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Stock Play Problems for Pretend Play

Use the following stock play problems as targets in multiple exemplar training for social problem solving and conflict negotiation. These are designed to be used in Behavior Natural Environment Teaching (VB NET)/Floortime pretend play sessions, in combination with multiple exemplars of other stock play elements.

MEANNESS Someone is mean, grumpy Someone is rude/impolite Someone is a bully CONFLICT Conflicting desires o Combining ideas, do both Breaking something that is someone elses Someone is mad at someone else Being bossy TANTRUMS Someone is upset and crying Someone is grumpy MISTRUST Lying Sticking with your promise trust BEING MAD Not forgiving someone EXCLUSION Dont want to include someone Being left out SHARING Not enough food for everyone sharing Ownership Someone is greedy and doesnt want to share NEED HELP Need a helper Need the whole team Need to ask nicely for help LACK

Something is stolen need to get it back Kidnapped Something is lost Someone gets lost Cant find something Something is lost or missing need to find it (treasure hunt or mystery)

BROKEN Something is broken or doesnt work need to fix it or find alternative Messing something up Something doesnt fit not enough room for everyone OBSTACLE Weather Body of water Mountain Too far and too high cant get there, cant get down Facing your fears MISUNDERSTANDING /MYSTERY Blue cant talk Being misunderstood Misunderstanding someone else Clues need to figure it out What does Blue want? What is Blue afraid of? What does Blue want to play? What does Blue need? What is Blue trying to do? Why is Blue frustrated? Why is Blue sad? What did Blue see? What was Blues dream about?

Not having the right thing to fix the problem Someone leaves

Theresa Gischler & Katherine Lancaster

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