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The Benedictine Monastery at Melk

A Melki aptsg
F: Laci

Zene: Gregorian - Voyage voyage Automatikus diavlts

Founded by Emperor Leopold II of Austria and was given to the Benedictine order in 1089. The present construction dates to 1702 1736, to the design of Jacob Prandtauer. After his death it was supervised and finished by his pupil - and nephew Josef Munggenast.

Az aptsg alaptsa II. Leopold (1075 1095 ) Ausztria egykori uralkodjnak rdeme. adomnyozta 1089 ben csaldja addigi szkhelyt a Szent Benedek rendnek. A mai formjt 1702 s 1736 kztt nyerte el Jakob Prandtauer pt mester tervei alapjn. 1726 ban a mester halla utn tantvnya s unoka ccse, Josep Munggenast felgyelte a munklatokat.

A f bejrat The main entrance

The St Peter and St Paul church

The main altar was designed by Beduzzi and the ceiling frescos painted by Rottmayr

Gynyr Szt. Lipt s Szt. Klmn szobraival dsztett fkapufogadja

a ltogatt
A templom foltrt Beduzzi tervezte. A mennyezetfreskk Rottmayr alkotsai

The Patron of the Monastery is St Coloman & St Lipot The Patron of the Church is St Peter and St Paul The recent restoration of the Monastery was completed just a few years back - and the visitors can marvel in Its glorious decor

Az aptsg vdszentje: Szt Klmn ( oktber.13 ) s Szt Lipt ( november.15 ) A templom vdszentje: Szt Pter s Szt Pl (jnius.29) Nhny ve fejeztk be az aptsg teljes feljtst gy most teljes pompjban lthat

Amongst the ancient walls of the Monastery generations of Benedictine Monks were praying and working during the last 900 years

Az reg falak lktet letet rejtenek,

Szent Benedek szerzetesei imdkoznak s dolgoznak 900 ve ezen a helyen.

The Monastery has 6 Bells: 1. Peter & Paul (Vesperin) - 7840 kg 2. Dreifaltigkeit (Angstglocke) 4300 kg 3. Sieben Smerzen (Ave Maria Glocke) 2500 4. Coloman 1235 kg 5. Benedikt 960 kg 6. Chorglocke 650 kg

Az aptsgnak 5 + 1 harangja van. 1.Peter und Paul ( vesperin ) 7840 kg. 2.Dreifaltigkeit (Angstglocke) 4300 kg. 3.Sieben Schmerzen ( Ave Maria Glocke ) 2450 kg. 4.Koloman 5.Benedikt 1235 kg. 960 kg.


650 kg.

A nagyharang Jzus hallnak rjban minden pnteken 15 rakor szl. The Big Bell (Vesperin) is tolled on Good Friday, At 15:00h, the day of Jesus death

A vasrnapi istentiszteletre Sieben Schmerzen, a Koloman s a Benedikt harangok hangja hvja a hvket. On Sundays the Sieben Schmerzen and the Coloman and Benedict calls the faithfull to the Mass

A kis Chorglocke minden reggel a kolostori szentmishez szlt. Every day in the morning the little Chorglocke calls the Monks to the early Mass

The paintings in the Marble Hall was done by Paul Troger

A mrvnytermet Paull Troger

festmnyei dsztik.

The Marble Hall

A Melki aptsg Eurpa legnagyobb bencs

kolostora a pazar barokk ptszet megtestestje. 360 mter hossz homlokzata mgtt pomps csszri szoba, egy mrvnyterem egy gazdagon dsztett templom s egy ppilyen knyvtr vrja a ltogatkat.

This Monastery is the largest in Europe, built in the splendid baroque style. Behind the 360 m long main faade there is the
Emperors Hall, the impressively decorated St Peter and St Paul church - and a similarly splendid library awaits visitors.

A knyvtrban mintegy szzezer ttelbl 750 darab az 1500 eltti vekbl szrmaz nyomtatott emlk. 1700 ktetet a XVI. s

4500 ktetet a XVII.szzadbl riznek.

In the library there are 100,000 items. Out of this collection 750 originates before the year 1500 - and another 1700 are from the XVI - and 4500 from the XVII century.

Aptsgi folyos

The main

Csigalpcsn jutunk le a 64 mter magas, dszes barokk Szent Pter s Szent Pl aptsgi templomba.

From the upper levels of the Monastery, by an impressive spiral staircase, we descend to the 64 m high, beautifully decorated St Peter and St Paul church

The St Peter and St Paul church

Az aptsgban iskola s nyilvnos

gimnzium is mkdik, tbb mint 30 osztlyban kzel 900 tanult oktatnak. Az iskolt a XII. szzadban alaptottk.

In the Monastery there is a Seminary and a grammar/public school, with 900 pupils, taught in 30 class rooms

The school was established in the XII C.

The Fountain

Part of the landscaped garden

The impressively laid out garden

View from the terrace

Vge - End.
Ezt ltni kell ! Best is - to visit this

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