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Instructions for writing a complete and descriptive paragraph: 1.

Think about a special day in your life and make some notes about why it is or was important to you. 2. Organize your notes (thoughts) and create a paragraph describing the day. 3. Ensure you include a topic sentence, a concluding sentence and at least 3 other related and supporting sentences. Do not exceed 200 words. Use as many adjectives as you can to accurately portray the day to your readers. 4. Spelling, punctuation and grammar will be assessed. Each error will cause .5 to be deducted from an ultimate grade of 20. Go to if you are not sure of the spelling of any of the words you wish to use. Have a partner proofread your paragraph this will help reduce the number of errors you may have. 5. Email your paragraph to your teacher before Friday February 22, 2013.

Instructions for a role-play of a job interview: 1. Think about a recent job interview you had. Make some notes about how you felt, what questions were asked and how the interviewer acted towards you. 2. Work with a partner to create a role-play script based on combining the notes you both made. 3. Try to make the situation appear as authentic as possible. There should be at least 4 questions asked and answered. If you wish, more than one person can be an interviewer (some jobs require panel interviews where you are asked questions by 2 or more people). 4. Prepare to act out the script to your group. One person will be the job interviewer and the other will be interviewed. If you wish to practice in the hallway, please ask the teacher for permission and remember that there are other classes working nearby. 5. After each pair in your group has performed their interview switch roles and repeat the roleplays. 6. When all are complete, the group will vote on who had the most realistic performance and that team will do their interview for the whole class. The class will vote to see if the interviewee gets the job! 7. You will be evaluated on participation (5 points for full participation) and consistent use of good English (5 points if you use English correctly or if you correct yourself). You will also be marked on how well you answer the questions from the interviewer (5 points for positive and logical answers). Total possible grade is 15.

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