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March 2013

March Madness
Spring is in the air, what does that mean? We are fast approaching the month of March. When you think about March, what comes to mind? Do you think of rain, flowers blooming, fresh air, butterflies, and four leaf clovers? Do you think of cleaning, and starting fresh; how about peanuts and Girl Scout cookies, or Dr. Seuss. I didnt think so. However doing a bit of research I found many interesting facts about the month of March. Did you know that March used to be the first calendar month on the Roman calendar, hence starting over, a fresh start? March used to be called Mauritius in honor of the Roman God of War. It was during the month of March that many wars took place, and so people would prepare in advance, and the month became known as the Month of War.

Learn Somebodys Name

You probably pass your neighbors on the front walk every day. You may even smile and greet them, or exchange comments about the weather or a holiday greeting. But do you know their names? Have you introduced yourself? It takes no more than a short sentence to transform the guy next door or the woman downstairs into someone you know. Next time exchange hellos in the stairwell, or take an extra few seconds to add, Im (insert name here), by the way or I dont think I ever got your name.

Gleaming Glass
For most of us, spring cleaning mean out with the old. Cleaning out closets, donating clothing to charity, dumping the mystery foods in the back of the refrigerator and sorting through cabinets is a great start. To really experience a spring fresh feeling in your apartment, though, give your glass a good cleaning. This spring, get out a bottle of vinegar and go to work on those glass surfaces you rarely think about- the whole place will seem brighter when youre done!

In todays time we know the Month of March as Womens History month and that St. Patricks Day, and sometimes Easter are celebrated in the month of March.

Our Management Team:

Kelly Shannon Amy Bob Pete Jess Debbie SWD Valley Protective Community Manager Assistant Manager Leasing Consultant Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Technician Maintenance Technician Housekeeping Landscaping Courtesy Patrol

Contact Information
Office Hours: Monday-Saturday Sunday Phone 8:30am-5:30pm 12pm-5pm 520-887-8755

After hours emergency maintenance Or Courtesy Assistant: 520-887-8755 Press 0

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But did you know that March 1st is Peanut Butter Lovers Day, or that March 10th is No Smoking day, as well as Harriet Tubman Day, and March 5th is Waffle Day? Juliette Low, founded the Girl Scouts on March 12, 1912. The United States purchased Alaska from Russia on March 30, 1867, and the Virgin Islands from Denmark on March 31, 1917.

Early Bird Drawing

We would like to congratulate Mary Castro for being our February Early Bird winner!! Remember to get your rent in before the 1st of the month to be added to the drawing! $25 off next months rent!!

There are so many interesting facts about the Month of March. March is a time for renewal, and getting a fresh start. What are your plans and celebration for the month?

March 2013
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Rent is Due! 3 Rent is late as of 5:30! 10 11 12 4 5 6 Pest Control 13 Pest Control 17 Saint Patricks Day
24 18 14


Saturday 2

9 Continental Breakfast 9-11am








Pest Control



27 Pest Control




31 Easter!

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