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The Worker the Prince and the Wolf

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The Worker, The prince and The wolf

The cold winter air brushed against the metal worker's cheeks. The pure white snow sunk beneath his feet, his heavy coated ushanka placed rmly on his head, guarding his ears from the grips of snowy death. The metal worker took a deep breath gazing at the beautiful valley beneath him. The trees a bright green with snow coating their gentle leaves, the birds, chirping, singing, in happiness, danced around each other. The river owed so quietly and peacefully, calming every nerve in the metal workers muscular body. A hoarse scream pierced through the air. The Metal Worker turned his head like an owl searching for the source of the scream, and when he saw it his mouth dropped. A giant pillar of smoke was reaching towards heaven; a giant pillar that was his village. The Metal Worker spun on his heels and started sprinting back towards the Village. The harsh Russian winds whipped his face as he sped down the snowy plain. The shape of the distant village was just beginning to appear in the metal worker's bloodshot eyes, smoke towering above the village. The snow turned to black ash, the screams of the villagers lling the air. The metal worker bulldozed through the village gates and unsheathed his two gold coated Persian swords. The golden swords gleamed in The Metal Worker's hand as he stood in front of the burning village. The Metal Worker moved around the confused and scrambled people. He ran through streets looking for the source of these burnings. As he turned at the end of the street he saw them, a small battalion of the tzar's massive army lighting the small huts on re. "Hey!" he yelled "Put the torch down" "we have orders to distinguish all threats disturbing us from completing the mission" "And what mission would that be?" The Metal Worker inquired "A mission issued by the great and powerful commander of the military." The soldiers all turned around ready to face The Metal Worker as he trotted to them ipping his swords in his massive hands. As the metal worker progressed through the narrow dirt road his trot became more of a run, and he slammed into the soldiers at full speed making them all fall down one after one like little pieces domino. The Metal Worker stood a few feet away from the messy clump of armor and men, his two gold swords, an extension of his massive arms shined at the enemy's eyes taunting them to stand up
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and ght. Each soldier scrambled to his feet and fumbled for his weapon, but at the end the fear of death clung on to them like sewage stench and they all turned and ran away like little children. The Metal Worker smirked at the sight of the eeing soldiers; but shook the happy thought away and focused on the important manners of nding his family. He ran through the familiar streets he knew ever since he was a child, but now they were scarcely recognizable. Huts set ablaze by the kings soldiers screamed for help as their small wooden doors crumbled under the heat of the re. Confused people ran in circles yelping for help between heavy breathes of fresh air. The Metal Worker screeched to a stop at the front door of his hut, and noticed the open door and boot tracks leading inside. He discreetly entered the house trying to avoid making big noises. He carefully listened to see if the soldiers were still in the house, but he heard nothing except his own breath. When he realized there was no threat The Metal Worker stood up and scanned his hut for his family, but there was no trace of them. The only thing left in the house was a body on the oor of the living room. The Metal worker dropped to his knees and wrenched his ngers under the body so that he could ip it over and discover the identity of the mysterious man. As the body turned to face the metal worker he could not believe his eyes. The prince of Russia in all his profound glory was lying in front of him. When the prince woke The Metal Worker was hovering around nding medicine for his wounds "prikhodit" he exclaimed

"I speak the common tongue dear sir" the Prince painfully succeeded to say

"Very well, sit up!" The Metal Worker commanded. The Prince eased his way up, his joints acting like rusted machinery.

"Why are you helping me?" The prince inquired his head throbbing with pain

"Because I don't believe in death as a proper solution to problems" The Metal Worker exclaimed as he spread the medicine across the prince's bruises. "Now that the medicine has been applied Get, some rest now, well talk when you wake" The early sun peeped through the dense clouds as the Worker got up in the morning and stretched his body. The memory of the past day slowly creeped its way back into his head reminding him that his family and village are gone. When the prince caught up toThe Metal Worker sleeping schedule it was already noon, and the sun was high in the sky watching everything that was being done. " We have to get moving" The Metal Worker instructed " And move where exactly"

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" We're going to the king to return my family and make someone take Blame for the event that just concurred "OK then lets get moving before its too late, well cross through the forest to save time"

By the time The Metal Worker and the Prince had reached the outskirts of the forest the sun was beginning to drop in the sky turning into a dark orange ball instead of the yellow own it was before. "Should we go in?" The prince asked while shaking with fear. "we have to get to the city as early as possible so.... Yes we're going in"

The Metal Worker and the Prince trekked through the forest for an entire two days. As The Metal Worker and Prince progressed through the forest it had become wilder. More animals sped down the sides of the route they were taking, and the trees had gotten taller their canopy was big enough to cover three whole villages. Suddenly a high whimpering noise pierced the air followed by the sounds of boots running to catch something. The Metal Worker stopped their movement and listened for more noises to come and to his surprise a young wolf cub dashed in front of them escaping from a soldier. "Hey" the prince called "Stop chasing that cub" "Who are to tell me what to do" the soldier asked. The prince took of his hood and showed his face to the soldier. "Stop in the name of the king and royal family!" The prince screamed at him "Yes sir" the soldier replied whimpering and shaking with fear of being hanged or put to death "Now get lost and go back to where you came from" "Yes sir, right away whatever your majesty wants" the soldier mumbled through his shaking limbs as he ran away from the scene. When the soldier was a good few hundred meters away the wolf pup came out of hiding and nested near The Metal Worker's foot falling a sleep immediately. The Metal Worker scooped up the young cub and held him in his massive hands as they retraced the hunters steps to the wolves den. When they got there they saw the terrible deeds the hunter had done. Outside the cave on the cold winter oor were two huge wolves each of them had died to defend this cub they let the hunter take their lives so that their cub could be saved. "We're taking him with us to the city to show your father the horrible deeds his men had done under the command of someone. As Prince and the Metal Worker nished their forest journey the prince blurted out "I forgot to tell you how I ended up on your oor didn't I? "Yeah it escaped my mind to ask but please tell me the story" "It's not much of a story but ok" the prince faded into his memory as he explained the situation to the Metal Worker. "Back in the city my father has a lord in charge of the security of our nation, and this lord has gotten crown hungry over the years and is planning to over through my father. So when i gured all that out The Lord had sneaked
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his men into my private security team and had them kill me before I could tell anyone of their plans." "Wow" the Metal Worker exclaimed looking shocked. "Yeah it's a very big plot and we have to stop them. That lord was The Lord that set re to your village"

The Metal Worker and the Prince picked up their pace and by the next day the gates of the Capitol city stood before them "Aren't they amazing?" The prince asked "My father had them built for his 50th birthday" "They are a true marvel to bestow" the Metal Worker replied respectfully "now how are we going to enter the palace without running into trouble"

"Then lets hurry up and stop him!"

By the time the metal worker had gured out the plan he was already wearing the servants clothes and rolling a food cart to the kings hall. When they entered the prince stared at his shoes so that no one would recognize him as they went to serve the king. As they got closer to the king the Prince leaned in a whispered "you see the man next to my father that's The Lord commander of the army the guy were after" "Got it" the Metal Worker replied "When do we open our identities?" And before his question was answered the Prince tilted his head just high enough for people to recognize his familiar face. "Father" he shouted through the large halls "We have a traitor in this very room" the second that sentence was said the entire hall started mumbling to one another like little gossiping children. By the time the lords nished mumbling the Metal Worker and The Prince were already at the kings seat. "This man" the Prince accused while pointing at The Lord commander "has done terrible things and is planning to over throw you" "My son" the king said completely shocked by the event "these are serious accusations what has this man done to defy the crown" "He planted men in my private security" father "And those men tried to murder me and would have succeeded if it weren't for this giant man right here" "he has also given commands to destroy innocent villages in order to make them furious at the crown and rebel, so that he could win the rule when they kill you" "And lastly!" The Prince shouted his voice tuning in all the lords in the rooms "This man has sent hunters and poachers into our woods and has killed the parents of this young pup" the prince exclaimed as he pulled the pup from under the cart.
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"I have an idea" the prince remarked with a smirk.

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"Are these accusations true!" The king demanded. The Lord commander looked around the room and before answering the question he got up and attempted to bolt out of the giant room. "Seize him" the king shouted his veins almost exploding from anger "what could you have hoped to achieve from violence" the king asked embarrassed from the event "don't you know that the only thing you can achieve with violence is nothing but more violence" the king was screaming now taking out all his anger on the guilty man. As they took the ex commander away he calmed down an turned to The metal worker "And you" the king stated "What can I give you in return for saving my sons life" The Metal worker stared at the king and said two simple phrases "my family and a ride home" And before he knew it The Metal Worker stood at the top of the snowy cliff again gazing at the valley below, the birds were chirping again, the soft thud of Autumn leaves Falling to the ground lled his ears with calmness. His kids were playing with the remains of winter; their mom sitting behind them on a picnic blanket enjoying a nice cup of red wine. His life was complete again, all the puzzle pieces were connected. He could drop the swords and pickup the blacksmiths hammer again to reshape his family's life.

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