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Science Fiction Scavenger Hunt Questions: 1) In what science fiction series do we see a breed of human-types alter themselves by using

spice, or melange? 2) The two nuclear processes used to get energy are fusion and fission. a. Which one involves the splitting of a heavy nucleus into lighter ones? b. Which one involves the bonding of two light nuclei (at extremely high temperatures) to form a heavier one? 3) What is prescience? 4) Of the 60,000 UFO sightings in '99 alone most of them have turned out to be: a. proven to be true fact. b. spoofs and people trying to get media attention. c. the result of too many hours staring at your computer screen. 5) At how many meters per second does light travel? 6) How close to you is the nearest laser? a. the nearest weapons laboratory b. the nearest doctors office c. within three feet 7) Someone has recently built a 20 ft. long robot centipede with extremely sharp teeth, flame-thrower arms, and a gasoline sprayer. a. True b. False 8) Generally speaking, humanoid is not the best shape for a droid. However, C-3PO proves an exception to this. Why? 9) In which science fiction series do we find the aliens who fly around in saucers and take people away for medical experiments? a. b. c. d. Dune Animorphs Star Wars Foundation

10) In Asimovs Foundation series, interplanetary travel disproves Einstein's special theory of relativity. a. True b. False The following are links to various sites on the web that you will use in order to answer the questions below. "Collect" your answers in a WORD document, and submit it by email. Number your answers and make sure that your name is on it! 11. Isaac Isimov was one of the most famous sci-fi writers of all times. According to Isaac Isimov, what are the three laws of robotics? 12. List five books that Isaac Isimov wrote.

13. H.G. Wells was another famous Sci-Fi Writer. Go to the following web site and find the names of three books he wrote. 14. Find the following bibliographies about sci-fi writers. Select one of the following writers read about him. Write a short bio of your own for your answer. Include the following: Vital Statistics Books Written One interesting fact Leigh Brackett Robert Heinlein George Orwell Gene Roddenberry Rod Serling Jules Verne Alfred Van Vogt Ray Bradbury:

15. Go to the following web site and read about the descriptions of science fiction. List the characteristics of science fiction in your word document. 16. On the following web site, what are listed as the five basic themes of Sci-Fi. List and describe each one.

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