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Influence of Western Spruce Budworm (WSB) on CO2 levels in WSB affected needles and non-affected needles

Kelly Martin University of Idaho 1800 University Lane McCall, Idaho 83638

Summary Western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis) is a widespread

foliage pathogen in western conifer forests (Halloin, 2003). The aim of this study
was to observe CO2 levels in Western spruce budworm affected and non-affected needles as a means of looking at photosynthesis. It was hypothesized that photosynthetic rates would be lower in needles affected by spruce budworm, as indicated by CO2 concentration, because of the noticeable absence of chlorophyll necessary to photosynthesize in affected needles. Five affected and five non-affected needles of two different Grand fir (Abies grandis) trees were collected for a total sample size of twenty needles. CO2 chambers were used to record the level of CO2 every minute for one hour. The data collected for each set of five needles was averaged and revealed that there was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) between CO2 levels in Western spruce budworm affected and non-affected needles. Synthesis An analysis of the data in this particular study revealed no statistically significant difference of CO2 levels in Western spruce budworm affected and nonaffected needles. However, research on this topic should be held in high regard in the field of forest pathology. Increasing information about spruce budworm and its influence in forest ecosystems can provide a helpful scope of proper forest management. Key Words Western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalisis); grand fir (Abies grandis); silviculture; photosynthesis

Introduction Western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalisis) is a widespread foliage pest that feeds on year-old or developing buds of firs, spruce, larch, and sometimes pine (Hagle et al. 2003). Contrary to the common name, the spruce

budworm is not actually a worm, but passes through four stages: eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult moth (Hagle et al 2003). It is the larvae however, that feed on foliage and also spin webs to establish a feeding site (Halloin 2003). Damage from the spruce budworm can be seen year round, although webs are often seen in the summer (Nealis & Rgnire 2009). Affected trees have a scorched, reddish-brown appearance (Halloin 2003) and several years of defoliation can result in slow growth, top kill, reduced seed production, or mortality (Hagle et al. 2003). Information about spruce budworm can help us learn about forest pathology, disease management, and the value of a forest. A study by Hennigar & MacLean (2010) showed the effects of insect outbreaks on carbon sequestration in forests. As foliage diseases kill tress, carbon storage decreases, which can impact the benefits of carbon sequestration in forests (Hennigar & MacLean 2010). This type of information is valuable for those in forest ecology, forest management, or education fields (Halloin 2003). In addition, introducing non-host species or maintaining habitat for birds that eat spruce budworm larvae are silvicultural methods used to control Western spruce budworm (Halloin 2003). The objective in this particular study was to look at photosynthetic rates of spruce budworm affected and non-affected needles. Shtienberg (1992) mentions several studies in which net photosynthesis has reduced after infection. Simard et al. (2008) noticed a reduction of photosynthetic capabilities by varying degrees. In some cases, an increase in photosynthetic rates of remaining non-affected needles was observed as a compensation method and in other cases no change of photosynthetic rates were recorded (Simard et al. 2008). In this study, it was hypothesized that photosynthetic rates would be statistically significantly lower in needles affected with spruce budworm, as indicated by a decrease in CO2 concentration, because of the absence of chlorophyll necessary to photosynthesize in affected needles. Materials and Methods The study of the influence of spruce budworm on CO2 levels in needles was conducted in Ponderosa State Park in McCall, Idaho. Five spruce budworm affected 3

needles and five non-affected needles of approximately the same age (year old) were collected from two south-facing Grand fir (Abies grandis) trees for a total of 10 affected needles and 10 non-affected needles. Each set of five needles was labeled and brought back to the University of Idahos McCall Field Campus for further investigation. Four CO2 chambers were set up near a window and each set of five needles (two sets affected, two sets non-affected) were placed in the CO2 chambers for one hour. The Vernier LabQuest (Vernier Software and Technology, Beaverton, OR, USA) recorded the level of CO2 every minute during that hour. A total of 60 data points for each of the four chambers were averaged and then transferred from the LabQuest to LoggerLite for further analysis. An independent sample t-test was used to test if there was a statistically significant difference between the CO2 levels measured for affected and non-affected needles. The statistical test determined a pvalue of 0.8126 (R Development Core Team, 2012).

Results In Tree 1, the average CO2 level for the affected needles was 32.21 ppm and the average for the non-affected needles was 35.6 ppm (Fig 1). In Tree 2, the average CO2 level for the affected needles was 40.98 ppm and the average for the non-affected needles was 34.93 ppm (Fig 1). The results of the independent sample t-test showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the CO2 levels in affected and non-affected needles.
50 40 30 20 10 0 Tree 1 Tree 2 Affected Non Affected

CO2 Concentration (ppm)

Fig. 1. Graph of average CO2 levels for affected and non-affected needles. 4

Discussion Although the data from tree 1 showed a lower average CO2 level in the affected needles, the hypothesis was not supported overall since the independent sample t-test revealed there was no statistical significant difference between CO2 levels of Western spruce budworm affected and non-affected needles. The data from tree 2 was opposite of that from tree 1, since the affected needles had the higher average of CO2 than the non-affected needles. Shtienberg (1992) attributes reductions in photosynthetic activity to decreases in photosynthesizing leaf area or reduced efficiency (change in chlorophyll content). The needles used in this study were approximately the same age, but had varying degrees of infestation/chlorophyll levels, which may have skewed the results. Time was the biggest limitation in this study, so further questions are abundant. Samples were only taken from Grand fir trees, but according to Kolb et al. (1999), Douglas fir is the most commercially important spruce budworm host in the western North America, so perhaps results would be different from a different species. Due to inclement weather, this study was done indoors and at least an hour after needles were collected from the trees. In an ideal situation immediate needle transfer to the CO2 chambers and experiment duration outside in the morning hours might also have seen different results. The findings in this study were inconclusive, but with a significant amount of time and samples perhaps more questions could be answered. Still, research on this topic is important to the field of forestry and information about spruce budworm and its influence in forest ecosystems can provide a beneficial scope of forest management and education.

Acknowledgments I would like to thank Dr. Jan Eitel for project advice, discussion, and assistance.

References Hagle, S.K., Gibson, K.E., & Tunnock, S. (2003) Field guide to diseases and insect pests of northern and central Rocky Mountain conifers. Report No. R1-03-08. USDA Forest Service; State and Private Forestry; Northern Region, Missoula, Montana; Intermountain Region, Ogden, Utah. 197. Halloin, L. (2003) Major Defoliating Insects of the Intermountain West. , 113. Hennigar, C.R. & MacLean, D. (2010) Spruce budworm and management effects on forest and wood product carbon for an intensively managed forest. , 1750, 17361750. Kolb, T.E., Dodds, K.A., & Clancy, K.M. (1999) Effect of western spruce budworm defoliation on the physiology and growth of potted douglas-fir seedlings. Forest Science, 45, 280-291. Nealis, V.G. & Rgnire, J. (2009) Risk of dispersal in western spruce budworm. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 11, 213223. Shtienberg, D. (1992) Effects of foliar diseases on gas exchange processes: a comparative study. Phytopathology, 82, 760765. Simard, S., Elhani, S., Morin, H., Krause, C., & Cherubini, P. (2008) Carbon and oxygen stable isotopes from tree-rings to identify spruce budworm outbreaks in the boreal forest of Quebec. Chemical Geology, 252, 80-87. R Development Core Team (2012). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-900051-07-0, URL

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