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Sexis Family

Alexis Davis looked at the stripper club in front of her. She took a deep breath and pushed the baby stroller through the door.

“Hey you can’t be in here. Especially with a child” A man growled from behind the counter.

Alexis approached the counter and cleared her throat “My name is Alexis, and I need a job”

“Sonny” He extended his hand as he looked over the tiny girl in front of him. “You can’t be more then fifteen”

“Eighteen” She corrected him “I am eighteen legally an adult. I need a job or a place with room and board in exchange. I have a baby as you can tell. She
needs a roof over her head and clothes. Please,” She said clearing her throat.

Sonny looked Alexis over he took in her designer name clothes and her appearance. He shook his head “I am afraid you’d never be able to strip for my club”

“Sure I could” Alexis said after a second “I just need something to feed my baby give her a safe place to sleep. I am still going to school once I get my
degree I’ll be fine it’s getting to that point”

Sonny shook his head as he focused his eyes on something else. He didn’t want her to know he was staring at her stunning beauty. “You have too much pride
in yourself” He said with a nod “You wouldn’t be able to get your clothes off” He rubbed his chin then knelt down in front of the stroller and looked at the
child in there. He smiled at her. “How old is she?”

“Twenty four months two weeks and one day” Alexis smiled as she reached down and touched a curl coming out of the little piggy tails she’d managed to get

“Hi pretty girl” He smiled “Do you mind if I hold her?”

“I’d rather…” Alexis started to stay but it was too late Sonny had already un-strapped her and was holding her. “You’re a pretty little girl” He looked at the
toy she was clutching. “What do you have?’

“Boat” She said around her pacifier in her mouth.

Alexis smiled “She loves boats.”

“What’s her name?” Sonny asked as he kept his on the child.

“Samantha, Sam for short”

“Pretty name, for a pretty girl. She has the biggest brown eyes” He smiled to Alexis. He then looked at Sam “Sam, I think your momma is in some trouble?
What do you think?”

Sam pointed her finger at Alexis. “Mine. Mommy” She said seriously around her pacifier.

“Your mommy” He agreed, “Your mommy needs some help. I can’t hire her here. She’s not old enough”

“Like you are a man for abiding laws” Alexis snorted as she tried to take Sam from him.

Sonny took a step back from Alexis and kept looking at the toddler “Nor will I let her tear down her self respect.”

“Okay, I get it. I don’t have the job,” Alexis snapped “Give me my daughter so I can stop wasting your time” She said reaching for Sam again.

“Sam, I can’t let two pretty girls like you be in trouble” He shook his head seriously. “So you tell your mommy she has room and board and my penthouse.”

Alexis shook her head “I do not take HAND outs”

“It’s not a hand out” Sonny promised, “You’ll earn your living there”

“Give me my baby” Alexis said after a minute. “I am not into being a hooker.”

“I don’t want you as a hooker” Sonny said seriously “Aren’t you feisty? I could use some help with my books. In exchange for room board and pay”

Alexis looked at the most handsome man she’d ever seen in her life holding her child. She swallowed hard. Her head was telling her to run but her heart was
telling her to stay. With Mikkos taking away everything she owned in exchange for keeping her baby Alexis didn’t have much. She hated to admit it but
giving up Sam would have been easier then the road she was on now. She made her choices though. Every day she spent with her daughter made her love
more. Now it would be impossible to give her away. She’d used all of her savings to get by the first two years and now they were at end of the road Alexis
knew she had to do something. “I’ll do it,” She said softly.

Sonny handed the toddler back to her mother “Get your things, I’ll bring you over to the house and let you get settled in.”
One year later…

“Sam asleep?” Sonny asked coming into the office. He went and stood behind Alexis. She had her head propped up on one arm as she calculated things.

“Uh huh” She said with out looking up. Sonny always made her emotions run high. Especially when they were in a room together “She fell asleep about an hour
ago. Was disappointed she didn’t get to see Sonnnnneeey” She smiled pronouncing Sonny’s name the way Sam did.

“How’s school going?” He asked

“Good” Alexis nodded “Really good, I foresee me being a lawyer by the time Sam’s in college”

Sonny shook his head “You’ll be done before then” He said softly his hand slowly started to reach forward. He wanted so badly to touch her. She was the
only woman that had ever drove him nuts to the point of wanting to pull his hair out at the same time of wanting to kiss her. The first time he laid eyes on
her he’d fallen in love with her. He was now finding excuses to be at home when she was home. Though the two usually ended up quarrelling over something.
He liked it. No he loved it.

Alexis turned around just in time to see Sonny reaching out for her. “What are you?” She was taken by surprise when Sonny tipped the office chair back a
little leaned down and placed the most passionate kiss on her lips that she had ever felt. Her lips began to tingle. She found herself needing more. She
didn’t fight him. She openly welcomed his kisses. “What are we doing?” Alexis asked finally pulling away “We can’t do that”

“The question is why are we avoiding it?” Sonny asked as he ran his fingers through her hair “You know as well as I do we feel something for each other.”

“I work for you Sonny, my daughter lives in this house,” Alexis stammered as she tried to focus on all the reasons that would make it wrong.

“Don’t Alexis” He said seriously as he ran his fingers through her hair “Don’t fight this”

“Sonny my daughter” She said as she stood up “We can’t send her mixed…” Alexis started to say but found herself being drawn into Sonny’s arms. He then
picked her up and began carrying her towards the stairs. She couldn’t breath her emotions were running so high all she could think about was kissing Sonny.
Everything else was no longer in her mind.

“Mommy” Sam cried from their room the next morning. She stood in her crib. She couldn’t figure out why mommy wasn’t there like she was every morning.
She managed to grab a hold of the crib bar. She maneuvered herself to the right position for climbing. Once her feet were on the ground she began to
search for her mommy.

Alexis woke up in Sonny’s arms. She smiled “Morning” She said softly as she kissed his chest.

“Mmm morning” Sonny grinned as he ran his fingers down her spine.

“Last night was” Alexis started to say.

“Amazing” Sonny finished for her.

She nodded “Amazing” She agreed she was about to say more when the door opened.

“Mommy?” Sam called from the doorway.

Alexis gasped as she pulled the blankets around her and Sonny “Baby, what are you doing in here? How did you get out of your crib?”

“Climbed” Sam said simply as if that was the dumbest question.

“She’s three Alexis” Sonny reminded her “Climbing out of cribs is common”

Sam climbed onto the bed and looked at Sonny “Mommy sleeped in here?” She questioned.

Sonny nodded “Is it okay that mommy sleeps in here at night?”

Sam nodded “Mommy in here” She smiled “Mommy snores” She giggled as she made a snore noise

Alexis laughed “Thanks Sam” She kissed her daughter’s head as Sonny reached over and tickled her stomach “Mommy does snore” He agreed.

“I do not” Alexis pretended to be offended until Sam kissed her. “Sorry mommy”

Alexis looked at Sonny as she held her daughter. Her life was finally beginning to feel right.

Six years later.

“I am a lawyer now!” Alexis yelled, “I AM SUPPOSED TO ABIDE BY THE RULES”

“My business is not up for discussion Alexis” Sonny yelled back. “Get off your damn high horse. Ever since you got this job you’ve been riding me about the
laws. You never had a problem with my way of life before”

“Maybe I woke up and discovered what an Ass you are!”

“What’s this really about?” Sonny hollered as he slammed his cup down.

“It’s about Carly” Alexis said coldly “She was here in our house again while at work with you” She shook her head “Sam saw her flirting with you”

“Sam’s nine!” Sonny rolled his eyes “What does she know?”

“She’s nine not stupid. She knows what it looks like when someone is doing something that aren’t supposed to be doing.”

“You think because Carly’s flirting with me you can come in here and start bitching to me about my job?” He growled, “Where do you get off?”

“Where do you get off flirting with another woman? What about Sam and I? Do we mean nothing to you? We’ve only spent the past seven years with you.
Sam thinks we are her family.”

“We are her family” Sonny shook his head “I love that little girl as if she was my own!”

“Good I am glad” Alexis snapped, “I am glad you think she’s your daughter. The next time you think of flirting with Carly I hope you picture her face and you
see what pain you are causing her,” Alexis growled as she grabbed her briefcase and stormed from the room.

Sonny threw his glass across the room and watched as it smashed into tiny pieces. Alexis always knew what buttons to push.

“Alexis, why are you wasting your time with Sonny?” Stefan asked “I’ve been here for you for years. I paid for your college. You and Sam are welcome home.
I am not my father”

“Sonny, gave us a place to live when we had nothing” Alexis sniffed as she wiped her eyes.

“He makes you cry” Stefan shook his head “What about Ned Alexis? He likes you. Or Jax?”

Alexis shook her head “I love Sonny. I want to marry Sonny and have his babies with him. Sam loves him too. I am not going to uproot her”

“He’s not for you”

Alexis shook her head “He is for me. I know he is you’ll see one day we will be happy”

“What’s the price? What do you have to pay to be happy?”

Alexis smiled “There isn’t a price on love. You’ll see Sam’s going to have siblings soon and Sonny and I will be married. We will get past this. We always do.”

“I’ve never seen you so blinded by anyone” Stefan shook his head before he left Alexis’s office.

Alexis threw her keys down as she entered the penthouse. She found Sam sitting on the couch starring of into space.

“Hi baby” Alexis said softly to not scare her. “What are you doing? Is Daddy Sonny home?”

Sam shook her head “No, he is training Jason on something”

Alexis sighed never understanding why a seventeen year old boy would want to get involved in Sonny’s life. It was hard enough for her to pretend to look the
other way. When Sonny closed down his strip club his line of business turned for the worst in Alexis’s eyes. Guards were around constantly there had been
multiple death threats on all of their lives. However she loved Sonny and her focus was on keeping that love going and keeping Sam unaware of the danger
she faced. Keeping her safe was the most important thing. She’d even threatened to leave Sonny if a hair on Sam’s head was ever even messed with.

“Mommy” Sam said after a minute “I am small, why am I small?”

Alexis shook her head as she sat down next to her nine year old. “You were just made small”

“I am nine!” Sam exhaled “And I am the smallest kid in my class there are FIRST Graders bigger than me. Why did you make me small” Sam asked in an
accusing voice.

It took Alexis every ounce of energy she had to not laugh. She took a deep breath and put her best mother tone on. “Samantha watch your tone of voice
with me.”

Sam shook her head “Why? Why did you make me small and STUPID”
Alexis almost did a double take this was more serious than she had originally thought. “Sam no” She said reaching over and grabbing the little girl. She
pulled her onto her lap and situated her so they were facing each other. She moved Sam’s long hair off of her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “You
aren’t stupid. You are anything but stupid. You are smart Sam. You are the smartest kid I know. You were doing everything early. You sat up early you
crawled early you walked early you talked early. Everything was EARLY very early on some things. You were reading by the time you were four. That is a
smart kid to me. “

“Then how come I have trouble in school?” Sam asked “How come I do bad on things?”

Alexis took a deep breath “Maybe, your learning style is different then the other kids. Maybe the way your teacher is teaching you isn’t right for you.
Mommy will look into it and fix it. She’ll make sure that you like school. School’s so important Sam. So important, I’ll help you however I can.”

“Uncle Stefan said he’d hire me my own teacher and I could go to school in the castle!” Sam’s eyes lit up referring to Wyndemere.

Alexis felt her jaw almost clench. “He did, did he?”

Sam nodded “Can I do that? I want to do that? Then the other kids can’t make fun of me because I am small and then I won’t get into trouble for beating
them up.”

Alexis groaned “Sam you didn’t”

Sam shrugged “I had to defend myself. Daddy Sonny say’s that is important. He said I have to know how to protect myself.”

Alexis rubbed her forehead “Good one Sonny” She mumbled to herself “Sam, from now on don’t beat up the other kids. Get a teacher. Let them handle it.”

“So you want me to be a wimp? And get beaten up myself? Kids who tattle get beaten up.”

“Great” Alexis mumbled “Mommy and Daddy Sonny will talk…”

“Okay, but mommy how come you made me small?” Sam asked again.

Alexis grinned “So you can always be mommy’s baby” She laughed as she began tickling Sam. She stopped and kissed her forehead “Mommy really didn’t get
to say how’d you turn out honey. It’s just what makes you special.”

“Hello ladies” Sonny said entering the pent house “What’s going on?”

“Sam’s feeling a little down” Alexis said softly “She’s sad she’s small. “

Sonny went over to Sam and picked her up and held her over his head and began flying her around the room. “If you weren’t small I wouldn’t be able to do
this” He grinned as she started laughing. He had her fly down and kiss Alexis’s cheek before he began spinning her around.

“Careful don’t make her sick” Alexis warned

Sonny played with Sam for a few more minutes before he just settled her on his hip. “You are special. Very special and very pretty little girl. You are
perfect just the way you are. I never want to hear you put yourself down again.”

Sam nodded and grinned as she hugged Sonny. “I love you Daddy Sonny.” She said as she kissed him.

Sonny looked for surprised for a second before he hugged her tightly “I love you too Sam” He said, he then set her on the ground. “Go get ready we will go
out to dinner tonight.”

“Yay!” Sam cheered before she ran out of the room.

“You’re great with her” Alexis smiled as Sonny leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I am sorry about the fight earlier today”

Sonny sat next to Alexis on the couch “Carly is Jason’s friend she is in love with Jason’s brother. She just came to tell me she was pregnant the other day.
That’s all Sam saw. She’s scared. She’s not sure she should be a mom”

Alexis scoffed “I second that.”

“Alexis” Sonny rolled his eyes.

“That woman is wretched” Alexis sighed “But I am sorry. As long as we are being honest, teaching Sam to defend herself may not be the best idea. She can
be a pistol sometimes. You know that. She’s beating kids up at school because they make fun of her because she’s small.”

“She’s a tiny kid” Sonny agreed “Very tiny. More reason to teach her to defend herself. When she gets older there are going to be people who do worse then
just tease her about her height. I am worried about her. I just want her safe. Teaching her self defense is the best thing I can do. I’ll talk to her about
beating up other kids because that’s wrong.” He agreed “That I won’t allow. But teaching her self defense is a must.”

Alexis weighed what Sonny said and nodded “You’re right she does need to know how to protect herself.”
“I am always right” Sonny said pushing Alexis back into the couch. He straddled her gently. He then tilted her head back and began to give her gentle kisses
that go more passionate with each second.

Alexis felt her heart race like it did every time Sonny kissed her. Her body began to shake under his kiss. Her skin began to tingle with his touches. She ran
her fingers through his hair “I love you” She managed to get out as her hands went to move his coat off his shoulder. She was about to unbutton his shirt
when they heard a slight squeak of the floor board.

Sonny moved off of Alexis right away and looked over to see Sam standing there with her little hands over her face.

“Eww” She groaned “Don’t do that in the living room. There are children living here. You remember me?”

Sonny smiled at Sam “I take it you are ready for dinner.”

Sam crinkled her nose “I am not so sure my tummy can handle food now”

Alexis stood up and straightened her clothing she couldn’t believe that Sonny had so much power over her. For a minute she forgot her daughter was even
under the same roof. She held her hand out to Sam. “Come help Mommy fix her make up. You can pick out what I wear to dinner.”

Sam grinned and took Alexis’s hand “Cool I am seeing cheetah print.”

“That’s my daughter” She scoffed she looked back at Sonny and winked “We’ll finish that later”

“Can’t wait” He said showing off his dimples.

Alexis felt her heart flutter but was brought back to reality by the nine year old tugging on her hand.

“Come on mommy” She said as she pulled.

Alexis winked at Sonny one more time before she let Sam pull her away.

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