged with Roosevelt before?

This is our first major initiative to expand to community colleges. However, in just this year alone, community college students have joined the national student leadership team, attended conferences and submitted blogs!

As a community college student, what are the primary ways that I can engage?
1-Start a chapter 2-Write a blog 3-Submit to publications 4-Host a training 5-Apply to Summer Academy

As a NYC community college student, who should I talk to about Roosevelt?

The main points of contact are Angela Choi and Joelle Gamble!

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