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1. Utiliza los verbos entre parantesis en el Present Perfect. Si hay un adverbio, colocalo en el sitio correcto.

Las frases pueden ser afirmativas, negativas o interrogativas. Tom: you reading The Lord of the Ring (finished, yet)?

Jane: No, not yet. I

(read, never) a whole book in English. It's a bit difficult but I

(see, already) the film, so I hope this will help. Tom: I (buy, just) the second volume but I (not have, yet). I Jane : How long Tom: I Jane: Oh, I (not find, yet). Tom: I'm sorry to hear that! you (try) sending your CV to the local schools? They you time to start reading it

(be) very busy at work this week and it's only Wednesday! (work) for your company? (be) here for 15 years! anything

(work) here for 10 years. My wife

(lose, just) my job! I'm looking for one but I

always need good teachers like you.

2.Ordena las palabras para formar frases correctas. Fijate en la posicin de los adverbios de frecuencia always, ever, never, already, just y yet. 1. the I already ironing done have. . 2. hasn't yet house she moved. . 3. have exam you failed ever an? ? 4. yet the I States been haven't to. . 5. always I hard-working been have. . 6. raw never we fish have tried.

. 7. up yet mind you made have your? ? 8. news has he just heard the. . 9. yet spoken him you to have? ? 10. we lunch had have already.


have 2-You ..........drunk



have 3-He..........eaten






4-Mary .........painted




5-Mary and John.........gone





Presente Perfecto en Ingls

Afirmativo/Negativo He has walked. (He's walked.) She It He has not walked. Interrogativo Has he walked? she it Respuestas Cortas - Yes, he has.

(He hasn't walked.) She It They have walked. (They've walked.) I You We

- No, he hasn't.

Have they walked? I you we

They have not walked. Respuestas Cortas (They haven't walked.) - Yes, they have. I - No, they haven't. You We Negativo en letras rojas (Contracciones en parentesis) El presente perfecto es una forma del verbo para describir algo que pas en un tiempo inespecfico en el pasado o que empez en el pasado y sigue en el presente. I have visited the White House. (Pas en un tiempo inespecfico en el pasado) He visitado la Casa Blanca. I have studied English for three years. (Empez en el pasado y sigue en el presente) He estudiado ingls por tres aos. Se forma el presente perfecto con have o has y un participio. I have finished the project. He terminado con el proyecto. She has worked at that company since 1990. Ella ha trabajado en esa compaa desde 1990.

La palabra have en el presente perfecto es un verbo auxiliar.* Como con otros verbos auxiliares, podemos aadir "not" al verbo auxiliar para formar el negativo y colocar el verbo auxiliar al principio de la oracin para formar una pregunta.
*El verbo have cuando tiene el signficado de "tener," no es un verbo auxiliar. Have solo es un verbo auxiliar cuando se usa con el presente perfecto.

Ejemplos del Negativo I have not finished the project. (o la contraccin) I haven't finished the project. She has not worked at that company. (o la contraccin) She hasn't worked at that company.


Para formar una pregunta se usa have o has, el sujeto, y el participio. Ejemplos de Preguntas Have you finished the project? Has she worked at that company? Tambien se puede formar una contraccin de have o has cuando se usa con el presente perfecto (pero no cuando have o has significa tener). En el presente perfecto have se contrae como 've y has se contrae como 's. I've finished the project. He terminado con el proyecto. She's worked at that company since 1990. Ella ha trabajado en esa compaa desde 1990.

El Participio
Se usa el participio del verbo con el presente perfecto. Los participios en espaol son los verbos que terminan con -ado o -ido. worked = trabajado lived = vivido Generalmente se forma el participio aadiendo -ed al verbo (igual que el pasado). Sin embargo, hay muchos participios irregulares. A veces la forma irregular es igual que la forma irregular del verbo en el pasado y a veces es diferente. Ejemplos de Participios Irregulares Verbo be (ser) see (ver) go (ir) do (hacer) buy (comprar) Participio been seen gone done bought

Prctica Contesta las preguntas segn lo que es verdad para ti. No hay respuestas correctas o incorrectas. ever = alguna vez 1. Have you ever been in the United States? 2. Have you ever seen a British TV program? 3. Have you ever gone to Australia? 4. Have you ever seen a movie in English?

5. Have you ever bought a book in English? Prctica Escribe las oraciones en el presente perfecto. Usa una contraccin solamente en el negativo para este ejercicio. ejemplos He/work in Japan
He has w orked in Japan.

They/not/go to Canada
They haven't gone to Canada.

1. She/finish her homework

2. We/go to Chicago

3. They/not/do their homework

4. The teacher/work at that school

5. William/not/call her

6. I/not/buy a new car

7. He/go to church

8. You/buy a computer

Prctica Escribe oraciones que son verdades para ti (use contraccin solamente en el negativo para este ejercicio). ejemplo go to Canada
I have gone to Canada.

-oI haven't gone to Canada.

1. go to New York

2. be in a big airport

3. buy an expensive car

4. work in a big company

5. see a famous person

Prctica Escribe las oraciones con contracciones. ejemplos He has worked in that company.
He's w orked in that company.

They have not gone to the party.

They haven't gone to the party.

1. She has finished the project.

2. We have worked all day.

3. Pablo has lived in New York.

4. They have not seen the movie.

5. She has not gone to the theater.

6. They have bought a new car.

7. I have walked a long way.

8. We have not done the work.

Already y Yet
La palabra already significa "ya" en espaol. La palabra already va entre la palabra have o has y el participio. I have already finished. (Ya he terminado.) La palabra yet significa "todava" en espaol. La palabra yet se coloca al final de la oracin. I haven't finished yet. (No he terminado todava.) Prctica Lee la lista de compras de Tammy. Escribe oraciones de lo que ha y no ha comprado. Ya ha comprado las cosas que estn tachadas. Tammy's Shopping List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. bread milk meat apples broccoli pasta ice cream

8. cereal ejemplos bread (Como no est tachado "bread" en la lista de arriba, no lo ha comprado todava.) milk (Como est tachado "milk" en la lista de arriba, ya lo compr.) meat
She has already bought milk. She hasn't bought bread yet.




ice cream


ejemplo He are a student. - He is a student. 1. They have finish the project.

2. I have buyed many things.

3. She no has studied.

4. He yet hasn't finished.

5. I allready have cleaned it.

Completa las siguientes cuestiones y haz clic en el botn -Corregir Ejercicio- para obtener la correccin de este ejercicio.
Q1 of 15:

We _____ (go) to the movies last night.

Q2 of 15:

Tom _____ (see) that movie three times already.

Q3 of 15:

I _____ (read) yesterday's newspaper, but I _____ (read, not) today's.

Q4 of 15:

The students _____ (have) eight exams last month.

Q5 of 15:

The students _____ (have) eight exams this month.

Q6 of 15:

The students _____ (have) eight exams in the last month.

Q7 of 15:

They _____ (practice) for the concert for over three hours now.

Q8 of 15:

They _____ (practice) this morning when you ____ (call).

Q9 of 15:

_____ you ever _____ (be) to a professional football game?

Q10 of 15:

_____ you _____ (enjoy) the game?

Q11 of 15:

How long _____ you _____ (work) here?

Q12 of 15:

The children _____ (grown) a lot since the last time I _____ (see) them.

Q13 of 15:

We still _____ never _____ (see) snow.

What did you have for breakfast this morning? I _____ (have) a coffee and croissant.
Q14 of 15:

Q15 of 15:

_____ you _____ (sing) professionally for long?

Cambia los verbos del SIMPLE PAST (pasado simple) al PAST CONTINUOUS (pasado continuo).
(p. ej. I drove --> I was driving)

1. I spoke to my teacher. I was

to my teacher.

2. She listened to the song. She was

to the song.

3. My friend laughed at my joke. My friend was

at my joke.

4. She was silly. She was


5. I sang. I was


6. They did their homework. They were

their homework.

7. My boss planned a meeting. My boss was

a meeting.

8. We had a party. We were

a party.

9. The band played a beautiful song. The band was

a beautiful song.

10. I tried to explain. I was

to explain.

1. I spoke to my teacher. I was

speaking listening laughing

to my teacher.

2. She listened to the song. She was

to the song.

3. My friend laughed at my joke. My friend was

at my joke.

4. She was silly. She was



5. I sang. I was



6. They did their homework. They were

doing planning

their homework.

7. My boss planned a meeting. My boss was

a meeting.

8. We had a party. We were


a party.

9. The band played a beautiful song. The band was


a beautiful song.

10. I tried to explain. I was


to explain.

Q1 of 10:

Henry _____ (live) in New York for 3 years.

Yesterday was a long day. I _____ (work) all afternoon, _____ (go) to class in the evening and then _____ (have) dinner with my parents.
Q2 of 10:

Q3 of 10:

She _____ (make) dinner when the boys _____ (come) home.

Q4 of 10:

In 1996, Bob _____ (work) in a hospital.

Q5 of 10:

When I was young, we _____ (not/have) computers.

Q6 of 10:

What _____ you _____ (do) last night when I _____ (call)?

Q7 of 10:

It _____ (start) to rain while he _____ (walk) the dog.

Q8 of 10:

My husband _____ (watch) the football game while I _____ (read) a book.

Q9 of 10:

Steve _____ (buy) a new car last year.

Q10 of 10:

I _____ (play) volleyball with my friends at 3pm yesterday.

Q1 of 10:

I __________ in a bank.

works working work is working

Q2 of 10:

Barbara __________ everyday.

run runs is running running

Q3 of 10:

He __________ in Canada.

doesn't live don't live not live not lives

Q4 of 10:

We __________ English.

studys are studying studies is studying

Q5 of 10:

What are you doing right now? I __________ my homework.

am doing is doing are doing do

Q6 of 10:

We __________ to the cinema next weekend.

go goes are going

is going
Q7 of 10:

He __________ next week.

not is working isn't working not works is working not

Q8 of 10:

________ the train _________ at 8:00?

Does, leave Do, leaves Does, leaves Do, leave

Q9 of 10:

__________ to the party tonight?

You are going Is you going You go Are you going

Q10 of 10:

Michael __________ a new car.

want is wanting are wanting wants

1-She ...........................

2-They ...........................

3-Harry ...........................

4-The cat ...........................

5-We ...........................

ellena los huecos y luego pica en "Check" para ver los resultados. Usa el botn "Hint" si tienes dificultades para contestar a la pregunta. Tambin puedes picar en el botn "[help]" Para que te de una pista. Date cuenta que perderas puntos si picas en estos botones.

1. She (eat) 2.They (write) 3.Harry (drink) 4.The nurses


a book.


(study) 5.I a comic.

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