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16th October 2006, a day and date which can never be erased in my entire life.

The fear still lives within me and haunts me every second, but I thank god me and my friends survived. It was 5 in the evening when that incident took place. Twelve of us including me as the captain of the ship fight to keep the ship together despite the increasing wind and waves. As a ship crew my friends, wanted to turn around and save ourselves from this ever intensifying storm, but as a sailor and the captain of the ship, I commanded that we remain on course. The ship hits a reef off the coast of an island which pierced the side of the ship. Five of my friends decided to abandon ship. Without wasting any time, the quickly grap hold of the life vest and made their way to the lifeboats. Within split seconds, the ropes holding the lifeboats were released n they were seen rowing away making their way in search for the nearest land. But the power of storm was too intense for them to overcome, which resulted in a fatal escape. They didnt managed to survive. During the impact, I was at the upper deck, in the navigation room planning the most safest route when the ship collided with the reef. My body flung onto a pile of rocks but somehow I managed to gather all the strength, and with the pain and the freezing icy cold water, I swam heading towards the nearest land before I passed out. I woke up on the island to discover that I was the sole survivor of that killer storm. With an empty mind of not knowing what to be done, and a devastated feeling that reflected upon me upon realizing that the entire crew has drowned, I walked about on the shore. My feelings shattered when three of the crews hats, one cap, and two shoes that were not fellows were floating approaching the island, but my fellow crew team were nowhere to be seen. I look on to the stranded vessel, saw the beach and froth of the sea being so big, I could hardly see it, it lay so far away. My expression was simply, stunned! I sat down staring blankly into the sky wondering how could I have made it to the shores. I began to look around, to evaluate the kind of situation I am supposed to deal with, and what was next to be done and I soon found my comforts abate, and that in a word, I had a dreadful deliverance as I was wet, had no clothes to change, nor is there anything to eat or drink to comfort me neither did I imagine before me that I would be in such a place. I had no weapon, to hunt and kill any creature for my food, or to defend myself against any other creature that might desire to kill me for theirs. In a word, there was simply nothing with me. All my provisions threw me into such terrible agonies of mind, that for a while I ran about like a madman as night coming upon me. I began considering the possible outcomes with a heavy heart

on whether I would survive if there were any harmful beasts in that island, as at night they always come hunting for their prey. All the remedy that offered to my thoughts at that time was to get up into a thick bushy tree like a fir, but thorny, which grew near me. I looked around, and among the first object that caught my eyes was some coconut trees. To my great joy and having nothing to drink, I went to the tree and started climbing on it. I struggled to place myself in a position so that I should be able to get some sleep ad at the same time will not plunge into my death. And having cut me a part of the cactus which I saw earlier for my defense, I took up my lodging and having been excessively fatigued, I fell fast asleep, and slept as comfortably as, I believe, few could have done in my condition, and found myself more refreshed with it than, I think, I ever was on such an occasion. I somehow survived my first day in the island. I woke up to a bright sunny morning. The sea level was not as tide as the storm had gone. I saw our ship seeming to be stand up still by the shore. I quickly made my way towards the ship to see if I could savage any of our items. My tears begin to roll down my cheeks when I couldnt find anything that could be saved. I asked myself, will I be able to get back to my country? To my wife and kids? I missed them, moreover I had no idea how will I survive here, except to pray to almighty as he knows it all. Disappointed of not finding anything in the sea, I begin to walk around the island, with hopes I could find something to survive on. As I walked, I discovered that there were an acid lake in that island, Christmas tree around with coconut trees by the shore earlier, I begin to have more faith that I will survive. Having fear that I might face dangerous animals, I then thought to myself, I need a plan so that I can survive. I begin to pull and break off the branches of the Christmas tree as I said to myself. I should make a shelter for myself before the sun sets. I had a knife which I took from the ship earlier to help me in making a shelter for myself. Equipped only a knife, I somehow managed to arrange the Christmas trees branches and the leaves of it making the structure of my temporary home that is supported with the branches which I build using the unwanted branches around, My temporary home was done, it was a very simple one, as I did using unwanted branches as the structure and Christmas tree supporting it. I begin to feel thirsty and hungry too. Satisfied with my small yet comfy temporary house, I then arranged the remaining coconut tree leaves in my small hut making it a comfy bed for me to sleep on. Then I went to hunt to see if I can find something to eat.

As I walked by, had no idea if luck was playing a game with me or it was just a coincident, I found rabbits wondering around , I felt happy. I then ran and managed to grab a rabbit. I thought to myself, I could make it for my dinner. The poor innocent creatures were wandering aroud , unaware of my cruel intention, for the sake of staying alive. I hid among the nearby bushes and as soon as one of the rabbit approached the bush, quickly the knife swung n striked the rabbit at the neck, and it died simultaneously. I then cut and clean the rabbit off before lighting up fire using the stones that I could find, I rub the stones together to light up fire, thanks to my my experience in the scouts during school days. I used the empty coconut shell to collect some water from the acid lake to be made as my drinking water, I couldnt drink it right away as it was acidic, I had to boil it first to neutralize the acidity of the water to ensure that it is safe to be consumed. Thanks to my strong general knowledge on this, I somehow manage to survive this basics of life at this very moment. I didnt had a watch, but I could tell that dawn was approaching as the sun was just up above my head. I then had my rabbit meat lunch and soon after, I went to the cactus plant and using the knife I had, it was tough and painful as my hands got the thorns of the cactus plant. Ouch!! I wisper to myself. I cut off the top part of the cactus to be used as protection. I thought of putting the pieces of the cactus by the sides of my hut, to protect me at night, I never know what beast will be attacking me, having the cactus I can somehow be safe, as the cactus thorns if stepped by the animals would be painful and somehow they will make their way back to where they came from, or least away from my momentary shelter. The entire days activity had worned out my energy. I was exhausted. So I decided to take a break and get up fresh in the morning and continue at where I left.without me realizing, the time fluw, and before I knew it, it was already noon. I begin to walk around my has officially been the third day of me being stranded in this island. Moments later, an uncomfortable feeling arised within me. I felt that there is something approaching me. It just felt wrong. I quickly got up and walk out of my hut. SHOCKED!! I saw a deer, death was just standing a few feet away from me, with its stomach bleeding as though its being bite by something. Afraid and panicked, I quickly got hold of my knife, which was in my pocket. I walked around and saw footsteps by the deer, it was little steps, as if it was of some anima. I couldnt make out what animal was it. So, I decided to follow the footsteps and as halfway tracking the footprint, I saw an tiger,

I felt shiver in my body as I never knew there will be tiger in an island with no people living. I were at the back of it and I doubt the tiger noticed me by hook or by crook. Without me realizing, I threw the knife and it strike the tiger at its back, but the shot wasnt fatal. Fearing for my life, I started running. I ran as quickly as I can as I fear of my life, I dont wish to be his meal for dinner and as I reached to my hut, I picked the cactus that I earlier kept for safety, holding it tight on my hand and I walked, exhausted, shivering, frighthen, it was just a mixed feeling I could say. I walk towards the same way again, hoping and wishing that the tiger will be dead, in which it did as the tiger bled to death. I cut and ripped the skin of its body then slowly and carefully as I thought I could use the skin as an insulation for cold weather. Once I was done with it, I then took the skin with me to the acid river and washed the skin of the tiger clean, then I dried it under the sun for that day, making sure its really dry as that was the only way Ill be able to get rid of the smell. Meanwhile having the skin dried, I whispered to myself happily as I need not go hunting for rabbits meat for the next few days as I have the meat of deer to keep me away of hunger. This survival went on for a few days until one fine day, while I was exploring the island, I saw an cannibal island located just behind of where I am with a few meter sea range. As I thought I could find a way to build a boat. But my hopes was shattered as I saw the cannibal island. I peeped through the bushes. I need to save myself. I can never let them notice that Im here. For the whole day I peeped them, hoping to see something which can help me to get back into the seas. As I peeped, a mixed feeling arose within me. My friend Khairul, was alive. The glad feeling quickly turned into a panic situation when I noticed that he was being tied to the coconut tree over there. I looked out around the island to see if I could see any of my friend more, but sadly, I could only see Khairul. I walked back to my hut and that night, I spent my time thinking how can I save Khairul. I cant leave my friend just like that. I need to do something, but at the very same time, what will happen if I got caught? Will I be a prisoner like Khairul? I must find a way to save Khairul but then at the very same time, I desperately needed an exit way out of the island. I need to act fast, I whispered to myself. At night while I was laying down, It just came in my mind that I saw a boat in the cannibal island where Khairul were being tied up. What if I manage to release Khairul and then run over to the location where I saw the abandoned boats were and rescue ourselves?? Over the night, I planned and improvised the plans without realizing

that the sun has risen. Early in the morning while it was still dawn, I went to the edge of the island and to measure the depth of the water and it turned out to be half the length of my leg. I then slowly made crawled my way to the island, and upon reaching, I hide myself in the bushes, fearing of being noticed by the canibals. A hut caught my attention. It was the hut where the cannibals lived in. I noticed there were only one guard who was guiding Khairul. At a point, when I was able to look at Khairul, a sad feeling hit me. When I looked into Khairuls eye, I could see him so weak. After few minutes, the guard must have been tired and he fell asleep while on duty guarding Khairul. I slowly ran towards the tree that Khairul is being tied to and cut the rope and whispered to Khairul that shhh..dont make noise, slowly, follow me, well get out of this place. We both then ran in a slow motion with the intention of not waking anyone up, as we get to the boats, we had to cross the sea, a few meters deep as the boats were abit further. Aaaahhhhhhhhhh, Khairul screamed. His screams was quite intense that it woke the guards up and guga-guga I heard the guards saying and chasing, as the were coming neared, I had to pull Khairul and help him to get into the boat and I started and speed it off. Phewwww a sight of relieved by me. I managed to get out of the island after a week of life there. Eventhough I had to pull Khairul just now, I felt bad as his legs were being bite by sharks, it was so unexpected, but no matter what I thank the almighty for showing us a way out and I survived in an island without any source for a week. Asked Khairul on how he ended up in the canibals island, he explained just like me he had no idea how he ended up there and when he opened his eyes, he realized hes been tied to the trees. Khairul also claimed that our friend Erynes body were being ate by the cannibals. I felt upset hearing this as I didnt expected this but also at the ver y same time thanked god that atleast me and Khairul survived and we managed to find our ways home. As soon as I got back home, I hugged my wife and my daughter, I missed them badly. I realized what is life and the value of having your loved ones by yourside. This incident also made me a better person and not to be selfish. I learnt that at times I have to listen to what my co-workers says too. If and only if I had listened to them and turn back, I wont be loosing my friends, Eryne wont be eated by the cannibals and Khairul wont suffer with the cannibals, with gods grace eventhough Khairul has not been eaten by the cannibals, there were still the possibilities. I will never even be an egoistic person in life anymore. Surviving in an island of no one is hard but not impossible. I survived for a week.

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