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EL CONDICIONAL DE TIPO 1, PRIMER CONDICIONAL En general las oraciones condicionales son compuestas y estn formadas por dos oraciones,

, una de las cuales suele comenzar con if (si), o unless (a menos que) y expresa una condicin, de la cual depende el resultado, expresado por la otra oracin. El primer condicional se usa para expresar posibilidad real en el presente, el futuro o en general. Se forma de la siguiente manera: If.+ S + presente simple + S + will + infinitivo Condicin Resultado Al igual que en las dems formas condicionales, el orden condicin-resultado, puede ser invertido: S + will + infinitivo + If.+ S + presente simple Resultado Condicin Nota: En muchos casos, los modales may, might, should, can o could pueden sustituir a will en la estructura del resultado. Ejemplos: If there are any housing problems, the state will find the way to solve them The state will find the way to solve them, if there are any housing problems . EJERCICIOS DE TRADUCCIN: 1. If maintenance is not running every hour it will cause many different issues. 2. If the mining area is small, it will not reach optimum economic of scale. 3. The vaccine will be compromised if the cold chain is broken, even for short periods of time. 4. The machine will not start unless the inspection window is fully closed. 5. If radium is swallowed in water or with food, most of it will quickly leave the body as waste matter. 6. If gold is present there will show up on the filter paper a purple or rose colored spot when the filter paper has dried 7. Nitrate is not adsorbed onto soil particles unless they are positively charged. 8. If the reaction takes place iso- entropically, then what will be the value of G for the forward reaction? 9. Consequently if food quality is higher than what the customer perceives, customer satisfaction will be adversely affected. 10. Step 3: State what will happen if the hypothesis doesn't come true. 11. If there are no gases present and only ink, then ink will flow into the purge mechanism. 12. Remember, unless you save the document to your own computer, any comments or changes you make on the opened file will not be saved in Blackboard. 13. If food spoilage organisms are present the food should definitely not be consumed. 14. The subsidence region will turn into a plash if the mining area is plain, while underground mining can induce landslide in the mountainous area. 15. If the reaction takes place in a container with a movable piston, the greater volume of gas product will force the piston outward against the pressure of the atmosphere, thus doing work on the piston. 16. If there are no gases present the two bodies will simply weld together and there will be no debris.

EL CONDICIONAL DE TIPO 2, SEGUNDO CONDICIONAL Se usa para expresar hechos hipotticos, o que resulta muy poco probable o imposible que sucedan, ya sea en el presente o en el futuro. Se forma de la siguiente manera: If.+ S + pasado simple + S + would+ infinitivo Condicin Resultado Al igual que en las dems formas condicionales, el orden condicin-resultado, puede ser invertido: S + would+ infinitivo + If.+ S + pasado simple Resultado Condicin If air were pure oxygen, plants and animals would soon burn out Plants and animals would soon burn out, if air were pure oxygen Se debe tener en cuenta que el pasado en el 2 condicional se llama pasado irreal, pues se refiere al presente o al futuro, no al pasado. Adems, por lo general se usa were y no was, especialmente en ingls formal. Nota: En muchos casos, los modales might, o could pueden sustituir a would en la estructura del resultado. EJERCICIOS DE TRADUCCIN: 1. If food additives caused ADD, everyone would have ADD 2. What would happen if the product failed after the warranty expired? 3. If the database failed, it would lead to a monitoring drop out 4. For each hypothesis, ask yourself what would be true if the hypothesis were true. 5. If mining stopped, where would we get our power from? We would be without lights and without heating and cooling. 6. If hydrogen atoms were used, determining the atomic weight of another element might require a process which involves many steps. 7. If they could create a miniature circuit in just one step, all the parts could be made much smaller. 8. If manufacturing were brought back to the US, the cost of production would go up, and would likely result in higher costs for goods. 9. Dr. H.P. Himsworth demonstrated in 1930 that if carbohydrates were taken out of the diet and replaced by either protein or fats, a person would quickly develop insulin resistance and diabetes5. 10. If chemical bonds were universally too strong, then this making and breaking of bonds would require too much energy for life to exist. 11. If chemical bonds were springs of some sort, you could have stable polyatomic molecules, but they would never react with one another, as those bonds would never break. 12. If flavonoids were the only important component in wine, then grape juice would appear to be just as good for you. 13. It would be a great idea if they could develop a mobile application for mobile devices. 14. Dr. Otto Warburg (Nobel Prizewinner-twice) stated that if enzymes were put back into food after it was processed, cancer would hardly exist in our society. 15. If scientists could produce element 120 what predictions would they make about its reactivity? 16. If programmers could educate themselves about typography, there would be more beautiful-looking and readable applications

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