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Josh Kofile PHIL-1301 March 2nd, 2013 M.

Colebrook Critical Comparisons: 4th Century Athens and 21st Century America Drawing similarities between a pair of societies separated by more than 1700 years, hundreds of technological innovations, and a complete shifting of the worlds political climate may seem improbable. In Platos Apology and Euthyphro, an ever-wise Socrates is putting the Athenians of the day on notice. While he is being accused (among other things) of corrupting the youth, he is actually exposing 3 gaping problems in Athenian society. The triple entente pillars of society are still relevant today, even if at a lesser degree. The moral, spiritual and political corruptions were all causing the great Athens to nosedive. Modern American popular culture is also shaping not only our generation, but Americas image to the outside world. The defining detriment with 4th century Athenians as well as Modern America is the overrated value on material possessions, wealth and power. In both societies it appears to be acceptable to have little to no disregard for your actions. Uncovering parallels between both of the civilizations is essential in learning from their mistakes and attempting to at the very least better ourselves. These parallels are instrumental in seeing what we think our society is comprised of a individualistic and varied culture -and what we really are slowly becoming: carbon-copies of an ever-changing mainstream America. In Euthyphro, the early signs of using the prominence of religion as a tool of manipulation and corruption in Athenian society come to life. Ultimate supremacy of the words of the Gods or of a religious scripture reigned supreme, and did not expect to be questioned. This relationship is further broken down into two subsections the actions of Euthyphro, and the

actions of the society as a whole. Euthyphro is an aspiring priest that is accusing his father of murder. He believes the prosecution and subsequent conviction of his father will rid the household of pollution can make it pure and clean. He rationalizes his power as being sent from the gods.1 I believe that Euthyphro is a religious man, he does however possibly play the part in order to use his faith to be able to justify his actions. By saying his power is God-given. this enables him to have a blank-check of sorts for his actions. In this time, you simply did not question an act if it was approved by the Gods. Socrates believes in the idea of civil religion: that religion serves as a means to unite the people and keep cohesion and that it serves a political function. A famous quote of Karl Marx shows that religion can be used as a beneficial institution as well as a manipulative one, Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness.2 Euthyphros idea of acting on behalf of the god quickly turned into an extremely subtle and forced fundamentalist doctrine. It becomes extreme because he could in essence say whatever he wanted to, but because his words are from the gods they have immediate and empowering meaning. The power that the church holds during this time is absolute there is no separation of church and state. Going against the word of the church and of the scripture is extremely absurd

Cahn, Steven M., ed. Classics of Western Philosophy. 7th ed. Euthyphro 2. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2006. Line 26-30. Euthyphro is speaking. In essence what I believe Euthyphro is trying to convey here is that if a man can articulate the correct things to say to the gods at prayer, those are the actions that should be done in the privacy of your own home. Through this, by pleasing the gods he is acting on their word and at their discretion.

Cline, Austin. "Karl Marx on Religion." marx01.htm.

and severely looked down upon. There are some spiritual parallels that exist between both cultures, but the defining differences are critically important. Spiritually, I also see Modern America as a society in a transitional stage. It is in between being a traditional Christianity-based society while also trying to accept a population that is starting to bloom an Agnostic and Atheistic following. For some traditionalists, accepting people that arent of the same faith or background is difficult. I believe as a result of this transition, the number of religiously-unaffiliated people in the United States has gone above the once-believed 20% mark.3 Young people are the demographic targeted here. The importance of the article and the statistical increase lies in that the young people are the demographic that is branching off from traditional customs and thought and are creating their own cultural, political and religious identity which is causing a societal shift. The traditional values of this country are slowly slipping away in my opinion. It is seemingly acceptable today for a person to party, fraternize and otherwise blow off the words of scripture Monday-Saturday, however when Sunday morning comes along they are extremely respectful and praise the word of God in church. These closet sinners could be traced to the corruption of Modern Americas political identity. As I stated previously, the religious aspects of both of these cultures - and actions/attitudes displayed in them are directly tied to the moral and political actions displayed. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis Neon Cathedral4 puts this concept into a nutshell, I read the Bible, but I forgot the verses/The liquor store is open later than the church is/Pured by their imperfections, everything that's burning/To Hell with the confessions, all the "Lord Have Mercy's. In essence, the spiritual

Wolf, Z. Byron. "Fewer Americans Have a Religion, Fewer Protestant." Last modified October 9, 2012. fewer-americans-have-a-religion-fewer-protestant/. Neon Cathedral. Performed by Macklemore. Produced by Ryan Lewis. Macklemore LLC, 2012, compact disc. Recorded 2009-2012.

corruption has already bled over into the moral realm of our society that because there are easier outs to our problems (in this instance, alcohol), seeking God is too out of the way. It seems that a society wanting newer and faster ways to accomplish goals has succeeded once again. SOCRATES EXACT CHARGES. QUOTE. The concept and goal of morality can vary as easily between different societies as between different people. This un-defined principle does make us retain our individuality, but it also is causing corruption as it did in Socrates Athens as well as in our society today. When the church lost its power it had over the Athenian youth, people started to participate in rash and previously-unacceptable behavior. Extreme drinking, fraternization and irresponsibility for their actions all contributed to this. Sophists - educators who teach politicians how to manipulate people are at the forefront of the Athenian moral corruption that eventually bleeds into that societies political corruption as well. This group of people is not a very well received group of people in Athens, and Socrates is bent on exposing their ulterior motives in the Apology. Starting with the spiritual breakdown, the other bookends of society are coming apart at the seams. Socrates even speaks of a man from Paros who has spent more money of Sophists than everybody else put together.5 Expanding on this, Socrates also brings up the idea of his human wisdom.6 I believe that Socrates is able to expose the entire corruption do to this. His ability to look past all external influences and being able to be un-biased enables him to strip down all of the factors down to their bare-bone facts. Breaking away the smoke and mirrors of society

Cahn, Steven M., ed. Classics of Western Philosophy. 7th ed. Apology 30. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2006.

Cahn, Steven M., ed. Classics of Western Philosophy. 7th ed. Apology 30-31. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2006. Last 6 lines of right column of 30 until the 11th line of the left column of page 31.

enables Socrates to see the deficiencies in not only his accusers argument, but in their own beliefs themselves. Page 31 in the Apology, Socrates summary of people that are masters of their own trade (politicians, poets and craftsmen) is explained clearly by a quote on page 31 I found that those who had the highest reputation were nearly the most deficient, while those who were thought to be inferior were more knowledgeable).7 The real coup de grce the same accusers are directly attacked and within a span of of a page, Socrates kills his accusers charges against him. () the young men who follow me do of their own free will, those who have most leisure, the sons of the very rich, take pleasure in hearing people questioned; they themselves often imitate me and try to question others. () They say: That man Socrates is a pestilential fellow who corrupts the young. () they would not want to tell the truth, Im sure, that they have been proved to lay claim to knowledge when they know nothing.8 To close out my assertion of the Athenian moral corruption, Socrates leaves another gem of a snarky, yet extremely insightful question that perfectly transitions us from the corrupted moral views of society to the true agendas of our political leaders. Tell me, my good sir, who improves our young men? The laws. That is not what I am asking, but what person who has knowledge of the laws to begin with? These jurymen, Socrates.9 It is extremely sad how Socrates was prosecuted and later killed for trying to spread as innocent of an idea of speaking your mind and letting you draw your own conclusions some of the founding principles of philosophy. In a sense, Socrates is a proud martyr that died in his defense of individualism and going against the

Cahn, Steven M., ed. Classics of Western Philosophy. 7th ed. Apology 31. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2006. People are using their position or educational progression to boost their own importance and give themselves a false sense of importance. Much like Euthyphro did they seem to think they are much more important and knowledgeable than what they really are.

Cahn, Steven M., ed. Classics of Western Philosophy. 7th ed. Apology 32. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2006. As his dissection of their true motives continues, he states that one of his primary accusers Meletus doesnt actually care about the youth that Socrates is supposedly corrupting in the first place. 9 Ibid.

party line. The parallels between Athenian and American moral corruption are few in my opinion. However, one distinctly stands out stupidity. It existed in 4th century Athens on the behalf of the accusers of Socrates deeming it wrong to open your mind in the search of knowledge, and the seemingly downward slide of stupidity the modern American seems to follow. It is quite sad how much popular culture and ideal changes in our country have degraded our country. In prior generations our parents and their parents knew what it meant to earn a dollar at usually younger ages. These were our steel mill workers, our mechanics and our bridge builders. Towns that were once just small and anonymous became booming industrial and economic hubs. The ones that immediately come to mind: Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, Buffalo and Detroit.10 My generation seems to expect that everything should be given to us and that minimal effort should be given for a lack of better terms a free handout. Our popular culture create the dissention from our previously-held (and honestly I believe much better) ideals. We have strayed from being a more group and family-based society - where we didnt really mind to help out our common man and have now adapted a society that seems to value material possessions and personal wealth (and the power that ensues) more than anything. A few lines of lyrics from Macklemore and Ryan Lewis song A Wake11 illustrate the attitudinal changes our culture is enduring I used to drink away my paycheck/Celebrate the mistakes I havent made yet/Our generation isnt the best on safe sex/ We forget the latex, becoming Planned Parenthood


Mahaney, Erin. "Rust Belt." Geography. Accessed March 6, 2013. od/urbaneconomicgeography/a/Rust-Belt.htm. Other cities included Baltimore and Chicago, among others. The immediate suburbs of these cities were also instrumental as well, Pittsburghs suburb s were obviously known for their steel production, and Dayton, Ohios, for aeronautical manufacturing.

A Wake. Performed by Macklemore. Produced by Ryan Lewis. Macklemore LLC, 2012, compact disc. Recorded 2009-2012.

patients. It is absolutely fine to live life not being too uptight and having fun, but when your own personal enjoyment interferes with achieving an actual productive life questions must be asked. Where are the minds of our youth - my generation truly at? Has drinking, sleeping around and believing in the most nonsensical phrase Ive heard in a while YOLO replaced being your own individual? The you only live once mantra, whether true or not, could be giving the youth of our country some sort of justification for their ridiculous and irresponsible actions much as Euthyphro used his message as coming from the Gods as justification. Not every person is the same, but from what I see of most of my contemporaries I dont have the highest amount of hope. Advances in technology also are contributing to this as well. The socialinteraction that our parents - and generations before cell phones enjoyed has been replaced by Facebook likes and Twitter followers. Apparently in our day and age it is much easier to text message another person to talk to them, even if they live on the same street as you. This isnt a universally-applicable trait, as there a multitude of other factors that apply to this. Why go see Johnny down the street when you can write on his Facebook wall to talk? Apps this good, whos got time to make friends?12 Once again Macklemore gives the American version of the coup-de-grace youth now are becoming more like robots than anything, as they are more concerned about their social networking life than the people who actually care about them. The American perception of even a simple conversation has been completely demolished in my view, and I dont know how or if our culture will correct itself. Comparing the political corruption between the two cultures is the final aspect of my analytical comparison. The Athenian and our American society both share the manipulation of their respective leaders by outside influences. Athenian Sophists, as I previously stated, taught the politicians how to manipulate the masses. These masters of manipulations would teach the


youth the essence of virtue and goodwill. When manipulators train and instruct more manipulators, a population of misinformed, uneducated and lied citizens is born. In both societies this has occurred. Athens was more or less saved somewhat by Socrates efforts of dissuading the lies told by their political leadership. I personally cannot stand how people today will degrade and throw out any opinions given by conspiracy theorists or people that simply ask questions about world events. The tendency is seemingly starting to become to just follow the party line of the government and swallow and smile whatever story the government force feeds us. Even if you present incriminating, solid and substantial facts to doubters you are usually laughed off and completely disregarded. This is where I believe the defining moment of our intellectual and political corruption begun. When we as a people stopped questioning things, we stopped to grow intellectually. If you stop growing, you fall behind. If you fall behind and fail to adapt a worldstage that changes seemingly daily you die. A common idea felt amongst Americans is that our vote doesnt really matter when deciding General Elections. Electoral College votes that take the power away from the people makes the questioning of the government slightly easier. Agenda and policy-making that occurs in our government could as easy come from various interest groups as they could from our own president. Members of both societies that had this same human wisdom that Socrates possessed in his time I still contend can see these problems and are at the best at adapting to a certainly-changing cultural, moral and political landscape. Time will ultimately tell, but I am very much in doubt that with the close-mindedness and attitudes of our current population being able to right their wrongs and try to dig themselves out of the graves they dug. Philosophers are best known - and sometimes criticized for asking why? Actually, this is their most valuable tool. They ask the questions that nobody else wants to or is

able to. Your name does not have to be Aristotle, Plato or Locke to do this, and that is the most incredible thing about it. I seriously think that if we have more of these modern-day philosophers come into the light in our society today it could possibly veer us away from a path of an unknown, but very possibly a non-pleasant result. The breakdown in values in both the Athenians of the 4th century and the Americans of the late-20th to 21st century are in essence caused by some sorts of corruption in the moral, spiritual and political realms. The easy manipulation of citizens suffering from being closed off and shied away from outside avenues of thought made this easy. Luckily there are individuals that dont look at the facts given, opinions shown and images portrayed of what our world seems to be, but look at the concrete, fundamental reasons why things occur. Henceforth, I very much encourage that one does not just accept something for what it seems to be, but ask a very common question that we have all asked at one point. A question that even though led to the death of the great Socrates, is the quintessential thing everyone should be obligated to ask. Why?

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