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Monday, April 15

12:07 AM
C.J . is sitting on the floor in the hallway of the hospital that Sonia was discharged fromand
Robert was shot in front of. C.J .s face is buried into his knees. Mercy comes walking towards
him with tears running down her face. Mercy calmly utters by saying,
C.J .
C.J . looks up at Mercy with his big, tearybrown eyes. C.J . takes a big gulp before he says,
Mercy bows her head down as she slowlybreaks down crying. C.J . instantly stands up to
embrace Mercy with a hug as she buries her face into C.J .s jacket. C.J . gently rubs her back as
shes crying. C.J . says,
Did you call Sharon?
Mercy looks up at C.J . as she wipes the tears from her eyes. She calmly utters by saying,
Chris did. J ay took Sonia home and Rose is crying in the bathroom.
C.J . says, Did they catch the guy?
Mercy says, No but a few people took his picture as he was running away. Theyshowed the
policethe pics. C.J ., can I ask you something?
C.J . says, Sure.
Mercy says, Was this Gallcos doing?
C.J . stands in silence as he stares Mercy into her eyes. Mercy says,
Answer me! Answer me dammit!
C.J . calmly strolls away from Mercy with an emotionless facial expression as Mercy screams at
him by saying,
They will blame you! Everyone is going to blame you, C.J .!
5:01 PM
Oi! Ya look like shite, govnor.
Trevor says to C.J . as Trevor walks up to him in a crowded parkon a sunny day. C.J . points to a
steel briefcase that Trevor is holdingin his left hand. C.J . says,
Is that it?
Trevor hands C.J . the briefcase as Trevor says, Yup. Its pressure sensitive, so andle it wit
C.J . says, Thanks. I need another solid.
Trevor says, Rose already told me what appened. Sorry bout that. Ah already got my men
lookin for im.
C.J . says, Thanks but thats not the solidI need. Dont tell Rose, keep this between us and when
you find the guy, call me before you kill him. I need to know if its him.
Trevor says, Fair nuff. If it was isdoin then what then?
C.J . says, I guess well cross that bridge together.
C.J . goes to walk away from Trevor but Trevor calls out, C.J .!
C.J . turns to look at Trevor as he says to C.J ., My pop always said ta me, once you set out on
the path o revenge dig two graves.
C.J . smirks and then walks away from Trevor as Trevor watches him.
Wednesday, April 16
3:45 AM
C.J . is lying in his bed with the pillowsover his head, screaming as The Hat sits at the bottom of
the bed. C.J . removes the pillowsfrom his head and looks down at The Hat and says,
Shut up!
TheHat says, What?! I am not saying anything!
C.J . says, Youre stares! I know youre judging me and analyzing me. STOP! STOP IT!
The Hat says, You already know what you need to do. Whenare you going to stop being a
pussy and just do it?
C.J . says, Shut up! Shut up! I just want to go to sleep!
The Hat says, Well go to sleep but just knowthis, Roberts death is your fault. If youve killed
him when you had a chance none of this wouldve happened.
C.J . violently kicks The Hat off of the bed, flying into a wall. C.J . screams,
Fuck you! Fuck you! Its not my fault! It is not! Fuck you!
C.J . breaks down in tears as he lies in his bed in a fetal position as he slowly pulls the sheets over
his head. C.J . utters,
Its not my fault. Its not.
7:12 PM
Robert is
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Thursday, April 17
8:45 AM
Chris screams as he jolts out of his sleep causing Mercy to rush into his bedroom with a startling
look on her face. Mercy is yelling,
Chris! Chris! Chris!
Chris is screaming, AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
Mercy wraps her arms around a screaming Chris as she whispers in his right ear,
Come down. Come down. Come down.
With a blank, teary eyedstare, Chris looks up at Mercy and says, Its done.
Mercy says, Whats done?
Chris says, Robert. Hes gone. Hes in the beyond. He died in my arms. Hes gone.
Mercy rocks her and Chris body back and forth as theyre sitting in the bed. Mercy whispers,
Its going to be alright. Robert is in a better place. You have done your best to keep him alive. It
is okay.
11:45 PM
A car trunk opens to reveal a bloody, naked, gagged, and tired up Caucasian man, the same man
that killed Robert. Trevor and C.J . are standing outside of the trunk looking down at the hit man.
Trevor removes the gag from the mans mouth. Trevor says,
We worked this wanker for thirty-six ours before he cracked. You gotta ear this. Oi! You,
bugger, tell im what ya told me.
The man looks at C.J . with his one good eye and calmly says, Gallco sent me.
C.J . says, Fuck!
Trevor says, Fuck is right. Now Ah got ta kill the fuckin tosser! Ah told im ta leave the friends
n familyoutta this.
C.J . looks over at Trevor to say, Do you have your knife on you?
Trevor says, My army blade? Never leave the flat witout it.
Trevor hands C.J . his knife. C.J . says,
Kind of heavy. This is a good knife.
Trevor says, Thank the C.I.A. for that knife. You Americans sure do know ow ta create tings
to kill quite well.
C.J . says, You use to work withthe C.I.A.?
Trevor says, nother story for nother time.
C.J . looks the man in his face with an angry stare as hes saying,
You know you killed a good friend of mines? I have to go see him be put intothe ground
Sunday because of you. Do you know how that makes me feel?
The man says, I was j-j-j-j-just followin or-or-orders.
Trevor says, I think Malik might ave fracture is jaw.
C.J . says, Hm. Fuck your orders.
C.J . violently stabs the man in his face. Trevor jumps back from being startledby C.J .s rage.
The man releases a high pitchyell as his body begins to violently tremble. C.J . is wearing an
enragedfacial expression on his face. He pulls the blade out of the mans face only to reveal a
deep gash in the center of his face thats oozingblood. C.J . screams as he repeatedly stabs the
man in his face causing blood to splatter all over his face and clothes. The last stab lands in the
mans forehead as C.J . pushes down on the knife with his weight behind the staband then twists
the blade inside the mans skull. C.J . stands tall and inhales as his eyes are closed. Trevor says,
That jus took ya somewherebeyond peace. Ahve only been to that point twicemyself. ow do
ya feel?
C.J . exhales as he slowly opens his eyes. He then slowly turns his head over to Trevor and says,
Sunday, April 21
9:45 AM
Rose and Mercy as consoling a grieving Sharon, Roberts wifebefore Roberts funeral service
begins. C.J . walks over to Sharon and gives her a big hug. C.J . says,
I am so sorry, Sharon. I am here for you and the kids. You will never have to worry about
money; I already setup an account for you and the kids. We have moneycoming from the show.
It is Roberts share.
Sharon says, Thank you. Th-Thank you so much.
Sharon hugs C.J . once more as shes crying into his right shoulder. C.J . says,
It will be okay. We will help you to get through this. Im so sorry.
Mercy is wearing a piercing look of anger as she stares at C.J .
J ay enters the room to says, Guys, services is bout to begin. We need to take our seats.
The group exits the room together.
12:31 PM
Roberts daughter goes to place a white flower on her fathers closed casket. The little girl stops
to stare at the casket because shes trying to understand what exactly is happening. Her innocent
mind is too loving and free to comprehend the act of death. As the little girl is frozenin the
moment, C.J . is staring at her from the other side of the casket. He is only thinking one thing,
This isnt my fault. This isnt my fault. This isnt my fault.
While everyone else are shedding tear of sorrow, the little girl continues to stare at her fathers
closed casket. C.J . continues to stare at the little girl feeling a deep abyss of rage. The casket
begins to descend into the ground, Rose pulls Roberts daughter away from the open hole. As the
casket is descending a man begins to sing,
On a sea of forgotten teardrops
On a lifeboat
Sailing for
Your love
Sailing home
On a sea of old heartbreaks
On a lifeboat
Sailing for
Your love
Sailing home

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