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Name: Aditi Malik Roll No.

:10CS004 Language Lab Session 2: Issues in English-Discrimination, Level 4 The epitome of this session was the discrimination faced by the Muslim women in Australia. Many stereotyped views about them exist in the Australian society. These women are often deemed to be uneducated and believed to be wearing the dress, imposed on them by their male family members. However, the truth being that each Muslim, irrespective of gender has the right to knowledge, no one in the name of religion can deny them of this privilege and the women wear the divine dress which is prescribed by god or Allah and not by their male family members. These prejudiced misconceptions are now being banished as people are becoming aware of the verity of the Islamic notions. The session ignited a sense within us to treat each of our fellow being with equality and not to think of ourselves being superior and looking down on others as inferior in todays secular world. We are not supposed to say anything derogatory based on religion, caste, creed to any of our fellow citizens. The session was composed of listening activity, followed by the exercises testing our attentiveness during the session. I would definitely like to take up a few more sessions to hone my listening skills.

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