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DOP Serisi HMI Kullanma Klavuzu Icindekiler

Bolum 1 Giris
1-1 DOP-A Serisi Dokunmatik Operator Panelleri..........................................................1-1 1-2 Ozellikler ....................................................................................................................1-1 1-3 Model numarasi...........................................................................................................1-2 1-4 Uyari.... .......................................................................................................................1-3

Bolum 2 Scredit 'e Giris

2-1 Ekran duzenleyici Setup ..............................................................................................2-1 2-2 Ekran Duzenliyiciye Baslama......................................................................................2-5 2-3 Menu bar ve toolbar ....................................................................................................2-10 2-3-1 File ........................................................................................................................2-10 2-3-2 Edit........................................................................................................................2-29 2-3-3 View......................................................................................................................2-53 2-3-4 Element.................................................................................................................2-68 2-3-5 Screen...................................................................................................................2-88 2-3-6 Tools.....................................................................................................................2-105 2-3-7 Option...................................................................................................................2-122 2-3-8 Windows...............................................................................................................2-145 2-3-9 Help.......................................................................................................................2-164

Bolum 3 Element Fonksiyonlari

3-1 Element Nasil Secilir..................................................................................................3-1 3-2 Button Element...........................................................................................................3-3 3-3 Meter...........................................................................................................................3-23 3-4 Bar...............................................................................................................................3-27 3-4-1 Normal Bar.........................................................................................................3-27 3-4-2 Deviation Bar.....................................................................................................3-30 3-5 Pie Graph.....................................................................................................................3-34 3-6 Indicator.......................................................................................................................3-37 3-7 Data display.................................................................................................................3-42 3-8 Graph Display..............................................................................................................3-49 3-8-1 State graphic.......................................................................................................3-49 3-8-2 Animated graphic...............................................................................................3-51 3-9 Input............................................................................................................................3-53 3-10 Curve.........................................................................................................................3-59 3-11 Sampling...................................................................................................................3-65 3-12 Alarm........................................................................................................................3-73 3-13 Graphics....................................................................................................................3-76 3-13-1 Line..................................................................................................................3-76 3-13-2 Rectangle..........................................................................................................3-77 3-13-3 Circle................................................................................................................3-78 3-13-4 Polygon............................................................................................................3-78 3-13-5 Arc....................................................................................................................3-79 3-13-6 Text...................................................................................................................3-79 3-13-7 Scale.................................................................................................................3-80 3-13-8 Table.................................................................................................................3-81

Bolum 4 Macro
4-1 Macro Tipi .............................................................................................................4-2 4-2 Macro Basimi.........................................................................................................4-4 4-3 Macro Uygulamasi ................................................................................................4-20 4-4 Hata mesajlari .......................................................................................................4-56

Bolum 5 Sistem Kontrol

5-1 Kontrol Bolgesi.....................................................................................................5-2 5-2 Durum ..................................................................................................................5-6 5-3 Dahili Hafiza ........................................................................................................5-10

Ek A Yukleme
A-1 Ozellikler...............................................................................................................A-1 A-2 Olculer ve Profil....................................................................................................A-5 A-3 Kurulum................................................................................................................A-10

Ek B Haberlesme
B-1 Pin baglanti uclari.................................................................................................B-1-1 B-2 Yukleme kablosu .................................................................................................B-1-4 B-3 HMI ve kontrolorlar ile haberlesme ayarlari ve baglanti sekilleri........................B-1-5

1-1 DOP-A Serisi Dokunmatik Operator Paneli
DELTA DOP-A serisini aldiginiz icin tesekkurler. Yuksek hizli donanima sahip DOP-A serisi kullanicilara kullanisli ve kolay programlanabilir bir arayuz temin etmektedir.

1-2 Ozellikler Destekledigi PLC Modelleri

DOP-A serisi operator panelleri icinde; Delta,Omron,Simens,Mitsubishi gibi markalarin bulundugu 20'yi askin PLC modelini desteklemektedir. Sizin istekleriniz dogrultusunda yeni PLC modelleri icin uygun haberlesme protokolleri internet sitemizde surekli guncellenmektedir.

Dil Secenekleri
Basitlestirilmis Cince,geleneksel Cince ve Ingilizce'nin yaninda ekran editoru tum Windows fontlarinida kullanabilmektedir.

Hizli Uygulama ve Haberlesme Makrolari

DOP-A serisi makrolari kullanarak karisik islemleri yapilabilmekte,ayrica haberlese makrolari kullanilarak ozel cihazlarla comport'dan haberlesebilmek icin haberlesme protokolleri yazilabilmektedir.

USB ile Hizli upload/download

USB Ver1.1'i kullanarak kisa surede upload/download yapilabilmektedir.

DOP-A serisi kullanicilara bircok recetenin kolayca girilip saklanabildigi microsoft exceldekine benzer bir recete editoru sunmaktadir.(Hafiza 64K)


2 Adet PLC Baglantisi

2 COM portlu yapisi ile ayni anda iki farkli veya ayni PLC ile baglanti yapma imkani.

Cesitli kontrolor baglantisi

COM2 portu ile RS485 kullanilarak bircok controlor ile baglanti yapilabilir. (diger cihazlar RS485'i desteklemelidir.)

On-line Simulasyon
Derlemeyi bitirdikten sonra kontrolore baglanarak PC 'den simule etme imkani sunar.

Off-line Simulasyon
Derlemeyi bitirdikten sonra programi direk PC ile simule etme imkani sunar.(Kontrolora gerek duymaz)

SMC Kart ile Yedekleme

Bilgisayar kullanmadan SMC karta download edilebilir veya SMC karti baska bir HMI 'ya takarak kopyalanabilir. Gecmis bilgileri ve alarm kayitlari SMC kartta saklanip kart okuyucuyla okunup print edilebilir.

Bircok Guvenlik Korumasi

Password secenekleri ile programlayicinin yazdiklarini koruma ve makina kullaniminda kullanici izin seviyelerini ayarlama imkani sunar.

1-3 Model numarasi


DOP - A 57 GS T D
Giris gucu D: DC A: AC Arayuz Tipi T: Sadece dokunmatik K: Dokunmatik ve Tuslu Panel Tipi GS: STN G ri CS: STN renkli TC: TFT renkli Panel Olculeri 57: 5.7" 75: 7.5" 10: 10.4" Seri A: A series ~ USB, RS-232, RS-485, RS-422 Urun Adi Delta Operator Panel

1-4 Uyari
Cevresel faktorler (sicaklik ve nem)
Net bir goruntu elde etmek icin parlaklik ve kontrast ayarini asagidaki ortam kosullarina gore yapiniz. Eger uygulama sinirlarin disinda ise,uzun sure sonunda ekran degisken tonlarda gorunmeye baslayacaktir. Uygulama cevresel sicakligi: 0 C to 50 C (32 F to 122 F) Bagil nem: 10% ~ 90%

SMC Kart
SMC karti datalari saklamak ve tasimak icin kullanilabilir. Yalnizca; HMI tarafindan formatlanmis SMC karti hem HMI 'da hemde Windows OS sisteminde kullanilabilir.(SMC kart bazi farkli formatlarlada yazilip okunabilir fakat bazi problemlerle karsilasilabilir)

Uygulama esnasinda Comport'a kabloyu takip cikarmayin!

Lutfen enerjiyi kestikten comport baglantimizi sokelim veya takalim.

Tavsiye edilen sistem gereksinimleri

Pentium III, 500MHz veya ustu 256MB RAM Windows 2000 & 98

Bolum 2 Scredit 'e Giris

2-1 Scredit Setup
Bu bolumde ekran duzenleyicinin genel olarak ozellikleri anlatilacaktir. Ilerleyen bolumlerde bu programin detaylari anlatilacaktir.

Minimum hardware gereksinimleri

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 80486 veya ustu PC 16 MB RAM 10 MB bos hard disk alani VGA or super VGA monitor. Windows 'da ekran renk ayarlarini 256 renk veya ustune ayarlayiniz. Windows uyumlu mouse. Windows uyumlu printer.

Software yuklemesi
Delta HMI Sc reen Editor setup 'ina baslamak icin, lutfen asagidaki stepleri takip ediniz. 1.Adim: Lutfen PC 'nizde Win98 /NT/XP/2000 sistemlerinden birini calistirin. (Sek. 2-1-1 )

Sekil. 2-1-1 Microsoft Windows baslatin


2.Adim: Kurulum CD 'sini CD ROM 'a takin ve setup.exe 'yi calistirin. click Start > Calistir. ( Fig. 2 -1 -2) Not : Eger kurulum sirasinda calisan baska programlar varsa lutfen onlari kapatin

Sekil. 2 -1 -2 Windows 'un altinda setup.exe 'in calistirilmasi 3.Adim: OK bastiktan sonra setup baslayacaktir.Gelen d'alog kutularini takip ederek kuruluma devam edin ve kurulumun yapilacagi yeri secin. Default klasoru sectikten sonra C: \Program file \Delta\Screen editor , click Next>. Setup islemi sonucunda Program secilen klasore kurulmus olacaktir.

Defult klasorunden baska bir klasor secmek icin , click Browse ... Ekrana gelen klasorler icinden istediginiz bir tanesini icine Delta HMI scredit programini kurmak icin secin ve OK ' e daha sonra Next> Eger gerekirse, Back tusu ile adimlari tek tek geri alabilirsiniz.


Sekil 2-1-3 Screen editor kurulumu icin klasor secimi 4.Adim: Bu dialog kutucugunda dili secebilirsiniz: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese veya English.Daha sonra N ext> basarak diger adimlara gecilebilir.

Sekil. 2-1-4 Dil secimi 5.Adim: Bu adimda gelen dialog kutucugu gerekli dosyalarin sisteminize yuklendigini gosterecektir (Sekil 2-1-5 ve Sekil 2-1-6)


Sekil. 2 -1-5 Screen editor yuklenmesi

Sekil. 2-1-6 Screen editoru yuklemeyi bitir Step 6: Artik kurulum islemini bitirebilirsiniz. Lutfen islemi sonlandirmak icin Finish tusuna basin. (Sekil 2 -1 -7)

Sekil 2 -1 -7 Yuklemeden cikis


7.Adim: OK basip setup'in bilgisayarinizi restart yapmasini bekleyin.Aksi takde No, I will restart my computer later" a basin. Fakat Delta HMI scredit programini kullanmak icin bir defa restart yapmaniz gerektigini unutmayin.

2-2 Scredit 'e Baslama

Setup 'un sonra,Scredit 'i acmak icin su adimlari takip edin; click Start > Programs > Delta HMI > Screen Editor. Sekil 2 -2 -1)

Sekil 2-2-1

Sekil 2 -2-2 Baslangic displayi Screen editor 'e basladiginizda , 1. Eger enviorement menusunden "auto open last file automatically" sec

tiyseniz son actiginiz program otomatik olarak acilacaktir. 2. Eger auto open last file automatically isaretlemdiyseniz veya son calismanizi saklamadiysaniz, sekildeki gibi acilacaktir. (Sekil 2-2 -3)

Sekil 2-2-3 Sayfa acilmamis ekran Yeni dosya actiktan sonra sekil 2-2-4 gozuken Screen editor sayfasi acilacaktir


Sekil. 2 -2 -4 Screen editor 'de yeni dosya sayfasi Screen editor uygulama sayfasi asagida anlatilan 5 bolumden olusmaktadir.

n Menu bar
8 farkli fonksiyon icermektedir.

n Toolbar
Toolbar; Windows programindaki gibidir,yerlerini siz belirliyebilirsiniz.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Standard toolbar Zoom toolbar Text toolbar Upper-level planning toolbar Lower-level planning toolbar


Menu bar

Ust sira planlama toolbar

Standart toolbar

Text toolbar

Zoom toolbar

Element listesi Element toolbar Property tablosu Konum Output tablosu

Alt sira planlama toolbar Status bar

Sekil 2-2-5

Property tablosu

Ust sira planlama toolbar

Menu bar

Output sayfasi

Standart toolbar

Element toolbar Alt sira planlama toolbar Zoom toolbar Text toolbar

Sekil 2 -2 -6

Element ozellik (property) tablosu

Secilen nesnenin ozelliklerini ayarlamak icin kullanilir.(bkz.Bolum3)
Fig. 2-2-9

Fig. 2-2-8

Fig. 2-2-7 Property tablosu Sekil 2 -2-9 Durum

Fig. 2-2 -8 Pro perty listesi

n Output Penceresi
Ekranda yapilan isler ayric compile isleminden sonraki mesajlar burda gozukur. Yazilan program compile edilirken Scredit otomatik olarak hatalari denetler. Bir hata buldugunda ilgili hataya ait mesaj output window 'da goruntulenir. Kullanici hata mesajina tiklayarak hatali elementi gorebilir.

Fig. 2-2-10 Output sayfasi

Calisma (Work) bolgesi

Programin yapildigi bolgedir.(buton,grafik.sekil).Guzel bir calisma icin asagidaki ornekleri takip edin.(Sekil 2 -2-11 ).


Calisma bolgesi

Sekil 2 -2-11 Screen editor uygulamasinin genel gorunusu.

2-3 Menu bar ve toolbar

Screen editor 'un icedigi araclarin oldugu toolbarlardir ( resim,recete,display araclari) Menu toolbar asagidaki secenekleri icirir.

2-3-1 File


Aplication edition

Export a file Upload files

Download firmware Password pr otect

Print function Last file path Exit Screen editor

Fig. 2-3-1 Dosya secenekleri Yeni bir dosya acmak. : Yeni bir dosya acmak icin New butonuna basin. , File> New Sekil 2 -3-2 'deki gibi,veya klavye kisayolu Ctrl+N 'e basin.

Sekil 2-3-2 Menu bar 'dan yeni dosya acmak


Yeni calisma

Sekil 2-3 -3 Toolbar 'dan yeni dosya acmak Yeni dosyayi sectikten sonra ekrana gelen Sekil 2-3-4 'deki dialog kutucuguna uygulama ismi,sayfa ismi,sayfa ID ve HMI tipini yazmaliyiz.

Sekil 2-3-4 Yeni uygulama dialog kutucugu Eger bir uygulama uzerinde calisirken baska bir uygulama acmak istiyorsaniz asagidaki gibi size uygulamanizi saklamanizi hatirlatan bir dialog kutucugu belirecektir.

Sekil 2-3-5 Uygulama saklama dialog kutucugu Eski bir uygulama acmak : Varolan bir uygulamayi acmak icin Open secin

, File> Open (Sekil2-3-7) veya klavye kisayolu Ctrl+O 'a basin

Open old application

Sekil 2-3-6 Menu bardan acmak


Varolan dosyayi acmak

Sekil 2-3 -7 Toolbardan acmak Bu sirada uzerinde calistiginiz uygulamyi saklamaniz icin bir hatirlatici kutucuk acilir sakladiktan sonra sekildeki pencere belirir (Sekil 2-3-8)

Sekil2-3-8 Varolan uygulamayi acmak Dosyayi kapatmak


: Dosyayi kapatmak icin File > Close Sekil 2-3-9

Uygulamayi kapat

Sekil 2-3-9 Uygulamayi kapat Eger uygulama kapatilmadan once saklanmadiysa asagidaki dialog kutucugu belirir. Sekil 2 -3-10) ve size saklamaniz gerektigini hatirlatir.

Sekil 2 -3 -10 Saklama dialog kutucugu Sakla:

Calismalarinizi saklamak icin klavye kisayollari Ctrl + S 'e basin.

, basin veya File > Save Sekil 2 -3 -11 , veya


Save application

Sekil 2-3-11 Menu bardan secim


Sekil 2-3-12 Toolbardan secimi Farkli Kaydet: : Varolan uygulamayi baska bir isimde saklamak iin File > Save As 'e basin(Sekil 2-3-13). Ekrana sekil 2-3-14 'deki gibi; yeni uygulamanin ismini yazmak iin bir kutucuk gelecektir.

Save as other application

Sekil 2-3-13 Menu bardan secimi

Sekil 2-3-14 Uygulama ismi girme kutucugu Export : Resim formatindaki datalari (bmp dosyalarini) export etmek iin basin (Sekil 2-3-16), veya File > Export sein (sekil 2 -3 -15) ,

klavye kisayolu Ctrl+E yollarini kullanin.



Sekil 2-3-15 Menu bardan secimi


Sekil 2-3-16 Toolbardan secimi


Sekil 2 -3 -17 Dosyayi export ettikten sonra Ekrani ve Receteyi Upload etme: : File > Upload sectikten sonra (Sekil 2-3 -18),sifreyi girmek zorundasiniz. (Sifre HMI 'da en yuksek oncelige sahiptir) Gelen dialog kutucuna (Sekil 2-3-14). uygulamanin ismini yazdiktan sonra sekil 2-3-19 'daki dialog kutucugu belirir ve Upload islemi baslar. Upload islemini tkip edebilir veya stop tusuna basarak durdurabilirsiniz. Uplad ettiginiz dosya otomatik olarak HMI formatina donecektir ve orjinali bozulamdan acilabilecektir.


Upload screen and recipe

Sekil 2 -3-18 Menu bardan Ekrani ve Receteyi Upload etme

Sekil 2-3-19 Ekran ve recete Upload goruntusu


Upload reete : Bu secenek Upload ile ayni isleve sahiptir fakat yalnzca reeteyi upload eder. Receteyi cekmek iin sifreye ihtiyac vardir.

Upload recipe

Sekil 2 -3-20 Upload reete Download firmware

: HMI '

'yi upgrade etmeye veya islev eklemeye yarar.


Download firmware

Fig. 2-3-21 Download firmware Sifre korumasi: : File>Password Protect ile bu fonksiyonu aktif veya pasif edebilirsiniz.(Sekil 2 -3 -22). Eger aktif ise sekli belirecektir. Dop dosyasini acmadan nce sifre soracaktir.sifre Option > Model parameter 'den ayarlanabilir. (Sekil 2-3 -25). Eger sifreyi pasif ederseniz sekil 2-3 -24 'deki kutucuk belirir.


Password Protect

Sekil 2 -3 -22 Sifre korumasi

Sekil 2-3-23

Sekil 2 -3 -24


Sekil 2 -3-25 Sifre ayarlari Yazdir: : Ekrandaki sayfayi print etmek iin

butonuna basabiliriz. Yada File > Print (Sekil 2 -3 -26), veya klavye kisayolu Ctrl+P 'yi kullanabiliriz.



Sekil 2-3-26 Menu bardan Print etme


Fig. 2 -3 -27 Toolbardan print islemi


Baski onizleme: : Print almadan nce nizleme yapabiliriz.

Print Preview

Sekil 2 -3 -28 Baski nizleme


Sekil 2 -3-29 nizleme Son dosya kisayolu: Last file path:En son acilan 4 dosyayi burdan kisayol olarak acabiliriz. Sekil 2 -3 -30.


Last open file path

Sekil 2 -3 -30 Son ailan dosyalar Cikis: : Screen editor programindan cikmamizi saglar File > Exit (sekil 2 -3 -31). Eger uygulmanizi saklamadiysaniz ekrana saklamanizgerektigini hatirlatan sekil 2-3-10 dialog kutucugu belirir.



Sekil 2 -3 -31 Cikis

2-3-2 EDIT

Sekil 2 -4 -1 Edition secenekleri 1. Geri



Son yapilani geri almak icin kullanilir.

Butonuna basarak, veya File > Undo secerek Sekil 2-4-2 , veya klavye kisayolu Ctrl + Z. basarak gerceklestirilebilir.


Sekil 2-4-2 Menu bardan secimi



Sekil 2-4 -3 Toolbardan secimi 2. Ileri : Geri alinan islemi eski haline almak icin kullanilir. Sekil2-4 -5 , veya File > Redo secerek Sekil 2-4-4 , veya klavye kisayolu Ctrl+Y ile gerceklenir.



Sekil 2-4-4 Menu bardan secimi


Sekil 2-4 -5 Toolbardan secimi


3. Kes : Secilen nesneyi silmeye yarar , yapistirma ve tasima islemleri icin clipboardda saklar . butonu sekil 2-4-7, veya File > Cut

sekil 2-4 -6 , veya klavye kisayolu Ctrl + X ile kullanilabilir.


Sekil 2-4-6 Menubardan secimi



Sekil 2-4 -7 Toolbardan secimi 4. Kopyala : Secilen nesneyi clipboarda kopyalar. Copy butonuna basarak sekil 2-4-7, veya File > Copy secerek sekil 2-4-8, veya klavye kisayolu

Ctrl + C kullanilabilir.


5. Yapistir : Clipboardaki nesneyi yapistirmaya yarar. butonu

Sekil 2-4 -11 , veya File > Paste sekil 2-4 -10, veya klavye kisayolu Ctrl + V ile kullanilabilir.


Sekil 2-4-10 Menu bardan secimi



Sekil 2 -4 -11 Toolbardan secimi 6. Sil :Secilen nesneyisilmek icin kullanilir sekil 2 -4 -12.



Sekil 2-4-12 Delete 7. Tumunu sec : Butun nesneleri secmeye yarar ,sekil 2 - 4 -13. Butun hepsini sectigimizde, ust sol kosedeki nesne ana element olarak mavi ve beyaz cerceve ile cevrelenecektir.Digerleri ise siyah beyaz cerceve ile cevrelenir.


Select All

Sekil 2-4-13 Menu bardan secme 8.Bul : Aradiginiz bir nesneyi ,resmi, adresi sayfayi bulmaniza yarar .Klavye kisayolu Ctrl+F veya Edit>find 'den ulasilabilir.Aranan nesne bulundugu zaman output windowda gorebilirsiniz.



Sekil 2-4-14 Menu bardan secimi

Sekil 2-4-15 Dialog kutucugundan bulma


Aranan element

Aranan element isaretlenir.

Sekil 2-4 -16 Aranan element secimi 9. Yenile : Okunan adresi,yazilan adresi.text 'i o sayfada veya butun sayfalarda degistirmeye yarar.Adres tipi bit,word,dword olabilir,sekil 2-4 -17.



Sekil 2-4-17 Menu bardan secimi

1@D1000 'i bul

1@D2000 'le yenile

Sekil 2 -4 -18 Yenileme ornegi


10. Grupla : Edit > Group secerek yada butonuna tiklayarak se-

cilen butun nesneleri grup yapma imkani saglar .Nesneleri grup yaptiktan sonra elementler tek bir nesne gibi davranir grup olarak hareket eder.

Sekil 2-4-19 Menu bardan secimi


Selected symbol

Sekil 2 -4-20 Grup yapma Grup Boz: : Nesnelerden olusan grubu bozmak icin Edit > Ungroup seceriz butonuna basarakta nesneleri ungrup edebiliriz.


Sekil 2-4-21 Menu bardan secimi

Selected symbol

Sekil 2 -4 -22 Ungrup


Kati Ayarla : Nesnelerin diger nesnelere gore katlarini (altta,ustte)ayarlamamizi saglar.Edit>Layer yada butonlariyla secilebilir.

Sekil 2-4-23 Menu bardan secimi


Bring to front

Send to back Bring forward Send backward

Fig. 2-4-24 Layer arrangement Hizalamak : Secilen elementleri hizalamaya yarar. Edit > Align ,sekil 2-4 -25 veya butonlariyla ,sekil 2 - 4 -26.Bu islevi gerceklestir-

mek icin 2 elementten daha fazlasina ihtiyaciniz vardir .


Sekil 2-4-25 Menu bardan secimi

Sekil 2-4-26 Hizalama sonucu


Ayni olculerde yap : Edit >Make Same Size yaparak yada sekil 2-4-28 deki butonu tiklayarak secili elementleri ayni olculerde yapabilirsiniz.

Sekil 2-4 -27 Ayni olculerde yapma


Make the Make the same width Make the same size same height The base

Fig. 2-4-28 Result of make same size Yazi Yazma na : Text duzenlemek icin kullanilir.Bu islevi sectigimizde basiisareti gelir. Ayrica toolbardan da secilerek kullanilabilir.


Text toolbar

Ozellik basliklari

Sekil 2 -4 -29 Yazi yazma Cogaltmak : Bir elementi ayni anda birden fazla kopyalamamizi saglar. X ve Y ekseninde kacar adet yapmak istedigimizi yazarak ayisini belirlemis oluruz. Minimum kopya sayisi 2 olabilir. Eger yalnizca satira yada kolana kopyalamak istiyorsak ilgili yerlere check isareti koyariz.Element numaralari yataydan baslayarak dikeye dogru artar.Adresler bit yada word olabilir. bkz. sekil 2-4 -31 ve sekil 2 - 4 -32


Sekil 2 -3 -30 Cogaltma

Sekil 2 - 4 -31 Cogaltma ornegi


Sekil 2 -4 -32 Coklu kopyalama ornegi

2-3-3 View

Docking pencereler

Sekil 2-5-1 View menusu secenekleri Calisma esnasinda hangi toolbarlarin gozukup gozukmeyecegini ayarliyabildigimiz bolumdur.Eger birisini secersek basina isareti gelecek ve sectiginiz toolbar penceresi ekranin ust kosesinde yerini alacaktir.

Sekil 2-5 -2 1. Standard toolbar simge Fonksiyon Tanim New Yeni uygulama acar Open Save Export Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Find Varolan uygulamayi acar Uygulamayi saklar Uygulamayi Bmp formatinda export eder Bir adim geri alir (bazilari geri alinamaz) Bir adim ileri alir Secili elementleri keser Secili elementleri kopyalar Secili elementleri yapistirir Adres yada yazilari bulur.

New screen Yeni sayfa acar Open screen Eski sayfayi acar Print preview Baski onizlemesi Print printeder

About Screen editor versiyonu hakkinda bilgi verir screen editor Tablo 2 -5 -1 Standart toolbar menusu

2. Durum arac cubugu Anlik bilgileri gosterir

Yukleme methodu

Mouse kordinatlari

Software versiyonu Caps Lock

Fig. 2-5-3 Durum arac cubugu

Num Lock Scroll Lock

3. Text arac cubugu


Fonksiyon Tanim Text size Yazinin boyunu Font Align left Fontu ayarlar Sola hizalar


Center to Yaziyi tam ortaya alir page horizontally Align right Saga hizalar Align top Center to page vertically Align bottom Text color Underline Ustte hizalar Yaziyi sayfanin dikey olarak tam ortasina alir

Asagi hizalar Yazi rengini ayarlar Yazinin altini cizer

Table 2 -5 -2 Text arac cubugu 4. Bitmap arac cubugu


Fonksiyon Enlarge a Figure

Tanim Secilen sekli nesne kadar buyutur

Actual Figure size Secilen sekli gercek boyutuna getirir Align to left side Center to page horizontally Align to right side Align to top side Secilen sekli sola hizalar Secilen sekli ortalar Secilen sekli sola hizalar Secilen sekli uste hizalar


Fonksiyon Tanim Center to page Sekli sayfanin dikey olarak tam ortasina al vertically Align to bottom side Sekli sayfanin alt kosesine hizalar Table 2-5-4 Bitmap arac cubugu

5. Element arac cubugu Toolbar Simge Fonksiyon Buton Tanim


Bar Pay

Gosterge Deger Display

Grafik display Giris


Toolbar Simge Fonksiyon Egri Ornekleme Tanim



Table 2-5-5 Elementler 6. Planlama arac cubugu A. Ust sira planlama arac cubugu Simge Fonksiyon Current text Current status Tanim Secili nesnenin uzerindeki text O anki durumu

Previous windows Bir onceki pencereye doner Next windows Compile Bir sonraki pencereye gider Calismayi compile eder

Download screen Calismayi ve receteyi download eder data and recipe Download screen Ekrani download eder data On-line simulation Calismayi test etmek icin kullanilir PLC baglantisina gerek vardir Off-line simulation Calismayi test etmek icin kullanilir PLC baglantisina gerek yoktur Tablo 2-5-6

b. Alt sira planlama arac cubugu



Fonksiyon Group Ung roup Bring to front Send to back Bring forward Send backward Align left Align right Align top Align bottom Center to page vertically Center to page horizontally Make same width

Tanim Secilen nesneleri gruplar Grubu bozar Secilen nesneyi uste alir Secilen nesneyi alta alir Secilen nesneyi one alir Secilen nesneyi arkaya alir Secilennesneleri sola hizalar Secilen nesneleri sola hizalar Secilen nesneleri yukari hizalar Secilen nesneleri asagi hizalar Nesneyi sayfanin dikey ortasina yerlestirir Nesneyi sayfanin yatay ortasina yerlestirir Secili nesneleri ayni genislikte yapar

Make same height Secili nesneleri ayni yukseklikte yapar Make same size Secili nesneleri ayni olculerde yapar

Tablo 2-5-7 Alt seviye planlama arac cubugu C. Zoom arac cubugu Simge Fonksiyon Tanim Zoom Zoom seviyesini ayarlar, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, level 150%, 200% ve 300% Zoom in Zoom seviyesini arttirir,150%, 200% ve 300%. Zoom out Zoom seviyesini azaltir, 25%, 50% ve 75%. 1:1 Elementleri gercek boyutunda gosterir Tablo 2-5-8 Zoom arac cubugu 7. Property tablosu Detayli bilgi icin bolum 3-1 'e bakiniz.


Sekil 2 -5-4 Element property tablosu 8. Output Penceresi Yapilanlari kaydeder ve hatali adresleri gosterir.

Sekil 2 -5 -6 Output penceresi

Sekil 2 -5 -7 Output penceresi


Sekil 2-5-8 Output ornegi 9. Yakinlastir

Sekil 2-5-9 Hata ornegi

: Nesnenin gorunusunu 150% , 200% ve 300% oranlarinda buyutur.Detaylar icin sekil 2-5 -10, sekil 2-5-11, sekil2-5-12 ve sekil 2-5 -13

Zoom in

Sekil 2-5-1 0 Menu bardan secimi


Zoom in

Sekil 2 -5 -11 Toolbardan secimi


Sekil 2-5-12 Zoom seviyesi = 100%



Sekil 2-5-13 Zoom seviyesi= 150% 10. Uzaklastir : Nesnenin gorunusunu 25%,50% and 75% oranlarinda kucultur . Detaylar icin sekil 2 -5 -14, sekil 2-5 -1 5 ve sekil 2 -5 -1 6.


Zoom out

Sekil 2-5-1 4 Menu bardan secimi

Sekil 2-5-1 5 Zoom out 'dan once



Sekil 2 -5 -16 Zoom out 'dan sonra 11. Gercek boyut : Gorunusu gercek olculerine alir. ve butunlariyla

zoom out veya zoom in yapabiliriz yada sekil 2-5-17 'deki gibi secim yapabiliriz.

Sekil 2 -5 -1 7 12. Tam ekran : Bkz. sekil 2-5-18 ve sekil 2-5-1 9.


Sekil 2 -5 -1 8 Tamekran yapmadan once

Sekil 2-5-19 Tam ekran (Esc veya mousenin sol tusuyla burdan cikabilirsiniz)

I/O ekrani : Bkz. sekil 2-5-2 0 ve sekil 2-5-2 1.

Sekil 2 -5 -20 I/O ekranindan once


Sekil 2 -5-21 I/O ekrani (Esc veya mousenin sol tusuyla burdan cikabilirsiniz) Grid ayarlari : Elementleri kolayca hizalama imkani verir. Grid araligi sekil 25-22 'deki menuden ayarlanir.

Sekil 2-5 -2 2 Grid ayarlari kutucugu


Sekil 2-5-23 Gridlerin gorunusu

2-3-4 Nesneler (Elements)

Sekil 2-6-1 Nesne secenekleri Screen editor bir cok ozelligi bulunan 11 tip nesneye sahiptir.Bunlar;buton,ibre,bar, pay, gosterge, deger gosterme, grafik display,deger girme,egri ornekleme,alarm,grafik vb. Kullanmak istediginiz elementi menu bardan alip kullanabilirsiniz,sekil 2-6-2 ve sekil 2-6 -3.


Sekil 2 -6 -2 secilen elementin olcusunu ayarlama

Sekil 2-6-3 Elementin gorunusu Element olusturmanin farkli bir yontemi: Sayfanin uzerindeyken mausenin sag butonuna tiklayarak . Mousenin isaretcisini calisma bolgesinin ustune getirir sag butona tiklariz acilan element tablosundan kullanmak istedigimiz elementi secip sol butona tiklariz,sectigimiz elementi sayfanin istedigimiz bolgesine koyar ve surukleyerek buyutlarini ayarliyabiliriz.Ozellikler sayfasindan (properties window) diger ozelliklerini ayarlayabiliriz,sekil 2 -6 -4, sekil 2-6-6 ve sekil 2 -6 -7.(Bkz.bolum 3)


Click right button

Click left button to select

Sekil 2-6-4 Acilan menuden elementin secimi

Sekil 2-6-5 Menu bardan elementin secimi


Sol butona basin ve birakmadan surukleyin

Sekil 2-6-6

Boyutlar tamam ise butonu birakin


Sekil 2-6-7 Element tasima Mouse fonksiyonlari windows ile aynidir. Mouse isaretcisi seklini aldigi zaman sol butona basili tutarak nesneyi surukleyip tasiyabiliriz ,sekil 2-6-8, sekil 2-6 -9 ve sekil 2-6-10.

Sekil 2-6-8 Isaretci

seklini alacak


Sol butona basin ve birakmadan surukleyin

Fig. 2-6-9


Tasimayi bitirmek icin butonu birakin

Sekil 2 -6 -10 Element genisligini ayarlama: Secilen nesnenin uzatmak istedigimiz kosesine gidilip isaretcinin olmasi beklenir ve sol tusa basili tutup surukleyerek genislik ayarlanir ,sekil 2-6-12 ve sekil 2-6-13 .



Sekil 2 -6 -11

Sol tusa basin ve surukleyin

Sekil 2 -6 -12

Sekil 2-6-13 Nesnenin yeni olculeri Elementin yuksekligini ayarlama: Secilen nesnenin uzatmak istedigimiz kosesine gidilip isaretcinin olmasi beklenir ve

sol tusa basip surukleyerek yukseklik ayarlanir ,sekil 2 -6 -14, sekil 2-6 -15 ve sekil 2 -6 -1 6.



Sekil 2 -6 -14


Sol tusa basin ve surukleyin

Sekil 2 -6 -15


Birak ve bitir

Sekil 2 -6 -16 Yukseklik ve genisligi birlikte ayarlama (Y ontem 1) Isaretci seklini aldiginda sol tusa basili tutup surukleyerek nesnenin genislik ve yuksekligini birlikte ayarlayabilirsiniz,sekil 2-6-17, sekil 2-6-18 ve sekil 2-6-19.



Sekil 2 -6 -17


Sol tusa basin ve birakmadan surukleyin

Sekil 2 -6 -18


Birak ve bitir

Sekil 2 -6 -19 Yukseklik ve genisligi birlikte ayarlama (Yontem 2) Isaretci seklini aldiginda sol tusa basili tutup surukleyerek nesnenin genislik ve yuksekligini birlikte ayarlayabilirsiniz,sekil 2-6-20, sekil 2-6-21 ve sekil 2-6-22.



Sekil 2 -6 -20

sol butona basin ve birakmadan surukleyin

Sekil 2 -6 -21

Birak ve bitir

Fig. 2-6-22 Karakter girme: Karakter girme islemi windows ' da oldugu gibi isaretci yapilabilir ,sekil 2-6-23 ve sekil 2-6-24 seklini aldigi zaman



Sol butona tikladigimizda isaratci seklini alir

Sekil 2 -6 -23

Ayni zamanda burayada yazilir.

Karakter girisi

Sekil 2 -6 -24

Mouse 'in sag butonu: Farkli bolgelerde mause'nin sag butonuna basildiginda farkli menulerin acildigini farkedeceksiniz ,sekil 2 -6 -25, sekil 2 -6 -26 sekil 2 -6 -27.

Toolbar display

Sekil 2 -6 -25


Element secimi

Sekil 2 -6 -26

Element basimi

Sekil 2 -6 -27

2-3-5 Sayfa

Sekil 2 -7-1 Sayfa secenekleri Eger sayfayi kapama butonuna basarsaniz(sekil 2-7-2)sayfa silinmeden gizlenecektir. Genel olarak programlardakapama butonuna bastigimizda cikmadan saklama uyarisi gelir . Fakat screen editorde sayfayi kapatmaz sadece gizler.

Sayfayi gizlemek icin butonuna basilir

Sekil 2-7-2 1. Yeni sayfa acma: Yeni sayfa acmak icin butonuna basabiliriz yada Screen > New screen secebilir

(sekil 2-7-3), veya klavye kisayolu Shift+N kulluanabiliriz,daha sonra karsimiza sekil 2-7-5 deki dialog kutucugu geecektir.

Yeni sayfa

Sekil 2-7-3 Menu bardan secimi

New screen

Sekil 2-7 -4 Toolbardan secimi


Sayfa ismini girin

Sekil 2-7-5 Yeni ekran acma dialog kutucugu 2. Ekran acma eni sayfa acmak icin butonuna basabiliriz yada Screen > Open screen secebiliriz.

(sekil 2 -7 -6) veya klavye kisayolu Shift+N kulluanabiliriz,daha sonra karsimiza sekil 2-7-8 dialog kutucugu gelecektir.

Open screen

Sekil 2-7-6 Menu bardan secimi


Open screen

Sekil 2-7 -7 Toolbardan secimi

Sekil 2 -7 -8 Sayfa acma dialog kutucugu


3. Sayfa kesme Sayfanin tumunu kesmek icin kullanilir. Screen > cut screen secerek (sekil 2-7-9) veya klavye kisayolu Shift + T kullanarak sayfayi kesebiliriz. (Not:Sayfa kesme islemini geri alamazsiniz bu islem sayfa silme islemiyle ayni islevi yapar fakat Paste komutu ile geri yapistirilabilir.)

Cut screen

Sekil 2-7-9 Menu bardan secimi

Sekil 2-7 -10 Sayfa kesme uyari mesaji 4. Sayfa kopyalama Screen > copy (sekil 2-7-11)secerek yada Shift + C basarak bir sayfanin tumunu kopyalayabiliriz.


Copy screen

Sekil 2 -7 -11 5. Sayfa yapistirma Screen > paste secerek (sekil 2-7-12) , yada Shift + P yaparak sayfayi yapistirabiliriz. Yapistirilan sayfanin butun ozellikleri ayni olacaktir yalnizca sayfa ismi otomatik olarak verilecektir.


Paste screen

Fig. 2-7-12 6. Sayfa silme Screen > delete secerek (sekil 2 -7-13) yada Shift + D 'ye basarak sayfayi silebiliriz. (Not: Sayfa silindikten sonra geri alinamaz bu yuzden silmeden once dikkatli olmakta fayda vardir.)


Delete screen

Sekil 2 -7 -13

Sekil 2-7 -14 Sayfa silme uyarisi 7. Sayfa Acilis Macrosu Sayfa acildiginda gerceklesen macrolardir (detayli bilgi icin bolum 4 'e bakiniz)


Screen open Macro

Sekil 2 -7 -15

Screen Open Macro

Sekil 2-7-16 Ozellikler sayfasindan secimi


Sekil 2 -7 -17 Makro yazimi 8. Sayfa Kapanis Macrosu Sayfa kapandiginda gerceklesen macrolardir (detayli bilgi icin bolum 4 'e bakiniz)


Screen Close Macro

Sekil 2-7-18 Menu bardan secimi

Screen Close Macro

Sekil 2-7-19 Ayarlar sayfasindan secimi


Sekil 2 -7 -20 Makrolar 9. Sayfa dongu macrosu Sayfa acik oldugu surece peryodik olarak gerceklesen macrolardir.(Macronun gerceklesme peryodlarini dongu zaman ayarlari menusunden ayarlayabiliriz.(Bkz.bolum 4)


Screen Cycle Macro

Sekil 2-7-21 Menu bardan secimi

Screen Cycle Macro

Sekil 2-7-22 Ozellikler sayfasindan secimi


Sekil 2 -7 -23 Macro basimi 10. Yardimci butonlar Yardimci anahtarlar her sayfada ayri ayri kullanilabilir, sekil 2 -7 -24, sekil 2-7-25 sekil 2-7 -26.


Auxiliary key

Sekil 2-7-24 Menu bardan secimi

Yardimci butonlar

Sekil 2-7-25 Yardimci butonlar


Sekil 2-7-26 Yardimci butonlarin secimi Modellere gore kullanilabillecek yardimci buton sayilari: DOP Model ismi DOP-A57GSTD DOP-A57CSTD DOP-A75CSTD DOP-A10TCTD Yardimci buton sayisi 4 4 5 6

11. Ekran ayarlari Bu ayarlarda , mevcut ekranin alt sayfa olup olmayacagi ayalanir. Ayrica alt sayfanin olculerinin ve saat macrosunun zamanlarinin ayarlandigi yerdir,sekil 2-7 -29.


Screen properties

Sekil 2-7-27 Menu bardan secimi

Sekil 2-7-28 Ayarlar penceresinden secimi


Alt ekran ayarlari

Secilerek ilisikteki ayarlar yapilabilir

Macro icin gecikme zamani

Sekil 2 -7-29 Ekran ayarlari penceresi

2-3-6 Araclar (Tools)

Sekil 2-8 -1 Araclar secenekleri 1. Derleyici (Compile) Yapilan uygulamayi HMI formatinda delemeye yarar. Eger uygulama yeni ise compile etmeden once saklamaniz gerektigini hatirlatir. Eger mevcut uygulama saklanmis veya eski bir uygulama ise direk olarak derler.Derleme yaparken output penceresinde nesneler ve varsa hatalara ait mesajlar gozukur.Eger bir hata varsa derleme islemi tamamlanmaz.Tools > compile secerek veya butonuna basarak yada klavyede

Ctrl + F7 tuslarina basarak calismamizi compile edebiliriz, sekil 2-8-4 ve sekil 2-8-5



Sekil 2-8-2 Menu bardan secimi


Sekil 2-8 -3 Toolbardan secimi


Kac hata oldugunu gosterir





rada gozukur. Eger bir hata varsa sebebi yazar ve hata mesajinin ustune tiklarsak hatali nesne belirir.

Sekil 2-8-4 Compile ornegi

Compile basarili

Sekil 2-8-5

2. Uygulamayi ve receteyi download etme (Download screen&Recipe) Ekrani ve receteyi download etmek icin Tools > Download secilir sekil 2-8-7 veya butonuna basilmalidir sekil 2-8-8 klavyede Ctrl+F8 tuslarina basilaraklta bu islem gerceklestirilebilir.Eger bilgisayar HMI 'a baglanamiyorsa hata mesaji verir, sekil 2-8-10 ve sekil 2-8-11.

Download Screen & Recipe

Sekil 2-8-7 Menu bardan secimi


Download Screen & Recipe

Sekil 2-8 -8 Toolbardan secimi

Sekil 2-8-9 Download ediyor


Sekil 2-8-10 USB baglanti hatasi

Sekil 2-8-11 Data formati Hatali

3. Uygulamayi download etme (Download Screen) Yalnizca uygulamayi download etmek icin kullanilir.Tools >Download screen secerek (sekil 2-8-12) veya butonuna basarak (sekil 2-8-13) yada klavyede Ctrl+F9

tuslarina basarak yapilabilir.

Download Screen

Sekil 2-8-1 2 Menu bardan secimi


Download screen

Sekil 2 -8 -1 3 Toolbardan secimi 4. Online simulasyon (Online simulation) Yapilan calismayi online olarak simule etmek icin kullanilir ama bu arada DOP bir PLC 'ye bagli olmalidir. Aksi takdirde online simulasyon yapilamaz.Fakat offline simulasyon yapmak icin PLC baglantisina gerek yoktur.Tools > Online simulation secerek (sekil 2-8-14) yada butonuna basarak (sekil 2-8-15) yada Ctrl + F4 tuslarina basarak

basarak online simulasyon yapilabilir.(sekil 2-8-16)


Online simulation

Sekil 2-8-1 4 Menu bardan secimi

Online simulation

Sekil 2 -8 -1 5 Toolbardan secimi


Sekil 2-8-16 Online simulasyon display 5. Offline simulasyon (Offline simulation) Offline simulasyon calismanin dogrulugunu,okunan ve yazilan adreslerin ve macrolarin testi icin kullanilabilir, PLC baglantisi gerekmez.Tools > Offline simulation secerek (sekil 2-8-17), butonuna basarak(sekil 2-8-18) yada klavye kisayolu Ctrl + F5 'e basarak gerceklestirilebilir.Offline simulasyon goruntusu sekil 2-8 -1 6 'daki gibi olacaktir.

Offline Simulation

Sekil 2-8-1 7 Menu bardan secimi


Offline simulation

Sekil 2 -8 -1 8 Toolbardan secimi 6. Recete (Recipe) Recete kontrolore istenen degerleri pratik bir sekilde girme imkani kilar. HMI 'in hafizasini kullanarak daha onceden kaydedilmis datalari PLC 'ye transfer edebilirsiniz.Recete uygulamadan ayri olarak recete hazirlik bolumunde duzenlenir ve ayri olarak download edilebilir.Ayrica bir recete her tur PLC icin kullanilabilir.Receteyi kullanabilmek icin once aktif etmek gerekir,sekil 2 -8 -20.



Sekil 2-8-1 9 Menu bardan secimi

Sekil 2-8-20 Recete hazirlama kutucugu


Sekil 2-8 -20 'de 10 grup var ve her grup 10 word 'den olusuyor.Bu 10 gruptan herhangi istedigimiz bir tanesini HMI hafizasindan PLC 'ye transfer edebiliriz. 7. Receteyi download etme (Download Recipe) Receteyi HMI 'a yukler. Tools > Download recipe secilerek yapilabilir.Ayrica hazirladigimiz bir receteyi PC 'mizde .rcp uzantili bir dosya olarak saklayabiliriz.

Sekil 2-8-2 1 Recete acma 8. Recete hazirlama(Recipe edition) Recete fonksiyonunu kullanmak icin aktif etmek gerekir.( Eger bu fonksiyonu aktif etmezsek receteyi download etsek bile kullanamayiz. )


Recetenin basliyacagi adresi girdigimiz bolgedir. ,

(Sekil 2-8-22 ) (Not: Buraya girdigimiz adres PLC 'nin data bolgesi olmalidir)


Sekil 2 -8-22 Recetenin baslangic adresi

Uzunluk (Lenght):Recetenin herbir grubunun kac word 'den olusacaginin belirlendigi bolumdur. Sifirdan buyuk bir sayi yazilmalidir aksi takdirde sekil 2-8-23 'deki uyari gelir.

Sekil 2 -8 -23 Grup (Group): Recetenin kac gruptan olacagini belirler. Grup sayisi sifirdan buyuk girilmelidir aksi takdirde sekil 2-5-24 'deki uyari mesaj kutucugu gelecektir.


Sekil 2 -8 -24 Uygula (Apply):Grup numarasi ve uzunlugunu girdikten sonra Apply butonu tiklanarak recete acilabilir.HMI 'in recete hafizasi 64K 'dir (uzunluk X grup=64 X 1024 'den kucuk olmalidir.) Eger bunlardan birisi 0 veya limitin ustunde olursa sekil 2-8-25 'deki uyari mesaj kutucugu gelecektir.

Sekil 2 -8 -25 Ac (Open): Open butonuna basilir,acilmak istenilen recete ismine tiklanir.Acilan recete dosyasi diger marka PLC'lerde de kullanilabilecegi icin start adres kismi bostur.

Sekil 2 -8 -26 Saklama (Save): Recete dosyasini PC 'ye saklarken ayni recete degisik marka PLC lerde kullanilabilecegi icin start adres otomatik olarak saklanmaz.


Sekil 2 -8 -27 Reset: Hazirlanan receteyi siler.Sekil 2 -8 -28 ve Sekil 2 -8 -29

Sekil 2-8-28 Recete ekrani


Sekil 2 -8 -29 Resetten sonra Temizle (Clear):Clar butonuna bastigimizda girmis oldugumuz butun degerler 0 olur,sekil 2-8-30 ve sekil 2-8-31.

Sekil 2-8-30 Recete ekrani


Sekil 2 -8 -31 Clear yaptiktan sonra Print: Recete degerlerinin ciktisini alir. OK: Yazilan receteyi onaylamak icin kullanilir. (Onaylayabilmek icin adres girilmis olmalidir,sekil 2-8 -32)

Sekil. 2 -8-32 Adres girilmemisse gelen hata mesaji


Iptal (Cancel): Cancel butonunu kullanarak receteyi iptal edebiliriz.(Yazilan bilgileri saklama-) dan cikar.)

2-3-7 Secenekler (Options)

Sekil 2 -9 -1 Secenekler menusu 1. Model parametreleri (Model Parameter) Options > Model parameter secilerek HMI 'in genel haberlesme ayarlarinin yapildigi model parametreleri ayar menusunu acilabilir.Genel ayarlar kisminda genel olarak uygulamanin ismi,HMI tipi, PLC tipi, baslangic sayfasi secimi,sistem kontrol ve durum bolgesi, download portu, sifre vb. ayarlari yapilabilir.Haberlesme ayarlari kisminda PLC ID numarasi ve protokol ayarlari yapilabilir.Detaylar icin sekilleri inceleyiniz.

Model Parameter

Fig. 2-9-2

Genel ayarlar (General setting)

Sekil 2-9-3 Uygulamanin ismi: Ayni zamanda dosyanin ismidir. HMI type: HMI tipinin secildigi yerdir.DOP serisi farkli HMI 'lar icin farkli fonksiyonlar icerir.

Sekil 2-9-4 HMI tipi Kontrolor(Controller): PLC tipi secmek icin kullanilir.

Sekil 2-9-5 PLC ayarlari En yuksek seviye sifresi: En yuksek oncelikli passwordu koymak icin kullanilir.Yazilim 8 seviye sifresine sahiptir.(Option>Model parameter>security)

Varsayilan baslangic seviyesi: Baslangic seviyesini ayarlamak icin kullanilir, en yuksek seviye 7 en dusuk seviye 0 dir. Sistem kontrol bolgesi (System control area) start adres : Sistem kontrol bolgesi adresini belirler.(PLC'den sayfa gecisi icin de kullanilir.) Sistem kontrol bolgesi-Uzunluk (System control area length):Kullanilan foksiyonlara gore uzunluk farkli olacaktir.(Mesela recete kullanirken uzunluk 8 Word 'den kisa olur ). Ilgili HMI parametreleri icin bolum 4 'e bakiniz. Sistem durum bolgesi (System status area) start adres: Sistem durum bolgesinin adresini girmek icin kullanilir ,bu bolgeye PLC adresi girilmelidir. Sistem durum bolgesi data blogu 6 ardisik word 'den olusur. Ilgili parametreler icin bolum 4 'e bakiniz.

Yukleme ayarlari (Download setting ) USB1.1: Yukleme yapmak icin USB1.1 'i kullanir. Yukleme ayarlari (Download setting ) PC haberlesme portu: Yukleme yapmak PC portlarini kullanir.

Sekil 2 -9 -6 PC haberlesme portla Baslangic gecikme zamani (Delay time for start-up): Baslangicta PLC'nin calismasini beklemesi icin HMI 'a gecikme zamani girilir.(Ayar araligi 0-255 saniyedir.) Saat Makrosu Gecikme zamani (Delay time for clock macro): Saat makronun gerceklesmesi icin gecikme zamani olusturur.(Ayar araligi 100~999 ms. dir.) Haberlesme Parametreleri Ayarlari (Communication parameter setting)


Sekil 2-9-7 Baglanti ayarlari (Connection setting): Baglanti ayarlari ve port secilir. (DOP serileri ayni anda farkli iki PLC 'ye baglanabilir.)

Sekil 2-9-8 Haberlesme portu (Communication port): PLC baglanti portu (COM 1 veya COM 2) secilir.


Sekil 2-9-9 PLC ayarlari (PLC setting)-Password: PLC sifresi koymak icin kullanilir. Haberlesme gecikme zamani(delay time for communicating):Haberlesme gecikme suresi ayarlanir.( 0 - 255 ms.) Okuma optimizasyonu(Optimize): Optimizasyonu aktif eder.Bkz. sekil 2-9-7 PLC ID: PLC 'nin ID numarasinin yazildigi bolumdur.Varsayilan deger 1'dir.Ayar araligi 0- 255 'dir. Haberlesme arayuzu (Communication interface): RS232 , RS422 ve RS485 secilebilir. Varsayilan deger RS232 'dir.

Sekil 2 -9 -10 Data bit: Data biti secimi yapilir.

Sekil 2 -9 -11 Stop bit: Stop biti secimi yapilir.

Sekil 2 -9 -12 Communication baud rate:Baud rate secimi yapilir.

Sekil 2 -9 -13 Parity bit: Parity biti secilir.

Sekil 2 -9 -1 4 2.Alarm ayarlari(Alarm setup) Options > Alarm setup secilerek alarm ayarlari menusune girilebilir (sekil 2-9-15). Bu ayarlar element ayarlariyla birlikte yapilmalidir.Eger belirtilen sart secilmis adreste gerceklesirse, HMI otomatik olarak yazilan mesaji gosterecektir.Alarm ayar menu2-126

sunde, append, delete, modify, OK, cancel ve close secenekleri vardir(sekil 2-9 -1 6). Alarm ayarlarini appendi secerek yapabiliriz. (Sekil 2 -9-17).

Alarm setup

Sekil 2-9-15 Menu bardan secimi

Sekil 2-9 -16 Alarm ayarlari Ekle (Append): Alarm ekler.


Sekil 2 -9-17 Alarm ozellikleri Mesaj: Alarm geldiginde goruntulenecek mesaj. Display rengi: Alarm mesajinin rengi. Trigger Mode: Alarmin ne zaman goruntulenecegi;ilgili bitin On-Off durumu secilir. Alarm screen: Alarmin hangi ekranda goruntulenecegi secilir. Delete: Secilen alarmi siler. Modify: Secilen alarmi degistirir. Scan time (sec.): Tarama zamani ayarlanir. Kayit sayisi (Number of records in history buffer): Alt alta kac alarm yazilacagi secilir, Eger yazilan sayidan fazla alarm gelirse ilk gelen alarm silinir son gelen alarm en alta kaydolur. Ornek olarak History buffer sayisi 100 yazilsin.101 'inci alarm geldiginde 1.alarm silinir, ikinci alarm 1. olur,ucuncu alarm 2.olur...yuzuncu kayit 99.olur ve yeni kayit 100'uncu olarak kaydedilir. Retentive: Enerji kesintisinde kayitlari SRAM 'e kaydetmek icin kullanilir.(SRAM sistem pilinden beslenir) Non -volatile: Kayitlari enerji kesilsede kesilmesede SRAM 'e kaydeder.

3. History setup: Detaylar icin bkz. bolum 3.


History setup

Sekil 2 -9 -18 Ekle (Append): Bir grafik datasi ekler.

Sekil. 2 -9 -19 Grafik ayarlari


Sekil 2-9-20 Tetikleyici - Timer

Sekil 2 -9-21 Tetikleyici- PLC Okunacak adres (Read address): Okunacak adres girilir. Uzunluk (Size): Ardisik kac adres okunacagi girilir.

Sekil 2 -9 -22 Uzunluk Ornekleme peryodu (Sample cycle): Okuma isleminin ornekleme peryodunu belirler. Eger tetikleyici PLC secilirse bu ayar gecersiz olur.Ayar araligi 0 - 10000 'dir. Ornek sayisi (Sample point): Eger yazilan sayidan fazla alarm gelirse ilk gelen alarm silinir son gelen alarm en alta kaydolur.Ornek olarak History buffer sayisi 100 yazilsin.101 'inci alarm geldiginde 1.alarm sili2-130

nir, ikinci alarm 1. olur,ucuncu alarm 2.olur...yuzuncu kayit 99.olur ve yeni kayit 100'uncu third record will become to the forth recordand the 100th record will become to 99th olarak kaydolur. Tarih ve zaman kayit (Record date and time): Aktif yada pasif eder. Auto stop: Kayit sayisi doldugunda dursun yada durmasin secimi yapilir. Non -vola tile: Enerji kesintisinde kayitlari saklasin yada saklamasin secimi yapilir. Tetikleme kaynagi (Trigger source): Timer veya PLC secimi yapilabilir. OK: Sakla ve cik. Cancel: Saklamadan cikar. Delete: Bir grafik datasini siler. Modify: Grafik datasini yeniler.

4. Etiket tablosu (Tag table) Cok kullanilan yada gerekli olan adreslere etiket vermeye yarar. Ornek olarak,M1 bitine "start" etiketini verelim.Calismamiza bir buton koyalim buton ayarlari write adress bolgesinde tag kisminda start etiketini secersek write adres otomatik olarak M1 olur.


Tag Table

Sekil 2-9-2 3 Menu bardan secimi

Internal Memory PLC Memory

Sekil 2 -9 -24 Etiket tablosu ayarlari


6. Resim bankasi (Picture Bank) Calismaya programin kendi kutuphanesinde olmayan rasimler eklemek icin kullanilr. Resim formatlari BMP ve JPG olabilir.

Picture Bank

Sekil 2 -9 -2 5 Menu bardan secimi


Resim eni X boyu X rengi

Sekil 2 -9 -26 Resim bankasi


Select picture

Bir resim bankasi secin veya yeni olusturun.

Eklenecek resim


Fig. 2-9-27 Yeni resim bankasi ac Resim bankasi sil Resim bankasini sakla Resim ekle Resim cikar Resmi sil Renkleri ters cevir Resmi256gritonacevirir Yatay olarak aynalar Dikey olarak aynalar Gercek boyutlarina getirir Uzat-eg

7. Yazi bankasi (Text bank) Yaygin olarak kullanilan yada gerekli olan yazilari saklamak icin kullanilir.


Text bank

Sekil 2-9-28 Menu bardan secimi


Sekil 2-9 -29 Text bankasi


Nesne secilip sag tusa basilir

Import text

Text secildikten sonra OK 'e basilir


Sekil 2 -9 -30 Yazi ornegi 8.Alt-makro (Sub -macro) Alt makrolarin yazildigi bolumdur,bu makrolar diger makrolar tarafindan da cagrilabilir. Detaylar icin bkz.bolum 4



Sekil 2-9-31 Menu bardan secimi

Sekil 2-9-32 Alt-makro 9. Baslangic Makrosu (Initial macro) HMI enerjilendiginde gerceklesecek olan baslangic makrolarinin yazildigi bolgedir. Detaylar icin bkz. bolum 4.

Initial Macro

Sekil 2-9-33 Menu bardan secimi 10. Arkaplan Makrosu (Background Macro) Arkaplan makrolarinin girildigi bolumdur. Detaylar icin bkz. bolum 4.


Background Macro

Sekil 2-9-3 4 Menu bardan secimi 11. Zaman Makrosu (Clock Macro) HMI enerjili oldugu surece Refer to chapter 4 for detail.


Clock Macro

Sekil 2-9-35 Menu bardan secimi 12. Cevresel Ayarlar (Environment setting) Screen editorun gorunusunu ayarlar.



Sekil 2-9-36 Menu bardan secimi


Sekil 2-9 -37 Cevresel ayarlar Sistem Kaynagi (system path): Yurutum ve .DLL dosyalarinin saklandigi bolgedir. Gerekmedikce degistirilmemesi tavsiye edilir. Cikis kaynagi (Output path): Compile isleminden sonra olusacak dosyalarin saklandigi yerdir. Online simulasyon, offline simulasyon, upload ,download islemlerinden olusan yurutum dosyalari bu bolgede saklanir. Gerekmedikce degistirilmemesi tavsiye edilir. Secenekler (Options): Arac cubuklari/Pencereler (Toolbars/windows): Kullanilacak arac cubuklarini secmek icin kullanilir. Dil (Language): Dil secimi yapilir,3 dil secenegi vardir. Geleneksel Cince,basitlestirilmis Cince, ve Ingilizce. Yukleme-cekme ayarlari (Upload/download setting):USB veya port secimi yapilabilir.

Otomatik sakla (Auto save): Dosyayi peryodik olarak otomatik saklar. Zaman birimi dakikadir. Otomatik ac (Auto open):Program acildiginda son calismayi otomatik olarak acar.

2-3-8 Pencereler (Windows)

Sekil 2 -10-1 Pencere secenekleri 1. Pencereyi kapat (Close window) O anki pencereyi gizlemeye yarar ,pencereden cikmaz. Gizlenmis pencereyi acmak icin Screen > Open screen secilmelidir.

Close window

Sekil 2-10 -2 Menu bardan secimi


Kapatmadan once iki pencere var.

Sekil 2 -10-3 Pencere kapama ornegi 1.adim

Kapattiktan sonra 1 pencere kaldi.

Sekil 2 -10-4 Pencere kapama ornegi 2.adim


2. Butun pencereleri kapat (Close all windows) Butun sayfalari gizlemek icin kullanilir,kapatmaz.Gizlenmis pencereyi acmak icin Screen > Open screen secilmelidir.

Close all windows

Sekil 2-10 -5 Menu bardan secimi


Sekil 2-10 -6 Pencereleri kapatmadan once

Sekil 2 -10-7 Pencereleri kapattiktan sonra


3. Sonraki pencere (Next window) Bir sonraki pencereye gecmek icin kullanilir.Eger son penceredeysek bu islem gerceklesmez.

Next window

Sekil 2-10 -8 Menu bardan secimi


Next window

Sekil 2 -10-9 Toolbar secimi

Sonraki pencereye gecmeden once

Sekil 2 -10-10

Next" butonuna bastiktan sonra.

Sekil 2 -10-11 4. Onceki pencere (Previous window) Bir onceki pencereye gecmek icin kullanilir.Eger ilk penceredeysek bu islem gerceklesmez.


Previous window

Sekil 2 -10-12 Menu bardan secimi

Previous window

Sekil 2-10 -13 Toolbardan secimi


Bir onceki sayfaya gecmeden once.

Sekil 2 -10-14

Bir onceki sayfaya gectikten sonra.

Sekil 2 -10-15

5. Kaskat (Cascade) Butun pencereleri kaskat bicimde acar,sekil 2-10-17 ve sekil 2-10-18.


Sekil 2 -10-16 Menu bardan secimi



Sekil 2 -10-17 Kaskat gorunumden once

Sekil 2-10-18 Kaskat gorunum


6. Yatay sirala (Title Horizontal) Pencereleri alt alta acar ,sekil 2 -10-20 ve sekil 2-10 -21.

Title Horizontal

Sekil 2 -10-19 Menu bardan secimi


Sekil 2-10 -20 Yatay siralamadan once

Sekil 2 -10-21 Yatay siralamdan sonra


7. Dikey sirala (Title Vertical) Sayfalari dikey olarak acar,sekil 2-10 -24.

Title Vertical

Sekil 2 -10-22 Menu bar dan secimi


Sekil 2 -10-23 Dikey siralamadan once

Sekil 2-10 -2 4 Dikey siralamadan once


8. Pencere ozetleri (Windows summary) Acilmis butun pencereler Window menusunun altinda goruntulenir. Gormek istedigimizi tiklayarak o pencereyi goruntuleriz.

Sekil 2 -10-25 Menu bardan secimi


Sekil 2-10 -2 6 Screen_2 'i secmeden once

Sekil 2-10 -2 7 Screen_2 sectikten sonra


2-3-9 Yardim (Help)

Sekil 2-11-1 Yardim secenekleri 1. Icindekiler (Contents) Delta HMI yardim basliklarini goruntuler.

Sekil 2-11 -2 Yardim 2. Screen Editor hakkinda (About Screen Editor) Screen Editor programinin versiyonu goruntulenir.

Sekil 2 -11-3

Bolum 3 Nesne Fonksiyonlari

Bu bolumde ekran duzenleyici programinda kullanilacak nesnelerin ozelliklleri ve kullanilmadan once yapilmasi gereken ayarlar anlatilacaktir.

3-1 Nesne Secimi (How to Choose Element)

Nesne secmenin 3 farkli yontemi vardir: 1. Calisma bolgesinde sag butona tiklanarak gelen menuden secilebilir,fig. 3-1 -1. 2. Menu bardan secilebilir,fig. 3-1-2. 3. Toolbardan secilebilir,fig. 3-1-3.

Sag tusa basildiginda aaci acilan menu

Fig. 3-1-1


Fig. 3-1-2

Fig. 3-1 -3 Toolbardan secimi


Kullanilacak nesne secildikten sonra calisma bolgesinde sol tusa basili tutularak mause suruklenir ve nesne yerlestirilir,fig 3-1-4.

Fig. 3-1-4

3-2 Buton (Button Element)

Fig. 3 -2 -1 Buton secenekleri


Buton tipi Set Button

Macro Read Write



Yes Yes

Reset Button

OFF Yes Yes


ON Yes Yes OFF


ON Yes Yes OFF

Bu butona bastigimizda ayarlanan adresin durumu ON olur,tekrar basmamiz adresin konumunu degistirmez.OFF etmedigimiz surece ON olarak kalir. Eger butona bastigimiz bir ON Macro varsa ayni anda gerceklesecektir. Bu butona bastigimizda ayarlanan adresin durumu OFF olur, tekrar basmamiz adresin konumunu degistirmez.ON etmedigimiz surece OFF olarak kalir. Eger bir OFF Macro varsa ayni anda gerceklesecektir. Bu butona bastigimizda ayarlanan adresin durumu bastigimiz surece ON olur,biraktigimiz zaman OFF olur Eger bir ON/OFF macro varsa ayni zamanlarda gerceklesir. Bu butona bastigimizda ayarlanan adresin durumu ON olur ve ON macro gerceklesir.Butona tekrar bastigimizda ayni adres OFF olur,OFF macro gerceklesir. Bu buton icin 1-256 arasinda farkli konum ayarlanabilir. Butona her bastigimizda ayarlarimiza gore ya bir sonraki gorevi yada bir onceki gorevi yapar.Ornek olarak butonun konumu 2 iken basarsak ayarlarimiza gore ya 3.konuma yada bir onceki 1.konuma gecer. Butona basildiginda deger girebilmek icin ekrana bir tustakimi gelir.Tus takimini kullanarak yazdigimiz sayi Enter tusuna bastigimizda Write adres kisminda belirtilen bolgeye yazilmis olur. Bu butona basildiginda Write adres kismina yazilmis adrese daha onceden belirlenmis sabit sayi kaydolur. After pressing button, HMI will add the setting constant to write address of element. Bu butona her basildiginda Write adres kismina yazilmis adresteki bilgiye ayarlanmis sabit sayi eklenir. Bu butona basildiginda ekrana belirtilen sayfa gelir. Bu butona basildiginda ekrana bir onceki sayfa gelir.



Yes Yes

Set value Set constant Increment




No No



Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No

Decrement No Goto Screen Previous Main Screen No No

Table 3-2-1

3-2-1 Genel Butonlar (General Buttons)

Bu butonlardan herhangi birisine bastigimizda HMI PLC 'ye ON/OFF sinyallerini yollayacaktir.Bu butonlarin 4 tipi vardir: Set buton, Reset buton, Maintained ve Momentary.


Durum: ? sonraki veya ? 0. durumda bu yuzden 0. duruma ait sekil ve yazilar gorunur. Butonun ismi onceki durum

Buton seklinin ayarlanabiAyarlar sayfasi icin butonun ustune tiklayin lecegi bolum.

Buton icin 4 farkli stilin secilebilecegi bolum.

Buton tipinin secilebilecegi bolum.

Fig. 3-2-2 Buton ayarlari Buton ayarlari: 1. , Butonun yazacagi ve okuyacagi adres.

Input adres 2. , Kullanicinin butonun stilini ve onalan rengini secebilecegi bolumdur.


(Gorunmez buton) Buton stilleri 3. , ON/OFF Macrolarin yazilabileci kisimdir,detaylar icin bknz. bolum4 , , Yazinin fontunun,renginin,buyuklugunun ayarlandigi kisimdir. 5. , Buton seklinin secilebildigi bolumdur.


6. Buton tipinin degistirilebildigi bolumdur.

Buton tipleri A. Set: Bastiktan sonra hep ON olan buton. B. Reset: Bastiktan sonra hep OFF olan buton. C. Maintained: Basinca ON birakinca OFF olan buton. D. Momentary:Basilinca ON,tekrar basilinca OFF olan buton.

7. Butona islevini gerceklestirmesi icin basili tutmamiz gereken surenin ayarlandigi bolum. 8. Kullanici seviyesini belirler. Ornek:

Durum 0: OFF durumu

Durum 1 : ON durumu

ON/OFF buton ornekleri

3-2-2 Cok durumlu buton (Multistate)

Her konumdaki sekil ,gorev farkli olabilir.Bir WORD icin 256 ,bir LSB icin 16 , ve bir Bit icin 2 farkli konum vardir. Secilen birime gore Read/Write adresi degisecektir. Eger, WORD yada LSB secilirse read/write adres Word olacaktir.Eger,Bit secilirse read/write adres Bit olacaktir.Butona her basisimizda ya bir onceki yada bir sonraki konumuna gecer.

0.konumda ve bu konuma ait texti gosterir.

Konum: ? onceki veya ? sonraki konum Butonun ustundeki yazi

Buton sekli

Konum sayisi:word: 256; LSB:16; BIT:2 Property sayfasi icin butona tiklanir.

Secilebilecek 4 farkli buton stili var.

Fig. 3-2 -3 Multistate ayarlari Multistate ayarlari: 1. , Multistate butonun okuyacagi ve yazacagi adres.


Adres girisi 2. , , Yazinin fontu, rengi,karakter buyuklugunun ayarlandigi bolumdur. 3. Butona sekil secilen bolumdur. 4. , Nesnenin stilinin ve onplan renginin ayarlanabildigi bolumdur. : user can , ,

(gorunmez buton) Nesne stili 5. Nesnenin aktif olmasi icin minimum basili tutulmasi gereken sure. 6. Kullanici seviyesinin ayarlandigi bolumdur. 7. : Multistate buton icin konum sayisidir. WORD icin 1-256 , LSB icin 1-16 ve Bit icin 2 konum secilebilir.

8. Butona bastigimizda bir onceki konumami,bir sonraki konumami gececegini belirler. Ornek: Birim LSB secilmis ise (D100.0D100.1----D100.3 -D100.4)

K0=D100.0 ON

K1=D100.1 ON K2=D100.2 ON K3=D100.3 ON K4 =D100.4 ON









Multistate uygulamasi

3-2-3 Deger Girme (Set value)

Bu tur butona basildiginda ekrana tus takimi gelecektir.Deger girilip Enter'a basildiginda girilen deger PLC 'nin ilgili datasina kaydolur. Maxsimum ve minimum araliginda deger girilebilir ayrica yazdiktan sonra veya once bit set etme ozelligide ayarlanabilir (Trigger mode).
Konum numarasi ve yazisini gosterir. . Butonun ustundeki yazi

Butonun stili

Deger girdikten sonra veya once set bit islemi

Fig. 3 -2-4 Deger girme buton ayarlari


Deger birimi Data formati

Deger araligi (maximum/minimum)

Sol taraftaki ayar kutucuVirgulden once-sonra gu icin buraya basilir.

Fig. 3-2 -5 Deger girme buton ayarlari Deger girme buton ayarlari: 1. Deger yazilacak adres. ,


, , Yazinin fontu, rengi,karakter buyuklugunun ayarlandigi bolumdur.


, Butonun seklinin secilebilecegi bolumdur.



, Buton stilinin secilebilecegi bolumdur.

(Gorunmez buton) Buton stili 5. , Bir biti deger girme isleminden once yada sonra set etmek icin kullanilir. Not: Bu fonksiyon ilgili biti sadece ON eder. Eger tekrar ayni bit set edilmek isteniyorsa baska bir yontemle onceden OFF edilmelidir. 6. Kullanici seviyesini ayarlar. 7. , Data uzunlugunu ve formatini belirler. , Girilebilecek deger araligini belirler.



:Virgulden once-sonra girilebilecek rakam sayisi-

nin ayarladigi kisimdir. Set value butonuna basildiktan sonra ekrana PLC 'nin ilgili adresine (Burada D1000) deger girebilmek icin bir tus takimi gelecektir

Bu tur butona bastiginizda ekrana tus takimi gelecektir.

Fig. 3-2-6

3-2-4 Sabit sayi girme (Set Constant)

Butona basildiktan sonra HMI ayarlarda belirlenmis sabit sayiyi PLC 'nin ilgili adresine yollayacaktir.

0.durum ve yazisi

Genel ayarlarin yapilabildigi pencere.

Fig. 3 -2 -7 Sabit sayi girme

Deger birimi

Deger formati

Sabit sayi Sakla ve cik Saklamadan cik

Fig. 3 -2 -8 Sabit deger girme Sabit deger girme ayarlari: 1. Sabit sayinin kaydedilecegi adres. ,



, , Yazinin fontu, rengi,karakter buyuklugunun ayarlandigi bolumdur.


, Butonun seklinin secilebilecegi bolumdur. , Buton stilinin secilebilecegi bolumdur.


(Gorunmez buton) Buton stili 5. , Bir biti deger girme isleminden once yada sonra set etmek icin kullanilir. Not: Bu fonksiyon ilgili biti sadece ON eder. Eger tekrar ayni bit set edilmek isteniyorsa baska bir yontemle OFF etmek gerekir.

Kullanici seviyesini belirler.


, Deger uzunlugu ve formatini belirler


: sets the


: Butona basildiginda kaydolacak sabit degeri belirleriz.

Ornek: Butona bastigimizda HMI PLC'nin ilgili adresine (D1000) sabit sayiyi yollayacaktir.

3-2-5 Arttirma/Azaltma(Increment/Decrement)
Bu butona bastigimizda ,HMI PLC 'nin ilgili adresindeki sayiyi arttirip azaltir. Eger deger maximum degeri asicak olursa maximum deger PLC 'ye kaydolur.


Buton yazisi 0.konum ve yazisi

Buton stili

Maximum minimum sinirlarin atlama miktarinin ayarlanabildigi bolum

Fig. 3 -2 -9 Arttirma/Azaltma buton ayarlari

Data formati

Deger birimi

Alt ve ust limit +/- miktari

Sakla ve cik

Saklamadan cik

Fig. 3-2 -10 Arttirma/Azaltma buton ayarlari


Arttirma /azaltma buton ayarlari: 1. Arttirilan/azaltilan adres. ,


, , Yazinin fontu, rengi,karakter buyuklugunun ayarlandigi bolumdur.


, Butonun seklinin secilebilecegi bolumdur. , Buton stilinin secilebilecegi bolumdur.


(Invisible button) Element style 5. Butonun tipini yeniden yapilandirmaya gerek kalmaksizin degistirir.

6. Kullanici seviyesini ayarlar. Ornek:


D1000 datasinin icerigini +/- butonlariyla degistirir.

3-2-6 Sayfa gecisi (Goto Screen)

Butona bastigimizda HMI belirledigimiz sayfayi acacaktir. Iki sekilde kullanilabilir : 1 . Sayfa Degistir (Change screen):Butona basilinca belirlenen sayfa acilir. 2 . Bir onceki sayfaya git (Back to previous screen):Bu buton bir onceki sayfayi acar.

Uygulama adresi

Buton yazisi

Buton stili

Gidilecek sayfa

Fig. 3 -2-11 Sayfa degistirme Ayarlar: 1. Uygulamanin gerceklesecegi adres.



, , Yazinin fontu, rengi,karakter buyuklugunun ayarlandigi bolumdur.

3. Butonun seklinin secilebilecegi bolumdur.

Sayfa gecis secenekleri 4. , Butonun seklinin secilebilecegi bolumdur. , Buton stilinin secilebilecegi bolumdur.


(Gorunmez buton) 6. : Changes element character directly without Butonun turunu degistirir (Goto screen veya Previous main screen)

7. Kullanici seviyesini belirler. 8. : Gidilecek sayfa numarasi secilir.

Ornek:Farkli butonlarla farkli sayfalara gecis.

3-2-7 Sistem Fonksiyon Butonlari (System Function Button)

Sistem fonksiyon butonlari Button tipi Makro Read Write Islevi System Date & HMI 'in tarih ve zamanini ayarlar No No No Time (Yil:ay: gun,saat:dakika:saniye) Password table Kullanici seviye sifrelerini ayarlar No No No setup Enter password No No No Sifre koyma imkani saglar. Contrast & HMI 'in kontrast/Parlaklik ayari. No No No Brightness Butona basildiginda HMI en dusuk Low security No No No kullanici seviyesine gecer (seviye 0). Butona basildiginda sistem menu System menu No No No acilir. Table 3-2-2 Sistem fonksiyon butonlari

Sistem fonksiyon butonlari 6 farkli sistem fonksiyon butonu vardir bunlar: System Date & Time, Password table setup, Enter password, Contrast & Brightness, Low security ve system menu butonlaridir.

Konum numarasi ve yazisinin oldugu bolum. Buton yazisi

Butonun stili

6 farkli secenek vardir.

Fig. 3-2-12 Sistem fonksiyon buton ayarlari Ayarlar: 1. , , Yazinin fontu,rengi,karakter buyuklugunu ayarlar. 2. , Buton seklinin secilebilecegi bolumdur. , Buton stili ve onplan renginin ayarlandigi bolumdur. ,



(Gorunmez buton) Buton stili 4. Buton turunun degistirilebilecegi bolumdur.

Sistem butonlari a. Sistem Zamani&Tarihi(System Date & Time) HMI 'in sistem tarih ve saatini degistirme imkani kilar.Sistem tarih ve zamaninin degistirilebilecegi kutucugun ekrana gelmesi icin bu tur butona basmak yeterlidir.


Saga tasi

Sola tasi Azalt

Sistem tarih ve zaman ayar kutucugu b. Sifre tablosu (Password table setup) Bu tur butona basilinca kullanici seviyesine bagli olarak password tablosu acilacaktir.HMI 'a yukledikten sonra eger sifre kullanici seviyeniz ayarlanandan asagi ise bu tablo acilmaz.Eger password tablosunu actiysaniz yalnizca sizin kullanici seviyenizden asagi olan sifreleri gorebilir ve degistirebilirsiniz,digerlerini goremez ve degistiremezsiniz.

Password tab losu


5.seviye password tablosu c . Sifre girme (Enter password) Bu buton sifre girmek icin ekrana digital bir tus takimi getirir.Kullanici seviyesini degistirmekicin kullanilir,En ust kullanici sifresini girilirse en ust kullanici seviyesine sahip olunur.

G i iris

Pencereyi kapat

Onayla ve cik Sil

Sifre girme sayfasi d. Kontrast&Parlaklik (Contrast & Brightness) Bu butona basilinca acilan pencereden HMI 'in kontrast ve parlaklik ayarlari yapilabilir.

Kontrast & Parlaklik ayar penceresi e. Dusuk guvenlik (Low security) Bu buton kullanici seviyesini en disuk seviye yapar (level 0).Bu ayarlari kullanicinin farkli sayfalara gitmesini ,sistem parametrelerini degistirip hatalara

sebeb vermesini engellemek icin kullanilir. (Sayfa degistirirkende bu fonksiyon kullanilabilir) f. Sistem menu (System menu) Sistem menu butonuna basildiginda HMI sistem menusu acilacaktir. Uygulamaya geri donmek icin RUN 'a basilmali veya restart yapilmalidir. 5. Uygulamanin kullanici seviyesini belirler. Ornek:

Zaman ayari Kalibrasyon Yukleme yapilacak COM port secimi

Parlaklik ayari

Uygulamayi calistir

SMC karti veya dahili hafizayi sil veya kopyala

Sistem ayarlari

HMI System Menu

3-3 Ibre (Meter)

Meter options Ibre tipi Meter (1) Meter (2) Meter (3) Sekil Islevi Ayarlanmis adresin degerinin ust limitin ustundemi yoksa alt limitin altindami oldugunu farkli renkler ile goruntulemeye Ayarlar kisminda degerin max/min siniri,skala ve ibrenin rengi ayarlanabilir. Table 3-3-1

Ibre ayarlari penceresinden ibrenin gorunusunu alt ve ust degerleri ve renkleri, bolme sayisini arkaplan rengi ayarlanabilir.Ayarlari yaptiktan sonra HMI otomatik olarak oransal olarak ayirarak gostergeyi girilen degerlere gore farkli renklerde gosterecektir.

3 farkli data formati secilebilir.

Sagdaki sayfanin goruntu lenmesi icin tiklanir.

Fig. 3-3-1 Gosterge ayarlari


Deger formati

Deger birimi Sol pencere icin tiklanir.

Max./Min. for inputting Noktadan once ve sonraki rakam sayisi

Enable range limit setting

Upper/lower bound

Hedef ve alt ust degerler ayarlanabilir secilirse: Hedef adres =read adres + 3 Ust sinir adres =read adres + 2 Alt sinir adres =read adres +1

Fig. 3 -3 -2 Gosterge ayarlari 1. : Gostergenin okuma yapacagi adres.


, , Yazinin fontu,rengi,karakter buyuklugunu ayarlar.



, Gosterge stili ve onplan renginin ayarlandigi bolumdur.


Raised Meter border Style ,



Virgulden once ve sonraki rakam sayisi ayarlanir. 6. , Alt ve ust sinir bolgelerinin rengini ayarlar. : Ibrenin rengi ayarlanir. , Olcegin ve rakamlarin rengi ayarlanir. : sets color

7. 8.

9. Data formati ve birimi ayarlanir.

: sets value


, Minimumve maximumdegerler ayarlanir.

: set the max.


, Hedef deger ayarlanir.


, Aralik ayarlanir.


:Hedef degerin ve alt ust araligin sabit veya degisken olmasi secenegidir.Ornek olarak hedef deger :sabit secilirse (low limit=9999), 2. degisken

secilirse ,Dn+3 datasinin degeridir .(=D1003) Alt deger:1.sabit secilirse (low limit=0), 2.ayarlanabilir secilirse Dn+ 1 datasinin degerine esittir.(=D100 1) Ust deger:1.sabit secilirse (low limit=2500),2.ayarlanabilir secilirse= Dn+ 2 datasinin degerine esittir.(=D100 2) Ornek:

3-4 Cubuk Grafik (Bar)

Bar type Normal bar Deviation bar


Function Bir adresin icerigini cubuk grafik seklinde cizdirmek icin kullanilir,boylece adresin artan ve azalan icerigi goruntulenmis olur. Degerin alt limitin altinda veya ust limitin ustundemi oldugu farkli renkler kullanilarak gosterilebilir.Ayrica max./min., dege ayarlari,arkaplan renk ayarlarida yapilabilir. Table 3-4-1

2 cesit cubuk grafik vardir: 1. Normal bar: HMI plc 'den okudugu datayi degeri oraninda cubuk grafik seklinde gosterir. 2. Deviation bar: HMI plc'den okudugu datayi standart degerle karsilastirir ve standart degerin altinda veya ustunde olarak cizer.

3-4-1 Normal Bar


Soldaki pencere icin tiklanir. Grafik yazisi

Grafik stili Display format secimi.

Alt-ust aralik renkleri

Fig. 3-4 -1Bar ayarlari

Deger birimi Deger formati

Max./Min. deger araligi Sol pencere icin tiklanir

Aralik ayarlari aktif

Target ve Ust/alt limit ayarlanabilir ise, Target adres = read adres + 3 Giris deger limiti Ust limit adresi = read adres + 2 Alt limit adresi = read adres +1

Fig. 3 -4 -2 Normal bar ayarlari



: Cubuk grafigin adresi


, , Yazinin fontu,rengi,karakter buyuklugunu ayarlar.

3. Nesnenin stilini ayarlar.

Standard 4.

Raised Bar style


Cubuk grafikin yonunu secer (Asagidan yukari,sagdan sola vb.).

Grafik yonu 5. Ust alt sinir rengini ayarlar.


6. Deger birimi ve formatini ayarlar.

: setting data

7. Max./Min. degeri ayarlar. 8. , Hedef deger secimi. 9. , Aralik secimi. 10.

Hedef deger ve ust alt limit degerinin ayarlanabilir secimi. Hedef deger: Sabit secilirse (Alt limit=9999), degisken secilirse =Dn+ 3 a d r e s i n i n icerigine esittir.(=D1003) Alt limit degeri: Sabit secilirse (Alt limit=0), Degisken secilirse = Dn+ 1 a d r e s i n i n icerigine esittir.(=D100 1) Ust limit degeri: Sabit secilirse (Ust limit=2500), Degisken secilirse = Dn+ 2 a d r e s i n i n icerigine esittir.(=D100 2)

3-4-2 Sapma Deger Bar (Deviation Bar)


Grafik yazisi

Grafik stili



formati secilebilir.

Ayar sayfasi icin tiklanir.

Fig. 3 -4-3 Ayarlar

Deger birimi

Deger formati Max. /Min. sinir araligi.

Sol pencere icin tiklanir.

Sapma deger siniri Standart deger ve sapma degeri ayarlanabilir ise,

Standart deger= read adres +1 Sapma degeri=read adres +2

Fig. 3-4-4 Ayarlar



: Grafik icin adres secimi.


, , Yazinin fontu,rengi,karakter buyuklugunu ayarlar.

3. Grafik stilini ayarlar.

: user can

Standard 4.

Raised Sunken Sapma deger grafik stilleri : Display bar action direction

Grafik yonunu ayarlar (Yatay,dikey).


5. Deger birimi ve formati ayarlanir.

6. Grafik max/min sinirlari.


7. ,

, ,

: Standart deger ve sapma deger ayari: Sabit secilirse (ornege gore =0), degisken ise = Dn icerigiyle karsilastirir. (=D1000) ve standart deger Dn+1(D1001). Eger sapma miktari ust limitden Dn+2(D1002)daha buyuk ise, grafikte bu miktar farkli renklerde gozukecektir. Ornek:

Read: PLC 'nin ilgili datasinin cubuk grafigi


3-5 Pay Grafik (Pie Graph)

Buton tipi Pie (1) Pie (2) Pie (3) Pie (4)


Islevi Belirlenmis adresin degerini pay grafikolarak goruntulemek icin kullanilir.Artan veya azalan pay miktarina gore degerin miktarini. anliyabiliriz.Deger alt ve ust limitlerin disinda farkli renkler kullanilarak goruntulenir.

4 farkli stilde pay grafik vardir.Ayarlari kullanarak grafigin renklerini alt/ust sinirlari max., min. degerleri,ayarlayabiliriz.

Ayarlar sayfasi icin tiklanir.

Grafigin yazisi

Grafik stili

Fig. 3-5-1 Pay grafik ayarlari


Deger birimi Deger formati

Sol pencere icin tiklanir. Max./Min. degerleri

Aralik ayarlari

Giris degerin limiti

Hedef deger ve alt/ust limit ayarlanabilir ise. Hedef deger = read adres + 3 Ust limit deger= read adres + 2 Alt limit deger= read adres +1

Fig. 3-5 -2 Pay grafik ayarlari 1. : Pay grafigin okuyacagi adres.



, , Yazinin fontu, rengi,karakter buyuklugu ayarlanir.


, Grafigin stili ve onplan renginin secilebilcegi yerdir. , Ust/alt bolge rengi.


5. Deger birimi ve formati.

: sets data

6. Girisin max./min. degeri.



, Araligin alt ve ust degerleri.

: sets


: Hedef deger ve ust/alt deger ayarlari secimi . Hedef deger: Sabit secilirse girilen sayiya esittir.ayarlanabilir secilirse Dn+ 3 adresinin iceregine esittir.(=D1001) Alt limit degeri:Sabit secilirse girilen degere (low limit=0),ayarlanabilir secilirse Dn+ 2 adresinin icerigine esittir.(=D100 2) Ust limit ayarlari:Sabit secilirse girilen degere (high limit=2500), ayarlanabilir secilirse Dn+ 1 adresinin icerigine esittir.(=D100 3)



3-6 Indikator (Indicator)

Indikator tipi Multistate indicator Range indicator


Islevi PLC 'nin ilgili kontaginin (on/off) yada adresinin durumunu gosterir PLC 'nin ilgili bitinin yada adresinin degerini alt sinir degeriyle karsilastirir,karsilastirma sonucuna gore farkli konumlar goruntulenir.

2 tip indikator vardir: 1. Multistate indicator: PLC 'nin ilgili kontaginin (on/off) yada adresinin durumunu gosterir Konumnumarasi secilen birime gore degisecektir.(Value: 256 konum, LSB: 16 konum, BIT: 2 konum) Indikatorun gorunusu yazi veya sekil olabilir. 2.Range indicator: PLC 'nin ilgili adresini araligin alt degeriyle karsilastirir,karsilastirma sonucuna gore ilgili konumu ekranda goruntuler.

3-6-1 State Indicator

State indicator PLC 'nin ilgili bitini goruntulemek icin kullanilir.Bit, LSB veya WORD olarak konum degistiginde ilgili konuma ait mesaji,sekli goruntuleyecektir.Eger adres onemli bir isaretci,mesaj yada alarm ise state indikator; gorunusunu ,yazisini degistirerek kullaniciyi bilgilendirecektir.


Konum numarasi ve degisme imkani Konum numarasi ve yazisi. Indikatorun yazisi

Deger tipi Deger formati Sagdaki pencere iin tiklanir. Konum sayisi

Fig. 3 -6 -1 Indikator ayarlari 1. :State indikatorun okuyacagi adres.



, , Yazinin fontunun,renginin,karakter buyuklugunun ayarlandigi bolumdur.


, Secilen nesneye resim eklemek iin kullanilir.

4. Secilen nesnenin onplan rengi ayarlanir.


, Adresin birimi ve formati ayarlanir.

: sets value


3-6-2 Range Indicators

PLC 'nin ilgili adresini araligin alt degeriyle karsilastirir,karsilastirma sonucuna gore ilgili konumu ekranda goruntuler.


Konum numarasi ve degisme imkani. Konum numarasi ve yazisi. Nesnenin yazisi

Sagdaki pencere iin tiklanir. Konum sayisi.

Fig. 3-6-2 Range indikator ayarlari

Soldaki pencere iin tiklanir. Aralik limit ayarlari Deger formati

Deger birimi

Fig. 3 -6-3 Range indikator ayarlari



: Indikatorun okuyacagi adres.


, , Yazinin fontunun,renginin,karakter buyuklugunun ayarlandigi bolumdur.


, Secilen nesneye resim eklemek iin kullanilir.

4. Secilen nesnenin onplan rengi ayarlanir.


, Adresin birimi ve formati ayarlanir.


: Konum sayisini arttirip azaltma. (Value: 256 konum, LSB: 16 konum, BIT: 2 konum)


Konumlarin alt deger ayari.Bu bolum sabit yada ayarlanabilir secilir.(Konum Konumun alt degeri Dn+1,2,3 (konum numarasi-1) 'e esittir. Ornek: Konum sayisi 5 ve value range =4 olsun,

Range (sabit) 0=400 Range (ayarlanabilir) Dn+1

1=300 Dn+2

2=200 Dn+3

3=100 Dn+4

3-7 Deger Goruntuleme (Data display)

Buton tipi Numeric display Character display Date display Time display


islevi Istenilen adresin icerigini goruntuler. Adresin karakter(ascii) icerigini goruntuler. HMI tarihini goruntuler. HMI zamanini goruntuler. Haftanin gununu goruntuler. Konuma ait mesaji goruntuler. Konuma ait mesaji hareketli olarak goruntuler.

Day-of-week display Prestored message Moving sign

3-7-1 Deger goruntuleme (Num eric Display)

PLC 'nin ilgili adresinin icerigindeki sayiyi goruntulemek icin kullanilir.


Nesnenin stili Goruntulenecek adres

Virgulden once ve sonraki rakam sayisi

Data tipi secimi

Fig. 3-7-1 Numeric display ayarlari

3-7-2 Karakter goruntuleme (Character Display)

HMI; PLC 'nin ilgili bolgesindeki ascii kodlari okuyup karakter olarak ekranda goruntuleyecektir. (max.uzunluk 28 word)


Adres goruntuleme

Okunacak adres

Nesne stili Dizgi uzunlugu

Fig. 3 -7 -2 Karakter goruntuleme ayarlari

3-7-3 Tarih goruntuleme (Date display)

HMI 'in sistem tarihini goruntuler.


Tarih goruntuleme formati Nesne stili

Fig. 3-7-3 Tarih goruntuleme ayarlari

3-7-4 Zaman goruntuleme (Time Display)

HMI 'in sistem zamanini goruntuler.


Goruntuleme formati Nesne stili

Fig. 3 -7-4 Zaman goruntuleme ayarlari

3-7-5 Haftanin gununu goruntuleme (Day -of-week Display)

Haftanin gununu goruntuler.


Text kismina tiklanarak gun ismi degistirilebilir.

Nesnenin stili

Fig. 3-7-5 Day-of-week display settings

3-7-6 Mesaj goruntuleme (Prestore Message)

PLC 'nin ilgili kontaginin yada bolgesinin durumuna gore mesaj goruntuler.Ayarlar kisminda her konum icin mesajlar yazilablir.


Okunacak adres

Mesaj goruntuleme Mesaj

Konum sayisi

Nesne stili

Fig. 3 -7 -6 Ayarlari

3-7-7 Kayan mesaj goruntuleme (Moving Sign Display)

PLC 'nin brlirlenmis adresinin degerine gore ilgili konuma ait mesaj kayarak goruntulenir.Ayarlar kisminda yazinin kayma hizi ve benzeri ozelikleri ayarlanabilir.


Kayan yazi Konum yazisi Okunacak adres

Nesne stili

Kayma hizi Konum sayisi

Fig. 3-7-7 Kayan yazi ayarlari

3-8 Grafik (Graph Display)

Buton tipi State graphic


islevi HMI 'i PLC 'ye bagladigimizda HMI 'in ekraninda PLC tarafindan kontrol edilen farkli resimler goruntulenecektir. HMI 'i PLC 'ye bagladigimizda HMI 'in ekraninda PLC tarafindan kontrol edilen bir resim goruntulenecektir. Resmin X ve Y eksenlerindeki konumu plc tarafindan kontrol edilecektir.

Animated graphic

3-8-1 State graphic

HMI 'i PLC 'ye bagladigimizda HMI 'in ekraninda PLC tarafindan kontrol edilen farkli resimler goruntulenecektir.


State graphic Okunacak data

Konum numarasi Resim secimi

Degisim hizi

Fig. 3-8 -1 Konum grafik


: Okunacak adres



, Konum resimlerinin secilebilecegi kisimdir.


, Deger birimi ve formatinin ayarlanabildigi kisimdir.


Konum sayisi secilebilir.Eger birim WORD secilirse,1 -256 konum secilebilir, LSB icin 1-16 konum ,bit ise 2 konum secilebilir. , Konumlarin degisme hizi.


Example: Okunacak adres = D100 olsun. Secilen konum ve sekilleriden sonra D100 'un degerine gore gorunumu:








3-8-2 Animasyon (Animated graphic)

HMI 'i PLC 'ye bagladigimizda HMI 'in ekraninda PLC tarafindan kontrol edilen bir resim goruntulenir.Resmin X ve Y eksenlerindeki yerini PLC 'nin ilgili datasinin degeriyle belirlenir.



Okunan adres

Konum sayisi

Fig. 3 -8-2 Animasyon ayarlari 1. Animasyonu gerceklestirecek adres secimi.


2. Resim secilen kisimdir.

3. Deger birimi ve formati.

4. Konum degistiginde bir onceki resmi sil-silme secimi. 5. Konum sayisi secilebilir.Eger birim WORD secilirse,1 -256 konum secilebilir, LSB icin 1-16 konum ,bit ise 2 konum secilebilir.

Example: Secilen adres =D100 olsun, Secilen resim ve yeri asagidaki gibi olacaktir. Konum kontrol adresi Dn+1

X-ekseni kontrol adresi Dn+2

Y-ekseni kontrol adresi Dn+3

3-9 Deger girme (Input)

Buton tipi Numeric Entry Character Entry


Islevi PLC 'nin bir bolgesine sayisal deger girmek icin kullanilir. PLC 'nin bir bolgesine karakter girisi yapmak icin kullanilir.

Okunacak ve yazilacak adres girme imkaniyla kullanici yazdigi girisi yada farkli bir adresin degerini goruntuleyebilir.


3-9-1Deger girme (Numeric Entry)




ayarlari. Okunacak adres

Trigger tipi

Fig. 3 -9 -1 Deger girme ayarlari.

Deger birimi

Deger formati

Max. /Min. ayarlari Sol penceri icin Virgulden once ve sonraki rakam sayisi tiklanir.


Fig. 3-9 -2 Deger girme ayarlari 1. Deger girisi yapilacak adres. ,


, , Yazinin rengini,fontunu,karakter buyuklugunun ayarlandigi kisimdir.


, Nesnenin stilinin secilebildigi kisimdir.

: user can





, Kullanicinin PLC 'nin belirlenmis bir bitini deger girme isleminden once yada sonra ON etmesini saglar.Bu ozellik kullanilarak ilgili bit sadece ON yapilabilir.


5. Kullanici seviyesini belirler.


, Data uzunlugunu ve birimini secmeye imkan kilar.


, Girilebilcek Min./Max. deger ayarlanir.


, Noktadan once ve sonraki rakam sayisi ayarlanabilir.

Ornek: Deger girme butonuna bastigimizda PLC 'nin belirtmis oldugumuz adresine deger girmemizi saglayacak asagidaki gibi bir tus takimi ekranda belirecektir.

Bastigimizda asagidaki tus takimi acilir.

Girilen deger.

3-9-2 Karakter Girme (Character Entry)

HMI PLC 'nin ilgili bolgesindeki ASCII kodlarini okur ve ekrana karsiliklari olan karakterleri yazar. (max. uzunluk 28 word)


Nesne stili

Fig. 3-9-3 Karakter girme ayarlari 1. Giris yapilacak adres. ,



, , Yazinin rengi,fontu ve karakter buyuklugunun ayarlandigi kisimdir.

3. Nesnenin stili.




4. Kullanici seviyesinin ayarlanabildigi kisimdir. Ornek: Butona bastigimizda HMI 'in ekranina, karakter girisi yapabilecegimiz bir klavye gelecektir.
Karakter girisi butonuna bastigimizda asagidaki pencere acilacaktir.


3-10 Egri (Curve)

Curve tipi Trend graph X-Y Chart


Islevi PLC 'nin belirlenmis adresindeki degerin degisimini grafiksel olarak yalnizca Y ekseni boyunca gosterir. PLC 'nin belirlenmis adresindeki degerin degisimini grafiksel olarak. The X ve Y ekseni boyunca gosterir.

Egri olusturulurken ilk once curve field total kismindan egri sayisi ayarlanmalidir. (1 -4 araliginda secilebilir). Daha sonra,okunacak adres ,egri kalinligi rengi ve deger ayarlari yapilmalidir.

3-10-1 Degisim grafigi (Trend Graph)

HMI ,PLC 'nin ilgili adresinin dizi olarak iceriginin degisimini goruntuler.Ornek olarak 100 ornek noktasi ve 4 egri secilmis olsun.Boyle bir secimde 100 X 4 =400 bolge olacaktir.Delta PLC 'nin okunacak adresi D0 secelim.Bu durumda 400 word okunacaktir. (D0~D399). Ayarlarimiza gore 1.egri D0~D99 datalarini 2.egri D100 ~D199 datalarini,3.egri D200 ~D299 datalarini, 4.egri D300~D399 datalarinin icerigini Y ekseni boyunca cizer. Eger maxsimum degerin uzerinde bir deger varsa maximum olarak,eger minimum degerin altinda bir deger varsa minimum deger olarak goruntulenir.Ayarlardan sonra;okuma islemini baslatacak kontrol adreside girilmelidir. (bknz. bolum 5)


Toplam egri sayisi Grafik stili

Fig. 3 -10-1 Trend grafik ayarlari

Soldaki pencere icin tiklanir.

Fig. 3-10 -2 Trend grafik ayarlari


Trend grafik ayarlari 1. Grafigin renk ayarlari,stil ayarlarinin yapildigi bolumdur.


Raised Trend grafik stilleri



: Okunacak ornek adres sayisini belirler. Okuma islemi bitince ornekleme islemide biter.


:PLC datasinin formatini belirler.


: Okunacak adresi belirler.


: Tetikleyici set eder,islem bayragini temizler.Islem bayragi tetiklendiginde HMI okumaya ve egri cizmeye baslar.


: Egrilerin detay ayarlarini yapar.


: Max./Min.

Y ekseni max/min degerleri.Eger okunan degerler bu ayarlarin altinda veya ustunde ise HMI ayrlarnan degerleri goruntuleyecektir.

8. Egri genisligi ve renk ayari. Ornek:

: setting


3-10-2 X-Y Grafik (X-Y Chart)

HMI ,PLC'nin ilgili adresinden itibaren bir dizi bilgiyi X-Y ekseni boyunca grafiksel olarak goruntuler.Ornek olarak,100 ornekleme noktasi ve 4 egri secilmis olsun. Boyle bir secimde 100 X 4 X 2= 800 nokta belirlenmis olacaktir.Yine ornek olarak X ekseni adresi Delta PLC'nin D0 ve Y ekseni adresi D500 bolgesi secilmis olsun, HMI bu durumda 800 nokta okuyacaktir.(D0~D399 ve D500~D899).1.egri X ekseni boyunca D0 ~D99,Y ekseni boyunca D500~D599 adreslerinin degerini;2.egri X ekseni boyunca D100 ~D199,Y ekseni boyunca D600~D699 adreslerinin degerini;3.egri X ekseni boyunca D200 ~D299,Y ekseni boyunca D700~D799 adreslerinin degerini 4.egri X ekseni boyunca D300 ~D399,Y ekseni boyunca D800~D899 adreslerinin degerini goruntuler.X-Y grafigin cizime baslamasi ,temizlenmesi gibi ayarlari icin bolum 5'e bakiniz.


Grafik stili. Toplam egri sayisi

Fig. 3-10 -3 X-Y Chart ayarlari

Sol pencere icin tiklanir

Fig. 3 -10-4 X-Y Chart ayarlari


Ayarlar: 1.


Raised X-Y Chart style


2. Okunacak ornek sayisini belirler.


: PLC datasinin formatini belirler.

4. Okunacak adresi belirler.


: : Tetikleyici set eder,islem bayragini temizler.Islem Okuma islemi bitince ornekleme islemide biter.


:Egri ayarlari girilir.

7. ,

, Max./Min.

X ekseni/Y-ekseni Max./Min. deger ayarlari girilir.


8. Egri kalinligi ve rengi ayarlari. Ornek:

3-11 Ornekleme (Sampling)

Gecmisteki datalari tablo halinde veya grafik seklinde goruntuler.Gerekli ayarlar yapildiktan sonra gecmis datalari okuyabilmek ve grafigi cizdirebilmek icin kontrol adressinde girilmesi gerekir.(Bkz.bolum 5)


Fig. 3-11-2 Buffer ayarlari a . Read address:Okunacak adres.(Ornek D100)

b . Size (word) and total: Okunacak adres sayisi. Ornek olarak 8 girilirse; D100, D101,D102,...,D107 okunur. Total:Alinacak ornek sayisi.

c . Stamp time and data: Datanin degerini ve zamani goruntule.

d . Auto stop:Ornek sayisi girilen toplam degeri astiginda ornekleme devam etsin yada etmesin secimi.Ornek olarak,total 5000 secilmis ve auto stop secilmemis ise,5001'inci okudugu ornek ilk data olarak kaydolur.

e . Trigger: Tetikleyici secimi (HMI veya PLC).Eger PLC secilirse ayarlar icin bolum 5'e bakiniz.

f. Cycle: Ornekleme zamani.

g. Non-volatile: Elektrik kesintisinde gecmis datalari saklasin saklamasin secimi.

3-11-1 Gecmis Deger Grafigi (Historical Trend Graph)

Gecmisteki degerleri egri olarak HMI ekraninda cizer.

Egri sayisi

Fig. 3 -11-3 Historical trend graph ayarlari


Sol pencere icin tiklanir.

Fig. 3-11 -4 Historical t rend graph ayarlari. Ayarlar: 1. , Grafigin renk ayarlarinin yapildigi bolumdur.

2. (Buffer sayisi #1 'den

: PLC'nin ilgili adresini okuyacak buffer secimi. #12 'ye kadar secilebilir.Buffer ayarlari icin

butonuna basilir yada menu bardan Options > History setup. secilebilir. 3. : PLC datasinin formatini belirler.


, X ve Y eksenin Max./Min. degerlerini belirler.


5. : formatini belirler. 6.

, Tarih ve zamanin goruntulenme

:Egri ayarlari yapilir.


: Tetikleme icin okunan ornek numarasini ayarlar. Okuma isleminden sonra ornekleme biter.

8. Egrinin genislik ve renk ayari. Ornek:

3-11-2 Gecmis Deger Tablosu (Historical Data Table)

Gecmisteki datalari tablohalinde HMI ekraninda goruntuler. Buffer numarasi data no'nun benzeridir.


Egri sayisi

Sol pencere icin tiklanir.

Bufer secimi

Fig. 3-11-5 Historical data table ayarlari Ayarlar: 1. Tablonun renk ayarlari bolumdur. ,

2. (Buffer sayisi #1 'den

PLC'nin ilgili adresini okuyacak buffer secimi. #12 'ye kadar secilebilir.Buffer ayarlari icin

butonuna basilir yada menu bardan Options > History setup secilir. 3. : PLC datasinin formati secilir.


, X ve Y eksenin Max./Min. degerlerini belirler.



, Tarih formatini belirler. ve zamanin goruntulenme


: Egri ayarlari yapilir.


: Tetikleme icin okunan ornek numarasini ayarlar. Okuma islemi bitince orneklemede biter.

8. belirler. Ornek:

Noktadan once ve sonraki hane sayisini

3-11-3 Gecmis Olay Tablosu (Historical Event Table)

PLC 'nin ilgili datasinin icindeki degere gore olay tablosu olusturur.Ayarladigimiz mesajlari HMI okuma islemlerini tamamladiktan sonra goruntuleyecektir.


Data No.: bufer numarasi (1- 12). The historical buffer addres gecmis mesaj lari saklamak icin kullanilir. Bufer adresi ilk once belir lenmelidir. Konum sayisi Data type: Eger WORD seci-, lirse max. 256 mesaj, LSB secilirse max. 16 mesaj yazilabilir.

Fig. 3 -11-6 Historical event table ayarlari Ayarlar: 1. , Yazinin rengini,fontunu karakter boyunu belirler. 2. , Cerceve rengini ve nplan rengini belirler.


, Data formatini ve konum sayisini belirler. WORD ise 256,LSB ise 16,bit ise maximum 2 konum yazilabilir.


: Tetikleme iin okunacak rnek sayisi ayarlanir. Okuma isleminden sonra rneklemede biter.


5. Bufer sayisi #1 to #12

: PLC'nin ilgili adresini okuyacak buffer secimi. arasinda secilebilir.Bufer ayarlari icin

butonuna basilir veya menu bardan Options > History setup secilir. 6. : belirler. Example: D100=0 D100=1 D100=2 D100=3 D100=4 D100=5 D100=6 , Tarih ve zamanin goruntulenme , formatini

3-12 Alarm


Alarm tipi Alarm history table Active alarm list Alarm frequency table


Islevi HMI ,PLC 'nin ilgili bitinin durumunu okur ve ilgili alarm mesajini gerceklesme zamani ile birlikte ekranda goruntuler. Butun alarm mesajlari saklanir ve alarm listesi olusturulur. HMI yalnizca aktif olan alarmi ekranda goruntuler. HMI alarm mesaj zamanlarini alt alta goruntuler ve kaydeder.

Alarmlari ayarlamadan once ,PLC'nin ilgili adresini,kaydedecegi alarm sayisini ayarlamak gerekir.

3-12-1 Gecmis Alarm Tablosu (Alarm History Table)

HMI ,PLC 'nin ilgili bitinin durumunu okur ve ilgili alarm mesajini gerceklesme zamani ile birlikte ekranda goruntuler.Gecmis alarm tablosunu olusturmak icin butun alarmlari kaydeder.

Fig. 3-12 -1 Gecmis Alarm Tablosu


3-12-2 Aktif Alarm Listesi (Active Alarm List)

HMI yalnizca aktif olan alarmi ekranda goruntuler.

Fig. 3-12 -2 Aktif alarm listesi

3-12-3 Alarm Frekans Tablosu (Alarm Frequency Table)

HMI alarm mesaj zamanlarini alt alta goruntuler ve kaydeder.


Fig. 3 -12-3 Alarm frekans tablosu

3-13 Grafikler (Graphics)

Eger menulerde olmayan farkli bir grafik olusturmak istiyorsa asagidaki secenekler kullanilarak farkli grafikler olusturulabilir.

Fig. 3 -13-1 Grafik secenekleri

3-13-1 Cizgi (Line)

Line secenegini secildikten sonra mausenin sol tusuna basili tutulup istenilen cizgi boyunda suruklenip birakildiktan sonra cizgi olusturulmus olur.


Fig. 3-13 -2 Cizgi ayarlari

Fig. 3-13 -3 Cizgi yonleri

Fig. 3 -13-4 Cizgi kalinliklari (1-8)

3-13-2 Dikdortgen (Rectangle)

Bir dikdorgen olusturmak icin 'Rectangle' secenegi secildikten sonra sol tusa basilir istenilen olculerde suruklenir ve birakilir.

Cizgi rengi

Resim bankasindan resim secimi

Arka plan Var/Yok Cizgi kalinligi

Onplan rengi

Fig. 3-13-5 Dikdortgen ayarlari


3-13-3 Daire (Circle)

Fig. 3-13-6 Daire ayarlari Daire yapmak icin dikdortgen olculeri kullanilir.Eger en=boy ise daire olur, aksi takdirde elips olur.Dairenin rengini ayarliyabilir yada transparan yapabiliriz.

Fig. 3-13-7 Transparent Noiken

Fig. 3-13-8 Transparent is Noiken

Fig. 3-13-9 Transparent Yesiken

Fig. 3-13 -10 Transparent Yesiken

3-13-4 Cokgen (Polygon)

Her sol tusa basidiginda cokgenin kosesi belirlenmis olur.Butun koseler secildikten sonra sag tusa basilarak cokgen olusturulur.Renk ve olculeri seceneklerden ayarlanabilir.


Fig. 3-13 -11 Cokgen ayarlari

Fig. 3-13-12

Fig. 3-13-13

Fig. 3-13-14

Fig. 3 -13-15

Fig. 3 -13-16 Transparan cokgen

3-13-5 Yay (Arc)

Yay olusturmak icin mausenin sag tusuna basili olarak suruklenir ve birakilir. Eger transparan secenegi 'Yes' secili ise cizilen sekil yay olacaktir eger 'No' secili ise bir kesme olacaktir.

Fig. 3 -1 3-15 Yay ayarlari

Fig. 3-13 -16 Transparent No iken

Fig. 3 -13-17 Transparent Yesiken

3-13-6 Yazi (Text)

Ekrana yazi yazmak icin kullanilir.Yazinin arka planindaki dikdorgenin renginin gorunmesi icin transparan 'No' secilmelidir.

Yazi girisi

Fig. 3 -13-18 Text ayarlari

3-13-7 Skala (Scale)

Yonu,skala degerleri olan bir skala olusturmak icin kullanilir.

Fig. 3 -13-19 Skala ayarlari


Deger formati Deger birimi Max. deger Min. deger Sol pencere icin tiklanir

Tam/kesir sayi ayarlari

Fig. 3 -1 3-20 Skala ayarlari

3-13-8 Tablo (Table)

Tablo olusturmak icin kullanilir.Hucrelerin olculerini,gorunus ve renklerini ayarlayabilir, farkli elementlerle kullanarak daha islevsel yapabiliriz.


Fig. 3-13 -21 Tablo ornegi Row header:Bas satir rengini ayarlar. Column header: Bas sutun rengini ayarlar. Row interlacing: Satirlarin rengini ayarlar. Column interlacing: Sutunlarin rengini ayarlar Sep. row evently: Satir olculerini esitler. Sep. column evently: Sutun olculerini esitler.


Bolum 4 Makro
Makrolar ile calismak HMI kullanicisi icin cok uygundur.Olusturulan makrolari online olarak yada download etmeden offline olarak test etme imkani vardir. Herbir makro icin 512 satir ve 128 word(max.) uzunlugunda komut yazilabilir. Sub-macro sayisi 512' ye esittir. (1-512).

Fig. 4-1 Uygun calisma ve kolay anlasilabilirlik icin makrolari alt makrolar halinde programlariz. Alt-macro makrolar numaralariyla isimlendirilir. Alt-makro(n) (n=1-512).

Fig.4-2 Yandaki pencerede en sol sutundaki rakamlar alt-macro numarasini belirtir. 512 adet alt-macro vardir ve bunlari 'CALL' komutuyla calistirabiliriz.


4-1 Makro Tipi (Macro Type)

Fig. 4-1-1 Menubardan makro secimi Makro ismi Screen open Macro Screen close Macro Screen Cycle Macro Initial Macro Background Macro Clock Macro On Macro Off Macro Sub-macro 1 1 1 1 1 512 1 1 Sayisi 1 Aciklamasi Her sayfa icin bir sayfa acilis makrosu secilebilir.Toplam sayfa sayisi n ise n adet sayfa acilis makrosu yazilabilir. Her sayfa icin bir sayfa kapanis makrosu secilebilir.Toplam sayfa sayisi n ise n adet sayfa kapanis makrosu yazilabilir. Her sayfa icin bir sayfa dongu makrosu secilebilir.Toplam sayfa sayisi n ise n adet sayfa dongu makrosu yazilabilir. Bir programda 1 acilis makrosu vardir. Bir programda 1 arkaplan makrosu vardir. Bir programda 1 zaman makrosu vardir. Bir buton iin bir ON makro yazilabilir. Bir buton iin bir ON makro yazilabilir. Bir programda 512 alt-makro kullanilabilir. Table 4-1-1

Sayfa Acilis Makrosu (Screen Open Macro)

Her sayfa icin bir sayfa acilis makrosu yazilabilir.Sayfa acilis makrosu sayfa her acildiginda bir defa gerceklesir.Sayfa acildiginda bu makro gerceklesmeden diger elementler aktif

hale gelmez.Bu yuzden bu makroyu yazarken programin gecikmesine ve diger elemanlarin calismasini engellemeyecek sekilde dikkatli olunmalidir.Tavsiye edilen bu tur makrolarin gerekmedikce cok uzun olmamasi ve programi HMI'ya yuklemeden once online veya offline olarak calistirilip testinin yapilmasidir.

Sayfa Kapanis Makrosu (Screen Close Macro)

Her sayfa icin bir sayfa kapanis makrosu yazilabilir.Sayfa kapanis makrosu sayfa her kapandiginda bir defa gerceklesecektir.Sayfa kapanis makrosu gerceklesmeden acilan yeni sayfanin makrosu gerceklesmiyecektir.Bu yuzden bu makroyu yazarken programin gecikmesine ve diger elemanlarin calismamasina sebeb olacak hatalara karsi dikkatli olunmalidir.

Sayfa Dongu Makrosu (Screen Cycle Macro)

Her sayfa icin bir sayfa dongu makrosu yazilabilir.Sayfa dongu macrosu ait oldugu sayfa her acildiginda gerceklesecek ve sayfa kapanana kadarsurekli devam edecektir. Bu nedenle uzun sayfa dongu makrolari yazimindan gerekmedikce uzak durulmalidir.

Baslangic Makrosu (Initial Macro)

Bir programda yalnizca bir baslangic makrosu vardir.Baslangic makrosu programin basinda bir defa gerceklesir.Eger PLC 'nin ozel bir adresine ozel bir deger yazmak icin isteniyorsa baslangic makrosu kullanilabilir.

Arkaplan Makrosu (Background Macro)

Bir programda yalnizca bir tane arkaplan makrosu vardir.Bu makro bazi komutlarla bir defa aktif edilir ve surekli gerceklesir.Eger bu arada baska makrolarda gerceklesiyorsa ,ornek olarak dongu makrosu,arkaplan makrosu etkilenmez,beraber gerceklesmeye devam ederler.Iki makroda ayni zamanlarda (aslinda sirayla)fakat gerceklesme zamani cok kisa ve surekli oldugu icin ayni zamanda gerceklestikleri kabul edilir.Bu tur makro icin bir cevrim olusturmaya gerek yoktur END yazilsa dahi makro tekrar gerceklesecektir.


Zaman Makrosu (Clock Macro)

Bir programda yalnizca bir tane zaman makrosu vardir.Programla beraber calismaya baslar ve surekli gerceklesir(dongu makrosu gibi).Bu sebeple gerekmedikce uzun makrolar yazmaktan kacinilmalidir.

ON Makro (ON Macro)

Her kullanilan buton icin bir tane ON makro tanimlanabilir.Butona basildiginda (Bit ON oldugunda) makro baslar ve birkez gerceklestikten sonra biter.Butona her basildiginda ON makro birkez gerceklesir ve biter.

OFF Makro (OFF Macro)

Her kullanilan buton icin bir tane ON makro tanimlanabilir.Ilgili buton off edildiginde OFF makro birkez gerceklesir ve biter.Her defasinda buton off edildiginde OFF makro birkez gerceklesir ve biter.

Alt-makro (Sub-macro)
Toplamda 512 alt-makro vardir.Alt-makrolar bir programdaki subrutinlere (alt program) benzer.Ornek olarak ozel bir fonksiyon icin 10 tane alt-makro varsa bunlari bir makroda toplayabiliriz.Bu fonksiyonu makro 1'e yazdigimizi kabul edelim.Bu fonksiyonu kullanabilmek icin bir makronun icine 'CALL 1' yazmamiz yeterlidir.Eger makro 1'de bir degisiklik yapmak istiyorsak sadece ilgili alt-makroyu degistirmemiz yeterlidir.

4-2 Makro Hazirlama (Macro Edition)

Istenilen makro tipini menu bardan sectikten sonra acilan pencerede bir satira tiklanir ve ve makro yazilmaya baslanir.


Fig. 4-2-1 Makro hazirlamak Makro yazilabilecek 512 tane satir vardir ( Fig. 4-2-3). Eger programda bos bir satir varsa program guncellendikten sonra bu bos satirlar komut satirina donusecektir(Fig 4-2-4).

Fig. 4-2-4 Makro arac cubugu


Fig. 4-2-3 Makronun son satiri

Fig. 4-2-4 Bos satirlar komut satiri olur Makro yazmaya baslamak icin bir satira tiklanir ve sekil 4-2-5'deki pencere acilir.Komut yazmak icin Command butonuna tiklanir ve devam edilir.


Fig. 4-2-5 Makro hazirlama sayfasi

Dosya (File)

Fig. 4-2-6 Dosya Makro Acma (Open Macro) Uygun makroyu olusturmak icin eski hazirlanmis makrolarda kullanilabilir. Kullanici eski makrolari acarak istedigi PLC tipinde kullanabilir (Fig.4-2-7).


Fig. 4-2-7 Makro acma Makro Kaydetme (Save Macro) Hazirladigimiz makrolari daha sonra kullanabilmek icin saklayabiliriz. .

Fig. 4-2-8 Save as Makro Makro Kapama (Close Macro) Makroyu kapatmak icin kullanilir.


Makrolar icin PLC adresleride kullanilabilir.Eger PLC adreslerini kullaniyorsak makro ayiraclarla diger hafiza makrolarindan ayirt edilecektir.

Fig. 4-2-9 Edition Geri (Previous) Secilen satiri bir ust satira kaydirmak icin kullanilir ( Fig. 4-2-10 ve Fig. 4-2-11).

Fig. 4-2-10 1.adim


Fig. 4-2-11 2.adim Ileri (Next) Secilen satiri bir satir asagi almak icin kullanilir. (Fig.4-2-12 ve Fig. 4-2-13.

Fig. 4-2-12 1.adim


Fig. 4-2-13 2.adim Guncelle (Update) Mevcut satirda yapilan degisiklikleri guncellemek icin kullanilir.Eger degisikliklerden sonra Update'e basmazsaniz degisiklikler girilmemis olur ve tekrar yazilmasi gerekir. (Fig. 4-2-14 ve Fig.4-2-15)


Fig. 4-2-14 1.adim

Fig. 4-2-15 2.adim Ekle (Insert) Secilen satirin bir ustune yeni bir satir eklemek icin kullanilir. (Fig. 4-2-16 ve Fig. 4-2-17).


Fig. 4-2-16 1.adim

Fig. 4-2-17 2.adim Sil (Delete) Secilen satiri silmekicin kullanilir ( Fig. 4-2-18 ve Fig. 4-2-19).

Fig. 4-2-18 1.Adim

Fig. 4-2-19 2.Adim Komut (Comment)


Secilen satiri tanimlamak kullanilir.Menu bardan yada toolbardan secilebilir. (Fig. 4-2-20 ve Fig. 4-2-21).

Fig. 4-2-20 1.Adim

Fig. 4-2-21 Step 2 of comment

Secilen satira komut girmek icin kullanilir.

Fig. 4-2-22 Menu bardan secimi

Fig. 4-2-23 Komut secenekleri

Fig. 4-2-24 Aritmatik islemler

Fig. 4-2-25 Logic islemler

Fig. 4-2-26 Data tasima

Fig. 4-2-27 Data transfer


Fig. 4-2-28 Karsilastirma

Fig. 4-2-29 Flow kontrol

Fig. 4-2-30 Bit ayarlari

Fig. 4-2-31 Haberlesme

Fig. 4-2-32 Digerleri

Yardim (Help)
Yardim konularina ulasmak icin kullanilir (Fig. 4-2-33).

Fig. 4-2-33 Yardim isteme


Fig. 4-2-34 Yardim konulari

Komut Yazma (Key in)

Bazi kullanicilar makrolari klavyeyi kullanarak yazmak isterler.Bu sekilde yazilrsa program otomatik olarak dogrulugunu kontrol eder. Eger yazimda hata varsa bir uyari mesaji verir.Operantlar arasinda sinirsiz bosluk birakilabilir.

Fig. 4-2-35 Kalavye girisi


Giris islemi bittikten sonra program guncelleme yada enter tusuna bastiktan sonra girisi en uygun formata donusturcektir.didnt verify in this time.

Fig. 4-2-36 Convert to the best format Eger bir hata varsa hata mesaji verecektir.

Fig. 4-2-37 Yanlis giris

Fig. 4-2-38 Klavye girisi Eger girisin formati dogru ama kullanilan operant yanlis ise yine hata mesaji verir.

Fig. 4-2-39 Format dogru,operant yanlis

Fig. 4-2-40 Hata mesaji

4-3 Makro Islem komutlari (Macro Operation)

Aritmatik islem komutlari (Arithmetic)
Bu kisimda 5 farkli komut vardir., bunlar; ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV ve MOD (Fig. 4-3-1). Her komut icin 3 operant vardir.Herbir operant dahili hafiza bolgesi yada sabit sayi secilebilir(decimal veya hexadecimal) ,(fakat 3.operant dahili hafiza bolgesi olmalidir). Birim ise Word, Double Word, Signed ve Signed Double Word secilebilir.


Operant A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3

Data tipi M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C



W, D, S Eger datanin degeri datanin icine sigW, D, S miyorsa fazla olan kisim (tasan kisim) W, D, S otomatik olarak atilacaktir. W, D, S W, D, S

M Dahili hafiza, CSabit sayi, WWord, DDouble Word, SSigned


Fig. 4-3-1 Aritmatik islem secimi TOPLAMA (ADD) ADD Toplama islemi, formul: A1=A2+A3. A2 'yi A3'e ekler ve sonucu A1'e saklar. Ornek: A1(Word)=A2(Word) + A3(Word). A1(Double Word)=A2(Double Word) + A3(Double Word). A1(Signed)=A2(Signed) + A3(Signed). A1(Signed Double Word)=A2(Signed Double Word) + A3(Signed Double Word).

Fig. 4-3-2 Toplama CIKARMA (SUB) SUB cikarma islemi, formul: A1=A2-A3.A2 'den A3 'u cikarir sonucu A1 'e yazar. Ornek: A1(Word)=A2(Word) - A3(Word). A1(Double Word)=A2(Double Word) - A3(Double Word).

A1(Signed)=A2(Signed) - A3(Signed). A1(Signed Double Word)=A2(Signed Double Word) - A3(Signed Double Word).

Fig. 4-3-3 Cikarma CARPMA (MUL) MUL Carpma islemi, formul: A1=A2 * A3. Ornek: A1(Word)=A2(Word) * A3(Word). A1(Double Word)=A2(Double Word) * A3(Double Word). A1(Signed)=A2(Signed) * A3(Signed). A1(Signed Double Word)=A2(Signed Double Word) * A3(Signed Double Word).

Fig. 4-3-4 Carpma BOLME (DIV) DIV Bolme islemi, formul: A1=A2 / A3. (A3 operanti sifir olmamali) Ornek: A1(Word)=A2(Word) / A3(Word).

A1(Double Word)=A2(Double Word) / A3(Double Word). A1(Signed)=A2(Signed) / A3(Signed). A1(Signed Double Word)=A2(Signed Double Word) / A3(Signed Double Word).

Fig. 4-3-5 Bolme MOD MOD Kalan islemi, formula: A1=A2 % A3. A1 (A3 sifira esit olmamali) Ornek: A1(Word)=A2(Word) % A3(Word). A1(Double Word)=A2(Double Word) % A3(Double Word). A1(Signed)=A2(Signed) % A3(Signed). A1(Signed Double Word)=A2(Signed Double Word) % A3(Signed Double Word).

Fig. 4-3-6 Kalan

Lojik Islemler (Logical Operation)


5 adet lojik islem komutu vardir.Bunlar; including OR, AND, XOR, SHL ve SHR 'dir Her islemin 3 operanti vardir.Herbir operant dahili hafiza bolgesi yada sabit sayi secilebilir(decimal veya hexadecimal) ,(fakat 3.operant dahili hafiza bolgesi olmalidir). Datalarin birimleri Word ve Double Word.


Operant A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3

Datatipi M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C

Format W, D W, D W, D W, D W, D

Digerleri ------

M Dahili hafiza, CSabit sayi, WWord, DDouble Word.

Fig. 4-3-7 Lojik islemleri OR OR lojik OR islemi, formul: A1=A2 | A3. A2(Word) ve A3(Word) datasinin bit olarak lojik OR kapisina sokar sonucu A1(Word)'e yazar. Operantlarin birimleri DWord 'de olabilir.


Fig. 4-3-8 OR AND AND lojik AND islemi, formul: A1=A2 & A3.

Fig. 4-3-9 OR islemi

A2(Word) ve A3(Word) datasinin bit olarak lojik AND kapisina sokar sonucu A1(Word)'e yazar. Operantlarin birimleri DWord 'de olabilir.

Fig. 4-3-10 AND XOR XOR lojik XOR islemi, formul: A1=A2 ^ A3.

Fig. 4-3-11 AND islemi

A2(Word) ile A3(Word)'u lojik XOR kapisina sokar sonucu A1(Word)'e saklar. Operantlarin birimleri DWord 'de olabilir.


Fig. 4-3-12 XOR

Fig. 4-3-13 Boolean operation

SOLA KAYDIRMA (SHL) SHL Sola kaydirma islemi. Formul: A1=A2 << A3. A2(WORD/DWORD) datasinin bitlerini A3 'de yazan sayi kadar bit sola kaydirir. Sola kaydirma islemiyle birlikte kayan bitin yerine datanin en sag bitine 0 gelir. Eger A1 word ise A3 16 'dan buyuk ise. A1 sifir olacaktir.

Fig. 4-3-14 SHL islemi SAGA KAYDIRMA (SHR) SHR Saga kaydirma islemi, formul: A1=A2 >> A3. A2(WORD/DWORD) datasinin bitlerini A3 'de yazan sayi kadar bit saga kaydirir. Saga kaydirma islemiyle birlikte kayan bitin yerine datanin en sol bitine sifir gelir. Eger A1 word ise A3 16 'dan buyuk ise. A1 sifir olacaktir.


Fig. 4-3-15 SHR islemi

Data Tasima (Data move)

4 adet data tasima komutu vardir.Bunlar;MOV, BMOV, FILL ve CHR 'dir (Fig 4-3-16) (Cikis yalnizca dahili hafiza olabilir)


Operant A1, A2 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3

Datatipi P, M, C P, M, C M, C M, C

Format W, D W W W

Digerleri Data type for A1 only can be P, M Data type for A1 and A2 only can be P, M A2 is input string

PPLC, M Dahili hafiza, CSabit sayi, WWord, DDouble Word

Fig. 4-3-16 Data tasima komutlari


TASIMA (MOV) A2 'deki datayi A1 'e tasir. A1(Word)=A2(Word) veya A1(DWord)=A2(DWord) olabilir. Tasima isleminden sonra A2 'deki datada bir degisiklik olmaz. A1 PLC bolgesi yada HMI bolgesi olabilir.Tasincak bilgi diger cihaza haberlesme hattindan tasinir. .

Fig. 4-3-17 MOV BLOK TASIMA (BMOV) BMOV Blok tasima. BMOV (A1, A2, A3). Bu komut A2 'den baslayarak A3 'deki sayi kadar datayi blok halinde A1 'den baslayarak yerlestirir.Data formati word'dur. Eger blok uzunlugu dahili hafizadan yada max PLC data bolgesinden daha uzun ise compile islemi sirasinda ariza verecektir.

Fig. 4-3-18 BMOV


DOLDURMA (FILL) FILL Doldurma islemi.Ornek olarak, FILL(A1, A2, A3) .Bu komut A1'den basliyarak A3 'de belirtilen sayi kadar bolgeye A2 'deki bilgiyi yazar.(A2 datasinda bir degisiklik olmaz) Eger data blogu dahili hafizadan yada max PLC data bolgelerinden daha uzun ise compile islemi sirasinda hata verecektir.

Fig. 4-3-19 FILL KARAKTER (CHR) CHR Karakterleri ASCII kodlara cevirir.Ornek olarak, CHR(A1 A2) Bu komut A2 'deki karakter yada karakterleri ASCII 'ye donusturur , sonucu A1'e kaydeder.(max uzunluk 128 word)

Fig. 4-3-20 CHR

Data Donusturme (Data conversion)

11 cesit data donusturme komutu vardir.Bunlar; BCD, BIN, W2D, B2W, W2B, SWAP, XCHG, MAX, MIN, A2H ve H2A (Fig. 4-3-21).


Fig. 4-3-21 Komut secimi Komut BCD BIN W2D B2W W2B SWAP XCHG MAX MIN A2H H2A Operant A1, A2 A1, A2 A1, A2 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2, A3 A1, A2 A1, A2 Data tipi M M M M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C Format W, D W, D W, S W W W W, D W, D, S W, D, S W W Digerleri ------------

PPLC, M Dahili hafiza, CSabit sayi, WWord, DDouble Word, S--isaretli

BCD BCD Binary Coded Decimal.BIN bilgiyi BCD

formatina donusturur.Ornek olarak,

A1 = BCD(A2). Bu komut A2(Integer, Word veya DWord) bilgisini BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) donusturur ve sonucu A1(BCD, Word or DWord) bolgesinde saklar. A2'nin degeri 0~9999 arasinda veya Dword ise 0~99999999 arasinda bir tamsayi olmalidir.


Fig. 4-3-22 BCD BIN Binary Coded Decimal BCD bilgiyi BIN 'ye donusturur.Ornek olarak,A1 =BIN(A2). komutu A2(BCD, Word or DWord) bilgisini BIN bilgiye donusturur ve sonucu A1(BIN,Word, DWord) bolgesine kaydeder.A2 'nin degeri 0~9999 arasinda yada Dword ise 0~99999999 arasinda bir tam sayi olmalidir.

Fig. 4-3-23 BIN W2D W2D WORD bilgiyi DOUBLE WORD yapar.Ornek olarak, A1 = W2D(A2) komutu A2 (Integer, Word) bilgisini double word (Integer, DWord) yapar ve sonucu A1 (Dword, signed veya unsigned) bolgesine kaydeder.A2 'nin (Word,unsigned) degeri 0~65535 arasinda yada A2 'nin (Word, signed) degeri -32768~32767 arasinda bir tam sayi olabilir.


Bolum 5 Sistem Kontrol

Iki yollu haberlesmelerde ve DOP serisi ile tum markalardaki PLC'leri haberlestirebilmek icin HMI 'in kontrol ve durum bolgelerinin adreslerini bilmemiz gerekir.Bu ayarlara menubardan Options > Model parameter secenekleriyle ulasilabilir.

Fig. 5 -1 Model parametere ayarlari

Fig. 5-2 Haberlesme Ayarlari


5-1 Kontrol Bolgesi (Control Area)

DOP serisi sistem kontrolunde cok onemli fonksiyonlarin gerceklestigi bolgedir.HMI PLC 'den kontrol edilebilir. Bu bolge sistem kontrol parametreleri ayarlari kismindan ayarlanabilir.Bu bolge bir data blogundan olusur ve uzunlugu kullanilan fonksiyona gore 0 ile 8 WORD arasinda secilebilir. Ornek olarak recete fonksiyonu icin minimum 8 WORD secilmelidir.Her Word'un aciklamasi asagida mevcuttur. Bolge Numarasi Numarasi 0 S ayfa Numarasini Belirleyen Bolgedir.(SNIR) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ko ntrol Flag Bolgesi (CFR) E gri (Curve) Kontrol Bolgesi (CUCR) Gecmis Ornekleme Bufferi Kontrol Flag Bolgesi (HBSR) Gecmis Buffer'ini Temizleme Kontrol Flag Bolgesi (HBCR) Recete Kontrol Bolgesi (RECR) Recete Sayisi Bolgesi (RBIR) Ko ntrol Flag Bolgesi 2 (CFR2) Word

n Sayfa Numarasini Belirleyen Bolge (SNIR)

Word 0 Foksiyon Sayfa degistirmek icin kullanilir.

SN IR (Dn) bolgesi PLC 'den sayfa gecisini saglar.Ornek olarak Dn=D0 ise D0 bolgesindeki sayi kac ise HMI o sayfayi acar.

n Kontrol Flag Bolgesi (CFR)

Bit Numarasi 0 1 2 3 4 5-15 n Kullanilmaz Ekran isigini kapatir. Ekranin sesini kapatir. Alarm buffer'i temizler. Alarm counter'i temizler. Kullanilmaz. Foksiyon

Ekran Isigini Kapatma

Ekran isigini PLC'den acip kapatabiliriz.Eger Bit 1 'i On yaparsak isik soner,Off yaparsak isik yanar.


Sesi Kapatmak HMI sesini PLC'den kontrol edebiliriz.Eger Bit 2 'yi On yaparsak ses kapanir,Off ise ses acilir. n Alarm Bufferi Temizleme

PLC 'den alarm buferi temizlemek icin Bit3 'u 1 sn boyunca On-Off etmek yeterlidir. . n Alarm Counteri Temizleme

PLC 'den alarm sayicisini temizlemek icin Bit3 'u 1 sn boyunca On-Off etmek yeterlidir. .

n Egri (Curve) Kontrol Bolgesi (CUCR)

Bit Numarasi 0 1 2 3 4-7 8 9 10 11 12-15 n Foksiyon Egri ornekleme kontrol bayragi 1 Egri ornekleme kontrol bayragi 2 Egri ornekleme kontrol bayragi 3 Egri ornekleme kontrol bayragi 4 Kullanilmaz Egri temizleme bayragi 1 Egri temizleme bayragi 2 Egri temizleme bayragi 3 Egri temizleme bayragi 4 Kullanilmaz

Egri Ornekleme Kontrol Bayragi (1 -4)

HMI egri orneklemesi PLC tarafindan kontrol edilebilir. Eger Bit0 Bit3 'den biri 1 sn On-Off edilirse , HMI bir defa ilgili egri icin datalari okuyup bunlari egri grafik yada XY grafik olarak goruntuleyecektir. . n Egri Temizleme Bayragi (1 - 4)

PLC'den HMI'in cizdigi egriyi temizleyebiliriz.Eger Bit8 Bit11'den hangisini 1 sn boyunca ON/OFF yapar isek o egriyi temizlemis oluruz.

n Gecmis Ornekleme Buffer'i icin Kontrol Flag Bolgesi ( HBSR)

Bu ayarlardan once PLC 'nin adresini ayarlanmis olmalidir.Bufer orneklenmis datalarin HMI hafizasinda saklandigi bolgedir.Bufer adresinin ve uzunlugunun ayarlandigi kisimlar daha onceden anlatilmistir.


Fig. 5-3 Buffer parametere ayarlari (max. 12 kayit) HMI, 12 orneklemenin buferlarinda saklanmasina.Bunun yaninda HMI ornekleme zamaninin ayarini,ornek sayisini,gecmis buferi PLC 'iden temizleme imkanida kilar. Her rnekleme yada temizleme 2 bolge tarafindan kontrol edilir. Bit Numarasi 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -15 Fonksiyon Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi 1 Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi 2 Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi 3 Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi 4 Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi 5 Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi 6 Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi 7 Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi 8 Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi 9 Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi 10 Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi 11 Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi12 Kullanilmaz

n Gecmis ornekleme buferi kontrol bayragi HMI 'in ornekleme yapmasi PLC 'den kontrol edilebilir.Bir defa ornekleme bayragi (sampling flag)tetiklenirse (1 sn ON yapilirsa) bir defa ornekleme y apar.Tekrar tetikleme yapabilmek icin bayragi Off yapmamiz gerekir.


[Ornek] Delta PLC: (1) Kontrol blogu D0 'dan itibaren 6 bolge olsun. (2) PLC 'de bufer#1 'in okuyacagi blge D200 olsun . (3) Bufer #1'in genisligi ise 3 WORD olsun. Bu durumda, PLC D200-D202 datalarini kaydettikten sonra D3 datasinin 0.bitini set edecektir.HMI 0.bitin Off 'dan On 'a gectigini gorunce,D200-D202 datalarini PLC 'den otomatik olarak okuyup orneklenmis bir sekide backup RAM 'de saklayacaktir.

n Gecmis Buferini Temizleme Kontrol Flag Bolgesi (HBCR)

Bit Numarasi 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-15 n Fonksiyon 1.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. 2.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. 3.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. 4.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. 5.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. 6.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. 7.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. 8.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. 9.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. 10.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. 11.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. 12.Gecmis bufer bayragini temizler. Kullanilmaz

Gecmis Buferini Temizleme.

HMI'in cizmis oldugu trend grafigi PLC 'den temizleyebiliriz.Kontrol bayragini bir defa tetikledikmi (1 sn On etmek gerekir) grafigi cizen buferi temizleyecektir.Bayragi tekrar tetikleyebilmek icin Off etmeliyiz.

n Recete Kontrol Bolgesi (RECR)

Bit Numarasi 0 1 2 3-15 Fonksiyon Recete numarasi degistir. Receteyi oku. (PLC >HMI) Receteyi yaz (HMI >PLC) Kullanilmaz.

n Recete Yazma Kontrol Bayragi


PLC 'ye recete yazmak icin recete numarasini (N) kontrol bolgesine (RNR) yazmaliyiz. (RNR),(Dn+5) ve kontrol bayragi bit #4 ON edilmelidir.Tekrar tetiklenebilmesi icin bayragi OFF etmeliyiz. Ornek olarak: Eger PLC 'ye 4 nolu recete yazilmak istiniyorsa (RCPNo=4), yazma kontrol biti bit#2 set edilir.(D5=4) n Recete Numarasi degistirme

RCPNo hazirlanan recetelerin numaralarinin kaydedildigi dahili hafiza bolgesidir. RCPNo degerini belirlenmis recete numarasi bolgesine (RBIR , Dn+ 6) recete numarasi (N) yazilarak ve recete numarasi kontrol bolgesinin (RECR) ilgili bayragi bit0 ON yapilarak (1 sn) degistirilebilir. Bu islemden sonra RCPNo degisecek ve receteye ait recete datalari (RCPW0-RCPWm) goruntulenecektir.Bu islemleri tekrar gerceklestirebilmek icin ayni bit OFF edilip tekrar ON edilmelidir. n HMI 'ya Recete Yukleme

PLC 'den HMI 'ya recete yukleyebilmek icin ,recete numarasi recete numarasi bolgesine (RBIR ) Dn+6 yazilmali ve kontrol bolgesinin bit #1 'i ON edilmelidir (1 sn). ON (about 1 second).Fakat bu islemleri tekrar gerceklestirebilmek icin ayni bit OFF edilip tekrar ON edilmelidir. Ornek olarak: Eger PLC 'deki datalar 12 numarali recete olarak kaydetmek istenirse D5 'in 1.biti ON edilmelidir (D5=2).

n Recete Numarasi Bolgesi ( RBIR)

Word 0 Recete numarasi Fonksiyon

RCPNo ,goruntulenmek yada aktarilmak istenen recetenin numarasini kontrol edildigi dahili hafiza bolgesidir.Baska bir deyisle RCPNo degistirilerek aktarilacak recetede degistirilmis olur.

5-2 Durum Bolgesi (State Area)

Iki yollu haberlesmelerde ve DOP serisiyle tum markalardaki PLC'leri haberlestirebilmek icin karsi cihazin verecegi cevaplarin gelecegi blge belirlenmelidir.DOP serilerinde durum bolgesi bir data blogudur Dm=D10 (uzunlugu 7 WORD = D10-D16) gibi.Bu blogun gorevi ve aciklamalari asagida verilmistir.

Word Numarasi Fonksiyonu 0 Genel Kontrol Durum Bolgesi (GCSR) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sayfa numarasi Durum Bolgesi (SNSR) Egri (Curve) Kontrol Durum Bolgesi (CCSR) Gecmis Ornekleme Bufferi Durum Bolgesi(HSSR) Gecmis Ornekleme Bufferi Temizleme Durum Bolgesi (HCSR) Recete Durum Bolgesi (RESR) Recete Numarasi Durum Bolgesi (RBSR)

n Genel Kontrol Durum Bolgesi (GCSR)

Bit Number 0 1 -2 3 4 5 -7 8 9 10 11 12 -15 n Sayfa durumu Kullanilmaz Alarm Buffer temizleme durumu Alarm Counter temizleme durumu Kullanilmaz Kullanici seviyesi (Bit0) Kullanici seviyesi (Bit1) Kullanici seviyesi (Bit2) Kullanici seviyesi (Bit3) Kullanilmaz Function

Sayfa Durumu

Sayfa degisirken bu bit ON olur islem gerceklestikten sonra OFF olur. n Kullanici Seviyesi Durumu

HMI calisiyorken kullanici seviyeleri: Kullanici seviyesi 0 ==>bit8=Off , bit9=Off , bit10=Off Kullanici seviyesi 1 ==>bit8=ON, bit9=Off, bit10=Off Kullanici seviyesi 2 ==>bit8=Off , bit9=ON, bit10=Off Kullanici seviyesi 3 ==>bit8=ON, bit9=ON, bit10=Off Kullanici seviyesi 4 ==>bit8=Off , bit9=Off , bit10=ON Kullanici seviyesi 5 ==>bit8=ON, bit9=Off, bit10=ON Kullanici seviyesi 6 ==>bit8=Off , bit9=ON, bit10=ON Kullanici seviyesi 7 ==>bit8=ON, bit9=ON, bit10=ON Kullanici seviyesi 8 ==>bit8=Off , bit9=Off , bit10=Off, bit11=ON

n Sayfa Numarasi Durum Bolgesi

Word 0 Acik olan sayfa numarasi


n Acik Olan Sayfa Numarasi

Acik olan sayfa numarasi sayfa numarasi SNSR (Dm) durum bolgesinde saklanir. Sayfa degistirildiginde yeni sayfa numarasi bu bolgeye kaydolur.

n Egri Kontrol Durum Bolgesi (CCSR)

Bit Numarasi 0 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 4-7;12 -15 n Fonksiyon Egri 1 ornekleme durumu Egri 2 ornekleme durumu Egri 3 ornekleme durumu Egri 4 ornekleme durumu Egri 1 temizleme durumu Egri 2 temizleme durumu Egri 3 temizleme durumu Egri 4 temizleme durumu Kullanilmaz

Egri Temizleme Durumu

HMI 'in cizmis oldugu egri yada XY grafik PLC'den temizleniyorsa,Egri kontrol durum bolgesinin (D12) Bit08 --Bit11 bitleri temizleme isleminden sonra ON olacaktir.Egri temizleme kontrol bolgesi bitleri (bit08-11) Off oldugunda bu bitlerde OFF olacaktir. n Egri Ornekleme Durumu

Egri yada XY grafigi PLC 'den kontrol ediliyorsa,egri rnekleme durum bolgesi (D12) bitleri Bit0 Bit3 orneklemeden sonra ON olur.Egri kontrol bolgesi D2 'nin ilgili bitleri (bit0-3) Off oldugunda ,egri ornekleme durumbitleride OFF olur.

n Gecmis Buferin Ornekleme Durum Bolgesi (HSSR)

B it Numarasi 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fonksiyon Gecmis bufer 1 ornekleme durumu Gecmis bufer 2 ornekleme durumu Gecmis bufer 3 ornekleme durumu Gecmis bufer 4 ornekleme durumu Gecmis bufer 5 ornekleme durumu Gecmis bufer 6 ornekleme durumu Gecmis bufer 7 ornekleme durumu

Bit Number 7 8 9 10 11 12 -15 n

Function Gecmis bufer 8 ornekleme durumu Gecmis bufer 9 ornekleme durumu Gecmis bufer 10 ornekleme durumu Gecmis bufer 11 ornekleme durumu Gecmis bufer 12 ornekleme durumu Kullanilmaz

Degisim Grafigi Ornekleme Durumu

Degisim grafigi PLC 'den kontrol ediliyorsa, ornekleme durum bolgesi (D13) bitleri Bit0 Bit11 orneklemeden sonra ON olur.Ornekleme kontrol bolgesi D3 'un ornekleme kontrol bitleri Off oldugunda ornekleme durum bitleride OFF olur.

n Gecmis Buferini Temizleme Durum Bolgesi (HCSR)

Bit Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -15 Function Gecmis bufer 1 temizleme durumu Gecmis bufer 2 temizleme durumu Gecmis bufer 3 temizleme durumu Gecmis bufer 4 temizleme durumu Gecmis bufer 5 temizleme durumu Gecmis bufer 6 temizleme durumu Gecmis bufer 7 temizleme durumu Gecmis bufer 8 temizleme durumu Gecmis bufer 9 temizleme durumu Gecmis bufer 10 temizleme durumu Gecmis bufer 11 temizleme durumu Gecmis bufer 12 temizleme durumu Kullanilmaz.

Degisim grafigi PLC 'den kontrol ediliyorsa ,durum bitleri (D14) Bit #0 --#11 ON olacaktir. Kontrol bitleri (D4 bolgesinin) Off oldugunda bu bitlerde OFF olur. .

n Recete Durum Bolgesi (RESR)

Bit Numarasi 0 1 2 3-15 Fonksiyon Recete numarasi degisim durumu Recete okuma durumu (PLC > HMI) Recete yazma durumu (HMI > PLC) Kullanilmaz.

Recete Okuma Durumu

PLC 'den HMI 'ya recete transferi yapildiktan sonra,recete okuma kontrol biti BIT#1 (D16 bit1 ) ON olur.Recete kontrol biti (D16 bit1 ) Off oldugunda ,recete okuma durum bitide OFF olur. . n Recete Numarasi Durumu

Recete numarasi kontrol biti BIT#0 (D6 bit0 ) ON oldugunda,recete numarasinin degistigini belirten bitte BIT#0 (D16 bit0 ) ON olur.degisme isleminden sonrada OFF olur. . n Recete Yazma Durumu

HMI 'dan PLC 'ye recete yazildiktan sonra, recete yazma durum biti BIT# 2 (D 16 bit2) ON olur.Recete kontrol biti Off (D6 bit2 ) oldugunda recete yazma durum bitide OFF olur. .

n Recete Numarasi Durum Bolgesi (RBSR)

Word 0 Fonksiyon Kullanilan recetenin numarasi

Recete numarasi RCPNo PLC 'den veya HMI 'dan degistiginde recete numarasi durum bolgesi (RBSR) (Dm+6) degisecektir.O anda kullanilan recete numarasi bu bolgede kaydolur,eger istenilirse goruntulenebilir.

5-3 Dahili Hafiza

n Dahili Hafiza Bolgesi (Okunabilir/Yazilabilir ) : $
Her bolge 1 word : $n (n : 0~ 65535) Her bolge 16 bit : $n.b (n : 0~65535, b: 0~15) HMI 'da toplamda 16 bitlik 65536 dahili hafiza bolgesi ($0 ~ $65535) vardir.

n Kalici Dahili Hafiza Bolgesi (Okunabilir/Yazilabilir) : $M

Her bolge 1 word : $Mn (n : 0~1023 ) Her bolge 16 bit : $Mn.b (n: 0~1023, b: 0~15) HMI 'da toplamda 16 bitlik 1024 kalici dahili hafiza bolgesi ($0 ~ $1023) vardir.

n Kontrol Bolgesi (Okunabilir): CTRL

Her bolge 1 word : CTRLn (n: 0~ Kontrol bolgesi buyuklugu -1) Her bolge 16 bit : $CTRL.b (n : 0~ Kontrol bolgesi buyuklugu 1, b : 0~15) HMI 'in kontrol bolgesi PLC 'nin kontrol bolgesinden okunan datalarin saklandigi yerdir. Kontrol bolgesi yalnizca okunabilir.Kontrol bolgesi buyuklugu ekran programi hazirlanirken belirlenen (model parametreleri-kontrol bolgesi) kontrol bolgesi ile aynidir.

n Recete Numarasi Bolgesi (Okunabilir/Yazilabilir): RCPNO


Recete numarasinin belirlendigi 16 -bitlik bolgedir.Toplam recete sayisi 64K olabilir. Recete hazirlanirken toplam recete sayisi ve bir recetenin uzunlugu belirlenir. PLC recete numarasina gore bir receteyi okur veya bir receteye yazar. .

n Recete Degerleri Bolgesi (R/W): RCPn

HMI 'da recete degerlerinin saklandigi bolgedir.Bu degerler HMI programi hazirlik asamasinda iken belirlenip HMI'ya yuklenebilir.Bu bolgelere okuma/yazma yapmanin 2 yontemi vardir.Recete uzunlugunun L ve recete numarasinin N oldugunu dusunulurse 1. Recete Numarasini kullanarak:Bu yontemde recete numarasi ve degerleri kullanilir. Ornek olarak RCPNO=3 ele alinirsa, HMI 3 numarali recetenin datalarini RCP0~RCP (L-1) 'dan okur ve daha sonra PLC RCPNO 3'un datalarini RCP0~ RCP (L-1) bu bolgeden okur.Bu bolge musterek bolgede sayilabilir. 2. Tam adres kullanilarak:Bu yontem kullanilacak recetenin deger sayisi RCP (L-1)'den buyukse kullanilir.Bu durumda 1.recetenin recete degerlerinin baslangic adresi RCP (1XL) 2. recetenin recete degerlerinin baslangic adresi RCP (2XL) olur.O halde, n.recetenin m. wordu RCP (nxL+m) olacaktir.
RCP0=X; (1<=X<=N) RCP0 RCP1 RCP2 ... RCP (L-1)

1xL 1xL+1 1xL+2 ... 2xL 2xL+1 2xL+2 ... NxL NxL+1 NxL+2 ...

1xL+(L-1) RCP0=1 2xL+(L-1) RCP0=2 NxL+(L-1) RCP0=N


Series HMI Connection Manual

Series HMI Connection Manual

Delta Electronics, Inc. Taoyuan1 31-1, Xingbang Road, Guishan Industrial Zone, Taoyuan County 33370, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: 886-3-362-6301 / FAX: 886-3-362-7267 Delta Electronics (Jiang Su) Ltd. Wujiang Plant3 1688 Jiangxing East Road, Wujiang Economy Development Zone, Wujiang City, Jiang Su Province, People's Republic of China (Post code: 215200) TEL: 86-512-6340-3008 / FAX: 86-769-6340-7290 Delta Electronics (Japan), Inc. Tokyo Office Delta Shibadaimon Building, 2-1-14 Shibadaimon, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 105-0012, Japan TEL: 81-3-5733-1111 / FAX: 81-3-5733-1211 Delta Electronics (Korea), Inc. Donghwa B/D 3F, 235-6, Nonhyun-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul 135-010, Korea TEL: 82-2-515-5303/5 / FAX: 82-2-515-5302 Delta Electronics (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 8 Kaki Bukit Road 2, #04-18 Ruby Warehouse Complex, Singapore 417841 TEL: 65-6747-5155 / FAX: 65-6744-9228

Delta Products Corporation (USA) Raleigh Office P.O. Box 12173,5101 Davis Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, U.S.A. TEL: 1-919-767-3813 / FAX: 1-919-767-3939

Deltronics (The Netherlands) B.V. Eindhoven Office De Witbogt 15, 5652 AG Eindhoven, The Netherlands TEL: 31-40-2592850 / FAX: 31-40-2592851
*We reserve the right to change the information in this manual without prior notice


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series


Pin Definition of Serial Communication

DOP-A Series
COM1 PIN 1 Pin1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 COM2 PIN 1 Pin1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mode 1 RS-232 N.C RXD TXD N.C GND N.C RTS CTS N.C Mode 2 RS-422 RXDRXD+ TXD+ TXDGND RTSRTS+ CTS+ CTSMode 3 RS-485 DD+ D+ DGND N.C N.C N.C N.C Mode RS-232 N.C RXD TXD N.C GND N.C RTS CTS N.C

1) Mode 3 is for RS-485. Pin 2 & 3 are D+ and pin 1 & 4 are D-. 2) Grounding is highly recommended if RS-485 & RS-422 are used for long transmission. 3) DO NOT connect Frame Ground (FGND) to GND. Please connect FGND to the outer covering of connector. 4) Transmission speed is relevant to distance and baud rate.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

DOP-AE Series
COM1 PIN 1 Pin1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 COM2/COM3 PIN 1 Pin1 COM2 2 3 4 5 6 COM3 7 8 9 Mode 1 RS-232 N.C RXD TXD N.C GND N.C RTS CTS N.C Mode 2 RS-422 RXDRXD+ TXD+ TXDGND RTSRTS+ CTS+ CTSMode 3 RS-485 DD+ D+ DGND N.C N.C N.C N.C Mode 4 RS-232x2 N.C RXD TXD N.C GND N.C TXD RXD N.C Mode 5 RS-422x2 RXDRXD+ TXD+ TXDGND TXDTXD+ RXD+ RXDMode 6 RS-485x2 DD+ D+ DGND DD+ D+ DMode RS-232 N.C RXD TXD N.C GND N.C RTS CTS N.C


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

DOP AS Series


2 3 4 5 6 COM 3 7 8 9

COM2 Mode 1 PIN RS-422 RR+ TT+ RXDRXD+ TXDTXD+ GND RS-485 DD+ DD+ GND Mode 2

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series


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RS-232 DOP series HMI 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5) RTS (7) CTS (8) PC 9 pin D-SUB female (RS-232) (3) TXD (2) RXD (5) GND (8) CTS (7) RTS Controller Pin1

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Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series


Supported Controllers and Devices

Please refer to the following table for supported controllers and devices provided by DOP series HMI. Brand Controller Name / Series Name Delta Controller For Servo/AC drive/Temperature Controller/PLC (984 RTU mode / ASCII mode) Delta DVP PLC Allen Bradley Cimon Copley Danfoss Emerson Facon Festo GE Fanuc Hitachi Hust Jetter Keyence Koyo Lenze MicroLogix PLC SLC5 PLC Loader Protocol Servo (Stepnet Protocol) VLT 2800 (FC Protocol) EC20 Series PLC FB Series PLC Festo PLC 90 Series SNP PLC EH Series Hust CNC Controller Nano Series PLC JC Series PLC KV/KZ Series SU/DL Series K-Sequence LECOM-A/B Protocol Master-K120S/200S Glofa GM6 CNET LG Master-K CNET XGT CNET LI YAN M2i Matsushita Mirle LYPLC EX M2i Master M2i Slave FP Series FAMA SC


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Brand FX / FX2N FX3U A Series/J71UC24 Mitsubishi Mitsubishi A2A/A2AS/A2USH A1SH/A3N/A2ASH CPU Port Q Series CPU Port Q Series Computer Link FX Series Computer Link J2s Series BY125 MKS CT150 MC700/720 Modbus (Master) --- 984 RTU / ASCII mode Modbus Hexadecimal Address (Master) --- RTU / ASCII mode nW (Master) --- RTU / ASCII mode Modbus (Slave) --- RTU / ASCII mode TSX Micro TWIDO Moeller NIKKI DENSO Moeller PLC NCS-FI/FS Series C Series Omron CJ1/CS1 Series TPM1A S7 200 Siemens S7-300 (with PC Adaptor) S7-300 (without PC Adaptor) Taian Vigor VIPA Yokogawa TP02 PLC M Series VIPA PLC ACE PLC Uni-Telway Modbus RTU Controller Name / Series Name



Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Delta (Servo/AC Drive/PLC/Temperature) Controller A. HMI factory setting Baud rate: ASCII: 9600, 7, None, 2. RTU: 9600, 8. None, 2. Controller station number: 1. Control area/status area: None. Back to Table

1) This driver can support all Delta products, i.e. AC drive, PLC, Servo, Temperature Controller and Modbus standard connection. The users can easily set and communicate with these devices via using this driver. 2) For people who are using Modbus standard connection: Modbus / ASCII (Master), Modbus / 984 RTU (Master), Modbus / ASCII Hex Address (Master) and Modbus / RTU Hex Address (Master) can be compatible with the new Delta controller ASCII and Delta controller RTU. To change the driver settings, the user only needs to change the Controller Option which is used to set the controller, then the new driver can be used immediately. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Servo communication address AC drive communication address TCntrl communication address WORD_DEVICE_X WORD_DEVICE_Y WORD_DEVICE_M WORD_DEVICE_S WORD_DEVICE_T WORD_DEVICE_C WORD_DEVICE_D WORD_DEVICE_HC PLC communication address Module Format SERVO-n INVERTER-n TEMP_CTRL-n PLC_Xn PLC_Yn PLC_Mn PLC_Sn PLC_Tn PLC_Cn PLC_Dn PLC_HCn PLC_Modulen Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 0700h n: 0 ~ 2299h n: 0 ~ 6000h n: 0 ~ 360(octal) n: 0 ~ 360(octal) n: 0 ~ 1520, 1536 ~ 4080 n: 0 ~ 1008 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 199 n: 0 ~ 4095, 4096 ~ 9999 n: 200 ~ 255 n: 4000 ~ 4499h N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. Data Length Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Double Word Word

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ FFFFh n: 0 ~ FFFFh n: 40001 ~ 50000 n: 30001 ~ 40000 N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No.

Register Type Output Registers Input Registers Output Registers Input Registers RW-n R-n Wn Wn


Data Length Word Word Word Word

1) The above addresses of Servo, AC drive, Temperature controller and PLC Module are in hexadecimal format. PLC Word Device X and Y are in octal format. Other PLC Word Device M, S, T, C, D and HC are in decimal format. 2) WORD_DEVICE_ X / WORD_DEVICE_Y / WORD_DEVICE_M / WORD_DEVICE_S: Address must be 0 or the multiple of 16. Contacts Contact type Servo communication address AC drive communication address TCntrl communication address Servo Digital Input Servo Digital Output WORD_DEVICE_X WORD_DEVICE_Y WORD_DEVICE_M WORD_DEVICE_S WORD_DEVICE_T WORD_DEVICE_C TCntrl Bit communication address Discrete Outputs Discrete Inputs Discrete Outputs Discrete Inputs Format SERVO-n.b INVERTER-n.b TEMP_CTRL-n.b SERVO_DI-n SERVO_DO-n PLC_Xn PLC_Yn PLC_Mn PLC_Sn PLC_Tn PLC_Cn TEMP_CTRLB-n RWB-n RB-n Bn Bn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 0700h n: 0 ~ 2299h n: 0 ~ 6000h N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. b: 0 ~ f b: 0 ~ f b: 0 ~ f n: 1 ~ 8 n: 1 ~ 5 n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 1535 1536 ~ 4095 n: 0 ~ 1023 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 800 ~ 8FFh n: 0 ~ FFFFh n: 0 ~ FFFFh n: 1 ~ 10000 n: 10001 ~ 20000

1) The above addresses of Servo, AC drive, Temperature controller and PLC Module are in hexadecimal format.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series 2) PLC Word Device X and Y are in octal format. Other PLC Word Device M, S, T, C, D and HC are in decimal format. 3) Servo Digital Input and Servo Digital Output are only for Servo. Pay close attention to the following important notes: 4) For Delta AC drive: Communication address for HMI read/write address uses hexadecimal format. For detailed information about communication address of Delta AC drive, please refer to Delta AC drive User Manual. Example 1: Parameter 9-01 of Delta VFD-S drive Transmission Speed needs to be set to INVERTER901 in HMI. (Decimal 9 is converted to 09 in hexadecimal and 01 is converted to 01 in hexadecimal. Therefore, setting INVERTER901 to HMI will discard the first 0)

Decimal value Hexadecimal value

01 (Hexadecimal value) 09 (Hexadecimal value)

The communication address of parameter 9-01 is 0901H. Example 2: if setting of parameter 8-17 (Lower Bound of DC Braking Start-up Frequency) of Delta VFDS drive is desired, user needs to set INVERTER811 in HMI. (8 is converted to 08 in hexadecimal and 17 is converted to 11 in hexadecimal. Therefore, setting the INVERTER811 to HMI will discard the first 0)

Decimal value Hexadecimal value

11 (Hexadecimal value) 08 (Hexadecimal value)

The communication address of parameter 8-17 is 0811H. 5) For Delta Servo drive:

y y

HMI Read/Write address setting needs to input the communication address listed in SERVO User Manual. Servo Digital Input and Servo Digital Output are only for Servo.

6) For Delta Temperature Controller (DTA series): HMI can be set up to connect to several Delta A series temperature controllers on standard Modbus networks by using RTU transmission mode. However, the communication delay time may need to increase. Therefore, 5ms or longer is highly recommended.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) Delta Servo RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller CN3 cable connector (RS-232) Controller CN3 cable connector (RS-232)
1 2 3 4 5 6

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

RS-422 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422)

(2) TX (4) RX (1) GND

Top View

Controller CN3 cable connector (RS-422)

Controller CN3 cable connector (RS-422)

RXD+ (2) RXD- (1) TXD+ (3) TXD- (4)

RS-485 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485)

(5) TX+ (6) TX(3) RX+ (4) RX1 2 3 4 5 6

Top View

Controller CN3 cable connector (RS-485)

Controller CN3 cable connector (RS-485)

RXD+ (2) TXD+ (3) RXD- (1) TXD- (4)

(3) 485+ (5) 485+ (4) 485(6) 4851 2 3 4 5 6

Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Delta AC drive RS-485 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485)
R XD + ( 2) TXD+ (3) R XD - (1 ) TXD- (4) GN D ( 5) (3 ) S G(2 ) GN D

Controller RJ-11 cable connector (RS-485)

(4 ) S G+

Controller RJ-11 cable connector (RS-485)

2: GND 3: SG4: SG+ 6 1 Top View DO NOT use Pin 1, 5 and 6 while using RS-485 communication.

1) When connecting to a Delta VFD-M series AC drive, please connect Pin 5 (GND) of the Delta HMI and Pin 2 (GND) of the Delta VFD-M AC drive. Temperature Controller RS-485 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) Controller RS-485 cable connector

RXD+ (2) TXD+ (3) RXD- (1) TXD- (4)



Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Delta DVP PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, Even, 1. Controller station number: 1. Control area/status area: D0 / D10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type X_Data Y_Data M_Data S_Data T_Register C_Register D_Register HC_Register Xn Yn Mn Sn Tn Cn Dn Cn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 360(octal) n: 0 ~ 360(octal) n: 0 ~ 1520, 1536 ~ 4080 n: 0 ~ 1008 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 199 n: 0 ~ 4095, 4096 ~ 9999 n: 200 ~ 255 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. Back to Table

1) (W) is Word. 2) (DW) is Double Word. 3) X_Data / Y_Data / M_Data / S_Data: Address must be 0 or the multiple of 16. Contacts Contact type X_Data Y_Data M_Data S_Data T_Coil C_Coil Xn Yn Mn Sn Tn Cn Format N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. Bit No. n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 1520, 1536 ~ 4080 n: 0 ~ 1023 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 Connection DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232) Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232)

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(5) TXD (4) RXD (8) GND

5 4 8

Top View RS-485 Connection DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485)
R XD + ( 2) TX D+ (3) R XD - (1 ) TX D- ( 4) D-

Controller RS-485 cable connector


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series AllenBradley MicroLogix PLC A. HMI factory setting Baud rate: 19200, 8, None, 1. PLC station number: 1. Control area/status area: B3:0/B3:10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Read/Write Range Register Type Format Bit No. Word No. n: 0 ~ 3 n: 0 ~ 3 n: 0 ~ 65 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 Low Byte N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 High Byte File No. Back to Table

Output File Input File Status File Bit File Timer Flag Timer Preset Value Timer Accumulator Value Counter Flag Counter Preset Value Counter Accumulator Value Control File Control Size of Bit Array Control Reserved File Integer File

O:n I:n S2:n B3:n T4:n T4:n.PRE T4:n.ACC C5:n C5:n.PRE C5:n.ACC R6:n R6:n.LEN R6:n.POS N7:n

Bit No : Low byte is not used, so the value is 0. High byte stores file number. Data Size : Word. T4, C5 and R6 only read 1 Word once. If reading multiple Words once, the communication speed of PLC will be slow.

1) After last communication data has been memorized by PLC (PLC will send 0x10 0x05 consecutively), communication may fail. At this time, power off and power up HMI or power off and power up PLC once.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Contacts Read/Write Range Contact Type Format Bit No. Word No. Low Byte Bits Output Input Status Bit Timer O:n/b I:n/b S2:n/b B3:n/b T4:n/b T4:n/EN T4:n/TT T4:n/DN Timer Preset Value Timer Accumulator Value Counter flag T4:n.PRE/b T4:n.ACC/b C5:n/b C5:n/CU C5:n/CD C5:n/DN C5:n/OV C5:n/UN C5:n/UA Counter Preset Value Counter Accumulator Value Control C5:n.PRE/b C5:n.ACC/b R6:n/b R6:n/EN R6:n/DN R6:n/ER R6:n/UL R6:n/IN R6:n/FD Control Size of Bit Array Control Reserved Integer R6:n.LEN/b R6:n.POS/b N7:n/b n: 0 ~ 3 n: 0 ~ 3 n: 0 ~ 65 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 15 14 13 b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 15 14 13 12 11 10 b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 15 13 11 10 9 8 b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 6 6 7 5 5 6 4 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 High Byte File No.

Bit No : Low byte stores Bit address. High byte stores file number.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 Connection DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232) Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232)

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(7) TXD (4) RXD (2) GND (3) RTS (6) CTS
Top View 2 1 4 3 7 6


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series AllenBradley SLC5 PLC A. HMI factory setting Baud rate: 19200, 8, None, 1. PLC station number: 1. Control area/status area: B3:0/B3:10. Back to Table

1) Error Check uses CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check). B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Read/Write Range Register Type Format Word No. Element No. Output File O:n O:s.n I:n I:s.n S2:n Bf:n n: 0 ~ 30 Low Byte N/A Bit No. High Byte Slot or File No. Slot No. s = 0 s: 0 ~ 255 File No. = 0 Slot No. s = 0 s: 0 ~ 255 File No. = 1 File No. = 2 f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 3. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 4. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 4. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 4. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 5. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 5.

Input File

n: 0 ~ 30


Status File Bit File

n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255


Timer Flag


n: 0 ~ 255


Timer Preset Value


n: 0 ~ 255


Timer Accumulator Value


n: 0 ~ 255


Counter Flag


n: 0 ~ 255


Counter Preset Value


n: 0 ~ 255


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Read/Write Range Register Type Format Word No. Element No. Counter Accumulator Value Cf:n.ACC n: 0 ~ 255 Low Byte N/A Bit No. High Byte Slot or File No. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 5. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 6. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 6. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 6. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 7.

Control File


n: 0 ~ 255


Control Size of Bit Array


n: 0 ~ 255


Control Reserved File


n: 0 ~ 255


Integer File


n: 0 ~ 255


Bit No : Low byte is not used, so the value is 0. High byte stores file number.

Contacts Read/Write Range Contact Type Format Word No. Element No. Output O:n/b O:s.n/b I:n/b I:s.n/b n: 0 ~ 30 Low Byte Bits b: 0 ~ 15 Bit No. High Byte Slot or File No. Slot No. s = 0 s: 0 ~ 255 File No. = 0 Slot No. s=0 s: 0 ~ 255 File No. = 1 2 f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 3. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 4.


n: 0 ~ 30

b: 0 ~ 15

Status Bit

S2:n/b Bf:n/b

n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 255

b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15


Tf:n/b Tf:n/EN Tf:n/TT Tf:n/DN

n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255

b: 0 ~ 15 15 14 13 b: 0 ~ 15

Timer Preset Value


f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 4.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Read/Write Range Contact Type Format Word No. Element No. Timer Accumulator Value Tf:n.ACC/b n: 0 ~ 255 Low Byte Bits b: 0 ~ 15 Bit No. High Byte Slot or File No. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 4. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 5.

Counter Flag

Cf:n/b Cf:n/CU Cf:n/CD Cf:n/DN Cf:n/OV Cf:n/UN Cf:n/UA

n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255

b: 0 ~ 15 15 14 13 12 11 10 b: 0 ~ 15

Counter Preset Value


f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 5. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 5. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 6.

Counter Accumulator Value


n: 0 ~ 255

b: 0 ~ 15


Rf:n/b Rf:n/EN Rf:n/DN Rf:n/ER Rf:n/UL Rf:n/IN Rf:n/FD

n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255

b: 0 ~ 15 15 13 11 10 9 8 b: 0 ~ 15

Control Size of Bit Array


f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 6. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 6. f: 10 ~ 255 If f is ignored, file no. will be default setting 7.

Control Reserved


n: 0 ~ 255

b: 0 ~ 15



n: 0 ~ 255

b: 0 ~ 15

Bit No : Low byte stores Bit address. High byte stores file number.

1) Device O and I need to assign Slot No. (s). If not assign Slot No., it will use default setting 0.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB female (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB female (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(3) TXD (2) RXD (5) SG (7) RTS (8) CTS

Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Cimon PLC (Loader Protocol) A. HMI factory setting Baud rate: 38400, 8, None, 1, RS-232. PLC station number: 1. Control area/status area: D00000 / D00010. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Input Output General Purpose Relay General Purpose Relay Latch Relay Flags Timer (Set) Timer (Current) Counter (Set) Counter (Current) General Purpose Word Data Step Controller Contacts Contact Type Input Output General Purpose Relay General Purpose Relay Latch Relay Flags Timer Status Counter Status Xnb Ynb Mnb Lnb Knb Fnb Tb Cb Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 000-512 n: 000-512 n: 000-999 n: 000-999 n: 000-999 n: 000-127 N/A N/A b: 0-F b: 0-F b: 0-F b: 0-F b: 0-F b: 0-F b: 0-4095 b: 0-4095 Bit No. Xn Yn Mn Ln Kn Fn TSn TCn CSn CCn Dn Sn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 000-512 n: 000-512 n: 000-999 n: 000-999 n: 000-999 n: 000-127 n: 0000-4095 n: 0000-4095 n: 0000-4095 n: 0000-4095 n:00000-31999 n: 0-99 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Length Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Byte Back to Table

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 6 pin RJ11 Controller 9 pin D-SUB female (RS-232)

RX D (2 ) TXD (3 ) GND (5)

2 3 5

Top View

1) Device S The unit of PLC internal memory is byte and Device S is read by the unit of byte. Therefore, we recommend the user do not use two consecutive devices S as the read addresses or the interference will occur. For example, when choosing two numeric input device, please use S24 and S26, do not use S24 and S25.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Copley Servo (Stepnet Protocol) A. HMI factory setting Baud rate: 9600, 8, None, 1. PLC station number: 0. Control area/status area: None. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type RAM memory Flash memory Internal Register Contacts Contact Type BIT_DEVICE_RB BIT_DEVICE_FB BIT_DEVICE_T0 BIT_DEVICE_T1 BIT_DEVICE_T2 BIT_DEVICE_RST BIT_DEVICE_CPR BIT_DEVICE_CPF Format RBn.b FBn.b T0n T1n T2n RSTn CPRn CPFn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 00-FF (Hex) n: 00-FF (Hex) N/A N/A N/A N/A n: 00-FF (Hex) n: 00-FF (Hex) Bit No. b: 0-31 b: 0-31 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 N/A N/A Rn Fn IRn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 00-FF (Hex) n: 00-FF (Hex) n: 0-31 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A Data Length DWord DWord Word Back to Table

1) RB and FB are the bit access of Ram/Flash memory. Therefore, RB0x21.14 indicates bit 14 of Ram memory 0x21. 2) T0, T1 and T2 is virtual device for simulating Trajectory Generator Command. The number of 0, 1 and 2 indicates the subcommand of that command, so only bit 0 is acceptable. 3) RST is for simulating Reset Command, so only bit 0 is acceptable. 4) CPR and CPF are for simulating Copy Command of Ram and Flash individually. The address (n) after CPR and CPF is just the copy address for Ram/Flash memory. For example, CPRCA indicates that the content of Ram memory 0xCA will be copied into Flash memory 0xCA and CPFA6 indicates that the content of Flash memory 0xA6 will be copied into Ram memory 0xA6. 5) T0, T1, T2, RST, CPR, CPF are all write-only and they can not be used on Reset button.
Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB female (RS-232)

RX D (2 ) TXD (3 ) GND (5)

RS -232 TxD RS -232 Rx D Signal Gro und


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Danfoss VLT 2800 (FC Protocol) A. HMI factory setting Baud rate: 9600, 8, Even, 1, RS-485. PLC station number: 1. Control area/status area: None / None. Back to Table

1) Delta HMI can be connected to for VLT-2800, 5000, 6000, 7000 controllers. 2) Each data length format of Danfoss AC drive parameter is not fixed, therefore, Multiple Duplicate function is not provided. 3) Max. supported alarm number is 16. If the alarm number is over 16, a fault will occur. 4) Does not support optimum read/write characteristic. 5) If the selected element is a string, the minimum data length should be more than 2. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Read/Write Range Register Type Format Bit No. Word No. Low Byte 0 N/A N/A High Byte Index No. Parameter Control Word Status Word Pn:I CTRWD STAWD n: 0 ~ 999 0 0 I: 0 ~ 31 N/A N/A

Index No : If the index No. is not used, its default setting will be 0. The default setting of index No. for parameter P606 ~ P617 is 1.

Please notice that it is necessary to input the index No. when using some parameters of Danfoss controllers. At this time, please pay close attention on the setting range of index number. If the setting range is not started from 0, the parameter read & write failure will occur. For example, the index No. setting range of the parameter P615 is from 1 to 20, if the users do not input the index No., the system will assume the index number is 0 (default setting) and the a fault will occur when the users read or write the parameter.

CTRWD: Write-only. (Can not be used on the devices which can display the value or input value. It is recommended to be used on the setting value/setting constant (button), or marco function.)

STAWD: Read-only. Control & Status Word: Please refer to the explanation on the next page.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Contacts Read/Write Range Contact Type Format Word No. Element No. Parameter Pn:I.b n: 0 ~ 999 Low Byte Bits b: 0 ~ 31 Bit No. High Byte Index No. I: 0 ~ 31

Bit No : Low byte stores Bit address. High byte stores index number.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-485 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485)
R XD + (2) TX D+ (3 ) R XD - (1 ) TX D- (4) S hell S hell 69 TX D /R XD -

Controller RS-485 cable connector

68 TX D /R XD +

Explanation of Control Word & Status Word Control Word Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit = 0 No Function Choice of Setup 2 (msb) Choice of Setup 1 (lsb) No Function No Function Data Not Vaild Ramp 1 Jog 1 OFF No Function Ramp Stop Hold Quick-Stop Coasting DC Brake Preset reference choice msb Preset reference choice msb Relay 04 activated Relay 01 activated Vaild Ramp2 ON Reset Start Ramp Enable Ramp Enable Ramp Bit = 1 Reversing

When Bit 10 = 1 (Data Valid), the Control Word is valid.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Status Word Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit = 0 Timer OK Torque OK Voltage OK Temperature OK Not Running Out of Range Local Control Speed reference No Warning Reserved Reserved Reserved No Fault Coasting VLT not ready Control not ready Trip Enabled Ready Ready Bit = 1 Above limit Above limit Above limit Over-Temp, auto-start pending Running Frequency OK Bus Control Speed = reference Warning

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Emerson EC20 Series PLC A. HMI factory setting Baud rate: 19200, 8, Even, 1 (RS-232). PLC station number: 0. Control area/status area: D0 / D10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Data Word Special Data Word Data Word Timer Counter DoubleWord Counter DoubleWord Data Word Contacts Contact Type External Output Relay External Input Relay Internal Relay Special Internal Relay Status Relay Timer Counter Yb Xb Mb SMb Sb Tb Cb Format N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. Bit No. b: 0-377(Octal) b: 0-377(Octal) b: 0-1999 b: 0-255 b: 0-991 b: 0-255 b: 0-255 Dn SDn Zn Tn Cn CDWn DDWn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0-7999 n: 0-255 n: 0-15 n: 0-255 n: 0-199 n: 200-255 n: 0-7998 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Length Word Word Word Word Word DWord DWord Back to Table

PLC Communication Settings: 1) Emerson EC20 series PLC has two communication ports, COM0 and COM1. They are provided for the communication protocol for connecting to PC, Modbus communication protocol and user-defined protocol. The default setting is COM0 to be enabled only, so the user needs to set the communication mode as Modbus RTU via PC software before using it. 2) COM1 supports RS-232 and RS-485.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series 3) Please note that not all of the addresses can be written when reading SM and SD device. We recommend the user not to set all of the addresses as write address except when setting parameters. C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller COM1

RX D (2 ) TXD (3 ) GND (5)

RS-485 DOP series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)


Controller COM1

D- (1) D- (4) D+ (2) D+ (3) G ND (5) (3) RS485+

(4) RS485GND

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Facon FB Series PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, Even, 1. Controller Station number: 1. Control area/status area: R0 / R10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Input Relay Output Relay Internal Relay Step Relay Data Register Data Register Timer Present Value Counter Present Value Data Register WXn WYn WMn WSn Rn Dn RTn RCn DRCn Format Read/Write range Word No. n: 0 ~ 9992 n: 0 ~ 9992 n: 0 ~ 9992 n: 0 ~ 9992 n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 200 ~ 255 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. Data length Byte Byte Byte Byte Word Word Word Word Double Word Back to Table

Input Relay / Output Relay / Internal Relay / Special Relay: Address must be the multiple of 8.

Contacts Contact type Input Relay Output Relay Internal Relay Step Relay Timer Flag Counter Flag Xn Yn Mn Sn Tn Cn Format N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write range Word No. Bit No. n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 9999


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 15 pin male (RS-232) Controller 15 pin male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) TXD (1) RXD (6) SG (3) RTS (4) CTS

Top View

RS-232 Connecting to CB (Communication Board) or CM (Communication Module) FBs Series Port 1 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) TXD (3) RXD (5) GND (8) RTS (7) CTS

RS-232 FBs Series Port 0 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 4 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232) Controller 4 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232)

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(4) TXD (2) RXD (1) GND (3) +5V

2 4 1 3

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

Festo PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, None, 1. Controller Station number: 0. (no PLC station number in protocol) Control area/status area: R0 / R10.

Back to Table

1) Connectable PLC: FEC-FC Model B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type WORD_DEVICE_IW WORD_DEVICE_OW WORD_DEVICE_FW WORD_DEVICE_TW WORD_DEVICE_CW WORD_DEVICE_R WORD_DEVICE_TP WORD_DEVICE_CP Contacts Register Type BIT_DEVICE_I BIT_DEVICE_O BIT_DEVICE_F BIT_DEVICE_T BIT_DEVICE_C BIT_DEVICE_TON BIT_DEVICE_TOFF In.b On.b Fn.b Tn Cn TONn TOFFn Format Word No. n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 9999 N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 b: 0 ~ 15 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 Iwn Own FWn TWn CWn Rn TPn CPn Format Word No. n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. Data Size Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word

BIT_DEVICE_T / BIT_DEVICE_C / BIT_DEVICE_TON / BIT_DEVICE_TOFF: Only 1 Bit can be transferred for each communication.

Only 1 Bit or 1 Word can be transferred for each write command.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections

1) Communication port of PLC: COM port 2) It needs to use the dedicated cable for FESTO controllers Cable for transferring TTL to RS-232 and it is 6 pin RJ-12 connector at PLC side.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series GE Fanuc 90 Series SNP PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 19200, 8, ODD, 1. Controller Station number: 0. (no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed.) Control area/status area: %R1 / %R10. Back to Table

1) Please notice that no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed. 2) If the PLC enabled Check Password function, the user needs to set the password by clicking Option > Configuration > Communication. The user can find Controller Settings and set PLC password on Communication Tab in the Configuration dialog box. Please enter a 4-digit password (If entering a password that exceeds 4-digit number, only the first 4-digit number is valid). B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Discrete Inputs Discrete Outputs Discrete Temporaries Discrete Internals %SA Discretes %SB Discretes %SC Discretes %S Discretes Genius Global Data Registers Analog Inputs Analog Outputs Format %In %Qn %Tn %Mn %SAn %SBn %SCn %S-n %Gn %Rn %AIn %AQn Read/Write range Word No. n: 1 ~ 12288 n: 1 ~ 12288 n: 1 ~ 256 n: 1 ~ 12288 n: 1 ~ 128 n: 1 ~ 128 n: 1 ~ 128 n: 1 ~ 128 n: 1 ~ 7680 n: 1 ~ 16384 n: 1 ~ 8192 n: 1 ~ 8192 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data length Word (the multiple of 16 + 1) Word (the multiple of 16 + 1) Word (the multiple of 16 + 1) Word (the multiple of 16 + 1) Word (the multiple of 16 + 1) Word (the multiple of 16 + 1) Word (the multiple of 16 + 1) Word (the multiple of 16 + 1) Word (the multiple of 16 + 1) Word Word Word


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Contacts Contact Type Discrete Inputs Discrete Outputs Discrete Temporaries Discrete Internals %SA Discretes %SB Discretes %SC Discretes %S Discretes Genius Global Data Format %In %Qn %Tn %Mn %SAn %SBn %SCn %-Sn %Gn N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write range Word No. n: 1 ~ 12288 n: 1 ~ 12288 n: 1 ~ 256 n: 1 ~ 12288 n: 1 ~ 128 n: 1 ~ 128 n: 1 ~ 128 n: 1 ~ 128 n: 1 ~ 7680 Bit No.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller RJ-45 cable connector (RS-232) Controller RJ-45 cable connector (RS-232)

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

RS-422 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)

(5) TXD (6) RXD (4) GND

8 1 Top View

Controller 15 pin male (RS-232)

Controller 15 pin male (RS-232) Pin1

R XD- (1) RXD+ (2) TX D+ (3) TXD- (4)

(12 ) SD (A') (13) SD(B') (11) RD(B) (10 ) RD (A) (9) RD( *)
(NOT E 1 )

(6) RT S (A) (15 ) CT S(A') (8) CT S (B) (14 ) RT S(B')

Top View

1) (9) RD(*) should be connected to 10(RD)(A) in serial. But if connecting PLC model is Series 90-70 PLC IC697CPU731 and IC697CPU771, (9) RD(*) needs to be connected to 11(RD)(B).

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Hitachi EH Series PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 19200, 7, EVEN, 1. Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: WR0 / WR10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Read/Write Range Word No. External Input WX External Output WY Internal Output WR Special Internal Output WR Shared Internal Output WM CPU Link Area 1 WL CPU Link Area 2 WL Timer/Counter TC Contacts Read/Write Range Word No. External Input X External Output Y Internal Output R Shared Internal Output M CPU Link Area 1 L CPU Link Area 2 L On Delay Timer TD Single-shot Timer SS Up Counter CU Up-down Counter up input CTU Up-down Counter down input CTD Up-down Counter down output CT Progress Value Clear CL Rising Edge Detection DIF Falling Edge Detection DFN 1-36 Xrusb Yrusb Rb Mnb Lnb Lnb TDb SSb CUb CTUb CTDb CTb CLb DIFb DFNb s: 0-A N/A n: 0-3FF n: 0-3FF n: 1000-13FF N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A r: 0-4 u: 0-4 b: 0-7FF b: 0-F b: 0-F b: 0-F b: 0-255 b: 0-255 b: 0-511 b: 0-511 b: 0-511 b: 0-511 b: 0-511 b: 0-511 b: 0-511 Bit No. b: 0-95 WXrusn WYrusn WRn WRn WMn WLn WLn TCn s: 0-A n: 0-C3FF n: F000-F1FF n: 0-3FF n: 0-3FF n: 1000-13FF n: 0-511 n: 0-7 Bit No. r: 0-4 u: 0-4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Back to Table

Register Type


Data Length

Register Type


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

1) Communication Settings:

y y y y

In Hitachi EH series PLC, only port 1 can be used for communication through procedure 2. The user can select procedure type via DIP switch and specific Special Internal Input (WR). In Hitachi EH-150 series PLC, only EH-CPU***A/448/516/548 can use procedure 2. It needs to set the external I/O (WX, WY, X, Y) of EH series PLC first or HMI cannot read and write their addresses. Hitachi EH series PLC and PC can be connected only by procedure 1 (@19200bps)

2) CPU Relevant Notice: EH-150

y y

DIP5 should be set to ON. If DIP5 is set to ON, PLC will determine the proper procedure (1 or 2) by the value of WRf037. When setting the address, the highest bit of write value must be 1 and then PLC can write the value into other seven bits. The data will not lost even when the power of PLC is cut off. Therefore, i) ii) Write the value 0x8000 into the address. After restart PLC, the address value will become 0x0000 and perform communication by procedure 1. Write the value 0xC000 into the address. After restart PLC, the address value will become 0x4000 and perform communication by procedure 2.

y y

Use DIP3 and DIP4 to set the communication speed of port 1. i) i) ii) When DIP3 is ON and DIP4 is OFF, the communication speed is 19200bps. When DIP6 is ON and PHL is OFF, the communication speed is 19200bps. The EH-150 PLC is a Base Unit which has a built-in CPU module. This unit allows easy connection of extension module, such as External I/O. Use DIP6, PHL to set the communication speed of port 2.


y y

DIP5 is used to set communication speed. i) When SW1 is ON, the communication speed is 19200bps. MicroEH PLC will determine the proper procedure (1 or 2) by the value of WRf01a. Different than EH-150, when setting the address, the highest bit of write value does not need to be 1. But the data will lost even the power of PLC is cut off. However, if set the value of R7f6 to 1, the data of WRf01a will be saved into Flash memory. i) ii) iii) iv) 0x0000 for procedure 1. 0x8000 for procedure 2. If the PLC uses procedure 2 and saves the data into Flash memory, it cannot connect to the peripheral devices and programs (Ladder Editor) that only support procedure 1. Standard External I/O built in MicroEH PLC are listed as below:

Digital Type

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

slot 0: X48 slot 1: Y32 slot 2: empty16 slot 3: X4W slot 4: Y4W

Analog Type

3) Communication Protocol: External I/O (X, Y, WX, WY)

Address rules:[r][u][s][n/b]. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) Word no/Bit no [n/b] Slot number [s] Unit number [u] Remote number [r]

Only support EH-150

ex1: WX103 represents unit 1, word 3 of slot 0 ex2: X103 represents bit 3 of slot 1 ex3: X113 represents bit 13 of slot 1 ex4: Y2004 represents unit 2, bit 4 of slot 0 ex5: Y2104 represents unit 2, bit 4 of slot 1

External I/O (X, Y, WX, WY) cannot read and write several addresses one time so they do not support optimum read/write characteristic.

Internal Output

y y

Shared Internal Output (M, WM) read and write the same address. For example, i) M3ab and WM3a: the read and write address of M3ab is the bit b of WM3a. CPU Link Area (L, WL) are the same as Shared Internal Output (M, WM). CPU Link Area (L, WL) also read and write the same address. i) Only support EH-150.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RX D (2) TXD (3) GND (5) RTS (7) CT S (8 )

( 5) S D1 (6) R D1 (1) SG1 (7) DR1 (8 ) RS1

Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

HUST CNC Controller A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 2. Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: W0 / W10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Read/Write Range Word No. Word Register Double Word Register Wn Dn n: 0 ~ 13500 n: 0 ~ 13500 Bit No. N/A N/A Word Double Word

Back to Table

Register Type


Data Length

1) The unit for Hust CNC controller is D Word and Wn is the low word of Dn. Contacts Contact Type BIT_DEVICE_B BIT_DEVICE_I BIT_DEVICE_O BIT_DEVICE_C BIT_DEVICE_S BIT_DEVICE_A Format Bm.n In On Cn Sn An Read/Write range Word No. m: 0 ~ 13500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 255 (8 DW) n: 0 ~ 255 (8 DW) n: 0 ~ 255 (8 DW) n: 0 ~ 255 (8 DW) n: 0 ~ 1023 (32 DW) Bit No.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) TXD (3) RXD (5) SG (8) RTS (7) CTS

Top View

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Jetter Nano Series PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, EVEN, 1 (RS-232). Controller station number: 0. (no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed.) Control area/status area: WR0 / WR10. Back to Table

1) Please notice that no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed. 2) Only 1 Bit or 1 Word can be transferred for each communication. 3) In general, each register occupies max. 24 Bits. However, some registers occupies 8 Bits only. 4) Because the initial time of this controller is longer, it is recommended to set HMI startup delay time (Recommended time is 10 seconds). 5) When the register R is used for Double Word device, please set its format as signed format. (The default format in Screen Editor is signed format) B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type 16 Bits Register 32 Bits Register Format WRn Rn n: n: Read/Write Range Word No. 0 ~ 32767 0 ~ 32767 Bit No. N/A N/A Data Length 16 Bits 24 Bits

Only the first 16 bits are used for WRn registers. Only the first 24 bits are used for Rn registers, the highest 8 bits (Bit 24 ~ 31) are set to 0 by default setting. (24-bit Integer : If in decimal format, the range is -8388608 ~ +8388607. If in hexadecimal format, the range is 0x000000 ~ 0xFFFFFF.)

1) The difference between WRn and Rn:

y y

When using devices that the data length is in Word, only Bit 0 ~ 15 are valid for both of WRn and Rn registers. When using devices that the data length is in Double Word, if the read/write address format is set to WRn, the Bit 0 ~ 15 of WRn register is the low word of a read/write value, the Bit 0 ~ 15 of WRn+1 register is the high word of a read/write value.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series if the read/write address format is set to Rn, only Bit 0 ~ 23 are valid for Rn registers. (Notice: As the Jetter controller is a 24-bit format controller, the valid setting range is 24 Bits. If exceeds this range, HMI will stop read/write operation and show ..Value is Incorrect on the screen. So, please do not set any bit on Bit24 ~ Bit31 (Bit24 ~ Bit31 cannot be written).

When using devices that the data length is in m Words, if the read/write address format is set to WRn, the Bit 0 ~ 15 of WRn register is the lowest word of a read/write value and the Bit 0 ~ 15 of WRn+m-1 register is the highest word of a read/write value. if the read/write address format is set to Rn, the Bit 0 ~ 23 of Rn register is the lowest word of a read/write value and the Bit 0 ~ 23 of Rn+1 register is the highest word of a read/write value. Each register is regards as a Double Word. The value of Bit24 ~ Bit31 is 0.

Contacts Contact type Input Relay Output Relay Flag Relay Format Inbb Onbb Fn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 1 ~ 32 n: 1 ~ 32 N/A bb: bb: n: 01 ~ 08 01 ~ 08 0 ~ 32767 Bit No.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) TXD (3) RXD (7) GND

Top View

The pin definition of the cable of Jetter controller is different than the general RS-232 cable. Please pay close attention.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Jetter JC Series PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, EVEN, 1 (RS-232). Controller station number: 0. (no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed.) Control area/status area: WR0 / WR10. Back to Table

1) Please notice that no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed. 2) Only 1 Bit or 1 Word / 2 Words can be transferred for each read and write command. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type 16 Bits Register 32 Bits Register Format WRn Rn n: n: Read/Write Range Word No. 0 ~ 32767 0 ~ 32767 Bit No. N/A N/A Data Length 16 Bits 24 Bits

The characteristics of WRn and Rn of JC series are the same as the Nano series. Please refer to the section that introduces Jetter Nano Series PLC. Contacts Contact type Input Relay Output Relay Flag Relay Format Inbb Onbb Fn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 1 ~ 32 n: 1 ~ 32 N/A bb: bb: n: 01 ~ 16 01 ~ 16 0 ~ 32767 Bit No.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232) Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232)

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(8) TXD (4) RXD (2) GND


2 4

Top View

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Keyence KV/KZ Series A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, EVEN, 1 (RS-232). Controller station number: 0. (no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed.) Control area/status area: DM-0 / DM-10. Back to Table

1) Please notice that no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed. 2) Only 1 Bit or 1 Word can be transferred for each communication. (Communication speed is slow.) B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Timer Counter High-speed Counter High-speed Counter Comparator Data Memory Temporary Data Memory Timer Preset Value Counter Preset Value CTC Preset Value Contacts Contact type Relay Timer Counter High-speed counter comparator Format R-nnnbb T-nnn C-nnn CTC-n Read/Write Range Word No. nnn: 0 ~ 69 N/A N/A N/A bb: nnn: nnn: n: Bit No. 00 ~ 15 0 ~ 199 0 ~ 199 0~3 Format T-nnn C-nnn CTH-n CTC-n DM-nnnn TM-nn PT-nnn PC-nnn PCTC-n nnn: nnn: n: n: Read/Write Range Word No. 0 ~ 199 0 ~ 199 0~1 0~3 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Length Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word

nnnn: 0 ~ 1999 nn: nnn: nnn: n: 0 ~ 31 0 ~ 199 0 ~ 199 0~3


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

When using the protocol format of KV series and connecting to KZ-80T PLC, some errors occur. Please refer to the following description: 1) Readable Timer address is not continuous. For example, T-0 ~ T-9 can be read, T10 cannot be read, T11 ~ T20 can be read, T21 ~ T50 cannot be read, etc. 2) Counter cannot be read. For example, Registers: C- (Counter), CTH- (High-speed counter), CTC- (High-speed counter comparator), PC- (Counter preset value), PCTC- (CTC preset value) they all cannot be read. Contacts: C- (Counter), CTC- (High-speed counter comparator) they all cannot be read also. C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 KV Series DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller RJ-11 cable connector (RS-232) Controller RJ-11 cable connector (RS-232)

6-1 Top View

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(3) SD (5) RD (4) SG

PLC side (Comm. Port) KZ Series DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller RJ-11 cable connector (RS-232) Controller RJ-11 cable connector (RS-232)

6-1 Top View

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(5) SD (3) RD (4) SG

PLC side (Comm. Port)

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

1) Communication Cable: The pins of SD and RD of KZ-80T and KV Series are reverse.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Koyo SU/DL Series A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, ODD, 1 (RS-232). Controller station number: 1. Control area/status area: V1400 / V1410. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Timer Accumulated Counter Accumulated V Memory Linker Relays Input Status Output Status Control Relays Stage Timer Status Counter Status Spec. Relay 1 Spec. Relay 2 Contacts Contact type Linker Relays Input Status Output Status Control Relays Stage Timer Status Counter Status Spec. Relay 1 Spec. Relay 2 Format GXn Xn Yn Cn Sn Tn CTn SPn SPn Read/Write Range Word No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A n: n: n: n: n: n: n: n: n: Bit No. 0 ~ 777 (octal) 0 ~ 477 (octal) 0 ~ 477 (octal) 0 ~ 737 (octal) 0 ~ 577 (octal) 0 ~ 177 (octal) 0 ~ 177 (octal) 0 ~ 137 (octal) 320 ~ 617 (octal) Format Vn Vn Vn Vn Vn Vn Vn Vn Vn Vn Vn Vn n: n: n: n: n: n: n: n: n: n: n: n: Read/Write Range Word No. 0 ~ 177 (octal) 1000 ~ 1177 (octal) 1400 ~ 7777 (octal) 40000 ~ 40037 (octal) 40400 ~ 40423 (octal) 40500 ~ 40523 (octal) 40600 ~ 40635 (octal) 41000 ~ 41027 (octal) 41100 ~ 41107 (octal) 41140 ~ 41147 (octal) 41200 ~ 41205 (octal) 41216 ~ 41230 (octal) Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Length Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Back to Table

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller RJ-11 cable connector (RS-232) Controller RJ-11 cable connector (RS-232)

RXD(2) TXD(3) GND(5)

(4)TXD (3)RXD (1)GND (6)GND

1-6 Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Koyo K-Sequence A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, ODD, 1 (RS-232). Controller station number: 1. Control area/status area: R1400 / R1420. Back to Table

1) If read / write address exceeds the valid range, HMI will stop read/write operation and show .Error 6.. Command Can Not be Executed. on the screen. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Input Status Output Status Link Relays Relays Relays Stage Timer Status Control Relays Special Relay 1 Register Register Format Xnnnn Ynnnn GXnnnn GQnnnn Mnnnn Snnnn Tnnn Cnnn SPnnn Rnnnnn Pnnnnn nnnn: nnnn: nnnn: nnnn: nnnn: nnnn: nnn: nnn: nnn: Read/Write Range Word No. 0 ~ 1760 (octal) 0 ~ 1760 (octal) 0 ~ 3760 (octal) 0 ~ 3760 (octal) 0 ~ 3760 (octal) 0 ~ 1760 (octal) 0 ~ 360 (octal) 0 ~ 360 (octal) 0 ~ 760 (octal) Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Length Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word

nnnnn: 0 ~ 41237 (octal) nnnnn: 0 ~ 37777 (octal)

nnnn: Is in octal format and must be the multiple of 16 except for R and P.

Contacts Contact type Input Status Output Status Linker Relays Relays Control Relays Stage Timer Status Format Xnnnn Ynnnn GXnnnn GQnnnn Mnnnn Snnnn Tnnn Read/Write Range Word No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. nnnn: 0 ~ 1777 (octal) nnnn: 0 ~ 1777 (octal) nnnn: 0 ~ 3777 (octal) nnnn: 0 ~ 3777 (octal) nnnn: 0 ~ 3777 (octal) nnnn: 0 ~ 1777 (octal) nnn: 0 ~ 377 (octal)

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Read/Write Range Word No. N/A N/A nnn: nnn: Bit No. 0 ~ 377 (octal) 0 ~ 777 (octal)

Contact type Counter Status Spec. Relay 1

Format Cnnn SPnnn

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 Port 0 Communication Cable DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)
R XD (2) TX D( 3) GN D( 5)

Controller RJ-11 cable connector (RS-232)

(4 )TX D (3 )RX D (1 )GN D (6 )GN D
(Note 1)

Controller RJ-11 cable connector (RS-232)

1-6 Top View

If pin 6 is not grounded, a communication error may occur when connecting to a CKD SM 24R controller. Ensure that pin 6 is well grounded. This will not cause any problems when connecting to SN32DRA controller. DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(3) TXD (2) RXD (5) SG

Top View

RS-485 Port 1 Communication Cable DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485)

D- (1) D- (4) D+ (2) D+ (3)




Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series The corresponding registers of CCM2 and K-Sequence Address Corresponding Relationship: CCM2 V X Y C S T CT SP K sequence R X Y M S T C SP SN32DRA R I Q M S T C SP

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

Lenze LECOM-A/B Protocol A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1 (Baudrate: 1200/2400/4800/9600/19200). Controller station number: 1 (1~99). Control area/status area: None / None.

Back to Table

1) Please pay close attention to each pin definition of cable connectors. 2) Ensure not to use the general RS-232 5-pin cable. This is because if pin 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 are all connected to the drive, the drive can not recognize the communication signal and can not identify what kind of communication it is. 3) For more detailed information of pin definition of cable connectors, please refer to the C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) of Lenze LECOM-A/B Protocol controller. 4) Ensure the HMI communication data format (The communication data written into the drive) is correct. The Word m in the following table is used to specify the HMI communication data format. 5) Ensure the HMI display data format (Property table/Setting value...etc.) is correct. 6) When using broadcast function, please check if device is available. This is because the broadcast function can be activated only when the user chooses write only device for broadcast station number (only choose setting value/setting constant (button) and then the broadcast function can be used). If choosing other devices, the system will ask you to read back the drive setting value, so please ensure to choose the correct device. If choosing the incorrect devices, a Controller Station Number Error fault message will display on HMI screen. 7) Support 82XX frequency inverters and 93XX servo inverters. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers (n, m, y are in decimal) Read/Write Range Register Type Format Word No. Bit No. LowByte n: 1 ~ 10000 n: 1 ~ 10000 n: 1 ~ 10000 n: 1 ~ 10000 N/A m: 0 ~ 23 N/A m: 0 ~ 23 HighByte subcode Parameter without subcode Parameter with subcode CWn CWn.m CWn/y CWn/y.m N/A N/A y:1 ~ 255 y:1 ~ 255 Word Word Word Word Data Length


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Read/Write Range Register Type Format Word No. Bit No. LowByte n: 1 ~ 10000 n: 1 ~ 10000 n: 1 ~ 10000 n: 1 ~ 10000 N/A m: 0 ~ 23 N/A m: 0 ~ 23 HighByte subcode Parameter without subcode CDn CDn.m Parameter with subcode CDn/y CDn/y.m N/A N/A y:1 ~ 255 y:1 ~ 255 DoubleWord DoubleWord DoubleWord DoubleWord Data Length

1) m : HMI communication data format 2) The value of m represents the different communication data format:

y y y

If m value is undefined: ASCII hexadecimal format (VH). (4 or 8 numbers.) m >= 23 m = 0 ~10 : ASCII hexadecimal format (VH). (4 or 8 numbers.) : unsigned, ASCII decimal format (VD). m represents decimal place, For example: m=0 no decimal place m=1 one decimal place (tenth) m=2 two decimal place (hundredth)

m = 11 ~20

: signed, ASCII decimal format (VD). m represents decimal place, For example: m=11 one decimal place (tenth) m=12 two decimal place (hundredth)

m = 21

: signed, ASCII decimal format (VD). without decimal place

m = 22

: ASCII hexadecimal format (VH). 2 numbers. when using this format, the write value will be limited within the range of 0~0xFF (low byte). For example: when entering 0x1234 during communication, the actual write value is 0x34, not 0x1234.

Contacts (n, b, y are in decimal) Read/Write Range Register Type Format Word No. LowByte n: 1 ~ 10000 n: 1 ~ 10000 b: 0 ~ 31 b: 0 ~ 31 N/A 1 ~ 255 Bit No. HighByte subcode Parameter without subcode Parameter with subcode CBn.b CBn/y.b

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Only VH type parameter can provide Bit read/write function (it is convenient for the user to read/write Bit No. of parameters). CBn.b, CWn (CWn.m), CDn (CDn.m): read/write address is the same (address n).

1) Since the data format of this controller is complicated (a. VS (String format), b. VO (Octet string format data blocks), c. VH (ASCII hexadecimal format)(1, 2, 4 bytes), d. VD (ASCII decimal format)(positive, negative, decimal,..)) and the communication format is not compatible, therefore, it is needed to ensure the HMI communication data format is correct, or an error may occur. 2) Registers: only can read/write the data of ASCII hexadecimal format (VH), ASCII decimal format (VD) (i.e. Either VH or VD data format can be set via communication.) Contacts: only can read/write the data of ASCII hexadecimal format (VH) HMI display data format (Property table/Setting value...etc.) should also be correct. Explanation:

Registers: only can read/write the data of VH, VD. HMI needs to set communication data format (please refer to 4), 5) and 6)). String format (VS), and Octet string format for data blocks (VO) can not be used. If the controller returns the data in VS or VO format, HMI will show Value Is Incorrect on the screen.

Contacts: only can read/write the data of ASCII hexadecimal format (VH). Only VH type parameter can provide Bit read/write function. If the controller returns the data in other format, HMI will show Value Is Incorrect on the screen.

Do not write the inexistent Bit address, or HMI will show .Write . Command Can Not be Executed on the screen. For example: CW470/1. The valid value of CW470/1 is within the range of 0 ~ 0xFF. Therefore, Bit 8 ~31 is not existed. Although HMI will show the value of Bit 8 ~31 is 0, the user can not write or set the value.

The settings of ASCII hexadecimal format (VH) and ASCII decimal format (VD) should be correct. If the VD data is set in VH format in HMI (m value is undefined, or m=22 or 23) or the VH data is set in VD format in HMI (m=0 ~ 21), when HMI write the data, HMI will show .Write . Command Can Not be Executed on the screen or tell the user the write value is incorrect.

The decimal place of ASCII decimal format (VD) should be set correctly, or the write value will not be correct. The decimal place displayed on HMI should also be correct, or the display value will be incorrect.

ASCII hexadecimal format (VH), 2 numbers (m = 22). The value is limited to 2 numbers. Using this format the write value will be limited within the range of 0 ~ 0xFF (low byte) automatically.

3) Station Number and Broadcast

The valid station number is from 0 to 99. If exceeds this range, HMI will stop read/write operation and show Controller Station Number Error on the screen.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

y y

00 indicates the global broadcasting number (1~99). 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 are local broadcasting number. The affected ranges are: 11~19, 21~29, 31~39, 41~49, 51~59, 61~69, 71~79, 81~89 and 91~99 respectively. Only choose setting value/setting constant (button), and then the broadcast function can be used. If choosing other devices, the system will be confused while reading back the drive setting value via broadcast function, so please ensure to choose the correct device. If choosing the incorrect devices, a Controller Station Number Error fault message will display on HMI screen.

Use in LECOM-A/B protocol. 82XX frequency AC drives and 93XX servo drives all use this protocol.

4) Explanation of communication error address

y y

Registers: display CW n, CWy n, CD n, CDy n in order Contacts: display CB n, CByn in order (n: address value)

5) HMI data format explanation

Some controller parameters are in Word and some are in Double Word. Therefore, there are two kinds of data format: Word ( CWn (CWn.m), CWn/y(CWn/y.m) ) and Double Word ( CDn (CDn.m), CDn/y(CDn/y.m) ).

y y

Furthermore, regarding to Bit No., HMI only read/write 32Bit (Bit0 ~ Bit31) of parameters in VH format. CWn(CWn.m), CDn(CDn.m), or CBn.b: read/write address is the same (address n), but When symbol is set to CW, read/write value is the low word of parameters (n) only, When symbol is set to CD, read/write value is the Double Word of whole parameters (n), When symbol is set to CB, read/write value is the Bit (b) No. of parameters (n). (m : HMI communication data format)

(CWn/y(CWn/y.m), CDn/y(CDn/y.m), CBn/y.b: read/write address, which y subcode is the same(address n), but When symbol is set to CW, read/write value is the low word of parameters (n) only, When symbol is set to CD, read/write value is the Double Word of whole parameters (n), When symbol is set to CB, read/write value is the Bit (b) No. of parameters (n). (m : HMI communication data format)

Actually when using HMI, i) When using devices that the unit is in Word (e.g. numeric devices (numeric value display, numeric value input)), the read/write value will be the same no matter the read/write address format is set to CWn or CDn as read/write value is the low word of parameters (n) only. ii) When using devices that the unit is in Double Word (e.g. numeric devices (numeric value display, numeric value input)), if the read/write address format is set to CWn, read/write value is coming from the low word of CWn and CWn+1 these two addresses. (The low word of CWn is regarded as low word and the low word of CWn+1 is regarded as high word, and then combining low word and high word to a Double Word.)

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series If the read/write address format is set to CDn, read/write value is the whole Double Word of CDn (1 address). iii) When using character device (e.g. character display, character input), if the read/write address format is set to CWn, the read/write value is coming from the low word of CWn, CWn+1, CWn+2, every address. If the read/write address format is set to CDn, read/write value is the whole Double Word of CDn, CDn+1, CDn+2,every address. iv) When using Multiple Duplicate function, if the Word and Bit addresses exceed the valid range, the Word and Bit addresses will be set to 0 automatically. Sometime error will occur to remind the user when compiling. v) vi) CBn.b, CBn/y.b are added for the user to read and write Bit No. of parameters in VH format more easily. Only can read or write 1 parameter for each communication.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) Pin 2, 3, 5 are for RS-232 communication. Pin 7, 8 are for RS-485 communication. RS-232 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

RS-485 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485)

(3) TXD (2) RXD (5) GND

Top View

Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485)

Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) Pin1

D- (1) D- (4) D+ (2) D+ (3)

(7) T/R (A)

(8) T/R (B)

Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series LG Master K120S/200S A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 38400, 8, None, 1. (RS-232) Controller station number: 0. (no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed.) Control area/status area: DW0 / DW10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type WORD_DEVICE_PW WORD_DEVICE_MW WORD_DEVICE_KW WORD_DEVICE_LW WORD_DEVICE_FW WORD_DEVICE_TW WORD_DEVICE_CW WORD_DEVICE_DW Contacts Contact type BIT_DEVICE_P BIT_DEVICE_M BIT_DEVICE_K BIT_DEVICE_L BIT_DEVICE_F BIT_DEVICE_T BIT_DEVICE_C Format Pnb Mnb Knb Lnb Fnb Tn Cn Word No. n: 0 ~ 15 n: 0 ~ 191 n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 63 n: 0 ~ 63 N/A N/A b: 0 ~ f b: 0 ~ f b: 0 ~ f b: 0 ~ f b: 0 ~ f n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 Bit No. Format PWn MWn KWn LWn FWn TWn CWn DWn Word No. n: 0 ~ 15 n: 0 ~ 191 n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 63 n: 0 ~ 63 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 9999 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Size Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Back to Table

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts)

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series RS-232 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232 for LG K120S/200S) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232 for LG K120S/200S) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(3) TXD (2) RXD (5) GND

Top View

1) If connecting to Pin 4 (RXD), Pin 7 (TXD) and Pin5 (SG), it indicates that CNet protocol is used (Please refer to the section LG Master-K CNET. 120S/200S protocol and CNet protocol cannot be used simultaneously. The users only can select either 120S/200S protocol or CNet protocol.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series LG Glofa GM6 CNET A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 19200, 8, None, 1. (RS-232) Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: %MW0 / %MW10. Back to Table

1) HMI default setting is predefined for CPU Port. If the user want to connect to CNET communication module, the baud rate should be changed to 38400, 8, None, 1. (RS-422 / RS-485). B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Input Image Input Image Output Image Output Image Internal Memory Internal Memory Contacts Contact type Input Image Output Image Internal Memory Format IXb.s.n QXb.s.n MXn Word No. s(slot): 0 ~ 7 s(slot): 0 ~ 7 N/A Bit No. n(bit): 0 ~ 63 b(base): 0 ~ 1 n(bit): 0 ~ 63 b(base): 0 ~ 1 n: 0 ~ 65535 Format IWb.s.w IDb.s.w QWb.s.w QDb.s.w MWn MDn Word No. w(word):0 ~ 3 s(slot): 0 ~ 7 w(word):0 ~ 1 s(slot): 0 ~ 7 w(word):0 ~ 3 s(slot): 0 ~ 7 w(word):0 ~ 1 s(slot): 0 ~ 7 n: 0 ~ 4095 n: 0 ~ 2047 Bit No. b(base): 0 ~ 1 b(base): 0 ~ 1 b(base): 0 ~ 1 b(base): 0 ~ 1 N/A N/A Data Size Word DWord Word DWord Word DWord

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 via CPU Port DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(7) TXD (4) RXD (5) GND

Top View

RS-422 via G6L-CUEC CNET communication module DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller Cable Connector (RS-422)

RXD+ (2) RXD- (1) TXD- (4) TXD+ (3) GND (5)



Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series LG Master-K CNET A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 38400, 8, None, 1. (RS-422) Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: DW0 / DW10. Back to Table

1) HMI default setting is predefined for G6L-CUEC CNET communication module. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type I/O Relay Auxiliary Relay Keep Relay Link Relay Special Relay Timer Elapsed Value Counter Elapsed Value Data Register Contacts Contact type I/O Relay Auxiliary Relay Keep Relay Link Relay Special Relay Timer Contact Relay Counter Contact Relay Format PXnb MXnb KXnb LXnb FXnb TXb CXb Word No. n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 191 n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 63 n: 0 ~ 63 N/A N/A b: 0 ~ F b: 0 ~ F b: 0 ~ F b: 0 ~ F b: 0 ~ F b: 0 ~ 255 b: 0 ~ 255 Bit No. Format PWn MWn KWn LWn FWn TWn CWn DWn Word No. n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 191 n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 63 n: 0 ~ 63 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 9999 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Word Word Word Word Word (Read Only) Word Word Word Data Size

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-422 via G6L-CUEC CNET communication module DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller Cable Connector (RS-422)

RXD+ (2) RXD- (1) TXD- (4) TXD+ (3) GND (5)
RS-232 via LG-120S PLC (Master K) DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)


Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)

Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(7) TXD (4) RXD (5) GND

Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series LG XGT CNET A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, None, 1. Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: DW0 / DW10. Back to Table

1) HMI default setting is predefined for XGL-CH2A CNET communication module. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type I/O Relay Auxiliary Relay Keep Relay Link Relay Special Relay Timer Elapsed Value Counter Elapsed Value Data Register Contacts Contact type I/O Relay Auxiliary Relay Keep Relay Link Relay Special Relay Timer Contact Relay Counter Contact Relay Data Relay Format PXnb MXnb KXnb LXnb FXnb TXb CXb DXn.b Word No. n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 11263 n: 0 ~ 2047 N/A N/A n: 0 ~ 32767 b: 0 ~ F b: 0 ~ F b: 0 ~ F b: 0 ~ F b: 0 ~ F b: 0 ~ 2047 b: 0 ~ 2047 b: 0 ~ F Bit No. Format PWn MWn KWn LWn FWn TWn CWn DWn Word No. n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 11263 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 32767 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Word Word Word Word Word (Read Only) Word Word Word Data Size

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-422 via XGL-CH2A CNET communication module (Channel 2) DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller Cable Connector (RS-422)

RX D+ (2) RX D- ( 1) TX D- (4) TX D+ (3) G ND (5)

RS-232 via XGL-CH2A CNET communication module (Channel 1) DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)


Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)

Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

R XD (2) T XD ( 3) G ND (5)

(3) TXD (2 ) RX D (5 ) GND

Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series LIYAN LYPLC EX A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1. Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: D0 / D10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Auxiliary Relay Special Auxiliary Relay Status Relay Input Relay Output Relay Timer PV 16-bit Counter PV 32-bit Counter PV Data Register Special Data Register Mn Mn Sn Xn Yn Tn Cn Cn Dn Dn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 3064 n: 8000 ~ 8248 n: 0 ~ 992 n: 0 ~ 360(octal) n: 0 ~ 360(octal) n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 199 n: 200 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 7999 n: 8000 ~ 8255 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. Data length Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Word Word Double Word Word Word Back to Table

Auxiliary Relay / Special Auxiliary Relay / Status Relay / Input Relay / Output Relay: Address must be the multiple of 8. Contacts Contact type Auxiliary Relay Special Auxiliary Relay Status Relay Input Relay Output Relay Timer Flag Counter Flag Mn Mn Sn Xn Yn Tn Cn Format N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 3071 n: 8000 ~ 8255 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 Bit No.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232) Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232)

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) TXD (7) RXD (3) GND (6) GND

2 3 7 6

Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series M2i Master A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 38400, 8, None, 1. Controller station number: 1. Control area/status area: SB0 / SB10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Word Address Contacts Contact type Bit Address Format SBn.b Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0000 ~ FFFF b: 0 ~ F Bit No. Format SBn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0000 ~ FFFF N/A Bit No. Data length Word Back to Table

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series M2i Slave A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 38400, 8, None, 1. Controller station number: 1 (no function) Control area/status area: SB0 / SB10. Back to Table

1) HMI station number is Slave station number. (default setting is 0) 2) The relation between M2i communication address and HMI internal registers. Modbus address SB0000 ~ SB7FFF SB8000 ~ SB83FF SB8400 SB8500 ~ SBFFFF Data definition in HMI $0 ~ $32767 $M0 ~ $M1023 RCPNO RCP0 ~ RCP31487

B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Word Address Contacts Contact type Bit Address Format SBn.b Read/Write Range Word No. n:0000 ~ FFFF b: 0 ~ F Bit No. Format SBn Word No. n: 0000 ~ FFFF Bit No. N/A Data Size Word

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts): Please refer to 1.1 Pin Definition of Serial Communication for detail.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Matsushita FP PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, ODD, 1. Controller station number: 238. Control area/status area: DT0 / DT10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Internal Relay Special Internal Relay Link Relay External Input Relay External Output Relay Timer/Counter P.V. Timer/Counter S.V. Data Register Link Data Register File Register Special Data Register WLn WXn WYn EVn SVn DTn LDn FLn DT9_n Format WRn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 886, 900 ~ 910 n: 0 ~ 639 n: 0 ~ 511 n: 0 ~ 511 n: 0 ~ 3071 n: 0 ~ 3071 n: 0 ~ 32764 n: 0 ~ 8447 n: 0 ~ 32764 n: 0 ~ 511 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Bit No. N/A Data length Word Back to Table

DT9_0 ~ DT9_511 are applicable for FP0 T32C, FP2, FP2SH, FP10SH controllers. (Special data registers are all within the range of DT90000 ~ DT9XXXX).

The actual transmitted address of DT9_n is 90000 + n (for DT). For example, the actual transmitted address of DT9_1 is 90001 (for DT), the actual transmitted address of DT9_2 is 90002 (for DT) and vise versa.

Contacts Contact type Internal Relay Special Internal Relay Link Relay External Input Relay External Output Relay Timer Flag Contact Counter Flag Contact Lnb Xnb Ynb Tn Cn Format Rnb Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 886 n: 900 ~ 910 n: 0 ~ 639 n: 0 ~ 511 n: 0 ~ 511 N/A N/A b: 0 ~ f b: 0 ~ f b: 0 ~ f b: 0 ~ f b: 0 ~ f n: 0 ~ 3071 n: 0 ~ 3071 Bit No.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Increase the range of read / write address (for FP2SH / FP10SH controllers).

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 5 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232 for FP0) Controller 5 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232 for FP0)

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) TXD (3) RXD (1) SG


1 2

Top View RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232 for FP1) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232 for FP1) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) TXD (3) RXD (7) GND (4) RTS (5) CTS

Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Mirle FAMA SC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1. Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: 40100 / 40200. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Output Registers Input Registers Input Registers is read only. Wn Wn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 40001 ~ 50000 n: 30001 ~ 40000 Bit No. N/A N/A Data Length Word Word Back to Table

Contacts Contact type Discrete Outputs Discrete Inputs Discrete Inputs is read only. Bn Bn Format N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. Bit No. n: 1 ~ 10000 n: 10001 ~ 20000

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(3) TXD (2) RXD (5) SG

Top View

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Mitsubishi FX/FX2N PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1. Controller Station number: 0. (no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed.) Control area/status area: D0 / D10. Back to Table

1) If connecting to Mitsubishi FXxN series PLC, the user can use both FX2N and FX series communication protocol. 2) If connecting to Mitsubishi FX series PLC, the user can only use FX series communication protocol. 3) Some registers of Mitsubishi PLCs are read only, however, when you write these read only registers, PLCs will not report any communication error to HMI and this will cause HMI errors. Please be aware of this when editing PLC program (this normally occurs when using FX series protocol when connecting to a FXxN series PLC). 4) If connecting to Mitsubishi FXxN series PLC, it is recommended for the user to use FX2N protocol. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Auxiliary Relay Special Auxiliary Relay Status Relay Input Relay Output Relay Timer PV 16-bit Counter PV 32-bit Counter PV Data Register Special Data Register Mn Mn Sn Xn Yn Tn Cn Cn Dn Dn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 3064 n: 8000 ~ 8248 n: 0 ~ 992 n: 0 ~ 360(octal) n: 0 ~ 360(octal) n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 199 n: 200 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 7999 n: 8000 ~ 8255 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. Data length Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Word Word Double Word Word Word

Auxiliary Relay/ Special Auxiliary Relay/ Status Relay/ Input Relay /Output Relay: Address must be the multiple of 8.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Contacts Contact type Auxiliary Relay Special Auxiliary Relay Status Relay Input Relay Output Relay Timer Flag Counter Flag Mn Mn Sn Xn Yn Tn Cn Format N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 3071 n: 8000 ~ 8255 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 Bit No.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-422 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller 8pin Mini DIN male (RS-422) Controller 8pin Mini DIN male (RS-422)

RXD+ (2) RXD- (1) TXD+ (3) TXD- (4) GND (5)
RS-422 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422)

(7) TXD+ (4) TXD(2) RXD+ (1) RXD(3) SG

Top View 21 4 7 3

Controller 25 pin D-SUB male (RS-422)

Controller 25 pin D-SUB male (RS-422)

Pi n 2 ( RXD +) Pi n 1 ( RXD-) Pi n 4 ( TXD -) Pi n 3 ( TXD +) Pi n 7 ( RT S +) Pi n 8 ( CTS+) Pi n 6 ( RT S -) Pi n 9 ( CTS -)

Pi n3 SDB ( TXD +) Pi n16 SDA (TXD-) Pi n 15 RDA (RX D-) Pi n 2 RDB (RX D+) Pi n4 (CTS+) Pi n5 (RT S+) Pi n 17 (CT S-) Pi n 18 (RT S-) Pi n 20 Pi n 21

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Mitsubishi FX3U PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1. Controller Station number: 0. (no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed.) Control area/status area: D0 / D10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Auxiliary Relay Special Auxiliary Relay Status Relay Input Relay Output Relay Timer PV 16-bit Counter PV 32-bit Counter PV Data Register Special Data Register Mn Mn Sn Xn Yn Tn Cn Cn Dn Dn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 7679 n: 8000 ~ 8511 n: 0 ~ 4095 n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 199 n: 200 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 7999 n: 8000 ~ 8511 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. Data length Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Double Word Word Word Back to Table

Auxiliary Relay/ Special Auxiliary Relay/ Status Relay/ Input Relay /Output Relay: Address must be the multiple of 16.

Contacts Contact type Auxiliary Relay Special Auxiliary Relay Status Relay Input Relay Output Relay Timer Flag Counter Flag Mn Mn Sn Xn Yn Tn Cn Format N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 7679 n: 8000 ~ 8511 n: 0 ~ 4095 n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 377(octal) n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 Bit No.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-422 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller 8pin Mini DIN male (RS-422) Controller 8pin Mini DIN male (RS-422)

RXD+ (2) RXD- (1) TXD+ (3) TXD- (4) GND (5)

(7) TXD+ (4) TXD(2) RXD+ (1) RXD(3) SG

Top View 21 4 7 3

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Mitsubishi A Series AJ71UC24 Communication Module A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, ODD, 1. Controller Station number: 0. Control area/status area: D0 / D10. Back to Table

1) This driver utilizes CheckSum. 2) Please set PLC Mode switch to position 5. 3) If OUTPUT Relay (Y) and Special Data Relay (SM) are set to 1, PLC will stop communication and the communication will not recover automatically. PLC will need to be manually reset. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Input Output Link Relay Internal Relay Special Internal Relay Latch Relay Annunciator Timer Value Counter Value Data Register Special Data Register File Register Link Register Format Xn Yn Bn Mn SMn Ln Fn TNn CNn Dn SDn Rn Wn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 7FF n: 0 ~ 7FF n: 0 ~ FFF n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 9000 ~ 9255 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 9000 ~ 9255 n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 0 ~ FFF Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data length Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (9000 + multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word Word Word Word Word Word


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Contacts Contact type Input Output Link Relay Internal Relay Special Internal Relay Latch Relay Annunciator Timer Contact Timer Coil Counter Contact Counter Coil Xn Yn Bn Mn SMn Ln Fn TSn TCn CSn CCn Format N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 7FF n: 0 ~ 7FF n: 0 ~ FFF n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 9000 ~ 9255 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 999 Bit No.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-422 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller Cable Connector (RS-422)

RXD+ (2) RXD- (1) TXD+ (3) TXD- (4)


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Mitsubishi A2A/A2AS/A2USH A1SH/A3N/A2ASH (CPU-S1) CPU Port A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, ODD, 1. Controller Station number: 0. (no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed.) Control area/status area: D0 / D10. Back to Table

1) This driver supports all Mitsubishi A series CPU port. Mitsubishi A series CPU port can be divided into the following five categories according the used CPU code (used during communication):

y y y y y

A0J2 A1N A1S ( / A2S / A2N ) A3N ( / A1SH / A2SH ) A2A ( / A2AS / A2USH )

Delta HMI can support A2USH CPU port (same as A2A, A2AS CPU port.) and A1SH CPU port (same as A3N, A2ASH CPU port.). 2) L and M: The communication address of L is the same as communication address of M. 3) PX and X: In Mitsubishi A2A PLC, the communication address of PX and X are the same. In other Mitsubishi A series PLCs, X is from odd address and PX is from even address. That is one place where PX and X differ. 4) X, Y, B, M, SM, L, F, PX ----(Word), X, Y, B, M, SM, L, F, PX ----(Bit), When PLC station number is set to 255, only the value of even addresses will be read/written. When PLC station number is set to other number (not 255), all value of all addresses will be read/written. 5) R address: R address will be different according to the size of File Register responded from PLC. For example, A2USH: 1K: 3800 ~ 4000H 2K: 3000 ~ 4000H 3K: 2800 ~ 4000H 4K: 2000 ~ 4000H 5K: 4000 ~ 6800H(cy) 6K: 4000 ~ 7000H(cy) File Register: PLC must be started correctly or the read / write value will be incorrect.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series 6) Max. read/write registers & relays for communication once 128 Words (256 bytes) Registers 64 Words (128 bytes) Relays B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Input Output Link Relay Internal Relay Special Internal Relay Latch Relay Annunciator Timer Value Counter Value Data Register Special Data Register File Register Link Register Input Card Register Contacts Contact type Input Output Link Relay Internal Relay Special Internal Relay Latch Relay Annunciator Timer Contact Timer Coil Counter Contact Counter Coil Input Card Register Xn Yn Bn Mn SMn Ln Fn TSn TCn CSn CCn PXn Format N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 7FF n: 0 ~ 7FF n: 0 ~ FFF n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 9000 ~ 9255 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 1023 n: 0 ~ 1023 n: 0 ~ 7FF Bit No. Format Xn Yn Bn Mn SMn Ln Fn TNn CNn Dn SDn Rn Wn PXn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 7FF n: 0 ~ 7FF n: 0 ~ FFF n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 9000 ~ 9255 n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 1023 n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 9000 ~ 9255 n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 0 ~ FFF n: 0 ~ 7FF Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data length Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (9000 + multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word Word Word Word Word Word Word (multiple of 16)

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-422 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller 25 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller 25 pin D-SUB male(RS-422)

Pi n 2 ( RXD +) Pi n 1 ( RXD-) Pi n 4 ( TXD -) Pi n 3 ( TXD +) Pi n 7 ( RT S +) Pi n 8 ( CTS+) Pi n 6 ( RT S -) Pi n 9 ( CTS -)

Pi n3 SDB ( TXD +) Pi n16 SDA (TXD-) Pi n 15 RDA (RX D-) Pi n 2 RDB (RX D+) Pi n4 (CTS+) Pi n5 (RT S+) Pi n 17 (CT S-) Pi n 18 (RT S-) Pi n 20 Pi n 21

Explanation How to set File Register (R) for Mitsubishi A serial PLC: 1. Startup MELSOFT series GX Developer. 2. Open Project Data List windows. (View Option) 3. Double click Parameter \ PLC Parameter, and open Setting window. 4. Set Memory Capacity \ File Register (0 ~8). 5. Press End button on the bottom and complete the setting. 6. Execute OnLine\Write to PLC. 7. Enable the Parameter \ PLC/Network and File register \ Main option (check the check box next to Parameter \ PLC/Network and File register \ Main). 8. Press Execute button. 9. Complete


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Mitsubishi Q Series CPU Port A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 19200, 8, ODD, 1. Controller Station number: 0. (no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed.) Control area/status area: D-0 / D-10. Back to Table

1) Please notice that no PLC station number in protocol, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed. 2) If communication baud rate is not correct, HMI will set PLC baud rate as HMI baud rate automatically. Therefore, do not worry if the baud rate is set incorrectly. 3) This driver support Mitsubishi Q00 and Q00J series with password protection models. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Input Output Direct Input Direct Output Latch Relay Annunciator Edge Relay Step Relay Link Relay Special Link Relay Internal Relay Special Internal Relay Timer Value Retentive Timer Value Counter Value Data Register Special Data Register Index Register File Register Format X-n Y-n DX-n DY-n L-n F-n V-n S-n B-n SB-n M-n SM-n TN-n SN-n CN-n D-n SD-n Z-n R-n Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 1FFF n: 0 ~ 1FFF n: 0 ~ 1FFF n: 0 ~ 15 n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 0 ~ 1FFF n: 0 ~ 7FF n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 1023 n: 0 ~ 12287 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 15 n: 0 ~ 32767 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data length Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word Word Word Word Word Word Word

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 32767 n: 0 ~ 1FFF n: 0 ~ 7FF Bit No. N/A N/A N/A Word Word Word

Register Type File Register Link Register Special Link Register

Format ZR-n W-n SW-n

Data length

Xn, Yn, DXn, Bn, SBn, Wn, SWn : n is in hexadecimal.

Contacts Contact type Input Output Direct input Direct output Latch Relay Annunciator Edge Relay Step Relay Link Relay Special Link Relay Internal Relay Special Internal Relay Timer Contact Timer Coil Retentive timer Contact Retentive timer Coil Counter Contact Counter Coil Format X-n Y-n DX-n DY-n L-n F-n V-n S-n B-n SB-n M-n SM-n TS-n TC-n SS-n SC-n CS-n CC-n N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 1FFF n: 0 ~ 1FFF n: 0 ~ 1FFF n: 0 ~ 15 n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 0 ~ 1FFF n: 0 ~ 7FF n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 2047 n: 0 ~ 1023 n: 0 ~ 1023 Bit No.

Xn, Yn, DXn, Bn, SBn : n is in hexadecimal.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 6 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232) Controller 6 pin Mini DIN male (RS-232)

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) SD (TXD) (1) RD (RXD) (3) GND (5) DSR (DR) (6) DTR (ER)
Top View 21 6 3 5

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Mitsubishi Q Series Computer Link A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 19200, 8, None, 1. Controller Station number: 0. Control area/status area: D0 / D10. Back to Table

1) This communication protocol supports Q series RS232 communication module (QJ71C24-R2) and RS422 communication protocol (QJ71C24N). 2) Before using this communication protocol, the user needs to set communication module via PC software , GX Developer. For more detailed information regarding the setting method, please refer to Mitsubishi User Manual named Users Manual (Basic) - Q Corresponding Series Communication Module. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Input Output Internal Relay Special Internal Relay Link Relay Annunciator Timer Value Counter Value Data Register Special Data Register Link Register Format Xn Yn Mn Mn Bn Fn TNn CNn Dn Dn Wn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0-1FFF n: 0-1FFF n: 0-8191 n: 9000-9255 n: 0-1FFF n: 0-2047 n: 0-2047 n: 0-2047 n: 0-8191 n: 9000-9255 n: 0-1FFF Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data length Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (9000 + multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word (multiple of 16) Word Word Word Word Word

Xn, Yn, Bn, Wn : n is in hexadecimal.

Contacts Contact type Input Output Internal Relay Special Internal Relay Xn Yn Mn Mn Format N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0-1FFF n: 0-1FFF n: 0-8191 n: 9000-9255 Bit No.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Read/Write Range Word No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A n: 0-1FFF n: 0-2047 n: 0-2047 n: 0-2047 n: 0-2047 n: 0-2047 Bit No.

Contact type Link Relay Annunciator Timer Contact Timer Coil Counter Contact Counter Coil Bn Fn


TSn TCn CS-n CC-n

Xn, Yn, Bn : n is in hexadecimal.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)

RX D (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) TX D ( 3) R XD (5 ) SG (8) RTS (7) CTS (4) DSR (D R) (6) DTR (ER)
Top View Pin1

RS-422 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller Cable Connector (RS-422)

RXD+ (2) RXD- (1) TX D+ (3) TXD- (4) GND (5)

S DA ( 1) S DB ( 2) RDA ( 3) RDB (4) SG

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Mitsubishi FX Series PLC via Computer Link A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1. Controller Station number: 0. Control area/status area: D0 / D10. Back to Table

1) This communication protocol supports FX series RS485 and RS232 communication module. 2) The default setting of this communication protocol is to support RS485 communication module. If the user needs to use RS232 communication module, the user must change the communication setting from RS485 to RS232 manually. 3) For more detailed information regarding the communication setting method, please refer to Mitsubishi Communication User Manual named Users Manual - Data Communication Edition. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Auxiliary Relay Special Auxiliary Relay Status Relay Input Relay Output Relay Timer PV 16-bit Counter PV 32-bit Counter PV Data Register Special Data Register Format Mn Mn Sn Xn Yn Tn Cn Cn Dn Dn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0-7679 n: 8000-8511 n: 0-4095 n: 0-377(octal) n: 0-377(octal) n: 0-255 n: 0-199 n: 200-255 n: 0-7999 n: 8000-8511 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Double Word Word Word Data length

Auxiliary Relay / Special Auxiliary Relay / Status Relay / Input Relay / Output Relay: Address must be the multiple of 16.

Contacts Contact type Auxiliary Relay Special Auxiliary Relay Status Relay 1-86 Mn Mn Sn Format N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0-7679 n: 8000-8511 n: 0-4095
Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Bit No.

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Read/Write Range Word No. N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. n: 0-377(octal) n: 0-377(octal) n: 0-255 n: 0-255

Contact type Input Relay Output Relay Timer Flag Counter Flag Xn Yn Tn Cn


C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TX D ( 3) GND (5)

TX D (3) RXD (2 ) GND (5)

Top View

RS-485 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) Controller Communication Module

D- (1 ) D - (4 ) D+ (2) D+ (3) G ND (5)


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Mitsubishi J2s Series Servo A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, Even, 1 (RS-232). Controller Station number: 0. Control area/status area: None / None. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Parameter List (cmd: 05/84) (NOTE 1) Status Display (cmd: 01,8n/NA)
(NOTE 1)

Back to Table

Format Pn Sn ANn AOn ACn ASn EIn EOn OPn TSPDn TACCn TDISn

Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 84 n: 0 E n: 0 5 n: 0 5 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Data length Double word Double word Word Double word Word Double word Double word Double word Word Word Double word Double word

Alarm Number in history (cmd: 33,1n/NA) (NOTE 1) Alarm Occurrence time in history (AO) (cmd: 33,2n/NA) (NOTE 1) Current Alarm Number (AC) (cmd: 02/NA) (NOTE 1) Status Display at alarm occurrence (AS) (cmd: 35,8/NA) (NOTE 1) External input pin status (EI) (cmd: 12,40/92,00) (NOTE 1) External output pin status (EO) (cmd: 12,C0/92,A0) (NOTE 1) Operation mode selection (OP) (cmd: NA/8B,00) (NOTE 1) Speed for test operation (TSPD) (cmd: NA/A0,10) (NOTE 1) Acceleration/deceleration for test operation (TACC) (cmd: NA/A0,11) (NOTE 1) Distance for test operation (TDIS) (cmd: NA/A0,13) (NOTE 1) Contacts Contact type Status display clear (SRST) (NOTE 1) (cmd: NA/81,00) Alarm history clear (ACLR) (NOTE 1) (cmd: NA/82,20)

Format SRSTb ACLRb

Read/Write Range Word No. N/A N/A b: 0 b: 0 Bit No.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Read/Write Range Word No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A b: 0 b: 0 b: 0 b: 0 b: 0 b: 0 Bit No.

Contact type Alarm reset (ARST) (NOTE 1) (cmd: NA/82,00) Turn off the external input signals (DI) (OFDI) (NOTE 1) (cmd: NA/90,00) Changes the external output signals (DO) (CHDO) (NOTE 1) (cmd: NA/90,03) Enable the disabled external input signals (ENDI) (NOTE 1) (cmd: NA/90,10) Enable the disabled external output signals (ENDO) (NOTE 1) (cmd: NA/90,13) Clear the time constant of acceleration in test operation mode (TCLR) (NOTE 1) (cmd: NA/A0,12) Temporary stop of position mode in test operation (TSTP) (NOTE 1) (cmd: NA/A0,15) C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)




b: 0

Controller 20 pin CN3

RX D (2 ) TXD (3) GND (5 )

TXD ( 12) R XD (2) GND (1) GND (11)

1) Read / Write Limit This communication protocol uses devices to simulate the operation of Servo, so there is a limit for the device to read and write the command. In the column of register type and contact type, the string of characters after cmd: indicates the corresponding Servo command that the device will read and write. For example, the string of characters after cmd: of the register, Status display is 01,8n/NA. It means that the device can read it but cannot write it. One more example, the string of characters after cmd: of the Operation mode selection (OP) is N/A/8B,00. It means that the device can write it but cannot read it.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series MKS BY125 Low Cost Synchrocontroller A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1. Controller Station number: 11 (NOTE 1). Control area/status area: None / None. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 17, 40 ~ 41, Data In Register / Setup Register Cn 45 ~ 48, 50, 90 ~ 92 Synchronizing (Differential Counter) Integration register Actual Master speed Contacts Contact type Reset Jog Trim+ Jog TrimActivate Data Store EEPROM Index Slave Index Master RSTn JOGTRIM_INCn JOGTRIM_DECn ACT_DATAn STR_EEPROMn IND_SLAn IND_MASn Format N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 Bit No. SYN_ERRn IRn MAS_SPDn n: 0 n: 0 n: 0 N/A N/A N/A Double Word Double Word Double Word N/A Double Word Bit No. Data Length Back to Table


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 20 pin CN3 Controller 20 pin CN3 Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

RS-485 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485)

(3) TXD (2) RXD (5) SG

Top View


Controller Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(3) TXD (2) RXD (5) SG

Top View

1) The valid station number is in the range of 11 to 99. However, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 cannot be used as they are all broadcast station number. 00 for all broadcast 10 for the broadcast to 11 ~ 19 20 for the broadcast to 21 ~ 29 and vise versa. 2) Now the broadcast function is not provided, therefore, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 cannot be used. 3) Only one data (1 Word/ 1 Double Word / 1 Bit) can be read and written for each communication. So, the Optimize (Optimization for reading) selection in Communication tab in the Configuration dialog box in Options menu (Options Configuration Communication) is cancelled. 4) When using RS-232 communication, the user only can use 3 pins (Pin 2, Pin 3 and Pin 5). DO NOT use 5 pins for RS-232 communication. Also, Pin 9 is for +5V. Do not confuse and connect to the wrong pin; otherwise the serious damage may occur. 5) The effective addresses of Cn are not consecutive (5 blocks: C0~17, C40~41, C45~C48, C50, C90~C92). When setting the addresses, do not exceed the block range. For example, when using a Numeric Entry or Character Entry element, if the address is C15, the data length only can be 6 Words

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Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series (C15, C16, C17). If the data length is out of this range, i.e. occupy other addresses except C0~C17, an error may occur. 6) The effective addresses of Cn are not consecutive (5 blocks: C0~17, C40~41, C45~C48, C50, C90~C92). However, when executing duplicate function (Decrease Address), the addresses will be regarded as consecutive addresses. For example, the next address of C90 is C50; the next address of C50 is C48; the next address of C45 is C41; the next address of C40 is C17. 7) When all Word address is written, the controllers all response ACK(0x06). But when all Word address is read, the receive value will not change. The user needs to press ACT_DATA0 again and then the receive value will be updated.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series MKS CT150 A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, E, 1. (RS-232) Controller Station number: 11. Control area/status area: None / None. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Data In Register Setup Register Cn Cn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 25 n: 40 ~ 43 45 ~ 50 90 ~ 97 Error Count LV Value Printmark Error Batch Counter Waste Counter Line Speed Actual Cutting Length Contacts Contact type Reset Jog Trim+ Jog TrimRead PI Activate Data Store Eeprom Start/Stop Reset Mark Counter RST JOGTRIM_INC JOGTRIM_DEC READ_PI ACT_DATA STR_EEPROM START_STOP RSTMARK_CNT Format N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit No. Err_CNT LV_VAL PRTMARK_ERR BAT_CNT WASTE_CNT LINE_SPD ACT_CUT_LEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. Back to Table

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5) (3) TXD (2) RXD (5) SG
Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series MKS MC700/720 Motion Controller A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1. Controller Station number: 11 (NOTE 1). Control area/status area: None / None. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type General Parameters Parameter Block for Slave 1 Parameter Block for Slave 2 Parameter Block for Slave 3 Parameter Block for Slave 4 Process Data Communication Settings Setup Settings Status of Commands and Outputs Contacts Contact type Commands Outputs Status of Commands and Outputs CMDb OUTb S_COn.b Format N/A N/A n: 0 ~ 4 Read/Write Range Word No. Bit No. b: 0 ~ 31 b: 0 ~ 31 b: 0 ~ 31 GPn PB1_n PB2_n PB3_n PB4_n PRODn CSETn STUPn S_COn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 31 n: 0 ~ 4 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Length Double Word Double Word Double Word Double Word Double Word Double Word Double Word Double Word Double Word Back to Table

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1
R XD (2) TX D ( 3) GN D ( 5) (3 ) TXD (2 ) RX D (5 ) GN D

Top View RS-422 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422)

R XD - (1 ) R XD + (2) TX D+ (3 ) TX D- (4)

Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422)

(7 )T(8 )T+ (6 )R+ (1 )R-

Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Pin1

Top View

RS-485 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) Pin1
T+ (8)

D+ (2 ) D+ (3 ) D- (1) D- (4)

T-( 7)

Top View

1) The valid station number is in the range of 11 to 99. However, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 cannot be used as they are all broadcast station number. 00 for all broadcast 10 for the broadcast to 11 ~ 19 20 for the broadcast to 21 ~ 29 and vise versa. 2) Now the broadcast function is not provided, therefore, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 cannot be used.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series 3) Only one data (1 Word/ 1 Double Word / 1 Bit) can be read and written for each communication. So, the Optimize (Optimization for reading) selection in Communication tab in the Configuration dialog box in Options menu (Options Configuration Communication) is cancelled. 4) When using RS-232 communication, the user only can use 3 pins (Pin 2, Pin 3 and Pin 5). DO NOT use 5 pins for RS-232 communication. Also, Pin 9 is for +5V. Do not confuse and connect to the wrong pin; otherwise the serious damage may occur.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Modbus(Master) --- 984 RTU / ASCII mode A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1. (ASCII) 9600, 8, EVEN, 1. (RTU) Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: W40100 / W40200. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Output Registers Input Registers Wn Wn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 40001 ~ 50000 n: 30001 ~ 40000 N/A N/A Bit No. Data length Word Word Back to Table

Input Registers is read only.

Contacts Contact type Discrete Outputs Discrete Inputs Discrete Inputs is read only. Bn Bn Format N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 1 ~ 10000 n: 10001 ~ 20000 Bit No.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) Please refer to 1.1 Pin Definition of Serial Communication for detail.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Modbus Hexadecimal Address (Master) --- RTU / ASCII mode A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1. (ASCII) 9600, 8, EVEN, 1. (RTU) Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: RW-0 / RW-10. Back to Table

1) The valid communication address starts from 0 and the format is hexadecimal. So the settable range are 0 to 65535 (i.e. 0 ~ FFFF in hexadecimal format). 2) The difference than Standard Modbus communication: (Protocol is the same) The usage of setting communication address is different. The range of communication address is different The Standard Modbus communication is in decimal format. The start addresses are 40001, 30001, 1, 10001 and contains 10000 addresses respectively (40001 ~ 50000, 30001 ~ 40000, 1 ~ 10000, 10001 ~ 20000). The Modbus Hexadecimal Address (Master) is in hexadecimal format. The starting addresses are all from 0 and there is 65536 addressing space (from 0 to FFFF) in each PDU (protocol data unit). B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Output Registers Input Registers RW- : can Read and Write. Converting the address to decimal format and plus 40001, it will immediately become the corresponding Standard Modbus communication address. R- (Input Registers) : Read only. Converting the address to decimal format and plus 30001, it will immediately become the corresponding Standard Modbus communication address. Format RW-n R-n Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ FFFF n: 0 ~ FFFF N/A N/A Bit No. Data length Word Word

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Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Contacts Contact type Discrete Outputs Discrete Inputs RWB- : can Read and Write. Converting the address to decimal format and plus 1, it will immediately become the corresponding Standard Modbus communication address. RB- (Discrete Inputs) : Read only. Converting the address to decimal format and plus 10001, it will immediately become the corresponding Standard Modbus communication address. Format RWB-n RB-n N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ FFFF n: 0 ~ FFFF Bit No.

1) Only first 10000 addresses can be converted to Standard Modbus communication address.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Modbus nW (Master) --- RTU / ASCII mode A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1. (ASCII) 9600, 8, EVEN, 1. (RTU) Controller station number: 1. Control area/status area: W40100 / W40200. Back to Table

1) This driver can read consecutive communication address on the screen via one Modbus command to improve the communication efficiency. For example, if there are 6 devices on the screen, and read the data of the addresses W40100, W40101, W40102, W40200, W40201, W40300. It will read three times. It will read W40100 3 Words at the first time, read W40200 2 Words at the second time and read W40300 1 Word at the third time. 2) Ensure to check the box next to Optimize (Optimization for reading) selection in Communication tab in the Configuration dialog box in Options menu (Options Configuration Communication). If Optimize selection is unchecked, do not select Data Length Limit. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Output Registers Input Registers Wn Wn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 40001 ~ 50000 n: 30001 ~ 40000 N/A N/A Bit No. Data length Word Word

Input Registers is read only.

Contacts Contact type Discrete Outputs Discrete Inputs Discrete Inputs is read only. Bn Bn Format N/A N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 1 ~ 10000 n: 10001 ~ 20000 Bit No.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) Please refer to 1.1 Pin Definition of Serial Communication for detail.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Modbus (Slave) --- RTU / ASCII mode A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1. (ASCII) 9600, 8, EVEN, 1. (RTU) Controller station number: 0. (Station number is not used in the protocol.) Control area/status area: W40100 / 40200. Back to Table

1) HMI station number is Slave station number. (default setting is 0) 2) The relation between Modbus address and HMI internal registers. Modbus address W40001 ~ W41024 W42001 ~ W43024 W44001 W45001 ~ ... B00001 ~ B01024 B01025 ~ B02048 $0 ~ $1023 $M0 ~ $M1023 RCPNO RCP0 ~ RCPn $2000.0 ~ $2063.15 $M200.0 ~ $M263.15 Data definition in HMI Internal register Non-volatile internal register Receipt number register Receipt register Internal register (Bit) Non-volatile internal register (Bit)

B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Output Registers Contacts Contact type Discrete Outputs Bn Format N/A Read/Write Range Word No. n: 1 ~ 2048 Bit No. Wn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 40001 ~ 50000 N/A Bit No. Data length Word

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) Please refer to 1.1 Pin Definition of Serial Communication for detail.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series CrossReference Table (Inter Memoryof Delta HMI and Modbus Reference Address) Inter Memory of Delta HMI $0 $1 . . . $1023 $M0 $M1 . . . $M1023 RCPNO RCP0 RCP1 . . . $2000.0 $2000.1 . . . $2000.15 $2001.0 . . . $2063.0 . . . $2063.15 $M200.0 01024 01025 01H, 05H, 0FH 01H, 05H, 0FH 03FFH 0400H 1-103 01009 01H, 05H, 0FH 03F0H 00016 00017 01H, 05H, 0FH 01H, 05H, 0FH 000FH 0010H 00001 00002 01H, 05H, 0FH 01H, 05H, 0FH 0000H 0001H 43024 44001 45001 45002 03H, 06H, 10H 03H, 06H 03H, 06H, 10H 03H, 06H, 10H 0BCFH 0FA0H 1388H 1389H 41024 42001 42002 03H, 06H, 10H 03H, 06H, 10H 03H, 06H, 10H 03FFH 07D0H 07D1H Modbus Reference Address 40001 40002 Supporting Modbus Function 03H, 06H, 10H 03H, 06H, 10H Address of Function 0000H 0001H

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Inter Memory of Delta HMI $M200.1 . . . $M200.15 $M201.0 . . . $M263.0 . . . $M263.15 For example: 1. Read internal memory $100 of Delta HMI (HMI station number: 1) : 01 03 00 64 00 01 97 CR LF Write the value of 1000 into internal memory $100 of Delta HMI (HMI station number: 1) : 01 06 00 64 03 E8 AA CR LF 2. Read internal memory $M100 of Delta HMI (HMI station number: 1) : 01 03 08 34 00 01 BF CR LF Write the value of 888 into internal memory $M100 of Delta HMI (HMI station number: 1) : 01 06 08 34 03 78 42 CR LF 3. Read internal memory $2000.15 of Delta HMI (HMI station number: 1) : 01 01 00 0F 00 01 EE CR LF Set internal memory $2000.15 of Delta HMI to ON (HMI station number: 1) : 01 05 00 0F FF 00 EC CR LF Set internal memory $2000.15 of Delta HMI to OFF (HMI station number: 1) : 01 05 00 0F 00 00 EB CR LF 4. Read internal memory $M201.0 of Delta HMI (HMI station number: 1) : 01 01 04 10 00 01 E9 CR LF Set internal memory $M201.0 of Delta HMI to ON (HMI station number: 1) : 01 05 04 10 FF 00 E7 CR LF Set internal memory $M201.0 of Delta HMI to OFF (HMI station number: 1) : 01 05 04 10 00 00 E6 CR LF 02048 01H, 05H, 0FH 07FFH 02033 01H, 05H, 0FH 07F0H 01040 01041 01H, 05H, 0FH 01H, 05H, 0FH 040FH 0410H Modbus Reference Address 01026 Supporting Modbus Function 01H, 05H, 0FH

Address of Function 0401H


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Modicon TSX Micro (Uni-Telway) A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, ODD, 1. Controller station number: 2. Control area/status area: %MW0 / %MW10. Back to Table

1) HMI station needs to be adjusted to 1 ~ 8. 2) PLC station and HMI station can be the same. 3) The internal memory and relative parameters in PLC should be set properly first. Otherwise, it cannot communicate except %S. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type WORD_DEVICE_ Internal WORD_DEVICE_ System WORD_DEVICE_ Input %KWn is read only. Format %MWn %SWn %KWn Word No. n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 127 n: 0 ~ 65534 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A Data Size Word Word Word

Contacts Contact type BIT_DEVICE_ Internal BIT_DEVICE_ System BIT_DEVICE_ Internal1 Format %Mn:b %Sn %Mn Word No. n:0 ~ 65534 b:0 ~ 15 n:0 ~ 127 n:0 ~ 65534 Bit No.

%Mn: b is Bit address that corresponds to WORD_DEVICE_ Internal (%MWn). %Mn is PLC internal relay address. The read/write range of WORD_DEVICE_ Internal / BIT_DEVICE_ Internal depends on PLC used memory.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 It needs to use specific cable of Modicon Uni-Telway. (RS-232) --- TSX PCX 1031 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1
R XD (2) TX D ( 3) GN D ( 5) (2 ) S D (3 ) RD (5 ) SG

Top View RS-485 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-485) Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-485)

RXD+ (2) TXD+ (3) RXD- (1) TXD- (4)

(1) D+

(2) DTop View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Modicon TSX Micro (Modbus RTU) A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, ODD, 1. Controller station number: 2. Control area/status area: %MW0 / %MW10. Back to Table

1) HMI must select Modbus (Master) --- 984 RTU as the communication mode. 2) The communication mode of PLC should be switched to Modbus Slave by using PL7 software. B. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-485 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485)
R XD + ( 2) TX D+ (3) R XD - (1 ) TX D- (4) (5 ) (7 ) (2 ) D-

Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-485)

(1 ) D+

Controller 8 pin Mini DIN male (RS-485)

2 5 7

Top View

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Modicon TWIDO Its function is the same as Modbus (Master) --- 984 RTU. Back to Table


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Moeller PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, NONE, 1(RS-232). Controller Station number: 2. Control area/status area: MW0/MW10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Marker MW Diagnostic Status DSW Process Status PSW Diagnostic Counter DC Contacts Contact type Marker M Diagnostic Status DS Process Status PS Mn.b DSn.b PSn.b Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0-32766 n: 0-1 n: 0-1 b: 0-7 b: 0-7 b: 0-7 Bit No. MWn DSWn PSWn DCn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0-32766 n: 0-0 n: 0-0 n: 0-15 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Length Byte Byte Byte Word Back to Table

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)

R XD (2) TX D ( 3) GN D ( 5)

5 2 3

Top View

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

1) Communication Setting The read and write range of register Marker (Device MW) of PS4 Series must be set via PC software or PLC program before connecting to HMI; otherwise, the communication error may occur. The setting range of Marker (Device MW) of PS3 Series is fixed between 0 and 2172 but the address 126 cannot be used. 2) Device MW Device MW is an even address, but Device M is not.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series NIKKI DENSO NCS-FI/FS Series A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, ODD, 2. Controller station number: 1. (valid station number: 0 ~ 99) Control area/status area: None. Back to Table

1) The valid station number is in the range of 0 to 99. If the station number is out of this range, it will subtracted 100 from itself automatically until the station number is in the valid range. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type WORD_DEVICE_ RRegister WORD_DEVICE_ RRegister WORD_DEVICE_ DStatus WORD_DEVICE_ DStatus WORD_DEVICE_ RRegister WORD_DEVICE_ RRegister WORD_DEVICE_ DStatus Format RW-n RW-n XW-n DW-n RD-n RD-n DD-n Word No. n: 0 ~ 3999 n: 8000 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 8 n: 0 ~ 129 n: 0-3999 n: 8000-9999 n: 0-129 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Size Word Word Word Word Double Word Double Word Double Word

In order for DOP series HMI to be compatible with this controller, DOP series HMI provides various types of data. Please refer to the following description: 1) RW-n, RD-n, RB-nb all have corresponding relation (just the data format is different). They all refer to the same address n. DW-n, DD-n both have corresponding relation (just the data format is different). They all refer to the same address n. XW-n, XB-nb both have corresponding relation (just the data format is different). They all refer to the same address n. (In the above format name, the second alphabet represents the data format, W represents Word, D represents Double Word and B represents Bit) 2) The data size of RW-n, DW-n is defined as Word in DOP series HMI and each data address is regarded as an individual Word address. The data order uses "Little Endian" architecture which means that the low word of the number is stored in memory at the lowest address, and the high word at the highest address. (such as Intel processors (those used in PC's) use "Little Endian" byte order)

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series For example, if setting the starting address as RW900 and the data size is Double Word, the read/write value will be a Double Word which contains RW900(low word) and RW901(high word). In actual application case, if the user sets the data size of RW-n, DW-n as Word, there is no data order reverse problem. However, if the user sets the data size of RW-n, DW-n as Double Word, as this controller use "Big Endian" architecture which means that the high word of the number is stored in memory at the lowest address, and the low word at the highest address (such as Motorola processors (those used in Mac's) use "Big Endian" byte order), a data order reverse problem will occur. 3) The data size of RD-n, DD-n is defined as Double Word in DOP series HMI and every two data addresses is regarded as an individual Double Word address. The data order use "Big Endian" architecture (see the meaning above). For example, if setting the starting address as RD900 and the data size is Double Word, the read/write value will be a Double Word which contains RW900(high word) and RW901(low word). In actual application case, if the users set the data size of RD-n, DD-n as Double Word, there is no data order reverse problem and the data display on HMI and the controller will be the same. However, if the users set the data size of RD-n, DD-n as Word, only the low word will display and the high word will be set to 0 automatically. For example, if setting the starting address as RD900 and the data size is Word, only the value of RD901(low word) will display. If the write value is 100 at this time, DOP series HMI will set the value of RD901(high word) to 0 and write the value 100 into RD901(low word). 4) X-nb and DW-n both have corresponding relation -------- Read DW-n, Write X-nb DW-0 DW-1 DW-2 DW-4 DW-104 DW-105 DW-106 DW-107 DW-108 X-0b, (b=0~F) X-1b, (b=0~F) X-2b, (b=0~F) X-3b, (b=0~F) X-4b, (b=0~F) X-5b, (b=0~F) X-6b, (b=0~F) X-7b, (b=0~F) X-8b, (b=0~F)

5) DW-n, DD-n are read only. If the users write any value into them, HMI will show error message Command Can Not be Executed. on the screen.

Contacts Contact type BIT_DEVICE_ RRegister BIT_DEVICE_ RRegister BIT_DEVICE_ BitControl Format RB-nb RB-nb XB-nb Word No. n: 0 ~ 3999 n: 8000 ~ 9999 n:0 ~ 8 b:0 ~ F b:0 ~ F b:0 ~ F Bit No.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-422 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller 14 pin special male (RS-422) Controller 14 pin special male (RS-422)

RXD- (1) RXD+ (2) TXD+ (3) TXD- (4) GND (5)

(9) TXD (B) (2) TXD (A) (4) RXD (A) (11) RXD (B) (14) GND

Cable (PLC side (J1), male).

Top View

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Omron C Series PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 2. Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: DM0 / DM10.

Back to Table

This driver can support OMRON C/CPM series PLC simultaneously.

B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type IR area HR area AR area LR area TC area DM area Contacts Contact type IR area HR area AR area LR area TC area Format IRnb HRnb ARnb LRnb TCn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 511 n: 0 ~ 99 n: 0 ~ 27 n: 0 ~ 63 N/A b: 00 ~ 15 b: 00 ~ 15 b: 00 ~ 15 b: 00 ~ 15 n: 0 ~ 511 Bit No. IRn HRn ARn LRn TCn DMn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 511 n: 0 ~ 99 n: 0 ~ 27 n: 0 ~ 63 n: 0 ~ 511 n: 0 ~ 6655 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data length Word Word Word Word Word Word

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 1:1 Host Link via RS-232C converter DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) TXD (3) RXD (9) SG (4) RS (5) CS

Top View
Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-432)

R XD (2) TX D ( 3) GN D ( 5)

Controller 25 pin D-SUB male (RS-432)

(2 ) TXD (3 ) RX D (7 ) S G (4 ) RS (5 ) CS

Controller 25 pin D-SUB male (RS-432) Pin1

RS-422 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422)

R XD - (1 ) R XD + ( 2) TX D+ (3) TX D- (4)

Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422)

(9 )TX D(5 )TX D+ (1 )RX D + (6 )RX D -

Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Pin1

Top View

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

Omron CJ1/CS1 Series PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 2. (RS-232) Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: D0 / D10.

Back to Table

This driver can support OMRON CS/CJ/CP1/CQM/CV/CVM series PLC simultaneously.

The meaning of Communication Error Message: 1) Word Device: The Device Name and Address Value will display. For example, if using CIO, H, A, D, E, T, C, W, EM, IR, DR, TK, it will show CIOn, Hn, An, Dn, Em.n, Tn, Cn, Wn, EMn, IRn, DRn, TKn respectively. n is the Address Value. 2) Bit Device: The Device Name and Word Address Value will display, but the Bit Address Value will not. For example, if using CIO, H, A, D, E, T, C, W, EM, IR, DR, TK, it will show CIOBn, HBn, ABn, DBn, EBm.n, TBn, CBn, WBn, EMBn, IRBn, DRBn, TKBn respectively. n is the Word Address Value. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type CIO area Hold area Auxiliary area DM area EM area Timer PVs Counter PVs Work area EM Current Bank area Index Register DR area TK area Format CIOn Hn An Dn Em.n Tn Cn Wn EMn IRn DRn TKn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 65535 M: 0 ~ 12 (bank no.) n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 99 n: 0 ~ 99 n: 0 ~ 1022 (Even No.) Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data length Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Double Word Word Byte


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series CJ1M Models: An: A0-A477 is read only.

Contacts Contact type CIO area Hold area Auxiliary area DM area EM area Timer area Counter area Work area EM Current Bank area Index Register DR area TK area Format CIOBnbb HBnbb ABnbb DBnbb EBm.nbb TBn CBn WBnbb EMBnbb IRBnbb DRBnbb TKBnbb Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 m: 0 ~ 12 (bank no.) N/A N/A n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 99 n: 0 ~ 99 n: 0 ~ 1022 (Even No.) bb: 00 ~ 15 n: 0 ~ 9999 n: 0 ~ 9999 bb: 00 ~ 15 bb: 00 ~ 15 bb: 00 ~ 31 bb: 00 ~ 15 bb: 00 ~ 15 bb: 00 ~ 15 bb: 00 ~ 15 bb: 00 ~ 15 bb: 00 ~ 15 Bit No.

1) The following address cannot be written:

y y y

IRn and DRn: It is not valid if the users write them. HMI will not show any error message if the write operation is done. An and Abnbb: Some range of An and Abnbb (Auxiliary area) is read only. TKn / TKBnbb / TBn / CBn / EMBnbb / IRBnbb / DRBnbb: Writing these addresses is not allowed. If the write operation is done, the error will occur and display the error message Command Can Not be Executed on the screen of HMI.

2) The unit of IR address is Double Word. 3) The unit of TK address is Byte and it should be even number.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 CJ1M CPU module DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) TXD (3) RXD (9) SG (4) RS (5) CS

Top View Controller 25 pin D-SUB male (RS-432) Pin1

DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-432)

R XD (2) TX D ( 3) GN D ( 5)

Controller 25 pin D-SUB male (RS-432)

(2 ) TXD (3 ) RX D (7 ) S G (4 ) RS (5 ) CS

RS-422 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422)

R XD - (1 ) R XD + ( 2) TX D+ (3) TX D- (4)

Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422)

(9 )TX D(5 )TX D+ (1 )RX D + (6 )RX D -

Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Pin1

Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Omron TPM1A PLC Its function is the same as Omron C Series PLC. Back to Table

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Siemens S7 200 PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, EVEN, 1. Controller station number: 2. Control area/status area: VW0 / VW10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Register Register Type Timer Analog Input Word Counter Analog Output Word Input Image Input Image Output Image Output Image Special Bits Special Bits Internal Bits Internal Bits Data Area Data Area Special S Special S Contacts Contact type Timer Bit Counter Bit Input Image Output Image Special Bit Internal Bit Data Area Bit Tn Cn In.b Qn.b SMn.b Mn.b Vn.b Format N/A N/A n: 0 ~ 15 n: 0 ~ 15 n: 0 ~ 200 n: 0 ~ 99 n: 0 ~ 9999 Read/Write Range Word No. Bit No. n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 b: 0 ~ 7 b: 0 ~ 7 b: 0 ~ 7 b: 0 ~ 7 b: 0 ~ 7 Tn AIWn Cn AQWn IWn IDn QWn QDn SMWn SMDn MWn MDn VWn (DBWn) VDn SWn SDn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 30 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 30 n: 0 ~ 14 n: 0 ~ 12 n: 0 ~ 14 n: 0 ~ 12 n: 0 ~ 199 n: 0 ~ 197 n: 0 ~ 98 n: 0 ~ 96 n: 0 ~ 9998 (n: 0 ~ 9998) n: 0 ~ 9996 n: 0 ~ 99 n: 0 ~ 97 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. Back to Table


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 100 Bit No. b: 0 ~ 7

Contact type Special S Bit Sn.b


C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 via RS-232 / PPI Multi-Master Cable (Connecting DOP series HMI and PPI cable) DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(2) RD (3) TD (5) GND

Top View

RS-485 via PLC Program Port (RS-485) DOP Series 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) Pin1

RXD+ (2) TXD+ (3) RXD- (1) TXD- (4) GND (5)


Top View

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Siemens S7 300 PLC (with PC Adapter) A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 38400, 8, ODD, 1. (RS-232). Controller station number: 2. (Communication via PC adapter, PLC station will not be used, therefore, only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed.) Control area/status area: DBW0 / DBW20. Back to Table

1) PLC DB memory (DBm.DBWn, DBm.DBDn, DBm.DBXn.b) must be open so that HMI can read/write. 2) The reason for using PC adapter: When communicating via PC adapter, it is profibus with 187.5 K baudrate at PLC side. Therefore, the network structure is faster and steadier. When HMI communicates with PLC without PC adapter directly, the protocol will be complicated and it needs to lower PLC baud rate to 19200 due to HMI baudrate limit. 3) Baud rate setting

y y

It needs to set PLC baud rate to 187.5 K and higher. (it cannot use 19.2K) It needs to set baud rate of two sides when using PC Adapter i) ii) iii) iv) v) "PLC side": It needs to set same baudrate as PLC side (as previous item it needs to set PLC baud rate to 187.5 K and higher and cannot use 19.2K) "HMI side": it can select 38.4K or 19.2K by using switch on the cable. (only these two choices) HMI baud rate: it needs to set the baud rate of HMI side of PC adapter as previous item to 38.4K or 19.2K) (protocol setting is still 8, ODD, 1) There is no setting for PLC station and HMI station, so it wont have the communication problem with error station setting. PC Adapter : The power LED will be lit once connect to PLC. (power supply of PC adapter is from PLC) If communication is OK, the communication LED will be blink. Otherwise, it will be dark.

B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Register Register Type Input Image Input Image IWn IDn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 N/A N/A Bit No.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 n: 0-65535 n: 0-65535 N/A N/A N/A N/A m: 1 ~ 255 m: 1 ~ 255 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No.

Register Type Output Image Output Image Internal Bits Internal Bits Data Area Data Area (DB10) QWn QDn MWn MDn



Timer Counter

Tn Cn

1) The valid digit number of the value for the T(Timer) and C(Counter) is 3-digits only. Therefore, please enter a 3-digit number. If entering a number that exceeds 3 digits, only the first 3 digits are valid (decimal format). The other digits of the value for the T(Timer) will be replaced as 0 and the other digits of the value for the C(Counter) will be abandoned. For example, assume that the users enter the value 12345, the actual write value for the T(Timer) will be 12300 and the actual write value for the C(Counter) will be 123. Contacts Contact type Input Image Output Image Internal Bit Data Area Bit Data Area Bit (10 DB) In.b Qn.b Mn.b DBm.DBXn.b DBXn.b Vn.b Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 Bit No. b: 0 ~ 7 b: 0 ~ 7 b: 0 ~ 7 b: 0 ~ 7 m = 1 ~ 255 b: 0 ~ 7 b: 0 ~ 7

1) For all contacts when performing Multiple Duplicate function:

y y

If it exceeds 65535 when increasing, it will be regarded as 0. If it is less than 0, it will be regarded as 655XX.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 HMI connects to PC Adaptor DOP 9 pin D-SUB male Controller 9 pin D-SUB female Controller Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5) RTS (7) CTS (8)

(3) TXD (2) RXD (5) GND (8) CTS (7) RTS

Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Siemens S7 300 PLC (without PC Adaptor) A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 19200, 8, EVEN, 1. (RS-485). Controller station number: 2. Control area/status area: DBW0 / DBW20. Back to Table

1) Please notice that only 1(HMI) to 1 (PLC) communication is allowed. 2) PLC baud rate should be changed to 19200. (8, EVEN, 1.). 3) DB must be open, otherwise the related addresses can not be read and write. (The related addresses are: DB.DBW, DB.DBD, DBW, DBD, VW, VD, DB.DBX, DBX, V) 4) HMI station must be set to 0 ~ 15. If it is out of this range, it will be changed to 15 automatically. PLC station number must be set to 0 ~ 15. 5) The communication cable is the same as S7 200 series (RS-485). 6) If not connecting to communication cable after 5 seconds, HMI will show error message on the screen. If connecting to communication cable, it is needed to power on HMI again, and then the communication can be found. 7) After power in connected to HMI, HMI must accept the notification from PLC and then connection will be established. The first time connection will take more time, but in normal condition, it should be connected in 5 seconds. 8) This protocol is a token ring communication protocol (HMI needs to communicate with PLC for many times for completing 1 command.) so the response of HMI will be slower (compared with other brands of PLCs when the baud rate setting is set to the same value). The communication speed of S7 300 PLC (without PC Adaptor) is usually slower than the other controllers, but it is the same as the communication speed of S7 300 PLC (with PC Adaptor). 9) When connecting to S7 300 PLC, the communication error may occur occasionally. The user can adjust the HMI communication response time via Extra function which can be found by clicking Option > Configuration > Communication.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

How many COM ports are connected to S7 300 PLC, how may items can be set. 1-126
Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Register Register Type Input Image Input Image Output Image Output Image Internal Bits Internal Bits Data Area Data Area (DB10) IWn IDn QWn QDn MWn MDn DBm.DBWn DBm.DBDn DBWn DBDn VWn VDn Timer Counter Tn Cn Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 n: 0 ~ 65534 n: 0 ~ 65532 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A m: 1 ~ 255 (Note 1) m: 1 ~ 255 (Note 1) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No.

1) High Byte of Bit No. The valid digit number of the value for the T(Timer) and C(Counter) is 3-digits only. Therefore, please enter a 3-digit number. If entering a number that exceeds 3 digits, only the first 3 digits are valid (decimal format). The other digits of the value for the T(Timer) will be replaced as 0 and the other digits of the value for the C(Counter) will be abandoned. For example, assume that the users enter the value 12345, the actual write value for the T(Timer) will be 12300 and the actual write value for the C(Counter) will be 123. Contacts Contact type Input Image Output Image Internal Bit Data Area Bit Data Area Bit (DB 10) In.b Qn.b Mn.b DBm.DBXn.b DBXn.b Vn.b Format Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 n: 0 ~ 65535 Bit No. b: 0 ~ 7 (Note 2) b: 0 ~ 7 (Note 2) b: 0 ~ 7 (Note 2) b: 0 ~ 7 (Note 2) m = 1 ~ 255 (Note 3) b: 0 ~ 7 (Note 2) b: 0 ~ 7 (Note 2)

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series

2) Low Byte of Bit No. 3) High Byte of Bit No. 4) For all timers, counters and contacts when performing Multiple Duplicate function:

y y

If it exceeds 65535 when increasing, it will be regarded as 0. If it is less than 0, it will be regarded as 655XX.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) The communication cable is the same as S7 200 series (RS-485). Please refer to the Connections of S7 200 series (RS-485). RS-485 via PLC MPI Port (RS-485) DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-485) Pin1

RXD+ (2) TXD+ (3) RXD- (1) TXD- (4) GND (5)


Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Taian TP02 PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 19200, 7, None, 1. Controller station number: 1. Control area/status area: V1 / V10. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type WORD_DEVICE_X WORD_DEVICE_Y WORD_DEVICE_C WORD_DEVICE_V WORD_DEVICE_D WORD_DEVICE_WS WORD_DEVICE_WC Format Xn Yn Cn Vn Dn WSn WCn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 1 ~ 384 n: 1 ~ 384 n: 1 ~ 2048 n: 1 ~ 1024 n: 1 ~ 2048 n: 1 ~ 128 n: 1 ~ 912 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. Data length Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Back to Table

WORD_DEVICE_X / WORD_DEVICE_Y / WORD_DEVICE_C: Address must be 1 or the multiple of 16+1.

Contacts Contact type BIT_DEVICE_X BIT_DEVICE_Y BIT_DEVICE_C BIT_DEVICE_SC Xn Yn Cn SCn Format Read/Write Range Word No. N/A N/A N/A N/A Bit No. n: 1 ~ 384 n: 1 ~ 384 n: 1 ~ 2048 n: 1 ~ 128

BIT_DEVICE_SC: Only 1 Bit can be transferred for each read command.

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-422 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Controller 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-422) Pin1

RXD+ (2) RXD- (1) TXD+ (3) TXD- (4)

RS-485 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232)

(3) TXD+ (8) TXD(2) RXD+ (7) RXDTop View

Controller RS-485 (T/R+, T/R-)

RXD+ (2) TXD+ (3) RXD- (1) TXD- (4)




Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series Vigor M Series A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 19200, 7, EVEN, 1. Controller station number: 0. Control area/status area: D0 / D10. Back to Table

1) Controller station number: 0 for PROGRAMMER PORT; 1 for COM PORT 2) VB series also can use this driver. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type Input Relay Output Relay Auxiliary Relay Special Relay Step Relay Timer Present Value 16-bit Counter Present Value 32-bit Counter Present Value Data Register Special Data Register Contacts Contact type Input Relay Output Relay Auxiliary Relay Special Relay Step Relay Timer Contact Counter Contact Timer Coil Counter Coil Format Xn Yn Mn Mn Sn Tn Cn TCn CCn N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Read/Write range Word No. Bit No. n: 0 ~ 777(Octal) n: 0 ~ 777(Octal) n: 0 ~ 5119 n: 9000 ~ 9255 n: 0 ~ 999 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 255 Format Xn Yn Mn Mn Sn Tn Cn Cn Dn Dn Read/Write Range Word No. n: 0 ~ 770 (Octal) n: 0 ~ 770 (Octal) n: 0 ~ 5112 n: 9000 ~ 9248 n: 0 ~ 992 n: 0 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 199 n: 200 ~ 255 n: 0 ~ 8191 n: 9000 ~ 9248 Bit No. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data length Word (multiple of 8) Word (multiple of 8) Word (multiple of 8) Word (9000 + multiple of 8) Word (multiple of 8) Word Word Word Word Word

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) RS-232 (PROGRAMMER PORT) DOP 9 pin D-SUB male(RS-232) Controller USB TAPE A Connector Controller USB TAPE A Connector

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(3) TXD (2) RXD (4) GND

4 3 2

Top View

(COM PORT) DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB female (RS-232) Controller 9 pin D-SUB female (RS-232) Pin1

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(3) TXD (2) RXD (5) GND

Top View


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series VIPA PLC Its function is the same as Siemens S7 300 PLC (with PC Adaptor). Back to Table

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series YOKOGAWA ACE PLC A. HMI factory settings Baud rate: 9600, 8, EVEN, 1. (ASCII code) Controller station number: 1. CPU NO. : 1. Control area/status area: D1 / D10. Back to Table

1) CheckSum and End character (CR, LF) are not used during communication. Therefore, the controller should be set to Not using CheckSum and End character. 2) CPU number is used during communication, however, Screen Editor software does not have this selection. Therefore, if the user desires to set CPU number, please set HMI station number in General tab in the Configuration dialog box in Options menu (Options Configuration General). (HMI station number is regarded as CPU number. The default setting of HMI station number is 0, but 0 is an illegal number, the user must set it as a legal value. B. Definition of controller Read/Write address Registers Register Type WORD_DEVICE_X WORD_DEVICE_Y WORD_DEVICE_I WORD_DEVICE_E WORD_DEVICE_L WORD_DEVICE_M WORD_DEVICE_TP WORD_DEVICE_CP WORD_DEVICE_D WORD_DEVICE_B WORD_DEVICE_W WORD_DEVICE_Z WORD_DEVICE_V WORD_DEVICE_R WORD_DEVICE_TS WORD_DEVICE_CS Xn Yn In En Ln Mn TPn CPn Dn Bn Wn Zn Vn Rn TSn CSn Format Word No. n: 201 ~ 65464 n: 201 ~ 65464 n: 1 ~ 16384 n: 1 ~ 4096 n: 1 ~ 65488 n: 1 ~ 9984 n: 1 ~ 3072 n: 1 ~ 3072 n: 1 ~ 8192 n: 1 ~ 32768 n: 1 ~ 65499 n: 1 ~ 512 n: 1 ~ 64 n: 1 ~ 4096 n: 1 ~ 3072 n: 1 ~ 3072 Data Size Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word Word

WORD_DEVICE_X / WORD_DEVICE_Y: The last two digits of address must be 1 or the multiple of 16+1 and less than 65.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series WORD_DEVICE_I / WORD_DEVICE_E / WORD_DEVICE_L / WORD_DEVICE_M: Address must be 1 or the multiple of 16+1. WORD_DEVICE_X / WORD_DEVICE_Y / WORD_DEVICE_L / WORD_DEVICE_W: Valid address is inconsecutive. Contacts Contact type BIT_DEVICE_X BIT_DEVICE_Y BIT_DEVICE_I BIT_DEVICE_E BIT_DEVICE_L BIT_DEVICE_M BIT_DEVICE_TU BIT_DEVICE_CU Xn Yn In En Ln Mn TUn CUn Format Bit No. n: 201 ~ 65464 n: 201 ~ 65464 n: 1 ~ 16384 n: 1 ~ 4096 n: 1 ~ 65488 n: 1 ~ 9984 n: 1 ~ 3072 n: 1 ~ 3072

BIT_DEVICE_X / BIT_DEVICE_Y : the last two digits of address must be less than 65 (1 ~ 64). BIT_DEVICE_X / BIT _DEVICE_Y / BIT _DEVICE_L : valid address is inconsecutive. Multiple Duplicate: The next Bit address of X264 is X301 (invalid addresses X265 ~ X300 are skipped) The next Bit address of X364 is X401. The address of Y is the same as X. (The Word addresses of X and Y also skip invalid addresses automatically)

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts) It needs to use specific cable of YOKOGAWA ACE PLC. RS-232 DOP 9 pin D-SUB male (RS-232) Controller (6 pin) (RS-232 for YOKOGAWA) Controller (6 pin) (RS-232 for YOKOGAWA)

RXD (2) TXD (3) GND (5)

(1) TXD (2) RXD (5) GND

Top View

Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007


Delta DOP Series HMI Connection Manual|DOP-A/AE/AS Series This page intentionally left blank.


Revision January, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000007

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