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Sample Life History Prompts Name: Date of Recording: Date of Birth: Hometown: Occupation: Please try to answer these

questions using vivid descriptions of senses, and details almost as if you were describing a scene in a movie. Could you share your full name and explain its origin? Who gave it to you and what does it represent? Describe when and where you were born and a little about your early life. What is your earliest memory? Share your earliest memory of the neighborhood you grew up in. Describe where you grew up for someone whose never been there before. How did your neighborhood/home look, smell, sound, feel? Put us on the street, in the buildings, and with the people you remember most. Tell a story about your closest childhood friend. Talk about a time you got in trouble/were caught doing something you werent supposed to. Share your happiest day as a child/adult. Describe the scariest moment in your life. Describe a family tradition. What started the tradition, what goes into it, how has it been carried on? Tell a story about your mother that illustrates who she is. Tell a story about something your father did that youll never forget. Who are/were your grandparents? Do you know the story of how your parents/grandparents met? Talk about your most memorable family meal. What is your most vivid memory of a holiday?

Tell a story about your siblings. Tell a story about playing outside in your neighborhood. Who was the most memorable character in your neighborhood? What is the story of a day youll never forget? Describe your favorite building in the neighborhood. Talk about the worst ght/argument that you ever witnessed or were a part of. Whats one moment you remember most about a boyfriend/girlfriend you had as a teenager? Tell the story of how you met your spouse/partner. Retell an argument you had with your family about a decision you made (to take on a new job, move away to college, get married). Describe a decision you really regret making. Tell the story of your rst day in a new place. Describe when you rst walked in. How did you feel when you arrived/left? Share a funny story about your most memorable vacation. Tell the story of the craziest day you ever had at a job. Share a story about someone/someplace you were terried of as a child. Share a story that has been passed on to you by parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles. Tell a story about someone you hate. What happened to make you feel that way? Share the story of a scar on your body. How did it get there? What do you think of when you see it? Tell the story about a moment when you were most proud of your children/parents. How did you come to live in Darien? Describe a day when you moved from one place to another. What feelings did you have and how did those affect you physically. Tell a story about an illness you had. How did it affect you? Describe your most frustrating day. What was a time you were most proud of yourself? Do you have advice you would like to share with a future generation? What is one story you hope people will remember about you?

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