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Like all aspects of life, trade, if
is done unethically and unjustly
it can be a source of distancing
oneselffromGod. TheProphet
An honest and trustworthy mer-
chant will be [raised] with the
Prophets, the truthful and the
Although the necessity of trade
is recognized in Islam, the
hoarding of wealth is discour-
aged. The best wealth is spent
on caring for your family, the
needy, and society at large.
The example is that of the
great amount of property, but
Ear ni ng and
spendi ng weal t h
OffIco 040!
Iox 55 S!I
!nIvorsIfy of AIborfn
Idmonfon, AI T6C 2J?
Musl i m St udent s' Associ at i on
Musl i m
St udent s'
Associ at i on
InJere/onJing MulonnoJ
N08l 0l0
l0800 8000l
was a shepherd, like Moses and David
for those destined to fulfill the role of
Tr ade
In IsInm, frndo hns nIwnys boon roc-
ognIzod ns nn Imorfnnf nsocf of
humnn IIfo. Ioforo rovoInfIon cnmo
fo hIm, fho Irohof Muhnmmnd,
onco bo uon hIm (), hImsoIf
onrnod hIs IIvIng ns n frndor.
HIs InfogrIfy nnd vorncIfy woro
quIckIy nofIcod by hIs omIoyor,
KhndIjn, who Infor roosod nnd wns
mnrrIod fo hIm. If wns nIso ns n ro-
suIf of hIs honosf nnd nobIo chnrnc-
for fhnf ho bocnmo known ns 'ol-
Anin` or '/le True/uor/l,` nmongsf
hIs oors.
HonornbIo bohnvIour In nII nsocfs of
IIfo, IncIudIng frndo, nocossnrIIy nf-
focf your orsonnI IIfo nnd socIofy nf
Inrgo, ns wns fho oxnmIo of fho
Irohof (). If Is hIs oxnmIo of hon-
osfy fhnf MusIIms shouId foIIow In
fhoIr dny-fo-dny frnnsncfIons.
Among fho fonchIngs of fho Irohof
Muhnmmnd () nro:
Buyi ng
GoJ uill elou conpoeeion /o /loee
ulo elou /inJneee ulile Iu,ing,
eelling onJ recotering JeI/e.
sourco: IukhnrI HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Aei/ler Iu,, nor /o/e Ioc/ clori/, ulicl ,ou
lote giten.
sourco: IukhnrI HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Tle eeller onJ /le Iu,er lote /le rigl/ /o /eep
or re/urn gooJe oe long oe /le, lote no/ por/eJ,
onJ if Io/l /le por/iee epo/e /le /ru/l onJ Je-
ecriIeJ /le Jefec/e onJ quoli/iee [of /le gooJe],
/len /le, uoulJ Ie IleeeeJ in /leir /roneoc/ion,
onJ if /le, /olJ liee or liJ eone/ling, /len /le
Ileeeinge of /leir /roneoc/ion uoulJ Ie loe/.
sourco: IukhnrI HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Sel l i ng
A nerclon/ ulo loorJe gooJe in orJer /o roiee
/leir price ie o einner.
sourco: MusIIm HndIfh CoIIocfIon
1/ ie requireJ for /le tenJor /o /ell /le Iu,er of
on, Jefec/e of ulicl le ie ouore.
sourco: Ibn HnnbnI HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Tle /roJe of olcolol loe Iecone illegol.
sourco: IukhnrI HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Tho Irohof () forbndo n soIIor from foIIIng n
buyor fhnf ho hnd boon offorod n rIco for goods
fhnf ho hnd nof boon offorod |In ordor fo rnIso
fho rIco or oncourngo fho snIo.]
sourco: IukhnrI HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Empl oyi ng
Tho Irohof () cursod ono who omIoys n In-
bouror nnd gofs fho fuII work dono by hIm buf
doos nof ny hIm hIs wngos.
sourco: IukhnrI HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Po, /le loIourer lie uogee eten Iefore
lie eueo/ Jriee.
sourco: Ibn Mnjnh HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Loani ng
Tlere uoe o nerclon/ ulo ueeJ /o
lenJ /le people, onJ uleneter lie
JeI/or uoe in e/roi/eneJ circun-
e/oncee, le uoulJ eo, /o lie enplo,eee,
'Iorgite lin eo /lo/ GoJ no, forgite
ue.` So, GoJ forgote lin.
sourco: Ibn Mnjnh HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Tho Irohof () cursod fho ono who
nccofod usury (IondIng monoy wIfh
Inforosf), fho ono who nId If, fho wIf-
noss fo If, nnd fho ono who rocordod If.
sourco: Abu nwud HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Wor ki ng
Tho Irohof () wns nskod whIch wns
fho bosf kInd of onrnIng, ho roIIod:
Tlo/ for ulicl o non uor/e ui/l lie
lonJe. AnJ lonee/ /roJing.
sourco: Ibn HnnbnI HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Tloee ulo /o/e IriIee onJ /loee ulo
gite IriIee ore cureeJ I, GoJ.
sourco: IukhnrI nnd MusIIm HndIfh CoIIocfIon
A /ine uill cone ulen people uill no
longer core oIou/ ule/ler /leir ueol/l
loe Ieen loufull, or unloufull, oc-
sourco: IukhnrI HndIfh CoIIocfIon
Wlo/ JiJ
MulonnoJ /eocl
oIou/ Bueineee:
Giting in clori/, Joee no/ Jeple/e ueol/l.
Tho Irohof Muhnmmnd () Is roorfod
fo hnvo snId:
1f /le eon of AJon uere /o poeeeee /uo tol-
le,e of riclee, le uoulJ long for /le /lirJ
sourco: MusIIm HndIfh CoIIocfIon

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