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To Proclaim His Mighty Deeds

2012. Summer
. Go and make disciples We are very thankful for the Lord for the past months. God gave us many opportunities to share the Gospel here in Hungary and countries around us. We would like to share some of these opportunities with you. Through your prayers and financial support you are part of our ministry, and we are very thankful.

Our small circle on East Cost

We made it! 2 months, 20 different places to sleep, almost 4000 miles, and many many presentations, where we could share with dear people what does the Lord here at WOL Hungary. During our trip we could experience very well your prayer support. Thank you very very much! The main lesson what we could learn from the Lord, was not other than TRUST. Trust in God, the He is Lord above every circumstences, challange, event, joy, difficulty, opportunity. Above everything. It was wonderful to experience His goodness to us, as he took care of us and provided a car, a GPS, a map, gasmoney, food, housing, friends, places where we could share about our ministry. Ohhhh, we wish we would have time and place to share all the great things what He has done with us and how we could experience the truth of this verse: Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1. Pt. 5:7

Mark and ron what do you think about n Amerika?

We saw many motorbikes We enjoyed the motorboat on the lake We are sooooo happy that we speak Hungarian at home We met with Sanyi bcsi and Kati nni (our former staff) We could play with kids We traveled a lot, and we asked all the times: When will we be there?

Hove, sweet home

On July 4th, we arrived to Hungary. We were so happy that our family was waiting on the Airport. Arriving to Talms, we saw the many many campers. Durint the past 3 weeks, by Gods grace we had almost 400 campers (age 7-12) and they could hear the Gospel. Many of them let us knew, that they would like to be saved. It was a joy to us, that Gbors dad, Misi bcsi was the Bible teacher last week. You may remember, that Gbors parents infected Gbor to be in full time ministry. We are very thankful that we could see Misi bcsis love toward the Lord and toward the kids. .

It is a great encouragement to us, when those parents sending us a letter, e-mail, whos kids were here as campers, and when they write down to us, what did it mean to their kids to be here in the camp. We believe, that God is the one who runs this camp, and these e-mails are the testimony about His work. Let us share these with you and encourage you too: Our kids came home very differently. Full with joy and many experience. Like they transformed. I do not know what did you do with them (but I know), because my son just share Theological comments, thoughts and Im amazed. I can say, this cam was great for him. I think something went trough what I could not break trough. Or I was waiting for something like this and they got it now. So thank you very much! Dear WOL Camp Leaders and Staff! We are so thankful as we experience how happy were our kids when they came home from the camp. Their first question was this: May we go back next year? They shared with us the Bible verses what they learned there. They really liked the camp. The lots of games, the Bible verse memory, the swimming lake, the English teaching, the many new friends, Bible hours ... everything. We are very thankful for your ministry, your dedication, the great games and your smiles, your love ...

Answered prayers:
God richly blessing our ministry as we proclaim the Gospel God gave enough strength and everything what we needed for our furlough God is blessing our camps

Csiks Family Csiks Kkai Family 2252 Talms, u. 2.

Hungary 2252 Talms, Kkai u. 2. +36 20 886 8388 Hungary +36 20 886 8388 Would you like support us financially? Would you support Support canlike be sent to us financially? Word of Life Fellowship Support can be sent to Box 600, Schroon Lake, NY Word of Life Fellowship 12870 Box 600, Schroon Lake, Make checks payable to NY 12870 Word of Life Fellowship Make checks payable to Please include the following in Word of Life Fellowship the memo section of your Please include the following in check: theWOL memo section of your Hungary check: Gabor Csikos support WOL Hungary Gabor Csikos support

Prayer requests:
May God would continue His work in those who heard the Gospel May the campers would be saved Our kids would love God and live for Him May God give wisdom to us in our responsibility and leadership Gabor needs a personal assistant

WOL Hungary WOL Hungary Tel. +36 29 429 003

Fax +36 29 426 341 Tel. +36 29 429 003 Fax +36 29 426 341

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