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The Subjunctive:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You had better go now. Its time he went to bed. I had rather return in a day or two. I would sooner you came with me. She was here yesterday. A fost ieri aici. I wish she were here. As dori sa fie aici. I doubt if he be among the O.N.T. weekenders. Ma indoiesc ca el s-ar afla printre excursionistii plecati prin O.N.T. la sfarsit de saptamana. 6. He moved that the request be accepted. El a propus ca sa fie acceptata cererea. 7. It is decied that he take part in the motor-scooter race next week. S-a hotarat ca el sa ia parte saptamana viitoare la cursa motoarelor. 8. Supposing water be poured on chloric acid, what is the reaction? Presupunand ca s-ar turna apa peste acid clorhidric, care ar fi reactia? 9. Let him demonstrate the apparatus if it work so efficiently. Sa faca el demonstratia practica a aparatului, daca acesta functioneaza intr-adevar atat de eficient. 10. I doubt the touring company be here tomorrow. Ma indoiesc ca trupa maine aici. 11. Sprint lest the next runner overtake you. Mareste viteza, sa nu te ajunga alergatorul urmator. 12. It was suggested that the new technical progress be applied. S-a propus sa se aplice noul procedeu tehnic. 13. We asked that there be a lecture on the menace of nuclear weapon tests. Am cerut sa se tina o conferinta asupra pericolului experientelor cu armele nucleare. 14. Orders were given that the new machinery be installed. S-au dat dispozitii ca noile masini sa fie instalate. 15. Long love he! Sa traiasca multi ani. 16. The judge demands that the prisoner be brought in. Judecatorul cere ca acuzatul sa fie introdus. 17. If there be all we can muster, it were better to leave the sculptures galleries empty. Daca acestea ar fi toate (operele) pe care le putem aduna, ar fi mai bine sa lasam galeriile de sculptura goale. 18. I move that an appeal be made to the parties concerned. Propun sa se faca apel la partile in cauza. 19. Curse you! Drat the fellow! Fire-ai blestemat sa fii! 20. Expenses be hanged! Da-le incolo de cheltuieli! 21. That be hanged for a tale! Ce nascocire nastrusnica! 22. If she were here she would win the championship. Daca ea ar fi aici, ar castiga campionatul. 23. She wouldnt come even though I were to send her a note. Ea nu ar veni chiar dac-ar fi sa-I trimit un bilet. 24. If she is here, she will win the championship. Daca ea e aici, va castiga campionatul.

25. She wont come, though I have sent her a note. Nu vrea sa vina, desi i-am trimis un bilet. 26. If I was you I should go home. Daca as fi in locul tau m-as duce acasa. 27. I wish I was an airman. As dori sa fiu aviator. 28. She wishes she was me. Ar dori sa fie in locul meu. 29. If she was in her office, I didnt see her. Daca a fost in biroul ei, nu am vazut-o. 30. If she were in her office I should see her. Daca ar fi in biroul ei as vedea-o. 31. I wouldnt sing though I were asked to. N-as canta chiar daca as fi solicitat. 32. I wish I were you. Mi-as dori sa fiu in locul tau. 33. Suppose he came! Inchipuieste-ti ca ar veni. 34. Suppose we change the subject. Ce-ar fi sa schimbam subiectul. 35. He wishes he had not been so careless of his duty. Ar dori sa nu fi fost atat de neglijent in indeplinirea sarcinii lui. 36. If he had been in the workshop he would have helped you. Daca ar fi fost in atelier, te-ar fi ajutat. 37. Mother treats me as if I were a little girl. Mama ma trateaza ca si cum as fi o fetita. 38. Mother used to treat me as though had been a little girl. Mama ma trata ca si cum as fi fost o fetita. 39. With us he feels happier than if he lived by himself. La noi se simte mai fericit decat daca ar trai singur. 40. I would rather hear a concert rather than go to Teds. As prefera sa ascult un concert decat sa merg la Ted. 41. So be it! Asa sa fie! 42. Come what may! Fie ce-o fi! 43. Even though he had come early, he would have missed her. Chiar daca ar fi venit mai devreme nu ar fi gasit-o. 44. Even if it were so, this is no easy matter. Chiar daca ar fi asa nu este lucru usor. 45. If you mother could come, she would soon set matters right. Daca mama ta ar putea veni ar clarifica lucrurile. 46. If your wife were with us she would see to everything. Daca sotia ta ar fi la noi, ar avea grija de toate. 47. If you had met them, you would have liked them. Daca i-ai fi cunoscut, ti-ar fi placut. 48. I wish I were a student again! Mi-as dori sa fiu iar student. 49. Dont you wish you had a son? N-ai vrea sa ai un fiu? 50. They wished they had not come so late. Doreau sa nu fi venit asa tarziu. 51. She wished she had been a dancer. Ar fi dorit sa fie dansatoare. 52. Oh! That it were possible! Ah! Daca ar fi posibil! 53. Oh! That he had come yesterday! Ah! Sa fi venit el ieri! 54. Drat the fellow! La naiba cu el! 55. Hang it all! Las-o incolo! 56. Curse the man! Blast him! Fir-ar blestemat sa fie! 57. Confound him! Duca-se la naiba! 58. Go on with you! Las-o balta! 59. Suppose she came here! Inchipuieste-ti ca ar veni aici!

60. If she were you, she would go in for medicine. Daca ar fi in locul tau ar studia medicina. 61. Supposing the task had been yours, wouldnt you have been glad? Presupunand ca aceasta ar fi fost sarcina ta, nu ti-ar fi parut bine? 62. It was suggested that she give a specimen lesson. S-a propus ca ea sa tina o lectie de proba. 63. Someone come here and sing! Sa vina cineva aici sa cante! 64. Long be she happy! Sa fie multi ani fericita! 65. It is necessary that he be told his colleagues opinion. Trebuie sa i se spuna parerea colegilor sai. 66. Isnt it time you stopped playing? N-ar fi timpul sa termini cu joaca? 67. Let me speak now! Sa vorbesc eu acum! 68. Lets let bygones be bygones! Hai sa uitam trecutul! 69. Lets all go on a trip! Hai sa mergem cu totii in excursie! 70. If she should get up a game of ping-pong, I will let you know. Daca va organiza cumva o partida de ping-pong iti voi da de stire.

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