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The scene opens up with Michael Andrews sitting in a dark room with shadows danc ing on the walls.

He is sitting in a chair with his face towards the floor. T here is eary music playing in the background and he is holding an object in his hands. There are whispers bouncing off the walls and tapping can be heard in t he background. The music starts to grow louder and louder in suspense then all of a sudden what he is holding is tossed into the light. It is the AWA Univers al title. The lights come on and Andrews stands up with a smirk on his face. The music cuts out and the eery shit stops. He starts to laugh a little. He p oints at the title and starts to talk. Michael: Can you believe this shit? This is what it is all about. This is what everyone in the industry wants around there waist. No one cares about a has b een wrester that was Anthony Phoenix's bitch. I can't believe that Drake has be en THAT guys this whole time. I thought I reckognized his dumb ass when I hit h im with that belt across his face this last Monday on Insomnia. So to make thi ngs worse for them. I thought that Drake was just some random big guy that Malo ne picked up to have some muscle but no...It had to be Steele. It had to be a guy that is used to being the lacky in the business. The guy that no one ever l iked and the guy that couldn't accomplish shit in this company no matter how har d he tried. The guy that called himself a monster and tried to hurt everyone i n his path but just ended up hurting himself. He is now in a stable with Alicia and Jason Perry. I find this funny as all hell. I can't believe that they are sticking around for this shit but hey, that is what happens to nobodys in stabl es. Twisted Lethal Steele, Alicia and Jason Perry, Gary Malone. New Carnage. A dead stable risen from the ashes to just be destroyed again. You can call it anything you want. Damage Inc, Carnage, Execution, The's all garba ge. There is only one thing that matters now and that is me and my Dynasty. T his failure to be was created with intentions to destroy Michael Andrews. This shit was made to take me on. Look where it has gotten you so far. You boys tr ied to take me on last week and got the ass kicking of your lives for the troubl e. Drake, Steele, Twisted, whatever the fuck you want to be called, got a boot to the back of his head and was pinned by yours truely. It just goes to show that you have to back your shit up when you talk it. But so far you guys are no thing but a bunch of hot air. Steele is just a giant ass repainted piece of sh it. But like I said last week. You can polish a turd all you want but in the e nd it is still a turd. How does a failure like you slide his way back into the company? Did you have to stroke Shane West's...ego? Becuase despite what you think Drake, Shane West has nothing to do with me or Goth. And as for you bit ching about last week on how it should have been a DQ, I call that you getting s and in your vagina. You got bested and that is all there is to it. If you guys would have one you wouldn't have said shit about a DQ win. You would have glo ated all over town and back but that is not the way that it went down. Last wee k you found out that I was officially endorsed by the owner of the company. I g ive the man credit where credit is due. He can see talent when it shows up in h is face. He first started to notice it when I walked into the company. But ove r the past year Goth has been playing it safe with the board of directors. He h as been letting things run the way that Shane and them deem fit but that is abou t to change. He is tired of sitting in the background. This is his damn compna y and he is going to run it the way that he seems to. And why not support the biggest star in the AWA? Why not back the man that is going to be known one day as the most important person to ever step foot inside of a wrestling ring? Bu t Drake you can dress it up any way that you feel like dressing it up. You can call me arrogant as you glare with your stolen dead face . You can call me a megalomaniac behind your thin scars of who you used to be. And you can call me a puppet though that would be funny seeing on how you used to be someone elses b itch...well used to be another persons. Now you are Malone and Die Hard's. Th e point is don't try to judge me because you are nothing to me. You are just an other ant in my kingdom waiting to get crushed under the heel of my boot. Craw l back into the asylum that you have been staying in because there is nothing fo r you here. You may beat up Joey but you can never take me. I just thought I w

ould remind you of that fact. So don't go getting your chest all puffed out th is week and try to take me because I am far from finished with you and your litt le bitch team. I am far from finished with taking you out to the curb and makin g you bite down as hard as you can. I am far from finished with remodeling that new face of yours. So go fight in your, this title doesn't matter, match. I'l l be up in the big leagues. You know, the place that is always just out of your reach. See you Andrews starts to laugh more and picks up his title belt. He sets it back down over across the couch. Now that the lights are on you can see it is the living room in his big hotel room. He plops down next to it and picks up his drink. H e takes a couple of sips and starts to talk again. Michael: Now that that little rant is out of the way I guess I should talk about my match at hand this week. I am in a fatal fourway elimination match. The ca tch of this match is that whoever is able to eliminate me gets a shot at the Uni versal Title. I have to say this is one of the best ideas that Shane West has e ver come up with. Think of the ticket sales at the next big event. And your ma in event of the evening Michael Andrews versus Michael Andrews for the AWA Unive rsal Title. I don't know about you but that is something that I would pay to s ee. It would probably be the most entertaining match that we have seen in years . Well start buying your tickets now because that is exactly what is going to happen. There isn't a person that can touch me let alone eliminate me from a m atch. So let's take a look at who I am going to be facing off against this week. We have Gary Malone, Alicia Perry and Eric Black. Hey look, I have beaten a ll three of these people before. And with little ease I might add. So let me g et this straight. In this match I have to face off against all three of these p eople. You would think that I would be at a disadvantage but they are going to be busy fighting each other. Trying to see who gets a shot at me. There is no thing that they can do about it though. They can gang up on me at the beginning of the match all they want but in the end I will be the last one standing. Tha t is how it is always going to end from now on. You are going to have to kill m e to take my title from me. That is just the way it is. I am the greatest thin g to step into this ring in a long time and I'm sorry but there is never going t o be anyone like me again. Many have tried and very few have succeeded but all victories against me have been either fixed or story. No one can beat me when I am on top of my game and that is all there is to it. People can bitch about h ow I am not a fighting champ all they want but no one can step up to the plate t hat is worthy of a shot. I still fight. I still compete and they all lose. Wh o cares of the belt is on the line or not? The end result would be the same and they would go home crying to mommy just like they would regularly. Who am I to argue with the staff. Who am I to say, "hey, let me defend my title all the ti me," I don't give a shit what any of you think so just step off and get in line like everyone else. There isn't a person here that I haven't beaten. I'm sorr y, there are a couple of new people. They will be added to my list soon enough but untill then I guess I should worry about the match at hand. i guess worry i s the wrong word. I should concentrate on my match. There that is better becau se honestly there isn't much in this world that would make me actually worried. With a smirk on his face he takes another drink and he starts to talk again. Michael: Let's see, who should I talk about first. One of the two members of Da mage Inc? Or should I talk about Eric Black? Let's start with the man who woul d be King...Gray Malone. So...Gray...sup buddy. Did you not get enough of me beating the hell out of you this last week? Did you not get enough of the embar essment that Goth put you through outside that ring? How did it feel to get sla pped around by a legend and a future hall of famer? You see all of your words a nd ranting and raving came down to meaning absolute shit when it came time for y ou to fight against me. You choked man. You fell into the trap of it all. Yo

u couldn't hang with the champ or the owner of the company and how are you suppo sed to survive now? How are you supposed to make it in this business? Well i g uess I can answer that one for you. Stay the hell away from me just like everyo ne else. But don't feel so bad man. Just like I said before. There isn't a pe rson in the business that can beat me. So you are just like everyone else. Tho ugh I guess that is a little sad. I guess you can't be the King of TV anymore. You got your ass kicked by real royalty this last week and you are going to nee d awhile to emotionaly recover from that loss. You and your "powerhouse" tried as hard as you could but you just couldn't get the job done. Honestly part of me wished to be in that ring with the both of you alone. I would have just sho wed you that I am worth more than two, three or four of you bitches. You create d your worthless stable in the hopes of crumbling my Dynasty but the only thing you did was give me a bigger target. You gave me more shit to kick the crap out of on a weekly basis. You gave me more ammunition then I ever could have drea med of. So by all means man. Keep growing, keep expanding, take the whole rost er for all I care but in the end all that is going to do is prove that I am bett er than all of you combined. It will just go to show what Eric Black is always saying. I am the big fucking fish in here with all of you guppies. You are al l just snacks for me and there is nothing that you can do about it. Train harde r. Try to get tougher. But in the end you will just be another cardio workout f or me. I get better all the time. I evolve everyday I am alive. There is no l imit to how much my talent grows. Andrews takes another drink. Michael: Look Malone, I said it once and I will say it again. You are the poste rboy for getting lived though. Die Hard can deny it all he wants but the simple fact is that he is trying to live through you. He is trying to get glory by be ing a part of something relevant but the simple fact is that Damage Inc isn't re levant. You guys are getting face time because you are saying MY name every fiv e minutes. That is all that matters. You search Damage Inc on google and my na me pops up. Not your name...MINE. How sad is it that Die Hard is trying to ge t famous through you and he is actually getting known through me? You are just a no talent hack that can't cut it with the big boys. King of TV? Really, mayb e just the TV title. It is nothing of importantace to anyone here accept the lo west of the low. The jester of the company, James Crow, is gonna take that from you and you are gonna run crying back to Hard like the bitch you are. Honestly if James takes that shit from might as well go home and not show your face in public anymore. People are calling him a legend and the only thing leg endary about him is how many years he was in this business and how many times he failed at everything that he did. Titles...don't make me laugh. Friends, not really and the ones that are...are just losers. Women, sister married Morbius, which is bad enough and the love of his life dies just to get away from him. Th at should tell you something right there. Gray, you need to get this through yo ur thick skull. Your Communism Stable works in theory but nothing is ever equa l. One of you will step foward...probably a Perry, and take over your shit. it will be New Carnage and then you will collapse just like the soviet union did. You are about as relevant as Freddy Ryder ever was and you have half the talent . So do us all a favor and go back to trying to be an MMA fighter or something . Fall back on your backup plan and go fail at something else because hoestly I am tired of looking at you. I'll see you on Monday bitch. Try not to waste m y time to much will ya? Andrews shakes his head and finishes his drink. He gets up and gets a refill an d retakes his place back on the couch. He puts his left arm over the couch and looks back to the camera. Michael: To take a little break from the Damage Inc side of things and I will mo ve on to the man himself. The man that is supposed to be Simply the Best. The man that is supposed to be the most terrifying wrestler in the company. The man

...that almost tapped out to James Crow... Look I get it man. I understand wh ere you are coming from. I saw that you were just trying to fight through the p ain and they took it as tapping out. You aren't the only person to ever get scr ewed over in a match with Joey Retera. Hell you probably would have broken out of clipped wings to with James Crow if Carini didn't come down and interfere. B ut that is not the point of it all. I know that you have greatness in you. I k now that you can hang with the best of them. Hell, you almost gave me a match I could call worthy of being a match but let's be honest. When you are in the ri ng with Michael Andrews, other people's greatness tends to get overshadowed by m ine. I can't help it. I can't help myself. I am just that damn good. You ar e a great athlete but you are not in my league. Things would go alot smoother a round here if people would just learn to accept the fact that I can't be beaten. No one can seem to get it through there thick skulls. Everyone keeps saying that everyone can be beat. But that is just not going to happen. Since that st upid gimmick was erased from my contract the real me was allowed to come out and play. The real me is an unstopabloe force of nature. Arrogance and all that in the rants of people who are jealous of my success. It's not cocky of you back the shit up and I do. Week after week I continue to show people that I am the b est damn wrestler in the business. Week after week I show up and I tear down al l misconceptions of me. Week after week I wreck all the competition and I show exactly who the hell I am. I know that you still think you can take me Eric. I know that you still think that You have a chance against me. But I don't want you to lose that even if it isn't true. I want you to hold on to those dreams. I want you to hold on to that pride of yours. And I am not going to make the comment about the fall and all that. I want you to hold on to that for one simp le reason. It makes you honest with yourself. It makes you that much better of a person to go against. You aren't trying to take me down because of some stu pid misguided childish crusade. You are trying to do it becuase in your mind yo u are the best and no one is going to chage your mind about that. That is what makes you great. You don't give a flying fuck what all of them think. You coul d care less if they were to turn and try to break you down. You know that in yo ur soul you can beat any person stupid enough to come against you. Hold on to t hat passion. Hold on to that fire. I think that it is going to burn for a lon g time and honestly I like it better than most of these assholes that are just l ying to everyone and themselves whenever they step into a ring. Andrews takes another drink. Michael: So come to think of it Eric, we have never actually had a conversation together. We have exchanged little bit of words here and there. We brush each other off backstage and walk on. We fought in the ring and I beat you. Maybe we should talk more. You have a lot of great ideas and I like your style. Gran ted I don't want to tag with you or anything. I would just rather hang out with someone like you than almost anyone else backstage. I hate trying to tell peop le how it is. It gets exhausting trying to explain the way things really work i n this business but you know all of that already. you know how it works. You u nderstand alot of the dumb shit that goes on. But that can all wait. That can all wait untill after our match this week. I am not going to lie to you man. I may like your style but I am still gonna kick your ass. I may like you better than most backstage but I am still going to eliminate you from this match. I am still going to walk out of that ring on Monday with my head held high and sta nding with my title in the air over three bodies laying motionless in the ring. That is the plain and simple truth. There is no other way that this match can pan out and that is just fine with me. I am the champ for a reason and soon yo u will all see why. Andrews shakes his head and looks at the floor for a moment while he sighs. He looks back up and rolls his eyes. Michael: I guess I have to get back to Damage Inc huh? The final person that I

am going against in this match is Alicia Perry. The would be queen of it all. So it looks like you found another groupl to slither your way into huh? Is it ev en possible for you to survive on your own in this business? You can't even de tatch your husband from you hip and now you are in yet another stable. Because that worked out for you so well last time didn't it? Do you really want to go t hrough it all again. Everyone turning there backs on each other. No one tellin g the others the truth about what is going on. No one backing each other up wh en it count. And in there with Steele. That is just retarded...even for you.

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