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Briana Spring Kasandra Olivares 3/7/13 Per3

I Choose Questions and Answer

1. What was your first reaction when reading the title of the story? (4 sentences) When I read the title I thought that she actually died. But she didnt. She kept on being bullied at school. There was one point when she had to stay home because the bulling was getting to serious. But now she is in 10th or 9th grade and she stands up for herself now. 2. After reading the story, what does the author really mean when she writes that she died in the sixth grade? Did she really die? Explain your answer using examples from the story. (4 sentences) Perhaps not death in its purest form a stopped-heart, doctorcall-it, ER kind of death, but it was a very distinct death, nonetheless. She meant like that she died inside because

many people were bulling her too much. NO she didnt really die.

3. How does the author describe herself before she died? Go back to the story and find adjectives that describe her personality. (2 sentences) I was an A student, who couldnt speak to a single schoolmate without suffering a complete meltdown. I received a recess-note signed by The Crew. They no longer wished any contact with me for the following reasons: I was a crybaby. 4. In the second paragraph the author says she flat-lined. What does she mean? Look up the word in an online dictionary and write the definition.
To die or be so near death that the display of one's vital signs on medical monitoring equipment shows a flat line rather than peaks and troughs

5. How did The Crew influence others in school? Give specific examples that you found throughout the story. (4 sentences) Back then I was part of The Crew. You know, that group of girls that everyone notices. The Crew had broken up with me. It was elementary school death. I cried. They said, see? We were right and sauntered off to bask in their coolness

elsewhere. News of my banishment spread like wildfire and although most of The Crew were in my class, 6. The author mentions that the girls at the sleep over were 11 going on 17 then she states that she was content to be a kid for a while longer. How is it possible to be 11 going on 17? Describe some of the things the girls wanted to do that werent age appropriate. (4 sentences) They were 11 going on 17, but I was content to be a kid for a while longer. Not long after that night, I received a recessnote signed by The Crew. They no longer wished any contact with me for the following reasons: I was a crybaby. I was uninteresting to them, and I did not appreciate cool things.

7. What were 3 specific negative effects the bullying had on the author? (4 sentences) One day after school I was biking home when a group of girls surrounded me, led by the top dog of The Crew. She was the only original member present, but she had succeeded in poisoning the minds of four other girls I didnt know. Panic set in and I tried, in vain, to talk my way out of the situation. 8. When did things finally turn around for her? What exactly happened? How did she feel? (4 sentences)

In the eighth grade, my Dad convinced the school to allow me to into advanced placement, and it was the best thing we could have done. I met three girls who carried me through the next two years. I was dead in the sixth grade and spent seventh in purgatory. I was resurrected in eighth, but not without some scars from my former life. My carefree positive attitude was gone. I no longer had absolute faith in the inherent goodness of people. I became a skeptic. I began to see the worlds problems as unsolvable. Occasionally pieces of my old self would surface, but I would shove them away when I got stung for sharing myself too quickly.

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