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The Key that unlocks "MALACHI'S MESSAGE" 2002

Please consider the final Era of God's Church. Of all the Era's of God's Church, this is the only one that no one wants to be affiliated with. Our vanity and insecurity prevent us from seeing the Golden opportunity. One might ask, what is God expecting of human beings? The most honorable Era of God's Church (Philadelphia) is followed by the most disgraceful (Laodicea). Even though the Laodicean Era ends very badly, the beginning of the work accomplished a great deal for God. When the 7th Era of God's Church was established in 1990, it began as a powerful work for God. The thing that must be kept in mind is human nature. The 7th Era is God's Church is a product of the 20th Century. The most universal trait of modern society is the refusal to accept personal responsibility. They do a powerful work for God in the beginning, but lack the vision to finish the work. The messenger of the 7th Era has many character flaws, among them is an inability to face up to his own insecurity. Although he appears to his followers as a very solid loyal servant of God, in reality his early childhood has condemned him to an insecurity that prevents him from fully embracing the public role that God has commissioned him with. Many of his followers have the same reluctance to rely on faith; they supplant it with human reasoning. A close examination of the 7 th Era's works will reveal a strong prophecy tone, but is mostly looking backwards instead of forward. Prophecy is primarily meant to look forward rather than to the past, that would be history. The PCG, for the most part, has been stuck in the past from the very beginning. They never were able to comprehend their identity, just like physical Israel refuses to accept their heritage. Comprehending the Lamp move We properly recognized that God stopped leading the WCG in 1990, but failed to comprehend that the PCG took on the responsibility of doing God's work. Mr. Flurry fully documented when Christ removed his lamp from the WCG, and placed it in the Philadelphia Church of God. This is when the 6th to the 7th Era transfer occurred. So that we don't get confused, God uses his Era lamp to light the way. Once God places his lamp in an Era, that Era's name is eternal. Even though God may deactivate an Era, that Era's name stays the same. The NEW name belongs to the group where God places his lamp next. This is how God has always transferred responsibilities from one Era to the next. With this in mind, the WCG's name remains the Philadelphia Era even after the lamp was moved to the PCG in 1990. The new Era that was established through Mr. Flurry is the 7th
Era, and rightfully owns the designation as the Laodiceans, whether they like it or

not. The period of time that transpires between the failure of one Era and the establishment of the next is not important. What's important is where the lamp is.

God's people must not reject God's lamp The most important thing to God is his work. The ultimate goal is to bring called beings into the God family. The mechanism God uses to accomplish this most important of all purposes is his Church. We must not question God's methods. We might say "but God, the PCG is beyond help". That is definitely not the appropriate response. As God's people, it is our job to do what God tells us to do. In this case, enlighten the PCG as to their/our identity, and to warn US/THEM as to the consequences of our collective rejection as to our true identity. God's lamp resides in the PCG, and will be there until the Great Tribulation begins, removing God's protection during the Tribulation. We must accept that there are consequences of failing to do the right thing. The MOST important thing to God is that his disciples are actually BORN, not just begotten. Too many, even most, are under the deception that being born into God's family can be attained on another's "coat tails". Pillars don't need coat tails, and God's people must likewise stand on their own. Our ultimate relationship is directly with God the Father. We must think like he does. If we can't comprehend what God's goal is without being constantly prodded, then something is tragically wrong. His goal is the eternal expansion of God's Family. The way God expands his family is through human beings. In order for human society to endure they must have proper leadership. To accomplish this, God had designed a 7000 year plan to replace Satan and the Demons on the throne of the earth. Jesus Christ and the very elect will replace Satan and the Demons as the invisible guides for human being leading them into the Kingdom of God, with God the Father at the head of the Family. The entire universe will be populated by human beings under this leadership. This IS the Gospel! The Church Malachi's Message Really Warns! Malachi's Message has been marketed as explaining what occurred at the end of the Philadelphia Era of God's Church. The reader is led to believe that the Philadelphia Era "became" the Laodicean Era. This is not the way God raises up new Era's of his Church. The reason God raises up a new era of his Church is because the previous Era stopped doing the work. It is very presumptuous to imply that God would raise a NEW ERA of his Church with the same sinning leadership that made the new era necessary in the first place! History shows that God's Church Era's always start good, but end badly. The inescapable conclusion that God is demonstrating by the 7

Church Era's, is that Satan will always be too powerful for human beings. We must accept God's wisdom willingly. Until Jesus Christ returns under the guidance of God the Father, to personally, "spiritually" head the Church, eliminating the weak leadership link: 'human beings', success will not be attained. This IS the Family of God.

Foundational Education When God confused our language at the Tower of Babel, he was accomplishing several things. The overall purpose of confusing our language was to slow us down. Humanity had gotten too smart for our own good. I believe that God not only confused our language but he also gave certain levels of intellect and purpose to each race. By separating the elements of intellect by race meant it would take a long time for the different races to "get together" in order to bring humanity to the same intellectual point sometime in the future. Knowledge of the physical universe is not what is important. God needs humanity to stay alive, long enough to complete the first 6000 years so that he can harvest the first fruits to be born as Jesus Christ's wife upon his return to earth. The whole purpose of the first 6000 years, is so that God can call human beings in the Church age, to qualify as spirit born members in the Kingdom of God, to replace the demons under Satan's rule. If God didn't slow down humanities attainment of physical knowledge, they would have acquired the knowledge to bring about Cosmo side much too soon. In the world tomorrow, under the proper spiritual leadership of the God Family, mankind will have total education, and will only use it for positive purposes.

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