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1- Sean Juckes

I have made a music magazine as part of my Media G321 coursework; I have made a front cover, contents page and a double page spread. I would be very grateful if you could complete the following questionnaire so I can gather results about my magazine. I handed out this questionnaire to 10 people and my results were as follows What stands out the most on my front cover? PLEASE TICK THE TITLE/MASTHEAD THE MAIN IMAGE THE COVER LINES OTHER _______________________________________

70% of the audience said the Main Image stood out the most to them. 20% said the Title/Masthead which says pass out stood out most. Then the remaining 10% said other and the main coverline which is about the main image re saying about Little Shaqs big secret. From your first impressions what would you categorize the genre as? Please TICK HIPHOP ROCK INDIE POP 100% identified the magazine was in the HipHop genre straight away. Is the main image applicable for a HipHop magazine? Circle YES NO If NO why not?_____________________________________________ 80% said the image was applicable for the magazine although 20% said no because they said he should be wearing a chain necklace or be doing a hiphop related pose. What are your first impressions on the contents page? 3 Descriptive Words Words the audience said were, Good, bold clear masthead, appropriate image, stand out, consistent (colour scheme), dull, relevant cover lines. How could I improve the contents page? Add more detail on what is involved on each page Include another image 1

2- Sean Juckes Add a border Other ________________________________________________ 60% said add more detail whilst 20% agreed that included a two shot would be better and the remaining 10% said other which reasons included, make the colour stand out more and a more interesting background.

Honestly, on a scale of 1-5, (5 being most suitable) where would you rate the contents page for a HipHop magazine? (Please fill in appropriate box) 1 2 3 4 5 10% said 5, 50% said 4 and 40% said 3. Do you like the article and is it appropriate? Circle YES NO (Why not?) ____________________________________________ 70% said YES, 30% said NO because it should include more about a troubled life and how he turned it around whereas about how it started. Is the layout appropriate for a double page spread of a hiphop magazine rate 1-5 (1 being definitely not 5 being perfect) Please tick 1 2 3 4 5 60% said 5, 20% said 4 and 20% said 3. Where would you expect to see this magazine be sold?

I got various answers for this including Newsagents, Music selling shops, Online subscriptions, Websites and Supermarkets. 2

3- Sean Juckes

Would you buy it if you saw it there? Circle YES NO If NO why not, please State _____________________________________ 70% said YES whilst 30% said NO because music magazines dont particularly appeal to them. Thank you for taking time to fill in this questionnaire in order to benefit me, it is much appreciated. From this questionnaire I have learned that my Main Image stands out the most, it was easily identified as HipHop, the images are generally applicable. More detail should be added on the contents page, the double page spread is very applicable. Also it would be sold in numerous places the most popular being Online and most would buy it if an add popped up.

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