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Death By Flowerpot By Jack Cantelo & Leila Husain

Script INT. GARAGE DAY CHARACTER X (looks up towards the staircase) He waves and signals goodbye. He closes the garage door as he walks out. SMASH the sound of a flowerpot hitting the concrete and breaking is heard. The screen goes black

EXT. OUTSIDE HOUSE - DAY When getting out the car, (both doors are left open) both officers turn to one another. DETECTIVE ADAMS is holding a coffee cup DETECTIVE JONES If there is one thing I learnt about being a detective is always make sure you are prepared you can take the notes today He throws it across the top of the car roof to DETECTIVE ADAMS

EXT. OUTSIDE HOUSE - DAY DETECTIVE JONES (walks with confidence towards the police officer in high visibility jacket). He takes his ID badge out of his jacket pocket and shows it to the officer.

DETECTIVE JONES Im Detective Jones, this is my colleague Detective Adams. We are here to survey the crime seen. I believe a murder has been committed The Police Officer looks at DETECTIVE JONES POLICE OFFICER HV The body was found this afternoon. It looks like murder. A flowerpot has been thrown at the victim. No signs of a struggle

EXT. OUTSIDE HOUSE - DAY A relative of the deceased arrives at the scene, walking down the road and attempts to pass the line of police tape. Her face changes as she attempts to push past the officer becoming distressed and agitated when he tries to restrain her.

POLICE OFFICER Madam, you cant go past. This is a crime scene. He raises his hand to signal that she cannot go through The relative becomes hysterical and emotionally distraught. RELATIVE Where is my Brother, Whats Happened? Let me see him! (shouting hysterically)

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