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Nicols Cantor Acosta - Cdigo: 40102066 Cultura Religiosa III : Praxis, Poltica y Fe Prof.

Jorge Alexnder Ravagli Cardona - Grupo N 14

Centesimus Annus review

Inspired and motivated by his predecessors in the papacy, church institutions and religious families, the Holiness Pope John Paul II writes "Centesimus Annus", encyclical document that remembers and commemorates the centenary of "Rerum Novarum", document written by the Holiness Pope Leo XIII. This document is witness of the interest of the Supreme Pontifex John Paul II, to highlight the benefits and contributions that this document written 100 years ago, makes to the church, the world and religious social doctrine, due to the fundamental principles established there. This interest was also concern of the Pope Leo XIII due to a set of political, economic and social changes, which incited to the society and traditional principles to be close to the extinction, with the goal of reaching new freedoms, but also bringing several forms of injustice and slavery.

According to the Holiness Pope Juan Pablo II, one of the principal consequence of this kind of freedom, that according to "Rerum Novarum" separates the true from the humanity, is the division of the society in two different social positions separated by a huge border. This situation is related to the entirely political changes, due to that the dominant political theory was interested to promote economic freedom with new laws. The object of Leo XIII of the publishing of "Rerum Novarum" was in order to notify and put in context to the church in the reality regarding to the changes of the society, inasmuch as the church's mission is to promote and spread its social doctrine and the Christian message. Another important aspect that is mentioned in the document is the right of a just and worthy salary to the employee as a human being. Another important aspect that is mentioned in the document is the right of a just and worthy salary to the employee

as a human being. That salary must be an agreement between the employee and the boss. This represents progress in order to fight against the inefficiency of the economic system and the violation of the employees rights.

By nature, most humans have few ideals that promote wellness and balance of society, so most of the ideals of the minds of people are focused only on personal wellness. This produces a set of ideals and behaviors that affect social balance, producing large adverse changes in the political and economic aspect. Because of this, its important that the church dont stop promoting the fundamental principles that make people being more human and full of moral values. In this way its possible to reach equality between social and cultural positions.

Bibliographic Resources:

Centesimus Annus (Holiness Pope John Paul II)

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