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I do apologise, Ive changed some names, so they are as below: King Avarus King of the city Nipolopolous.

. Prince Gerard King Avarus son. Liam Avarus younger brother. Youngest of the family. Arnold, Sly, Bruce, Chuck Siblings to Avarus and Thomas. The Advisors The four advisors in the Underground City. What they look like: King Avarus: Lord Farquad. Prince Gerard: Gerard Butler. Liam: Liam Neeson. Arnold: Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sly: Sylvester Stallone. Bruce: Bruce Willis. Chuck: Chuck Norris.

You lead the King and his brothers to meet with Liam, in a guarded room. The King struggles against Dutch and Snorry, to no avail, attempting to attack his younger brother. Liam is not surprised by this, but is so by the greeting his receives from his older brothers. Its a heartfelt greeting, as they embrace one another. The King is disgusted by what feels like a treacherous act towards him, and he is eventually calmed down with some assistance from Dutch and Snorry.

Negotiations begin. King Avarus, the ruler of Nipolopolous, refuses to let Liam have any part in taking over the city he built from the ground up. The claim is shot down not only by Liam, but by Arnold, Sly, Bruce and Chuck. They tell of how Avarus was handed the city by his father, Samuel (L Jackson), as a prosperous city, and he destroyed it with his greed and selfish nature. The city never reached its full potential and instead suffered greatly from attacks by the Great Dragon to the north. Avarus claims to have had a plan in place to take care of the dragon, but when asked to share the plan he refuses. I shall not waste a beautiful plan with imbeciles who would simply ruin it! he exclaims. Bromagic and Rednicks step forward and pressure Avarus to hand over the city, citing that things above ground need to change and he will not be allowed to stay in charge. Threats of bodily harm are thrown around and the conversation quickly escalates between the group (of adventurers). Scaring Avarus quickly with the possibility of losing appendages and scarring his face, he reluctantly agrees under one condition Liam must play no part in the citys upbringing. Bromagic instantly agrees on behalf of the adventurers, and thus Prince Gerard is unofficially crowned the King of Nipolopolous. Over the coming days, Prince Gerard, Avarus and the entire adventuring team draw up a binding contract that will hand

over power of Nipolopolous to his son, given that in said transaction Liam will have no power. Finally it is signed in blood by both Gerard and Avarus, and Gerard is officially pronounced King.

King Gerards first act as King is to make Liam his First Advisor, which he happily accepts. Avarus is outraged and attempts to attack Liam AND Gerard, but is stopped in his tracks by the adventurers. Avarus is kept in a guarded room whilst the adventuring team, Liam and Gerard draw up a plan to remove Avarus as King to the public. Indi-Anna and Aeffa suggest faking his death after the Orc attacks, and that Avarus be taken to a city far away from Nipolopolous. Bruce realizes his city is most suitable, and accepts taking Avarus home with him.

Only a few days have passed when Gerard and his uncles decide to return to the surface. Tearing up their clothes and taking a few blows from the team, the family returns to the city with the adventurers. The family and adventurers are escorted quickly to the castle, where they tell the tale of being kidnapped by the Orcs on the night of the ball. Everyone tells of how the Orcs had kidnapped them, but it was to protect them from a suspected dragon attack. Everyone is suspicious of this, especially as Avarus has not returned. They speak of how Avarus was foolish, leaving the safety of the Orcs to return to his city, and was slain by wild beasts. Gerard hands over Avarus crown to the Captain, telling him he is deeply sorry he could not protect him. The Captain bows before Gerard, and hands him back the crown a gesture towards the new King. Gerard accepts the crown, and it is known by those in attendance that the late King Avarus is no longer, and King Gerard shall now lead our great city.

King Gerard wastes little time with his newly found position. He calls the city, from the poorest to the richest, together to mourn the death of his father; to acknowledge the sincere nature of the Orc population to the west, and to welcome those who were once exiled back into the city they made great many years ago. The speech given causes much chatter amongst the city. You (the adventurers) hear talk of the uncertain nature of King Gerards leadership, some positive response from his speech and a fair bit of hesitance regarding the Orcs and new citizens (the exiles).

A week passes uneventfully. There have been no dragon attacks on the city, which is very unusual, and no further attacks from the Orcs or other wild beasts. King Gerard orders some of his finest stones man to travel to the Great Monument and carve out a piece for Avarus. Bruce, Sly, Arnold and Chuck, along with others invited to the ball, all leave for their own cities. Bruce sneaks out Avarus in his carriage, when he leaves. The team bids him farewell underground before he leaves, and reassures him to NOT return to the city, as it would be unwise for his wellbeing. Avarus spots Indi-anna with his necklace and is infuriated. Bruces guards knock him out and carry him to the carriage.

We resume alongside King Gerard, with assistance from Liam, pushing for the city to extend out and properly protect the shithole, and to promote farming on the fertile ground to the East of the city. The Captain has been assigned to train up the guards to a higher level, to better protect them from the dragon and other beasts. The Advisors have been assigned to create more efficient safety measures for dragon attacks. King Gerard has smelted down his fathers crown, and distributed it to the people, and has replaced it with a finely carved wooden crown.

King Gerard offers each of you $3000GP for your aid in the previous weeks. You can all now level up, to level 7! Play will resume in the Kings chambers, as he has a request of you.

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