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Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

Once upon a time in the small town of Persia, there lived two brothers by the name of Cassim and Ali Baba. Cassim was rich and famous while Ali Baba was just a poor wood gatherer. Despite living opposites lives, the two brothers loved each other so much. One day, while Ali Baba was gathering woods, he saw forty horsemen each holding a sack filled with something. Open Sesame! their leader shouted. From where he was hiding, Ali Baba saw a door opened through a dark cave. After a while, he saw the group leaving the cave without their sack. The caves door closed when the leader shouted, Close Sesame! When he was already sure that he was alone, Ali Baba imitated the gang leader. Open Sesame! he yelled. Ali Baba couldnt believe when he set eyes on sparkling gems and gold inside. He then realized that the group were thieves. Ali Babas wife was surprised when he brought home a sack full of gold. He told her about the secret cave. They borrowed a measuring cup from Cassim to be able to calculate how much gold they have. Cassims wife pasted some glue to the bottom of the measuring cup. She discovered that Ali Baba was measuring gold. She then nagged Cassim to ash her brother-in-law where did their gold came from. Ali Baba could not afford to hide anything from his brother. He told him everything about the treasure inside the cave. Wasting no time, Cassim went to the cave and shouted. Open Sesame! Cassim was not lucky as Ali Baba. The gang of thieves arrived while he was inside the cave. They killed him, sliced his body into four and left it hanging on a tree. Ali Baba did not sleep the whole night worrying about his brother. He decided to find Cassim and was shocked to see his mutilated body. He brought home Cassims remains and asked his sister-in-law and their maid, Morgiana not to tell anybody about it. Morgiana was clever. She contracted an old shoemaker to piece up the body of Cassim. Afterwards, she brought expensive medicines and spread the news that her master was dying. The people believed her and were not surprised to learn about Cassims death. After Cassims burial, Ali Baba and his family move into his brothers house. Theres another person who knew our secret. I am sure he was the one who took the dead body! The gangs leader said.

The leader sent one of his men to town to gather information. The bandit met the old shoemaker who put together the body of Cassim. He even showed the way to Cassims house. The bandit marked the house with a chalk but Morgiana saw it. She then put a chalk marking on other houses to create confusion. When the gang failed to see Cassims house, The leader gathered thirtyeight huge jars. He filled one with oil while his men hid the other jars. He placed all the jars in a big cart and pretended to be an oil merchant. He requested Ali Baba to let him stay for the night because he still had a long way to go and that he was so tired already. Ali Baba was so kindhearted, he allowed the thief to stay. The gang leader rested in one rooms of Ali Babas house. He told his men that he would throw a stone into the jars as a sign for them to attack. Meanwhile, Morgianas lamp run out of oil. She checked on the jars to fill her lamp. It is time? Morgiana would hear a voice as she tapped the jars. Not yet, she cleverly answered. She already knew something bad is about to happened. Wasting no time, she took the oil in one jar, boiled it and poured it into the other jars. The thieves died instantly inside the jars. The gang leader had thrown quite a number of stones into the jars but nobody moved from inside it. He decided to checked if there was some problem. When he saw all his men dead inside the jars, he escaped. Ali Baba was so happy and thankful to Morgiana for saving their lives. Meanwhile the gang leader still wanted to get his revenge. He thought of a way on how he can get close to Ali Baba again. One day he gathered all the expensive cloth they stolen. He befriended the townpeople especially Ali Babas son. When Ali Babas son invited his friend for dinner, Morgiana immediately recalled his face but she didnt show it. She also noticed a dagger hidden under his shirt. Morgiana performed a dance number for their guest. Her performance included a dagger that was sometimes poked at Ali Baba and his son as a part of the show. Suddenly, Morgiana poked the knife unto the merchants neck. The oil trader and this man is one and the same man, Morgiana said as she removed the slain thiefs disguise. Ali Baba recognized the cloth merchant as the leader of the thieves. They turned him over to the authorities. As a gestured of deep gratitude, Ali Baba granted Morgiana her freedom and gave her a big amount of money to start a new life.

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