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Inspiration bookLET

Tips for books, trips and videos to find new answers for new times

It is with great pleasure that I present you with this Inspiration Booklet of tips for books, trips, films, videos and documentaries. This booklet has come about by asking both Worldconnectors and the general public (via crowd sourcing) to share three books and one other tip to inspire us in these times of social, environmental, spiritual and economic crisis. So why this booklet ? Reality is inevitably in flux. A new distribution of power blocks is emerging in the international arena, technology is rapidly opening up opportunities and the petro-chemical based world economy is approaching the end of its finite resources. The scariest, but ultimately most exciting insight is that when new situations arise, no one knows the answers. No leaders, no politicians, no influential think tanks have ready-made answers to hand to us on a plate. Moreover, we need to realize that our future as young people is at stake. Do we want to envisage, shape and realize our own future? Older people will not choose our future with the same intentions and desires as we ourselves would do. Such an inspirational task requires that we understand our planet and its

societies and develop them further in our own way. To achieve this , we need to do our share of the work by thoroughly studying and reflecting on our past and our present; by deliberating with each and every group in society about what we are aiming for in our lives and societies; and by making attempts that may result in failure so that we can ultimately attain success. Many important contemporary questions are still unanswered. We should consider how a new story that unites all Dutch citizens should look. What Europe should entail to be of value to all its inhabitants and play its role as part of the larger world. A more inspiring story that connects existing sustainability initiatives would also be very welcome. And there is much more that can be reflected upon as a first step towards new answers, initiatives and narratives. I hope this booklet will facilitate this process of exploration and (re)thinking. I wish you much pleasure and insight when reading the recommended books and viewing the suggested documentaries, TedTalks, films and (web)sites! Dirk Janssen (Initiator of this Inspiration Booklet) Worldconnector, Dutch Youth Representative to the United Nations, student Economics, Political Philosophy and International Relations

The Worldconnectors are opinion leaders in the public, business, policy, civil society and political arena. Inspired by the UN Millennium Declaration and the Earth Charter, we all share the ambition to build a sustainable and peaceful global society. We critically analyse current trends and introduce new and innovative views to tackle global challenges. We emphasise global interdependence: the connections between all members of local, national and global society. The mission of the Worldconnectors Round Table for People and the Planet is to encourage and enhance the role of the Netherlands in all dimensions of society - as a key player in the global community of nations and peoples, with the urgent aim of working towards a just, sustainable, inclusive and peaceful world.



Karen van Oudenhoven-van der Zee is Dean of Behavioural Sciences at Twente University. She is also Honorary Professor of Organizational Psychology, Cultural Diversity and Integration at the University of Groningen.

Ren Grotenhuis is President of SID Netherlands and director of the international development organization Cordaid.

Which three books would you recommend? 1. Naema Tahir Bruid van de Dood 2. Amarthya Sen - Identity and violence 3. Howard Gardner - Five minds for the future Why should these be read this summer? The first two books stress the importance of incorporating the idea of multiple identities as a standard in modern societies. Amartya Sen describes how definitions of individuals in terms of single identities are dangerous because they give rise to feelings of superiority and ultimately to violence. Naema Tahir describes how immigrants struggle between two identities and oftentimes feel an urge to choose between those identities. This threatens their capacity to develop an integrated sense of self and to fully develop their potentials in life. Finally, Howard Gardner describes the mindsets that fit the needs of modern multicultural societies. Particularly the respectful mind and the ethical mind are underemphasized in current educational systems

Which three books would you recommend? 1. The dignity of working men, by Michele Lamont 2. How enemies become friends, by Charles Kupchan 3. Het verzuim van de dood, van Jose Saramago Why should these be read this summer? The dignity of working men, already published in 2000, is an eye opener when it come to class differences. It is in insightful book on the values of working class in the US and France, taking into account the ethnic differences and it is food for thought to read how working class people are looking at the values of the leading classes in society. In a time when the gap between the rich and the poor are ever increasing it should make us aware what is at stake in social relations. How enemies become friends is a new study on conflicts and conflict resolutions. It tries to build an analytical framework for the steps to be taken in the process of building bridges between enemies. It challenges common assumptions on economic relations as the leeway for resolving conflicts. All books by Samarago are valuable to me, but Het Verzuim van de Dood perhaps the most due to the tenderness the book expresses.. One other tip you recommend: As it is in heaven. This film displays how a leader can develop group strength from individual differences between group members (in the case of the film members of a chorus). In that way it provides a clear example of how functional groups can become more inclusive.



Jan van de Venis works in the broad area of sustainable development and the law. He does so as a lawyer through his firm JustLaw (corporate and governance focus - NGO niche). As the board chair of Stand Up For Your Rights and through many other (civil society) initiatives he Stands Up for (human) rights linked to a sustainable future on planet Earth.

Lotte van Elp is a graduate MA War & Peace Journalism at the University of Lincoln and a graduate in Conflict Studies at the Radboud University of Nijmegen and works as a journalist in South Sudan.

Which three books would you recommend? 1. Willpower - Prof Baumeister, Tierney 2. iSurvival (iphone app/book) 3. Fotopedia (iphone/ipad app), for example Hexitage, Color and Wild Friends Why should these be read this summer? 1.  Gives insight in how people think, act and can be inspired to act in a (more) sustainable way. 2.  A lot of information about (surviving in) nature. It makes nature and food important, interesting and tangible. 3. Beautiful images that inspire from the start. One other tip you recommend: The poem Lost generation:

Which three books would you recommend and why? 1. The Consolations of Philosophy Alain de Botton Alain de Botton translated the work of famous philosophers into a guide to better understand and change our modern concerns. Rediscover the work of Seneca to channel your frustrations about climate change. Read about Montaigne to understand the inadequacy of world politics. 2. Cutting for Stone - Abraham Verghese This novel, about Ethiopia in the 1940s and one mans escape to the United States, reminds us of the willpower and human strength to face and overcome great problems and challenges that first looked impossible to resolve. 3. Do the Work Steven Pressfield Do the Work is a manifesto that shows it is not always about better, or more ideas, but about actually doing the work. Pressfield talks about how we sometimes can feel a resistance to take action and turn our ideas and dreams into reality. This is a guide on how to do the work. One other tip you recommend: Listen to the Nnekas music, reggae and hiphop, from Nigeria. She sings about poverty and the influence of multinationals in Nigeria. Find her song Come with me to discover what she stands for.



Naema Tahir is a writer and an expert in human rights law.

Carin ten Hage is consultant at Off the Map

Which three books would you recommend? 1. The little prince, Le petit prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery 2. The reader, Bernhard Schlink 3. The Sandwich Swap, Princess Rania Al Abdullah and Kelly DiPucchio Why should these be read this summer? The little prince deals with exploring new cultures. In The little prince, a boy travels from planet to planet and asks philosophical questions. For me the book represents the migrant and the traveller in all of us. The sandwich swap is about children from different cultures who become interested in each others culture through swapping food with each other. It is written by Princess Rania of Jordan who believes in crossing, understanding and respecting cultures. The reader is about illiteracy and gives great insight in how it feels to not be able to read. One other tip you recommend: A Fond Kiss, by Ken Loach. The film is about love crossing borders. Very emotional and hopeful.

Which three books would you recommend? 1. Siddhartha Hesse 2. Fuck it! the ultimate spiritual guide, J. Parkin 3. Men at Work Heslenfeld (photobook) Why should these be read this summer? To be inspired, to connect to life and to realize that you are everything and everything is in you. No better reason to start connecting inside and outside. Enjoy! One other tip you recommend: Human Planet DVD Box and TedTalk of the conductor of orchestras:



Michel Scholte is founder of NewSilkRoads, co-founder of True Price and Global Shaper of the World Economic Forum.

Nanno Kleiterp is the Chairman of the Management Board of the Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO)

Which three books would you recommend? 1. The Alchemist. Paulo Coelho. 2. Outliers, the story of success. Malcolm Gladwell. 3. Facebook Why should these be read this summer? The Alchemist shows that even when you are not on vacation, you are travelling. And it tells you that when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. Outliers tells you that you need some sort of privilege to be able to dedicate yourself to your crafts, and to develop your skills. I like to read the news stream in Facebook, because it shows updates of my friends. One other tip you recommend: Leopold Museum, Vienna Collection of Egon Schieles work.

Which three books would you recommend? 1. Biography of Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson 2.  Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty, Banerjee and Duflo 3. De kunst van het geluk, Dalai Lama Why should these be read this summer? 1. Well written, fascinating how an industry can be changed by one man. 2.  Very relevant research on what works and what does not. Important knowledge for the discussion on development cooperation. 3. Inspiring, what can you do, yourself. One other tip you recommend: On inspiring leadership:





Alide Roerink is co-organiser of the Netherlands Platform Rio+20, co-chair Earth Charter International, board member WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform and Bisonteur Honorair at BISONTE Foundation.

Teresa Fogelberg is Deputy chief executive at the Global Reporting Initiative.

Which three books would you recommend? 1. Moments that Speak. Stories and images of Connection. KIT Publishers 2012 2.  Duurzame Ontwikkeling is Mensenwerk. duurzame-ontwikkeling-is-mensenwerk/id519539598?mt=11&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 3. Twelve steps to a compassionate life by Karen Armstrong. Why should these be read this summer? 1.  You should read this book and admire the beautiful images from all over the world because it helps you realize how important and defining unexpected moments of connection with nature and people can be. Find out more here: 2.  E-book with columns, interviews and priorities of the Netherlands Rio+20 Platform on the shift to a sustainable economy and society. A must for all those in the Netherlands who would like to find out in one source what the topical opinions and ideas with regards to global sustainable development. 3.  This book is really helpful in our effort to exercise how to really become compassionate, easier said than done but most important to achieve a sustainable world in which you are in harmony with yourself, others and nature. One other tip you recommend: 1. DATE WITH HISTORY: A NEW BEGINNING:!/media/ox0uyp by Ayla van Kessel, my daughter who participated in the Rio+20 video contest. We were both present at the Earth Summit. 2. In this video wishes are shared by Chinese people from all walks of life for the world in the year 2032. yR-VN7Xc3JTqRSSQh-p7W&bctid=1699203449001

Which three books would you recommend? 1. Independent People (Icelandic: Sjlfsttt flk) by Nobel laureate Halldr Laxness, 2. Summerbook (Swedish: Sommarboken) by Tove Jansson 3. The Earth Charter Why should these be read? 1.  Independent People (Icelandic: Sjlfsttt flk) is an epic novel by Nobel laureate Halldr Laxness, from 1935. It deals with the struggle of poor Icelandic farmers in the early 20th century, only freed from debt bondage in the last generation, and surviving on isolated crofts in an inhospitable landscape. It describes in extremely beautiful words the ambiguous relationship between peoples and nature, as a source of suffering and of inspiration. The novel is an indictment of materialism and even of capitalism itself. 2.  Tove Jansson is a Finnish writer and painter. The book is a work of charm, subtlety and simplicity, describing the summer stay on an island of a young girl and her grandmother. It is about how inspiring it is to live surrounded by the austere Nordic landscape. And about lessons for living, alone, and between generations. 3.  The Earth Charter is an international declaration of fundamental values and principles considered useful by its supporters for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. The Charter helps me to continue to be inspired in a practical way on how to live sustainably.



Adrian de Groot Ruiz is the co-founder of the True Price and a PhD-candidate in Economics at the Centre for Experimental Economics and Political Decision Making at the University of Amsterdam, where he does research on bargaining.

Frans van den Boom is director of NCDO.

Which three books would you recommend? 1. The better Angels of our Nature - Steven Pinker 2. Worldshift 2012 - Ervin Laszlo 3. Justice for Hedgehogs - Ronald Dworkin

Which three books would you recommend? 1. Congo David van Reybroek 2. Doing better Charles Kenny 3. Poor economics Duflo & Banerjee Why should these be read this summer? If you want to know the history behind failed states, read Congo. If you want to know what (doesnt) work in international development, read Kenny and Duflo & Banerjee. One other tip you recommend: Visit the Africa Museum!





Dirk Janssen is Dutch Youth Representative to the United Nations, Member of the SID Advisory Board and Student of Economics, Political Philosophy and International Relations at University College Maastricht.

Masooma Yousufzai is a student at the University of Groningen and a board member of the Netherlands Red Cross. Which three books would you recommend? 1.  De macht en de almacht - M. Albright. Increases your understanding of religion and (international) politics (in the USA), according to Albright. 2. Poor Economics, Esther Duflo and Abhijit V.Banerjee. 3.  Europe, a cultural history, by Rietbergen European cultural history in all its glory.

Which three books would you recommend? 1.  Systeemdenken, ontdekken van onze organisatiepatronen Bill Bryan, Michael Goodman, Jaap Schaveling 2. De Hond van Tisma, Wat als Europa klapt? Geert Mak 3. The Empathic Civilization Jeremy Rifkin Why should these be read? The book Systeemdenken is recommended to all desiring to understand complex social systems we live in. Geert Maks Hond van Tisma is a book I recommend to everyone, but particularly to my fellow peers who are like me in our twenties. Though it is short and therefore perfect for many to read on a trip or in one evening the book puts forward several of the main struggles and issues our Erasmusgeneration needs to be able to address and formulate an answer to, if we want to improve our Europe. Very much recommended! The last book The Empathic Civilization by Jeremy Rifkin is in size the exact opposite of Geert Maks tiny publication. Starting with views on human nature as subscribed in economic history, Rifkin is successful in discovering another, more human and optimistic view of human nature: empathy. One other tip (film, documentary, trip, Tedtalk, song) you recommend: The episode Gelijkheid in the Dutch series of three Vrijheid, Gelijkheid, Broederschap:

Willemijn Aerdts is co-chair of the Worldconnectors and tutor in Minor Intelligence Studies at the University of Amsterdam. She is also the Founder of Young Women`s Network and a former Youth Representative to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children. Which two tips do you have? 1. Long Walk to Freedom - Nelson Mandela 2. Music piece Sheherazade - Rimsky-Korsakov

Herman Mulder was formerly Senior Executive to a leading global bank and is now an independent adviser focussing particularly on a broad range of sustainable development issues. Which book do you recommend? 1. Ecosystem Promise Meindert Brouwer





Which books did the general public recommend via social media?
Books: A hearbreaking work of staggering genius Dave Eggers Arrival City Daug Sanders The fountainhead Ayn Rand Leading with the Heart - Mike Krzyzewski Mindset - Carol Dweck Long Walk To Freedom - Nelson Mandela Out of our minds - Sir Ken Robinson The Reason For God - Timothy Keller The Empathic Civilization Start with why - Simon Sinek Predictably Irrational - Dan Ariely The paradox of choice - Barry Schwartz Confessions of an economic hit man - John Perkins Swtich, how to change things when change is hard - Heath & Heath Living in the end times - Slavoj Zizek Flow: Psychologie van de optimale ervaring - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi No Impact Man - Colin Beavan How We Decide - Jonah Lehrer The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined - Steven Pinker Jeffrey Sachs- The End of Poverty! Francois Mitterand, een biografie - Vincent Gounod Birma - Minka Nijhuis Wangari Maathai, unbroken Wangari Maathai Color purple-Alice Walker A History of God: The 4000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam- Karen Amstrong Duizend schitterende zonnen-khaled housseini Mensen onder elkaar- A. van Dantzig Het leven van Mohammed- Tahia Al-Ismail 1984 - George Orwell Animal Farm - George Orwell De gedaanteverwisseling - Franz Kafka Het proces - Franz Kafka

Ooit of te nimmer - Roald Dahl Crisis Economics - Nouriel Roubini Boomerang - Micheal Lewis Steve Jobs - Waleter Isaacson In the plex - Steven Levy The ascent of money - Niall Ferguson The post american world 2.0 - Faried Zakaria Boomerang - Micheal Lewis On China - Henry Kissinger Survivor - Chuck Palahniuk American on Purpose - Craig Ferguson Churchills bodyguard - Tom Hickman The message of the Quran translated by Muhammad Asad Life of Pi - Yann Martel (ook vertaald: het leven van Pi) De Alchemist - Paulo Coulho Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul- William Chittick The Quran, Liberation & Pluralism - Farid Esack De hel dat is de ander - Bart Brandsma 2052 Jorgen Randers The Bible The Great Disruption Paul Gilding Films and documentaries: The Iron Lady The terminal The first grader Conviction The blind side The Stoning of Soraya M The Great Debaters Million Dollar Baby Inside Job Groen Goud by Tegenlicht (via De Arabische Revolutie by Paul Rosenmoller (via uitzendinggemist)


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