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Together Forever Rachael Tan Hey, that couple looks really happy. Should we try it out too?

I ran happily along the sidewalk on my way to school. Oh, how I loved running. The feeling of freedom I get when I do is blissful. I ran through the gates and up the stairs to my classroom. This was the last day of school before summer break. I looked out the window, watching as the wind blew softly over the soccer field where my boyfriend was. Liam. He looked so happy out there, just I am with running. I started to lose my focus until RAHH! A voice shouted in my ear. GAHH!- what the- oh, its just you, Yuki. Hee hee, got you again! She said triumphantly. Sure. I murmured, turning my attention to the soccer field again. Watching your boyfriend as usual, arent you Naomi? Another voice chimed in. Wa-was not! I snapped my head around to face Leo, who stood there with an impish grin on his face. Okay then class, lets start our last day, shall we? The teacher began, cheerful as usual. I shot Leo a dirty look before getting my homework out. He replied with a mocking face of my daydreaming. I flushed red and looked at my book, refusing to stare at him any longer. Hey, Naomi, A voice called as I walked with Liam. I turned to see Yuki and Leo. I want to tell you guys something. If its another one of those creepy girl stories, Im ou- I started, only to be cut off. Sounds great, lets go. Liam replied, giving my hand a squeeze. We had been dating for more than half a year, so how could I refuse him? Fine. I said reluctantly. He just laughed as we walked towards Yukis desk and faced her. I heard about this urban legend not too long ago, and Im sure you will love to hear it! Yuki exclaimed, grabbing my hands. There is an abandoned building not too far away from our houses, and the legend has it that if you go to the top of that building and write you and your boyfriends names on a wall, you two will be happy forever! She finished, giving us a bright smile. Yuki then suddenly started to cough. I turned to see Liam with a lit cigar in his mouth.

Hey! Youre making Yuki cough again! I thought I told you to quit smoking! I said, an unpleased look on my face. Sorry. He muttered. Soyou guys want to? Yuki brought us back in. Okay, we can go! I replied after some thought, while Liam gave me a weird look. Lets go tomorrow, okay? I said, looking at Leo. You want to come too? I said, hoping hed get the hint. Sounds cool, lets do it! He replied and gave me a wink. As all of us departed from the school and on our separate ways, Liam pulled me back. Whyd you do that? I thought you didnt like her urban legends. In fact, you never do. He asked. I did it for Yuki. She broke up a while ago with her old boyfriend, and shes been a bit down ever since. So when we are there, if we can get Leo to write their two names on the wall, shell be super happy! I explained, giving him a pleading look. Oh. He said, but not before smiling and patting me on the head, Well arent you a smart one! He headed home after that, leaving me pink-faced. The next day Leo, Yuki, Liam and I stood in front of the old building, looking at with awe. Theres an entrance over here, come on! Yuki said, gesturing towards a broken down door. We opened the door, and explored the front hall until Leo stepped on something. Eeeek! Is that a dead body? I screamed, backing up towards the door. No just a wooden doll, dont worry. Liam said, pulling be away from the exit. Besides, you wanted to come here in the first place, so you cant back out of it. No one ever told me it was going to be scary! I countered, earning stifled laughs from Yuki and Leo. Oh, and I forgot to tell you, this is also supposed to be a way to help Naomi with her fears! She said, giggling alongside Leo. I stopped for a moment and smiled, maybe my idea wasnt so far-fetched after all. I took the flashlight from Liam and continued down the dark corridor. All there was were those human size wooden dolls that hung on little hooks. Their blank eyes and their wooden teeth were so creepy, it added a lot to the atmosphere. It was like a wooden human with no hair or skin. Just the flesh and bones all carved into a wooden being. No veins or anything of that sort. It was more like a wooden pose doll, but with a face.

I shuddered and kept walking. Then a thought came up. It would make things go faster with Leo and Yuki! I turned around, Hey, to make this faster in finding the wall, lets race! Well split up! Ill go with Liam, and Yuki can go with Leo! Sure! You are so on Naomi! Yuki replied. Jackpot, she fell for it! I thought, and looked at Liam, who gave me a satisfied look. See you guys later! Yuki said as she grabbed Leos hand and ran off. Liam and I walked until I stepped on another burned doll. Whats with these? Liam said, picking up the note in the dolls hand. Go back. It read, written neatly. Nope, not after coming this far. I replied to the note, and looked closer at the burnt doll. A lighter. I Might have to use this later, so Ill take it. I thought, putting the lighter in my pocket. Leo and Yuki walked throughout the corridor. There must be stairs somewhere! Yuki said, looking at every door. Yeah, all we have seen are just rooms full of those dolls! Leo replied. Yuki stopped walking. Leo, looked at her, perplexed. Something wrong? He asked, eyes full of concern. I have to tell you something, Leo. She said, turning to face him. Huh? Leo said as his heart pounded. I thinkI like you. Yuki stammered out. Her head slowly rose up to look at him. No no way! Leo said happily as a mysterious shadow loomed over him from behind. A bloodcurdling scream echoed through the building. I turned towards the sound. Didnt that sound like Yuki? Liam said, waiting for an answer. Yeah, it was definitely her. I said, taking off towards the direction of the sound while Liam followed close behind. We arrived to see Yuki in a corner, rocking back and forth with a horrified look plastered on her face. Wheres Leo? I asked concerned. Yuki only replied pointing towards a room on the top of some stairs. Liam went to comfort Yuki as I ran up the stairs towards the room and into it, only to be greeted by empty holders. No dolls were within sight.

This is the only room without dolls I said, surprised, looking at the empty holders as I turned my flashlight left and right. *Creak creak* I jumped. *Creak creak* Where was it coming from? *Creak creak* It sounded like it was coming from the ceiling. I directed my flashlight up, only to open my mouth in horror. Wooden dolls, about thirty of them, were fighting for someones skin, pulling at it as if it were a pretty dress that they all wanted to try on. No. Wait. Not someones, butLeos. I stared in shock as one of the dolls looked at me with creepy eyes that now had colorless pupils and irises. It seemed to be grinning at me, as if saying youre next. The rest of the dolls looked downwards at the floor. I then followed, only to find a human bodymissing its skin. NoI whispered quietly. This had to be a joke, right? Leos going to pop out of nowhere, and the dolls are just going to be people in costumes, and theyre all going to laugh at me for being so scared, right? I turned my attention back to Leos body. It looked too true to be real. It was like an anatomical model, butblood was pouring out of every possible crease within the muscles and fat. The putrid smell of flesh and blood made me feel nauseous. I started to hyperventilate. Soso much blood I said, as Liam and Yuki caught up with me. Whats wro- Yuki stopped short, looking at the body with me. G-g-goa-a-away The body said hoarsely, repeating the same phrase over and over. ThatsLeos voice Liam said in shock. I looked to the dolls once again. They all stared at me, then fell off the ceiling and onto the floor, coming at me. AhuhHYAAAAA!!!! I screamed, grabbing Liam and Yukis hands and doing what I did best: run. We ran and ran until we got to a metal garage-door-type-gate. Everyone hurry! Ill close the gate! Liam hollered, pulling the door down. The dolls moved at a superhuman speed, desperately trying to reach the closing door. Liam slammed it shut as the dolls made a dent in the metal door. One was pulling the metal door open from under, peeking its face from underneath the door. Shit! They wont stop! Liam exclaimed, running away from the metal door that was dolls scrambled from under. We all eventually ran into a room when Liam opened the door and started to go out. What the heck are you doing? You want to die?! I said. Dont worry, Im just going to write our names on that wall over there. Ill be able to outrun them, trust me. He said, locking his eyes on me. I hesitated, and then let him go.

Please be safe. I murmured quietly. I looked at Yuki, who was looking at the wall. I shifted my attention toward the wall too. Hey, you were here before? I said, looking at the mark. It read Satoshi Maebara and Yuki Shinohara. Yes, I was with my previous boyfriend. Yuki replied, her tone dropping. Her voice got more rigid with every sentence. Silly Yuki went with her friends as well, just as you have now. She continued as she took hold of her legs. Her boyfriend did just as yours did now, and was accepted then, while poor Yuki was alone. She gripped her legs even harder. So Satoshi returned anew and brought friends. So then I became Yuki. She tore off the skin on her legs, revealing wood underneath. But now as her, Im no good! Ah, like this, Im no good at all! She ripped off the other parts of her skin, leaving a doll, just like all the others. Hey, give me your skin. It said, its voice growing in volume. GIVE IT TO ME!! YOUR SKIN, GIVE IT TO ME NOW! It demanded, grabbing ahold of my torso, trying to rip at me. NO! I said, pushing it off of me as I backed away. It lunged at me once again, its voice triumphant as it cackled, Yes, Ill become Naomi! Right then, I had an epiphany: the burned dolls, the lighter, it all came together. I thrust my hand into my pocket, pulling out the lighter and flicking it on. I stuffed it into the dolls mouth. The doll stumbled backwards as if kicked, then burst into flames. It screeched, trying to get the flames out, but to no avail. It fell down, with the flames going out to reveal a blackened doll, no longer alive. W-who ever knew it would be so in handy? I said, shaking. A knock came on the door as I heard Liams voice. Its me, hurry! He said. I suddenly felt safe and opened the door, only to have my heart drop down to my stomach. There was a doll with Liams skin messily twisted on as it was still adjusting on the skin. Im back, so lets be together forever. It said as its wooden hands reached out toward me. NOOOOO!!!! I screamed. That day, a familiar couple walked around the building together joyfully. Hey, that couple looks really happy. Should we try it out too?

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