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Jesse Flores Period 2 02.12.


Cultural Etiquette

What is cultural etiquette? Cultural etiquette is a understanding of other countries.

. Country Name Flag United States United Kingdom Japan

The People

He ethnic mix is 83% white (generally of European descent, but also from the Middle East and Latin America), 12% AfricanAmerican, 3% Asian and about 1% Native Americans.

Generally, Protestants mix only with Protestants and Catholics mix only with Catholics. Scots have a keen, subtle sense of humor and value generosity, respectability.

Meeting and Greeting


Shake hands with everyone Americans are really nice & present -- men, friendly. Some generally greet & women, and children -shake hands. When Americans say at business and social goodbye they may say, Well meetings. Shake hands have to get together or Lets do again when leaving. lunch. Americans do eye contact Handshakes are light not firm. when shaking hands. w Nodding is very important The British are not back Americans think that if youre

Japan is a highly structured and traditional society. Great importance is placed on loyalty, politeness, and personal responsibility and on everyone working togethe for the good of the larger group. A handshake is appropriate upon meeting The Japanese handshake is limp and with little or n eye contact.

Language standing to close they will step back. Holding the middle finger up is insulting and rude.

Corporat e Culture

Americans do more business relationship than people relationships. Americans view their business cards as a source of future information and tend to exchange cards casually. They do not enter any information without a lawyer.
It is considered rude to stare, ask questions or otherwise brings attention to someone's disability. People give nicknames to men and women. Its nice to say e excuses me or parten me.

slappers or touchers and generally do not display affection in public. Hugging, kissing and touching is usually reserved for family members and very close friends. In Great Britain, punctuality is important for business meetings. Be on time. Brits prefer a congenial business relationship, but tend to get right down to business after a few moments o of polite conversation. Men should open doors for women and stand when a woman enters a room. Honor rank when entering a room. Allow higher rank to enter first.

When listening to Japanese speak, especiall in English, you should nod to show you are listening and understanding the speaker.

Punctuality is a must in all business and social meetings. Any degree of knowledge of Japanese culture is greatly appreciated

Helpful Hints

Avoid using the number "four" if possible. It has connotations of death to the Japanese.

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