Nordfyn Népfőiskola Feb 14-Március 1-Napló

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02.14 Thursday In first class we spoke about the Culturs Show.

We could tell the others what we could said. The teacher (Mette) was disappointed because we did non made cakes, which was the part of the programme. (We signed it on the advertisment, too). At the second class we played. We had to rank by importance which we would take if the ship were sinking (there was a list of 15 items). And than we got clothes to put on our face not to see anything. And we had to create the order beginning with the smallest student to the tallest one (with closed eyes). And then I had to call (and show) the others where to stand according to the length of their hair. It was interesting. Els rn beszlgettnk a Kultrmsorrl. Elmondhattuk a msiknak, mit tanultunk belle s mi az, amit kedveltnk benne stb. A tanr (Mette) mondta, hogy csaldott volt, mivel nem ksztettk el a stemnyeket, ami a program rsze volt. (Amit a hirdetsen is feltntettk). A msodik rn jtszottunk. Osztlyoznunk kellett fontossgi sorrendben, mit vinnnk el magunkkal egy sllyed hajrl (15 ttel volt a listn). Ezutn kaptunk ruhkat, amit az arcunkra tettnk, hogy semmit ne lssunk. Egy sorrendbe kellett llnunk, kezdve a legmagasabb hallgattl a legalacsonyabbig, mindezt bekttt szemmel. Majd ezutn szltanom kellett valakit vagy megmutatni, hogy hov lljon. Szintn bekttt szemmel. Meg kellett tippelni a msiknak a hajhossz s aszerint kellett sorba rendezdnnk. Nagyon rdekes volt. 02.15 Friday We learned about the International Community. It was a bit difficult to follow. After that we studied English in the study circle. There were three of us. And later a Japanese girl joined us. We listenedto a part from Edgar Alen Poe. And that there were some phrases by famous persons. And after that we got some questions. After dinner we spent our time at the cafe with billiard, etc. A nemzetkzi kzssgrl tanultunk. Kicsit nehz volt kvetni az eladst. Utna tanulkrben tanultuk az angolt. Hrman voltunk. Ksbb egy japn lny csatlakozott. Hallgattunk egy szvegrszt Edgar Allen Poetl. Nhny kzmonds is volt aztn hres emberektl. Mindez utn felolvastunk pr krdst egymsnak, hogy aztn mindenki megvlaszolhassa. Vacsora utn szabadidnket a kvzban tltttk bilirdoztunk meg miegyms... 02.16 Saturday We went to the sea for hunting oysters. It travelled about 1,5 hours to get there. Some of us looked for oysters. We needed rubber boots around the coast. There was a guide who helped in finding oysters. Then one of the guys showed us how to open it. And we put some limon juice to it and ate it. It was delicious. There was one or two people who did not like it. Before that we had to wash them in the sea. In the evening I played pool for some hours in the Cafe. Elmentnk a tengerpartra (innt kb. 1,5 ra utazs), hogy osztrigra vadsszunk. Legtbben gumicsizt hztak s a parton kerestk az osztrigt. Volt egy ottani frfi, aki segtette a trsulatot. A tbbiek pedig (vagy ten) a sziget msik oldaln stltunk. Ez egy olyan rsz, mi egy sekly tengerrszen tvezet egy msik szigetre. Kb. 4 kilomter van egy kijellt rsz, ahol az autsok tmehetnek (nmi kockzattal is jr), de j nhny autt is lttunk ott haladni. Ksbb a tbbiek is megrkeztek az osztrigkkal. Megtiszttottuk ket a sekly vzben, aztn megmutatta az egyik dn src, hogyan kell felnyitni specilis nyitval. Utna a btrabbak (szinte mindenki) egy kis citrommal val zests utn megehette a nyers osztrigt. Kb. hrom embernek nem zlett, a tbbi 15-20 embernek kedves volt az tel. Knltak mell feketefonyt is, amely lilahagymval, baconnal volt keverve. Este billirdoztam nhny rt a Caf-ban. 02.17 Sunday I studied English with the Japanese guy for about two hours. Then we watched a video with English subtitles and tried to understand it. In the other part of

the day I was reading and resting. Angolt tanultam a japn srccal kt rn t. Videt (amelyet mg rn prbltunk megnzni, de az internet kapcsolat miatt nem folytattunk. gy a japn src letlttte felirattal) nztnk angol felirattal s prbltuk megrteni. A nap tbbi rszben olvastam s pihentem. 02.18 Monday In the first class we spoke about poverty education in the poor countries. The second class was swimming. After that I walked a bit in Bogense an went to the school. Az els rn a szegnysgrl s az alacsony oktatsi sznvonalrl beszlgettnk, amely a szegnyebb orszgokban van. A msodik rn sztunk. Mind ezutn elgyalogoltam Bogensebe, visszamentem az iskolba. 02.19 Tuesday In the first class we had to create a statue from the others. And we created a group as a statue showing poverty in 2005 than in 2010. And we had to express the development after the donation from richer countries. At drama class we got a text which did not have any meaning and had to translate into our language using our fantasy. After that we had to write down our first twenty thoughts which came to our mind. It was also interesting. In he afternoon I had to move in with the Japanese guy, because they were waiting for new guests and they needed the room. Az els rn egymsrl kellett szobrot csinlnunk (szobrot lltunk). Csoportokat alkottunk a szobrokkal, bemutatva a szegnysgbeli klnbsget 2005 s 2010 kztt (teht ktszer lltunk szobrot). gy prbltuk kifejezni a gazdagabb orszgoktl kapott tmogatsnak a fejldsre gyakorolt hatst. Drma rn kaptunk egy szveget, amelynek nem volt rtelme s le kellett fordtani a sajt nyelvnkre, csak a fantzinkra hagyatkozhattunk. Ezutn le kellett rnunk az els hsz gondolatot, ami azonnal esznkbe jutott. Ez is rdekes feladatnak bizonyult. Dlutn t kellett kltznm a japn srchoz, mivel vendgeket vrtak, akiknek szksgk lesz a szobra. 02.20 Wednesday At first class we made excercises and than gave leg massage to each other (in pairs). At cultural subject we walked to the castle which is about 10 minutes from here. We were in little groups and got a paper with 9 pictures. We had to find those objectums in the museum. And had to write which room they are in. There were old furnitures, etc... Els rn gyakorlatokat csinltunk, aztn pedig lbmasszzst adtunk egymsnak (prokban). Kultra rn egy kastlyba stltunk, amelyik 10 percre volt tlnk. Kis csoportokban mentnk s kaptunk paprt, amin 9 kp volt. A mzeumban meg kellett tallnunk a kpen szerepl trgyakat. Le kellett mg rnunk melyik szobban voltak. Voltak rgi btorok stb. 02.21 Thursday At first class we had to name those curiosities in Koppenhagen we want to see. At the second class we spoken about death penalty, and interned dependency. In the afternoon we had English study circle. We were three of us there. We dealt with the book called English Grammar in Use . Els rn meg kellett nevezni helyeket Koppenhgban, melyeket ltni szeretnnk. Msodik rn a hallbntetsrl s az internet fggsgrl beszlgettnk. Dlutn angol tanulkrnk volt. Ott hrmas csoportokra oszlottunk. Az English Grammar in Use cm knyvvel foglalkoztunk. (Amit tanulkrn is hasznltunk, nagy kk knyv.) 02.22 Friday

At first class we watched a video called Home. It is about poverty, environment, etc. And the second class we had to answer to the questions about the film. And than we spoken about Global warming, water (polluted, sea rising, etc...), poverty, etc. In the evening we went to Bogense to buy something and to the pub. Els rn videt nztnk cme: Home (Otthon). Ez tbbek kztt a szegnysgrl szlt, krnyezetrl stb. A msodik rn pedig vlaszolnunk kellett nhny krdsre a filmmel kapcsolatban. Ezutn beszlgettnk a globlis felmelegedsrl, vzrl (szennyezettsg, tengerszint emelkeds stb.), szegnysgrl stb. Este elmentnk Bogensebe venni pr dolgot s a kocsmba. 02.23 Saturday At 15 o'clock p.m. we had some competition because it was the midterm party. We divided into groops. There was tug of war. And than we had to built crates onto each other. That group was the winner who managed to put more than the others. Than we got boiled wine. The dinner was festive (people took on interesting clothes). And there was a party in cafe after that. Dlutn hromkor volt nhny vetlked, mivel elrkeztnk a flidej bulinkhoz. Csapatokra oszlottunk. Volt ktlhz verseny (tug of war). Ezutn ldkat kellett pteni egymsra. Az a csapat gyztt, amelyik a legtbbet tudta egymsra rakni. Utna forralt bort ittunk. A vacsora nneplyes volt (az emberek nagyon rdekes ruhkat vettek fel). Ezutn buli volt a kvzban. 02.24 Sunday I went to a little trip with my classmate by bicycle nearby. After that we learnt English. Osztlytrsaimmal egy kis kirndulsra mentem a kzelbe biciklivel. Megnztk a kzelben lv rgi malmot, utna egy kis falut nztk meg (szintn a kzelben). Utna angolt tanultunk. 02.25 Monday In the first class we speak about the programms in Koppenhagen. Second class was swimming. In the evening I played pool. And than we watched video with English subtitle. Els rn megbeszltk, mit fogunk Koppenhgban csinlni. Msodik rn sztunk. Este bilirdot jtszottam. Ez utn videt nztnk angol felirattal. 02.26 Tuesday In the first class we prepared for Koppenhagen. Three of us created statues the others had to make pictures for the performance. In drama class we got a little dialogue. We had to play it in pairs. It was in an office (the boss showed to the applicant an article and than said that they could not employ him). We had to act it in calm form then with angry mood. (The teacher earlier worked as an actor). Az els rn Koppenhgenre kszltnk. Hrman szobrot lltunk, hogy lehessen kpet csinlni az eladshoz. Drma rn kicsit a prbeszdet gyakoroltuk. Prokban kellett jtszanunk. Ez egy irodban jtszdott (a fnk egy cikket mutatott a jelentkeznek, majd megmondta neki, hogy nem tudja alkalmazni, mert ez a trvny ellen van). El kellett jtszanunk nyugodt mdon s ideges hangulatban. (A tanr korbban sznszknt dolgozott, gy sokat segtett neknk). 02.27 Wednesday We went to Koppenhagen to see Cristiania and than to Helsingor for the study trip. It's name is IPC (International People's College). The principal said some word about the school. And we had dinner. And we were welcomed by the others in the hall. After 8 p.m. there is a meeting. Two students read little articles (in English). And than one of the teacher spoke about the history of the school. Koppenhgba mentnk tanulmnyi kirndulsra, ahol megnztk Cristianit (ez egy olyan kisebb-nagyobb

vezete a vrosnak, ahol nhny illeglis dolgot elfogadnak; igazbl egy kis rsz, fggetlen a vrostl, itt nem lehet fnykpet kszteni vagy futni, mert nhnyan a hzak eltt rulnak marihuant). Aztn Helsinsorba mentnk az IPC iskolba, hogy ott legynk vasrnapig. Az iskola neve Nemzetkzi Emberek Fiskolja. Az iskolaigazgat mondott nhny szt az iskolrl. Ezutn megvacsorztunk. Este 8 utn tallkoz volt az eladban. Kt tanul olvasott egy kisebb cikket (angolul). Kivlasztanak kt-hrom orszgot azok kzl, amelyekben a tanulk laknak. Nhny ismeretlen szt is kivettenek (meg magt a cikket is), s definiljk a szt. Mindezek utn egy tanr beszlt az iskola trtnetrtl. 02.28 Thirsday We went to the classes in IPC. The first one was Human Rights and Active Global Citizenship. In the brake time we performed our statues. After that we had Global Challenges Line. We watched video about the exploitation of work in Banglades and about computer garbage in Ghana. Then we had Life in the City class (we learned about the cafe, when was the first country who produced coffee, and then we saw pictures about famous caf which were presented by the students). The next class was World Cinema. The teacher spoke about the history of China and showed us two movies (about 10 minutes of them). And we spoke about this. Elmentnk tanrkra az IPC iskolban. Az els ra Emberi Jogok s az Egysges Vilgi Polgrosods volt. A sznetben (ami a szoksos meeting volt dleltt) bemutattuk a produkcinkat. Hrman lltunk szobrot a csoportunkbl. Ami azt jelentette, hogy 15 msodpercig a szegnysget mutattuk be. Utna azt, hogy mr elgedettek vagyunk (nem heznk). Utna az elmaradott orszgokban lv iskolzottlansgot mutattuk be ugyanilyen mdon. Aztn mg hatfle szobrot lltunk. Kzben a 6 perc alatt a We are the world music futott a httrben. Ezek utn a Globlis kihvsok ra volt. Videt nztnk a munkaer kizskmnyolsrl Bangladesben s a Ghnba vitt elektronikus hulladkokrl (korbban ezt a geminibl ajnlotta valaki megnzsre). Ezutn a vrosi letrl volt tanra (tanultuk a kvrl, s hogy melyik orszgban termeltek elszr kvt, majd kpeket nztnk hres kvzkrl, melyeket a tanulk mutattak be a sajt orszgukbl). A kvetkez tanra a Mozivilg volt. A tanr Kna trtnelmrl beszlt s kt mozifilmet mutatott be (kb. 10 percet nztnk bellk). A vetts utn a bemutatott kis rszletrl beszltnk. 03.01 Friday We went to Koppenhagen. We tried the Canal Tour. It is a boat tour. The tourist guide spoke about the famous places. It is very nice. We saw the Parliament, the Mondern Art Museum. We went to the House of The Future. Two women showed us the activity of their organisation. Than we could map the city by ourself. Than we went to a vegetarian restaurant for having dinner. And than we came back to the IPC. Some of us drank some wine and ate some chips with the teachers. Koppenhgba mentnk. Kiprbltuk a "Csatorna Utazst". Ez egy rs csnak krt volt. Az idegenvezet a nevezetesebb pletekrl beszlt. Nagyon szp volt. Lttuk a Parlamentet, a Modern Mvszet Mzeumt (a kishajbl, ksbb elltogattunk az pletekbe is). Elmentnk a Jv Hzba. Ott kt hlgy mutatta be szervezetk tevkenysgt. Ez utn sajt magunk trkpezhettk fel a vrost. Este 6-kor tallkoztunk a kiindulponton. Vlaszthattunk, hogy vegetrinus tterembe megynk (ami a kzelben volt) vagy pizzriba (ami 15 perces gyaloglst ignyel). Az elbbit vlasztottuk. Ott fix ron megvacsorzhattunk (mindenki kedve szerint szedhetett, az iskola llta a szmlt). Vacsora utn visszamentnk az IPC-be. Aztn a csoportunk egy kis terembe ment, ahol borozgattunk s beszlgettnk.


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