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03.03. Sunday In the morning we saw the Hamlet's Castle.

After that we went to the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. We spent one and half hour there. It was a little bit few. We had to go back to Bogense for dinner. After dinner the class was invited for a cake by a Japanise girl. Reggel megnztk Hamlet Kastlyt. Majd a Louisianai Modern Mvszetek Mzeumba mentnk. Msfl rt tltttnk ott. Persze ez kiss kevsnek bizonyult. Vissza kellett rnnk Bogensebe vacsorra. Ezutn az osztlyt meghvta egy japn lny stemnyre. 03.04 Monday In the morning we had a class. We spoke about the trip and got a schedule about our week. We have less classes because not all the class has arrived yet from their class trip. We got home work to write about the future (some kind of forecast). And than we had free time. In the evening we had some beer and spoke five of us. Reggeli rnkon beszltnk a kirndulsrl s megkaptuk az eddigiektl eltr rarendnket a htre. Kevesebben osztly volt, mivel a tbbi osztlybl nem rkezett mg mindenki meg az osztlykirndulsrl. Hzi feladatot kaptunk. A jvrl kellett rni (bizonyos elrejelzseket). Utna szabadidt kaptunk. Este ten ittunk pr srt s beszlgettnk. 03.05 Tuesday At the biginning of the first class we spoke about our homework. And than we had a kind of free time. At dinner time the class made pancake. It was our dinner. In the evening we were four of us in the dining room and spoke until half past eleven. Az els ra elejn a hzi feladatrl beszlgettnk. Utna kaptunk egy kis szabad idt. Vacsorra az osztly palacsintt sttt. Ez volt a vacsornk. Este ngyen voltunk az tkezben s fltizenegyig beszlgettnk. 03.06 Wednesday We had to make a presentation. Everyone in the class had to speak about his future. Bemutatt kellett ksztennk, hogyan is kpzeljk el a jvt. Mindenkinek az osztlyba errl kellett nhny perces prezentcit tartania. 03.07 Thirsday We travelled in the neigbourhood by car. And in Bogense we got a task. We got a paper with a little map on them and got pictures about famous building. We had to find them and read aloud the papers about its history. Than we could eat some cake in a restaurant. A szomszdos kis teleplst barangoltuk be autval. Aztn Bogenseben feladatot kaptunk is kapott a csoport. Kaptunk egy paprt egy kis trkppel, amin szerepeltek a hres pletek kpei. Meg kellett ezeket tallnunk s hangosan felolvasni az egyes pletek trtnett a tbbieknek. Aztn stemnyt ettnk egy tteremben. Ilyen teleket szolglnak fel szletsnapok alkalmval (forr csokold, vajas zsemle, meg mg kt fajta dessg jellemz). Ez 9-tl 15 rig tartott, utna szabadids tevkenysg kvetkezett. 03.08. Friday In the morning we had a class until 11.40. Everybody got a topic (for example: the animals right in Zoo). And we had more than an hour to prepare for our presentation. Afther the brake we gave our presentation in 10 minutes. After we debated it. In the evening some of them went to the church. There was preporation to the conformation. Which means it was a special occasion. We took meditation and listened to the piano playing. When we got to the school a party was going int he caf. Many Japanese students (about 6) were there (they are interested in social welfare), too. Reggel 11.40-ig tartott az rnk volt. Mindenki kapott egy tmt (pldul: az llatok jogai az llatkertben). s volt tbb, mint egy rnk felkszlni a kis eladsra. Sznet utn megtartottuk az eladsokat, amire mindenki 10 percet kapott. Aztn megvitattuk. Este nhnyan elmentnk a templomba, ahol elkszlet volt a konfirmlsra. Ami egy klnleges alkalmat jelent. Meditltunk s

hallgattuk a zongorajtkot. Mire visszartnk az iskolba a kvzban mr ment a buli. Ott japn tanulk is voltak (kb. 6, akiknek rdekldsi kre a jlti trsadalom). k tanulmnyi ton vannak itt nhny htre. 03.09 Saturday We had free time. At the end of the day there was a kind of party. Nem volt ma kzs program, csak a nap vgn volt egy kis parti. 03.10 Sunday The teacher drove us (me and the Japanise guy) to a Danish family. We went to a gymnastic (and dancing) show with them because their girl studies gymnastic. After that they invited us for lunch. And we spoke about Denmark, etc. Later we watched the workplace of the wife. She teaches in a school. She deals with students who have difficulties in learning. In these classes there are only 5 students. In the afternoon they drove us to the school. After dinner we studied and than spoke with some classmates. A tanr elvitt minket kocsival (engem s a japn srcot) egy dn csaldhoz. Elmentnk velk egy torna s tncbemutatra, mivel a lnyuk sportgimnasztikt tanul. Ezutn meghvtak minket ebdre. s beszlgetnk Dnirl. Ksbb megnztk a felesg munkahelyt. Egy osztlyba mindssze 5 tanul van. Dlutn visszavittek bennnket az iskolba. Vacsora utn tanultunk majd beszlgettnk nhny osztlytrsunkkal. 03.11 In the first class we spoke about Open Space technology. After that we commemorate of Fukushima. There were video and than the Japanese visitors sang a song. The next class was swimming. In the evening we spoke about the class with two classmates. (There was some misunderstanding between two students in the class). Az els rn az "Open Space" technolgijrl beszlgettnk /elads technika/. Ez utn megemlkeztnk a fukushimai katasztrfrl. Videot vetettek s a japn ltogatk elnekeltek egy dalt. A kvetkez rn szs volt. Este az osztlyrl beszlgettnk kt osztlytrsammal. (Flrertsek adddtak kt hallgat kztt, errl folyt a beszlgets.) 03.12 At first class we spoke about our performance in IPC. And than the teacher (Inge) showed us some pictures about Papa New Guinea. And we debated about the question how people should behave when they find a new (isolated) culture. Is it good to export our culture or not. In the evening some of us went to Odense to watch a show. Some Nepalian people showed us their culture and their different dancing. At the end of the performance we could dance with them. Els rn az IPC-nl tartott eladsrl beszlgettnk. Ksbb a tanr (Inge) mutatott neknk nhny kpet Ppua j-Guinerl. Megvitattuk a krdst; hogyan kne viselkednik az embereknek, amikor egy j (elszigetelt) kultrval tallkoznak. J-e hogy tadjuk a kultrnk jellegzetessgeit vagy nem. Este tbbedmagammal Odensebe mentnk megnzni egy msort. Nepli emberek mutattk be kultrjukat s klnfle tncokat. Az elads vgn tncolhattunk velk mi is.

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