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The Curse of Royalty

Once upon a time, near the Indus River in Pakistan, there was a small but wealthy kingdom ruled by a King named Nasir. The King lived in his huge palace, made of white marble, with his two sons named Mohammad and Rehad. The palace was full of beautiful carvings, and there were gems and stones embedded on the walls. There were gardens around the whole palace with a lot of flowers and wonderful fountains.

The people of the kingdom lived in small houses and got a lot of respect from the Mighty King. They worked hard in the fields in the hot sun from morning to evening. They were all happy and satisfied as the King took great care of them. The King was getting old, so he decided to make his elder son the King once he passes away. The chief priest called a date, and fixed an extraordinary ceremony. The entire kingdom was decorated with flowers; all the people of the kingdom were invited. They were given new clothes and many gifts. When the ceremony started the king gave his blessings to Rehad. Everyone started to clap, and at the end of the ceremony the old king and the king to be both had many drinks. The next morning when they all woke up Rehad was standing on the porch waiting for his dad Nasir. His dad usually got up at 6 am before the sun came out so he could get ready for the day. As time passed, he didn't wake up, so everyone got worried. Rehad went into his room, and said few times, Dad wake up its 12 in the

afternoon. Then he got closer to the bed to see what was going on. He shook him, but he still was not waking up. This shows that Rehad genuinely loves his dad to check on him when he was not waking up. There was an apple in his hand and he dropped it. Rehad called out, Mohammad come, Dad is unconscious! What happened? asked Mohammad. Call Dr. Ali! cried Rehad. When the doctor came he checked the king for hours upon hours. Finally, he came out of the bedroom and announced the bad news to the sons. The doctor said, Im sorry your father has passed away. As soon as that was said Mohammad had a slight smirk on his face. Now he thought he could do something to get his brother out of power and he can get in power. Mohammad asked the doctor, How did my father die? Dr. Ali replied saying, He was poisoned. Rehad now the new king of the kingdom ordered a thorough investigation on who killed his father by

poisoning him. Everyone took part in the investigation. All through the palace people were getting questioned. Mohammad convinced the people of the palace by proclaiming to them, You are all wasting your time it was Rehad who killed my father. It makes absolute sense. My father had just completed the ceremony announcing that when he dies Rehad will be king. This shows Mohammad to be conniving as he convinces the people that his brother is a murder even though his brother did not kill his father. The people of the kingdom were astonished by what Mohammad had said. REHAD MUST GO TO JAIL! REHAD MUST GO TO JAIL....! Exclaimed the people. The people of the kingdom were terrified by the news of what Rehad had done. The court immediately decided that Rehad is guilty of murder and will be taken out of power. Rehad was sentenced to lifetime of imprisonment. All Rehads dreams were crushed of making the city wonderful and a better place to live. Rehads lawyer fought and fought that he should not get lifetime imprisonment. He said, You cant go by what Mohammad says as you have no proof that

king Rehad did this! The judge finally decided that Rehad should be sent to jail for two years as they have no proof of the fact that he killed his father. Finally, Rehad was sent to two years of imprisonment. Rehad walked towards the prison guards like a turtle walking towards water. As soon as he got inside Mohammed came to meet him. Rehad, why did you do such a thing? If you wanted to be the King so soon then you should have told father and he would have made you the King, Mohhammed advised sarcastically. Having said this he laughed and laughed. He then told Rehad that tomorrow there is going to be a big ceremony in which I will be crowned King. Oh! My brother, said Rehad,I wish I knew that you wanted to be the King. I would have told father to make you the King and would have pulled myself back. Mohammed walked away feeling guilty inside. He knew that his brother was a really nice person and he had killed his father to be the King. The next day was the great ceremony. Mohammed ordered his men to make the ceremony bigger and better than any other ceremony in the past. The Kingdom was decorated with flowers and lights. The palace looked as

beautiful as the full moon. The people were all happy. They thought that Mohammed would be a very good king. The crowds were gathered in large numbers to attend the ceremony. Just as the ceremony was about to take place a priest arrived at the palace. He shouted, Stop! Everyone looked at him. Mohammed cannot be the King. He killed his father. He is murderer. He cannot be the King, said the priest. The people looked surprised. Mohammed was also surprised. Now, the priest came right in front of Mohammed. Facing the people he said, When the King was drinking, Mohammed ordered his servants to add poison to his drink. The priest then called the servant and the servant agreed that he had killed the King because Mohammed had paid him a large sum of money. Arrest him and put him in jail, ordered the Supreme Judge. Mohammed was sent to prison and Rehad was released. Unfortunately though Rehad realized through this entire ordeal that power does indeed corrupt, and to never trust anyone-even if it is your own brother. There was a new sense of freedom though, now within the kingdom. All ill will and negativity disappeared. The people felt free

like a bird soaring to incredible heights, and never willing to turn back. They felt their futures were brighter than ever knowing that they had a new King at their helm. That was King Rehad.

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