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First I would like to thanks to our IPGM lecture that have provided us text to work on as our task for this semester and our family that have help us a lot to complete this task. As I study the text given I have found that its very usefull text with a lot of information in it. It has issue that never come across my mind to make a research about it. Our group need to write an opinion base on the given text. I reliase that I havent done an reading lately and I need to brush up my reading skill. I reliase that is not easy to be done. I need to determine myself and lot of support from family and friends. But I enjoyed the task given because I need to read a lot about the issue given. I like to read but only I was interested on something and then I will read. As I was looking for articles I got new information about the issue. I can use the extra knowledge be a better person in my life. Its help me a lot not just in my assignment but in my life to. For the conclusion I can say that I really enjoyed the task given as I can know other people problems and make a new friends. As the listening task I tough it was very easy task but it was not. I need to listen extra careful to find the answer. However I thanks the lecture because he has given us chance to listen again and have extra time to answer the given question. If I can redo this task again I would like to read more articles and do more in writing. It can give me the chance to improve my reading and writing skill. Last but not least thank for the knowledge and everythings.


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