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Lady Kaos (ASIO) Nicola Roxon Chief Spy!

Saturday, 31 March 2012 From The Desk Lloyd T Vance & Cathy Bell News Today 4 U Darwin NT Australia

Greetings Fellow Australians And friends around the World, it would seems its a slow day for reporting Real News going on in Australia, so The Age Newspaper in Melbourne has the following story running.

1St Issue
'Reckless' WikiLeaks faces fresh fire from Canberra

Our very own Lady Kaos Nicola Roxon Federal Attorney General Spy Chief for ASIO, and we all remember these bozos ASIO. The same ASIO who did the Hilton Hotel Bombing! The same ASIO who carried out The Port Arthur Massacre!

The same ASIO that is now a National Security Threat to Australia and the Australian people for recruiting every Spy, Shill, Agent, Double Agent from overseas to work for them. Who DO NOT share the same Principals, Morals, Standards beliefs, desires, goals, ambitions as ordinary Australian do. It would seem Lady Kaos Nicola Roxon is on the rant about Wikileaks again, just like that dill brain before her Robert McClelland MHR did. And we exposed him as a liar, shill not working in Australias or the Australian peoples interest. Robert McClelland Attorney General Has Tizzy Fit Over Wikile...

And we exposed what that Tizzy Fit was about To keep the Australian people in the dark and still believing the Official story about Sept 11th Terrorist Attacks, because Rudy Decker went public and exposed the truth, that the real Hijackers at the Florida Flying School werent Islamic or Arabs, but an Israeli Mossad Terror Cell, sent there to play act, the part of Arab Hijackers. Which was the story released first to sell the story about Arab Al Qa`eda Terrorist learnt to fly plans there, thats how they knew how to fly 757 Jets.

News alert you dumb ass and those in your employ

Wikileaks is an Intelligence Psy Ops run by the CIA and Israeli Mossad. CIA, Mossad and Soros Behind Wikileaks (Must Read) AUSTRALIAN PM GILLARD IN SCRIPTED LOVEFEST WITH ASSANGE

Wikileaks Exposed As Pentagon, CIA, Mossad Front! Any Intelligence Agent knows this fact and for these, liars in the Mainstream Media, Lady Kaos and her dingbats she employs in ASIO, Australian Federal Police, and Federal Attorney General Dept not to admit the truth. Proves and shows they all know the truth about all these Terrorist Attacks and who really is committing them and thus Guilty Of Supporting & Carrying Out Terrorist Attacks against the citizens. Funny how Wikileaks in all of its supposedly secret cables, documents it releases never has a bad word to say about Israel and the Zionist? Funny how Wikileaks never talks about Israeli False Flag Terrorism?

Funny how Wikileaks believes and pushes the Official story about 11th Sept 2001 Terrorist Attacks? There is enough information, research, evidence and proof now to show Wikileaks is Controlled Run Opposition So please STOP all this bull shit about Wikileaks We in the Alternative Truth, Independent Media have done our job well at exposing all the shills, Government Agents to people. Nobody is believing your Cock and Bullshit Stories anymore Lady Kaos and corrupt Kharz Zionist Mainstream Media.

2Nd Issue
Notice very closely what this following shill says in this gobble gob. Writing on behalf of Attorney-General Nicola Roxon to a constituent of a Federal Labor MP, International Crime Co-Operation Branch Head Anna Harmer insisted that "debate about the WikiLeaks matter is not about censoring free speech or preventing the media from reporting News" and confirmed the government's focus on the "reckless Unauthorised disclosure of Classified Material". The Mainstream Media does NOT REPORT stories, they Repeat Stories

The Mainstream Controlled Media makes up, invents stories The Mainstream Controlled Media never investigates any stories, they Repeat Unfounded, Untruthful stories You feed to them Anna Harmer This is very much about the Media Reporting, this is about stopping any Independent Alternative Media Reporting Government Corruption, Lies, and Breaking the Law.

Wikileaks Prime Directive Problem Reaction Solution

A) Create the situation where Governments have to pass New Laws stopping anybody Reporting Government Crime, Corruption, Lies, Terrorism B) Help the Fraudulent American and Israeli War On Terror along, thus also pushing the New World Order, One World Government agenda along which America has declared itself the one and only one to run this One World Government. So I am calling this cow Anna Harmer out, youre a liar lady deliberately hiding the real agenda about Wikileaks, and I call Anna a Liar on the following basis remember her job people International Crime CoOperation Branch Head if Dear Anna doesnt know Wikileaks is Controlled Opposition by now she is either down right Incompetent, a shill or agent working for a Foreign Entity

3rd Issue
United States of America 1917 Espionage Act Julian Assange cannot be charged under this Act or even the Australian Act, any school kid can tell people that. America 1) Julian is NOT an American citizen, so US Laws cannot be imposed upon citizens from other countries. 2) The Offence committed never happened on American soil. 3) Julian is NOT employed by any State or Federal Government Dept, Agency, Police or Military so is NOT obligated to keep any secrets he comes across from America. 4) Julian is NOT a dual US citizen 5) Julian is NOT employed by any other countries Government Dept, Agencies, Police or Military. So in a nutshell United Snakes of America can kiss their own ASS. And remember they cant even get him for hacking Govt Depts, Agencies, Police or Military computers because remember Bradly Manning

So the Official story goes it was Bradly Manning with low low low level Security who is the Stooge set up for passing all the Classified Material to Julian Assange. American Military Officials have never explained how a low low low level Military person could gain assess to Top Level Classified Documents. Australia 1) Julian is an Australia citizen 2) Julian is NOT employed by any State or Federal Government Dept, Agency, Police or Military, so as a FREE ordinary citizen is NOT sworn to uphold the secrets acts. 3) Julian is NOT employed by any other countries Govt Depts, Agencies, Police or Military. So once again Australia can kiss their own ASS. As private citizens ordinary people we are not sworn to uphold anything Classified we come across from any Governments. And as Independent Reporters / Journalist in the Alternative Media we have signed No Agreements with anybody or any Governments to hide and keep secret Corruption, Lies, Breaking The Laws, Wrong Doing By any politicians or Governments about the World.

We are under NO Obligation to uphold any Laws, people employed by Government are. As Independent Reporters / Journalist in the Alternative Media, our Obligation is to the citizens on planet earth to expose these criminals, liars, traitors, treasonous scum running our countries. And all the Laws passed to try and close this Loop Hole in the Laws to try and make private, everyday citizens uphold the Secrets Acts Nobody will obey them, and are Illegal at Law, Null & Void.

So guess what United States of America has done?

By them doing this, we now prove once and for all there is an agenda, goal, ambition, plan United States of America is pursuing to force through a One World Government imposed upon all citizens of the planet.

Feds Using NDAA To Silence Journalists Critical Of Government

This will do your head in what United Snakes of America has just declared and done.


So remember we have Hilary Clinton on Tape admitting United Snakes of America, through the CIA, Mossad fund, run and control Al Qa`eda. What America has done is to declare anybody speaking out about the War On Terror, or reporting False Flag Terrorism. That is USA, Israel and Allies employing people to carry out Terrorist Attacks, or reporting on the Fraudulent War On Terror and its real goals, ambitions, plans, agenda.

America can now.

In accordance with the NDAA, we have seen the US government argue that it can now impose military detention on US citizens. That means US citizens can be arrested and thrown in jail indefinitely without a right to a trial or even a lawyer. The US government has also asserted they can ship US citizens they detain to secret overseas prisons where they can be tortured. The government has even asserted NDAA they are now allowed to preemptively assassinate US citizens they decide add to a top-secret kill list with no judicial oversight.

The NDAA authorizes the government to do these

merely on accusations with no need to provide evidence or even proof of their allegations.
In two cases KNOWN cases against US citizens we have seen the enemy combatant label being charged for simply uploading videos to YouTube. Another US citizen has been charged as an enemy combatant for providing a link to classified information. That classified information was publicly available on the whistle blowing website WikiLeaks. Speaking of WikiLeaks, they are now also accused of supporting Al Qaeda because they leaked evidence of US war crimes overseas. Even Bradley Manning, who the US alleges gave WikiLeaks the classified files, now also qualifies under the broadened definition of supporting Al Qaeda. Some law enforcement officials in the US and in the UK are operating under the opinion that the Occupy Wall Street movement is a Terrorist Organization. Remember, in each of these cases all that is needed to invoke the NDAA to infinitely detain, torture, or even assassinate any of these US citizens is an assassination. There is no judge and no jury its just straight to execution.

things based


Now journalists critical of US government policies are being accused of providing support for terrorism. Can you see where this is heading? Along with other Laws passed in America they will impose them on all the proxy countries America controls this includes Australia, Mexico, Canada and the rest of the countries in the west. Welcomed to the New World Order Australians and people of the World. We tried to warn people this was all coming We tried to warn people the Coup De la tar that took place on 11th Sept 2001 was a march straight ahead for implementing the people behind America pulling the strings agenda, goals, plans, ambitions for pushing for A One World Government.

This is enough to do anybodys head in really all that is happening.


Hilary Clinton on Tape admitting United Snakes of America, through the CIA, Mossad fund, run and control Al Qa`eda.


Yet we the people are arrested, assassinated and declared Al Qu`eda Terrorist for speaking out or exposing United Snakes of America, Plans, War Crimes, Terrorism, etc etc. This is really worst then George Orwell could ever write about or Zionist Kharz Hollywood could ever make into a film. Lastly while at the moment this will only worry Independent Alternative Media Websites Video Producers Bloggers Writers & Authors

Remember eventually it will worry and effect everybody else in Society which means, NO more bagging your Government! No more protest No more writing to anybody, speaking to anybody in Chat Rooms, Forums, Letters anything bagging your Government, Or The United States of America. If you do? The above will happen to you assassination, torture, prison, etc. Welcomed to the New World Order people, while you were asleep watching that rubbish TV show, people behind the scenes were forcing all this agenda along.


We are asking people if they can donate something to keep Freedom Collective alive and producing more Great Books, Videos, Web Sites here is our Banking details. Bank Account Details Name On Account: Freedom Collective BSB: 013516 Account No: 479225403 Bank Swift Code: ANZBAU3M Bank: ANZ Banking Corporation 927 Sturt Street Ballarat Victoria 3350 Australia Please just give the above details to your Bank Teller or Bank Manager, It cost $25.00 to transfer wire / deposit money straight into our account from overseas. And 0 Amount to Transfer / Pay Anybody from your Bank Account in Australia & 0 to deposit money into our Account at any ANZ Bank. And thank you to everybody who donates! If you can help please do.


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