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------ Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra -------------------------- <Full Walkthrough> ----------------------<Disc 1> \Prologue/ Select New

Game and the game will prompt you to load Episode II Clear Data. Do so and that will get you Shion's Vector Uniform. After, adjust the Audio Output as Stereo or Mono, Subtitle Display On or Off, Vibration On or Off & to adjust the Monitor. Press X and select Yes once you are done. [Vector S-Division] Items: 50G, Analyze Ball, Nano Repair M, 100G, 300G, Antidote, Analyze Ball, Med kit S, Aquajist M, Remover, 300G, Nano Repair M, Update File 01, Antidote, Med kit S, Revive M, 100G, 5 Traps, 5 Traps, Ether Pack S Segment Address: #08 Be sure to equip the Vector Uniform. There is a save point near if you need to save your game. Walk up and use Square to destroy the object. Next, destroy the object at each side then head on to north. Go on to destroy few more objects. As for the disks, take out the middle one then the top and the lower one at the end. Go on and destroy more objects to get 50G. Move on & check out Segment Address #08. Go on and at the end, you can go east or north. The east leads to Analyze Ball, Nano Repair M, 100G and 300G. After, go north. Get near the center and various colors will show up. Memorize that order then destroy objects in that order as the objects spin around. If you did something wrong, just use the near panel to reset. After, don't go north yet. Check the object at each side to get Analyze Ball and Antidote. Next area, save your game at the near plate. Go left to get Med Kit S. Go on for the 1st fight of the game. Go right which leads to Med Kit M and Remover. Go on up for another fight. Next, the left leads to 300G and Nano Repair M. Go on for the 3rd fight. Go on to the 3rd sector. Go on and hit the 1st switch. Go up to get Update File 01 and go around to the right to destroy an object for 100G. Now, go south for the 2nd switch. Now go to the SW. Destroy an object for an Antidote. Go on to the right and continue along the path to the 3rd switch. Now, go on to NE and on the way, destroy an object for Med Kit S. Don't go on to the next area yet. There is one last box at around the south. It is Revive M. Destroy objects to get 5 Traps then 5 Traps again. Use traps to get rid of the other enemies if you wish. Around the middle, there is Ether Pack S. After, go on to the last area. Use the plate to save your game. Go left and right to disarm the security. After, check the north one then the south one. Walk up and press the switch. You will end up in a boss fight. Boss: Sigdrifa Canaan can use Jackle, Shion can use Spell Blade I and Miyuki can use Lightning Blow. Further, Shion can use her Deathblow Break Bash when you have 2 Boost. If you need to heal, use items or Medica S from Shion or Miyuki. Repeat till you beat it.

----------------------------------------------------------------------[Pedia Island] Items: Analyze Ball, 100G, 100G, Zetajist M, Skill Drug A, Aquajist M, Decoder 08 Note: There is a mysterious door to east, don't worry about that for now Hint: Decoder 08 is less obvious. Get in the water and from that big hole, go south and you can walk on the rock to destroy the pole for Decoder 08 Go on down to the next area. Check out few trees to get Analyze Ball and 100G. The north rock got Skill Drug A and the most east got Aquajist M. Around the middle, there is a plate if you need to save your game. After, go lower left to another area. Check another tree for Zetajist M. To the left of the PC, there is one more tree which got 100G. Afterward, check the PC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------\Chapter 1/ [Space Near Floating Continent] Mostly a story chapter. You will enter your 1st ES battle. Keep on attacking to take out the enemies. After, first ES boss battle. Boss: ES Levi Keep on attacking and if you need to heal, use Charge. Once your Anima Gauge is full, select Awaken Anima then use Deathblow. Keep on attacking and the battle will end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------\Chapter 2/ [Fifth Jerusalem] Items: Antidote, Relaxant, Nano Repair M, 100G, Down Repair, 200G, 50G, 10G, Aquajist S, Down Repair, Aquajist S, 50G, Nano Repair M GeMix: Clear World 1 to get Decoder 02 and Skill Drug A Head to the west and descend down. After, go on to the east. Head SW to the 1st Business District. Go save your game at the plate. Move on and the near left is the Cafe Strada. You can get Antidote, Relaxant and Nano Repair M. After, go on to the north. Don't go left yet. Go right all the way and it leads to the park. You can get 100G, Down Repair and 200G. Also, make sure you hear from Dario and Paola. Now, back track and destroy the objects. Theodore will give you the Segment File. No need to enter the Mobius Hotel yet. Near right is the Show Room. At lower right and left, you can play the Mini Game GeMix. Within the Mobius Hotel, destroy the left object for 50G. Walk up to meet with Allen. Check the right end PC for 10G. Be sure to speak with Hermi here. Check the left and around for Aquajist S, Down Repair, Aquajist S and 50G. You can go back to the park and speak with Paola and Dario, if you spoke with Hermi in the Mobius Hotel. After, you get the Diva Teddy. You can also destroy a near object and it will lower the gate which leads to Nano Repair M. Anyway, back in the Mobius Hotel, use the lift to Room 701. Walk up for more scene. Check the PC at the end. After, head to the Cafe Strada. Take the lift down to the Lobby to see Allen. Exit out and go east to the Unified Advanced Technology Lab. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Unified Advanced Technology Lab]

Items: Decoder 04, Analyze Ball, 500G, Vambrace, 100G, 50G, Relaxant, Anti-Crystallizer, G-Regul/42, 100G, Aquajist M, Half Repair, Anti-Crystallizer, Rosejist S, Decoder 09 - The boss drops Decoder 09 Shop List: Aquajist S(100), Zetajist M(600), Antidote(20), Analyze Ball(4), Trap(200) Auto Macer(200), Denim Jacket(110), Snake Eye(100), Shock Absorber (100), Red Oasis(150) Segment Address: #10, #04 Hint: Shion learns Steal at Level 12 Go on to north to take the cart. Move on for more scene. After, go exit out at south. Go on to meet with Yuli. Make sure you get Decoder 04. Exit out and go north. Go on and there are a cart, as well as a save point at the end. Go on to meet with the VX-7000. After, don't go east yet. Check for an off-screen stairs and hit a switch. Back track up and move to the east all the way. There is one more plate if you need to save your game. Take the lift down and go left for more scene. Before anything, head to the park to speak with Isakios twice to learn about the password for Cafe Strada. Go to the Cafe Strada to speak the password to Oxana. Destroy Kesar's cuisine, then exit and enter back the cafe. Speak with Kesar to get the Honey Teddy. Now, you can head back to the Mobius Hotel & back to Room 701. Afterward, head down for more scene. Head to the Spaceport and go east to meet with Jr, Ziggy, MOMO and Jin. Next, go back to the Mobius Hotel. Styleline is now available. Speak with Allen then press Square. Select Yes afterward. Go down and you would see the 2 plates. You can shop with the blue one. Once you are ready, take the cart to move on. Go left and up. Descend down and hit the object. Back up and go south. Go on and defeat an enemy near the Segment Address #10. Hit another object at the end and you can go back up. Head to the right, destroy objects to get Analyze Ball. Go on to the next area. Go north for 500G then south to take the cart. Move on and go check out the left room for Vambrace. After, go on to the north to another area. Go on to the area with 3 carts and a save point. Take the most right one for 100G. After, take the middle cart. Check the lower right objects for 50G. After, move on to the left. Go on and take the lift down. Go on and destroy objects on the way to get Relaxant. A bit right from there, there is a lift and a path to north. Head north and hit a switch. Back track and take the lift down. Time for a puzzle. I shall name the objects from left to right A, B, C and D. Hit C->B->A->D then you can across to the other side. Take another lift to get up. Go near north to hit another switch. Back track and go right to destroy few objects for Anti-Crystallizer. Go on up to another area. Go west and take the lift up. Go around and save your game. Take the lift up at the right. Go on and destroy

more objects for Segment Address #04. Since you have the Decoder 04, you can get KWP-XI. Go on to the right. Go north a bit and press the switch to a box with G-Regul/42. You need to press the switch at the left side during your 1st visit. Destroy more objects for 100G and Aquajist M. Go on and take the ladder up. Check the left for Half Repair. Go right and hit another switch. Enter and save your game. Go north to take the lift down for more scene. After, head west to follow Abel. On the way, destroy object to get Anti-Crystallizer. Go on for more scene and KOS MOS will join up but Miyuki won't be in the party. She will be as a Guest like Allen. Destroy objects to get to the north. You can get Rosejist S. Press the switch after. There is one more save point so save your game. Go on and enemies will be chasing you. Keep on running and time for a boss fight. Boss: Aludra Calf It's weak against Beam and if you can, you can steal Whitened Shard from it. Shion can learn Steal at Level 12. Once you beat it, you get Decoder 09. Just keep on attacking to build up the Boost Gauge for Deathblow. Also, you should save up one to Boost and Heal. Or through out the battle, get someone to heal from time to time. When it uses Defensive, take some time to Guard and Heal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------\Chapter 3/ [Elsa] Items: G-Locus/43, Survival Ware, AF-ScoutR, Update File 02 - Take the lift down within the eastern facility in Pedia Island. Check the right for Update File 02 Shop List: Aquajist S(100), Aquajist M(500), Zetajist M(600), Antidote(20), Relaxant(50), Anti-Crystallizer(1000), G-Vaccine(500), Analyze Ball(4), Trap(200), Nano Repair M(400), Down Repair(50) Auto Macer(200), Blue Lady(300), Hinoka Sanju(200), Armed Fencework Lacquer Eye(300), Delta Edge(180), Zero Crusher(210), KWP-P II(300), Force Hand(190), Desert Eagle(190), Lace Tank(120), Metal Corset (120), Speed II Vest(110), KPA-BEG(150), Fiber Vest(120), Granite Cloak(120), Leather Choker(150), Snake Eye(100), Shock Absorber (100), Cobra Bangle(100), Rerebrace(300), Red Oasis(150), Red Star (300) G-Locus/43(480), C-US2(100), D-Sensor(50), DGuard(200) EVS Items: Karua Bangle, Shion's Swimsuit Segment Address: #09, #14, #03 - Take the lift down within the eastern facility in Pedia Island. Check the left for #03 Optional Boss: Erde Kaiser Sigma After, exit out the bridge. Get near the left and Uusuke will give G Locus/43 to you. Keep in mind that there are 3 plates here. The light green one is the EVS. You can check out previous locations through it. Check out the Unified Advanced Technology Lab. Go on & just to the right of the 2nd Segment Address, check the PC there to bring up the lift. It leads to the Karua Bangle. If you

go back to Pedia Island, check the lower left area for Shion's Swimsuit. Also, with the Decoder 08, get back to the Vector S-Division. Behind Segment Address #08 is the Tears River. Anyway, go left for lifts and rooms. Check the Men's Room for Survival Ware. Go take the lift to B1F. Destroy an object to the right to find Segment Address #09. You should have the Decoder so open up to get the EK Device. With that, all characters will learn the Ether Erde Kaiser. Speak with Hakase/Professor to read a note from Black Hakase/Professor. Go on to the hangar. Go down and check the lower left for a box with AF-ScoutR. At north, destroy an object to find the Segment Address #14. Optional Boss: Erde Kaiser Sigma If you spoke with Hakase/Professor, then head back to Pedia Island through the EVS. You can now go through the eastern door. Within, speak with Coconuts Ape. Pick the 2nd choice and head into the east room. Check the console here. If you wish to fight Erde Kaiser Sigma, select Yes when Coconuts Ape prompts a choice. However, you definitely can't beat it now. Also, Erde Kaiser Sigma will put up Kaiser Shield I, II and III which you will need to summon out Erde Kaiser, Erde Kaiser Fury and B Erde Kaiser to break them. At this point of the game, you do not have Erde Kaiser Fury and B Erde Kaiser. But, it is not Game Over if you lose so you can check this out without any harm. Anyway, once you are ready, take the further left lift down within the Elsa. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Floating Continent] Items: DF-V2, Geo Crystal Ore, Half Repair, AntiCrystallizer, Aquajist S, Anti-Crystallizer, Aquajist S, Blue Oasis, Rosejist S, Anti-Crystallizer, Decoder 01, Skill Drug A, Aquajist M, Zetajist M, 100G, Update File 14, Omegajist M, Arcadian Resource Segment Address: #12 Move on and destroy objects on the way. At the end, charge up to break the big rock. Keep moving to spot a Geo Crystal. Go on to the left and up. You can get a Geo Crystal to fall on the lower one to destroy them. Anyway, go on up. There is a save point at the end. Head in the cave afterward. The left got 2 paths which lead to DF-V2 & a Geo Crystal. Get that Geo Crystal down will reveal a Geo Crystal Ore and Segment Address #12. As for the north path, it leads to the Geo Crystal that can knock out the Geo Crystal by that save point. After, back down and pick up the Half Repair. Go on for the boss fight. Boss: ES Nephtali Anima Gauge will decrease at each turn. Use Awaken Anima whenever you can. Keep on attacking and guard from time to time. The only way to not die from his Buster Launcher is to guard. So, keeping high HP is important in this fight. Keep it up and you would beat him. After, go on to the Ancient Temple. Take the platform up. Destroy the left object for Anti-Crysallizer then the upper right one for Aquajist S. Take the

next platform up. Hit the switch and destroy a crystal for AntiCrystallizer. Hit another switch and go destroy the east crystal for Aquajist S. Go west all the way for Blue Oasis. Hit another switch and destroy the west crystal for Rosejist S. Take another platform up at the end. Destroy the east crystal for Anti-Crystallizer. There are 2 switches. Hit the south one. It leads to Aquajist M, Zetajist M, 100G and Update File 14. Next, hit the west switch then the NW switch(Keep in mind that since you hit the NW switch, you can go back to previous area for Decoder 01). Go NE corner for Skill Drug A. Hit the right switch and you can now head to the north. Take the platform at the end. Go on and take another platform up. Go on to the save point. Go through the hole and destroy the rock. Move on and you will end up in the Rennes Le Chateau. Destroy the west slate to get to Omegajist M. Destroy those objects at north to move on. Go on for more scene then go north toward that coffin. Destroy the wall at the back then get the Arcadian Resource. Back track for the boss fight. Boss: Telos Strong against Beam but weak against Thunder. Also, you can steal Green Oasis from her. Make sure you have someone that can heal as well as someone that can use Break Cure. If Telos uses couple L-BLADE, then heal. Watch out for her MAGDALEN16 since that can give you bad status. Throw in a Relaxant if you need to. After enough damage, she will use Over Taker. Make sure you save up some Boost just in case. She will start using T-SKYLLA & LBLADE II. Just make sure you can heal RIGHT after, even if you need to Boost. Further, she uses Mystic which seals off your Ether. If your whole party got that, either switch in the next party or finish off the battle ASAP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------\Chapter 4/ [Forest] Items: Antidote, Aquajist S, Aquajist M, Aquajist L, DTreasure I, Aquajist S, Aquajist M, Hero's Bangle, Zetajist L, Omegajist M, Warrior's Bangle, Ex Skill Key I, Update File 06, Carnelian Egg, Aquajist S, Relaxant, Anti-Crystallizer Shop List: Aquajist S(100), Aquajist M(500), Zetajist M(600), Seven Moons(300), Antidote(20), Relaxant(50), Anti-Crystallizer(1000), GVaccine(500), Analyze Ball(4), Trap(200) Auto Macer(200), Blue Lady(300), Hinoka Sanju(200), Armed Fencework Lacquer Eye(300), Delta Edge(180), Zero Crusher(210), KWP-P II(300), Force Hand(190), Desert Eagle(190), Lace Tank(120), Metal Corset (120), Speed II Vest(110), KPA-BEG(150), Fiber Vest(120), Granite Cloak(120), Leather Choker(150), Snake Eye(100), Shock Absorber (100), Cobra Bangle(100), Rerebrace(300), Red Oasis(150), Red Star (300) Destroy near grasses for Antidote and Aquajist S. Go left to destroy objects

for Aquajist M and Aquajist L. There are also gold and blue plates. Destroy the grasses at the west to get D-Treasure I. Go on to the east to meet with the others. Go on to the east. Destroy the rock on the way to get Aquajist S. Go on for another rock for the Aquajist M. Destroy some rock to reveal the path to Hero's Bangle. Go on to the east to another area. Go on and get Omegajist M from a box. Destroy objects to get through the tree to move on. Next area, get on the tree log and as for that box, destroy only the 1st two from the left. Get the Warrior's Bangle. Go on to a save point. Go south to get the Ex Skill Key I. Use it and it will unlock 4 groups of skills in the Styleline for each character. Go on to the east to another area. Walk up a bit for a fight. On the way, get the Update File 06. Destroy the north grasses for Carnelian Egg. Go on and more object for Aquajist S. Go on down to the next area. Destroy an object on the way for Relaxant. Go on to meet with Febronia. Destroy another object on the way for Anti-Crystallizer. Go on to the Old Church. At the end, exit out and go west. At the map, go south to the Dabrye Mine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Dabrye Mine] Items: Skill Drug A, 200G, Aquajist M, 3000G, GRegul/50, 500G, 1000G, 1000G, Rosejist M, Decoder 11, Update File 07 - The boss drops Decoder 11 Segment Address: #01 Walk up for scene with Aizen Magus. Check the west and destroy objects for Skill Drug A and 200G. There are gold and blue plates here as well. At east, do activate the crane for Aquajist M. Go on to north to destroy the rocks. Move on to the next area. Go NW for 3000G and go on to the right. Keep destroying a pillar to get the G-Regul/50. Next area, destroy object on the way for 500G. Destroy a left wall for path to the Segment Address #01. It leads to Witch's Pupil. Go on to the right to destroy more iced pillar for 1000G and 1000G. Go on to get Rosejist M from a box. Move on to the left. Save your game at the plate and use the wild roller coaster to move on for the boss fight. Bosses: May, Leupold Steal Kagic Neck from May. Focus on Leupold first. It is weak against Ice and Thunder. Watch out for May's Blast Hammer since that can Slow you. Be sure to heal after Leupold's Drilling Machine Gun. Once you broke Leupold's left arm, May will use Defensive. Be more defensive and heal from time to time. Leupold can use Drilling Machine Gun II now. Once Leupold is out, May uses Offensive & hurry up to finish her off with Deathblow. May will also drop the Decoder 11. After, you will be in the limestone cave. Get the Update File 07 and head into the Elsa. ----------------------------------------------------------------------\Chapter 5/ [Miltia]

Items: Jr's Swimsuit, Ten Spheres, Update File 08, Nano Repair M, Federal Report 06, Nano Repair DX, Federal Report 01, Half Repair, Omegajist M, C-US3G, Federal Report 02 Shop List: Aquajist S(100), Aquajist M(500), Zetajist M(600), Terajist(1000), Seven Moons(300), Antidote(20), Relaxant(50), AntiCrystallizer (1000), G-Vaccine(500), Analyze Ball(4), Trap(200) Auto Macer(200), Blue Lady(300), Red Cancer(600), Hinoka Sanju(200), Armed Fencework Lacquer Eye(300), VB-Rainy Moon(670), Delta Edge (180), CompoundV II(580), Zero Crusher(210), Ranger Hunt(610), KWP-P II(300), KWP-X II(700), Force Hand(190), Psycho Driver(590), Desert Eagle(190), Legacy Of Zara(590), Lace Tank(120), Metal Corset (120), Zagrabas Panie(370), Borero Shawl(370), Granite Cloak(120), Heat Robe(400), Speed II Vest(110), Speed III Vest(380), KPA-BEG (150), KAP-CLE(450), Fiber Vest(120), Techtron Cross(380), Neo Protector(380), Bullet Neck(600), Leather Choker(150), Cylinder Neck (300), Open Heart(450), Red Crystal(300), Snake Eye(100), Shock Absorber(100), Fire Wall(1000), Thunder Wall(1000), Ice Wall(1000), Beam Wall(1000), Cobra Bangle(100), Rerebrace(300), Red Star(300), Velvet Ring(600), Crimson Ring(300), Yellow Ring(300), Kobalt Ring (300), Silver Ring(300) Lemon Ice(80), Strawberry Ice(480), Melon Ice(1000) GeMix: Clear World 2 for Skill Drug B Note: The reward for doing the Seven Moons sub event can be real nice, so make sure you do it, get the Prescribed Copy and everything. You will get the reward much later in the game Within the Elsa, head down to B1F for more scene. Be sure to check out the blue plate in the Elsa since it offers new stuff. Anyway, exit out the Elsa and go left to exit out to the map. Head to the west for more scene. Don't go west to enter the city yet. On the map, check the E and NE for 2 boxes. One of them is Jr's Swimsuit and the other one requires a password. It's 5150. You get the Ten Spheres. Now, go enter the A Sector. Save your game and near the plate, there is also a shop. It offers the same stuff as the blue plate in Elsa. Next booth, there is challenge coupon that you can buy. Pick 68, 37 and 12. Those numbers will get you about 80000G but the result won't be in till later of the game. Go on a bit to the left for the Ice shop. Move on to the upper right. Destroy objects to get in and up. You can get Update File 08. At the top, you can get the balloon back. Simply use a Trap to stop the cat for the balloon. You can get 2 Strawberry Ice. After, go on to the west. Speak with Andy to hear about some medicine. At the area with the binocular, destroy objects to get Nano Repair M. Also, check the garbage can for Federal Report 06. Go on to the west to destroy objects for Nano Repair DX. Go on to the next area.

Head to lower left to hear rumor from Erin and Julia. Check the near left door and destroy through. Destroy the console at the end for Federal Report 01. Now, go destroy objects at west and east for Half Repair and Omegajist M. After, go on to the north. Go right to speak with Lodge on some mistaken matter. Destroy the objects at the end for C-US3G and Federal Report 02. Now, check back with Andy on matter he can't forgive. Select Yes twice then go back to talk to Lodge on his work. Go back to speak with Andy on some nice stuff. You will get a Prescribed Copy. Speak with Andy and keyword on can't move. Back to Lodge on the medicine then select the 3rd choice. If you talk to him again, you can keyword on analeptic improvement. Anyway, that's it for this sub event. The reward will be available later in the game. Exit out at west and move on to Labyrinthos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility] Items: Rosejist M, Skill Drug B, Suou Uzuki's Memo, Rosejist M, Update File 09, Decoder 15 - Once you got the info on Tesler Magus, speak with May Magus to get the Decoder 15 Head up for a scene. After, go in and head up for more scene. Save your game. Destroy objects at west and east for Rosejist M and Skill Drug B. Take the lift at the lower right. Head up to 4F. Go in one room to find Joachim Mizrahi and toward the other room. Check the right console at this room for Suou Uzuki's Memo. You will also get to know a password(5150). Anyway, back to Joachim and go up to 5F this time. Destroy object for Rosejist M. Head in the upper right room. Go on and in the 2nd room, read the info on Tesler Magus. You can get Decoder 15 from May Magus later. Anyway, get the Update File 09 in this room. Go on to the end room for more scene. Afterward, exit out the facility. ----------------------------------------------------------------------\Chapter 6/ [Elsa] Items: Decoder 15, Rosejist S, Skill Drug B, MOMO's Swimsuit GeMix: Clear World 3 for Skill Drug C Don't play GeMix yet. Check with May Magus at the entrance of the Dabrye Mine for Decoder 15. Use the crane to get Rosejist S. Exit and enter back, use the crane again for Skill Drug B. Repeat for MOMO's Swimsuit. Afterward, go play GeMix and more scene once you are done. Time for another boss fight. Boss: Voyager Steal Venom Ring from him. KOS MOS will also join back from this fight and on. As for his weakness, it's Fire. Also, avoid Ice and Beam, as well as Thunder. After his laugh, he will aim for the character with lower stats. Watch out for his Demon Claw. That can cause bad status. If he uses Lightning II, get someone to heal right after. Further, use Break Cure and avoid getting a character into Break state. When he decides to use Abyss Walker, attack with Ether. He will

start to use HP Vamp and Karma Demon's Miasma. The miasma can poison all of you so beware of that. Afterward, exit out to the map and head to Labyrinthos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Labyrinthos] Items: Aquajist S, Aquajist M, Aquajist S, Update File 10, Jin's Swimsuit, D-Frame I, Aquajist M, Terajist, Rosejist M, 500G, Nano Repair M, Zetajist L, 200G, D-Defense Invalid, 50000G, Zetajist M, Security Level B Card, Cleanjist, Rosejist S, Aquajist L, Cleanjist, Aquajist L, Nano Repair DX, Cleanjist, Half Repair, Zetajist M, All Repair Segment Address: #15 Shop List: Aquajist S(100), Aquajist M(500), Zetajist M(600), Terajist(1000), Seven Moons(300), Antidote(20), Relaxant(50), AntiCrystallizer (1000), G-Vaccine(500), Analyze Ball(4), Trap(200), Nano Repair M (400), Half Repair(1500), Down Repair(50) Auto Macer(200), Blue Lady(300), Red Cancer(600), Hinoka Sanju(200), Armed Fencework Lacquer Eye(300), VB-Rainy Moon(670), Delta Edge (180), CompoundV II(580), Zero Crusher(210), Ranger Hunt(610), KWP-P II(300), KWP-X II(700), Force Hand(190), Psycho Driver(590), Desert Eagle(190), Legacy Of Zara(590), Lace Tank(120), Metal Corset (120), Zagrabas Panie(370), Borero Shawl(370), Granite Cloak(120), Heat Robe(400), Speed II Vest(110), Speed III Vest(380), KPA-BEG (150), KAP-CLE(450), Fiber Vest(120), Techtron Cross(380), Neo Protector(380), Bullet Neck(600), Leather Choker(150), Cylinder Neck (300), Red Crystal(300), Snake Eye(100), Shock Absorber(100), Fire Wall(1000), Thunder Wall(1000), Ice Wall(1000), Beam Wall(1000), Cobra Bangle(100), Rerebrace(300), Red Star(300), Velvet Ring(600), Crimson Ring(300), Yellow Ring(300), Kobalt Ring(300), Silver Ring (300) Sting Ray II(300), ST Swift HG(300), II-Type Gale(600), Morning Moon (1000), G90 Assault(300), SG-M20(400), Lindwurm(300), EM Faden(400), Volans G(300), ARF-R5(350), G-Phalanx(320), AFHunter(460), ZF-Ubara (460), DF-V2R(460), RF-Blaze Menace(460), RFAbsolute Shadow(800), G-Locus/43(480), G-Locus/56(1200), C-US2(100), CUS3(150), D-Sensor (50), D-Guard(200), D-KILL-C(300), D-KILL-R(300), D-Treasure I(500), D-Frame I(750) After the fight, take the platform down. Destroy objects to the left for the Aquajist S. Go around from the right and it leads to the Segment Address #15. Since you have the Decoder, go through to get the Hinoka Kagura. After, through the door at north. Destroy objects to the left for Aquajist M. Go right and destroy the door to go on. More scene on the way. Go on to get to the gold and blue plates. Take the near gate to move on. Destroy objects on the way to get Aquajist S. As for the room with the guard, beat him to get Jin's Swimsuit and Update File 10. Go on

and ride the lift. Near left room got D-Frame I. As for the west room, you can get Aquajist M, Terajist, Rosejist M, 500G and Nano Repair M. Go on to north to the next area. Go south for Zetajist L. Go on and destroy objects for 200G. As for the puzzle here, here is a map of this 5*5 area: A-B-C-D-E F-G-H-I-J K-L-M-N-O P-Q-R-S-T U-V-W-X-Y Hit D, N then K. Next, hit U, W then Y at the end. There will only be two left. Destroy the top left for D-Defense Invalid. Destroy the top right then 50000G will drop down. Go on to NE for a scene. After, go on to the right. Destroy objects for Zetajist M. Go on for more scene. Check the shiny object by the console for Security Level B Card. Go west and check the PC by the platform. Ride it down after. Go in and destroy objects to the left for Cleanjist. Get on the cart at the end. Destroy more objects for Rosejist S. Go south and destroy more objects to the left for Aquajist L and Cleanjist. Take the platform down at the end. Go on and hit the switch at the end to open the door. Move on for more scene then save your game at the end. Take the lift up and you will be on the ES. Two more things: You can use Awaken Level 2 with your ES which enables the 2nd new Deathblow & ES Asher doesn't have an Anima Vessel so take it out of the party. Move on to the left to take the lift up. Move on to north & destroy objects on the way to get Aquajist L and Nano Repair DX. You will be at an area with gold and blue plates. Destroy objects around for Cleanjist and Half Repair. As for shopping, minor update to item & character's, but ES got many new items. Make sure you buy and equip D-KILL-R on all ES. Go on up after. The top left and top right lead to Zetajist M and All Repair. To move on, take the middle path and go right up. You will end up in a boss fight. Boss: Omega Universitas With D-KILL-R, you don't have to worry about Omega Universitas's Revenge. Go Awaken Anima and use the 2nd Deathblow. Keep on attacking & use Charge or Item to heal. Early and middle of the fight aren't too bad, it gets more dangerous near the end. So heal and charge more often. ----------------------------------------------------------------------\Chapter 7/ [Miltia] Shion won't be in the party but Allen is. Head on to A Sector. Challenge Coupon result is out, the numbers are exactly the same ones I talked about above. You can get 80000G in the end. Before you go on, make sure you prank and get Haramiya Ice's shutter closed. By closing the roof, Haramiya Ice will be saved in upcoming event. Anyway, go on and you will end up in Labyrinthos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Labyrinthos]

Items: Rosario Of Grief, Rosejist S, Staff Room Access Key, Omegajist M, Zetajist M, Aquajist L, Decoder 13, Aquajist DX, Rosejist S, Omegajist M, Suou Uzuki's PDA, Aquajist DX Segment Address: #05 Head inside and take the platform down. Move on and go in the center room. You can now go through the lower left door to get Rosario Of Grief. Go on and head through the Area 13 door. Go south to get Rosejist S after destroying objects. There is also the Segment Address #05. Go left to the save point and the staff room. Now, go back and go NW. Go on and don't go south yet. Destroy objects to the left end to get to the Omegajist M. Go back and head south. Here, there are lots of rooms and you can explore them for Zetajist M, Aquajist L, Decoder 13, Aquajist DX, Rosejist S & Omegajist M. After, take the lower right door. Move on for more scene. After, ignore the south and go NW. Check the right which leads to objects. Destroy the objects for the Staff Room Access Key and Aquajist DX. Move on up and hit the switch to pull up the fence. Get in the Staff Room for Suou Uzuki's PDA. Save your game and head to SE for the boss fight. Boss: Pellegri Steal Clouds Layers Robe from her. She's weak against Ice and strong against Fire and Thunder. As for her Bodyguards, they share the opposite of Pellegri's weaknesses. Anyway, take out the 2 Bodyguards first. Before you kill those 2 Bodyguards, get someone to heal all the time. Once it's down to Pellegri, don't need to heal often and attack her weakness. Once she's low on HP, heal & guard, might also want to use Break Cure or switch in others. After, you will be out of Labyrinthos. Shion will join back and Allen is back to being a Guest. Get back to A Sector. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Miltia] Items: Skill Drug B, All Repair, Federal Report 04, Skill Drug A, Half Coat, Federal Report 03, Federal Report 05, Talisman, DX Ice Shop List: Aquajist S(100), Aquajist M(500), Zetajist M(600), Terajist(1000), Seven Moons(300), Antidote(20), Relaxant(50), AntiCrystallizer (1000), G-Vaccine(500), Analyze Ball(4), Trap(200) Red Cancer(600), Thor Bunker(1800), VB-Rainy Moon(670), VB-16 Nights(2000), CompoundV II(580), Delta Edge II(1600), Ranger Hunt (610), Rock Star(2000), KWP-X II(700), KWP-X III(2100), Psycho Driver(590), Medes Driver(1700), Legacy Of Zara(590), Phantom Silver (1800), Zagrabas Panie(370), Borero Shawl(370), Platina Bustier (1000), Kagic Shawl(1000), Heat Robe(400), Moon Reader(1200), Speed III Vest(380), Gustav Vest(1000), Gustav Armor(1000), KAP-CLE(450), KAP-COS(1300), Techtron Cross(380), Neo Protector(380), Double Riders(1050), Brigandi(1050), Bullet Neck(600), Cylinder Neck(300), Dog Tag(600), Open Heart(450), Red Crystal(300), Snake Eye(100), Panther Eye(1200), Shock Absorber(100), Fire Wall(1000), Thunder

Wall(1000), Ice Wall(1000), Beam Wall(1000), Cobra Bangle(100), Queen Judge(700), King Judge(700), Vambrace(700), Rerebrace(300), Red Star(300), Velvet Ring(600), Crimson Ring(300), Yellow Ring (300), Kobalt Ring(300), Silver Ring(300), Burn Avatar(900), Light Avatar(900), Ice Avatar(900), Laser Avatar(900) Go on for more scene. Go south and destroy the SW object for Federal Report 04. Destroy object at SE for Skill Drug A. Get to the center. Destroy object at the north for All Repair and south object for Skill Drug B. Go east to move on to the next area. At the small area with the binocular, destroy the center object for Half Coat. Go east to destroy the UTIC's cart for Federal Report 03. Go on to the east to another area. Go on and destroy an object to the right to speak with McDowell for Federal Report 05. Go on and destroy another object to the right for a box with Talisman. Anyway, the shop at lower right got update. If you did the side event with Haramiya Ice at early Chapter 7, then Haramiya Ice will be saved and you can get DX Ice. Afterward, head down to lower left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Old Church] Head toward the church after. You will end up fighting few Berserk Realian. Afterward, time for a boss fight. Boss: Virgil Steal Union Neck from him. He's strong against Ice but weak against Fire. From start, he will use Over Taker. If he uses Blizzard II, get someone to heal. He will use Offensive once you reduce enough of his HP. Time to guard or heal cuz he will mostly use Victim Hell which can do a lot of damage to the whole party. After that, heal and Break Cure. Don't rush to finish him off. Take your time and prepare some Boost just in case when he starts using Vanjas Breath at the last part of the battle. After, exit out at south to fight more Berserk Realian. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Old Carry-In Gate] Items: Cleanjist, Skill Drug A, Skill Drug A, Assault Vest, Federal Report 07, Federal Report 08, D-Anti G Shift Head in afterward. Destroy object near the switch for Skill Drug A. Hit the switch to turn on the belt then go lower left to destroy that object for the Cleanjist. Go north to the next area. Destroy object near the end for Skill Drug A. Hit both switches here then go destroy the object at upper right for Assault Vest. Go north to the next area. Destroy the right object to move on. Head to the most east and destroy objects around to lower right corner for the Federal Report 08. At the opposite side, there is D-Anti G Shift. Head to the upper left corner for Federal Report 07. You should have all 8 reports now. Anyway, go east to move on. Out on the map, head to the facility. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

[Acute Neurosis Treatment Facility] Items: Aquajist DX, Skill Drug C, Yasoma Sanju, Zetajist M, Rosejist L, Decoder 07, Aquajist L, 2000G, Steroid HP, Omegajist L, Steroid EP, Decoder 05, Skill Drug B, Rosejist S, C-US5G, Jadejist Segment Address: #07 Destroy objects at west for Aquajist DX and Skill Drug C. Head in after. Beside the gold plate, there is a blue one now. Head west and go check out the lift for Yasoma Sanju. Back track and destroy the door to use the stairs. Destroy the wall to leak water out to put out the fire. Go on to 2F. Destroy near object for Zetajist M then the ceiling one for Rosejist L. Head in the 1st room. Lauria will give you Decoder 07 if you have all 8 reports. Exit out and to the right, there is Segment Address #07. You just got the Decoder, so go through to get Coercive Ring. After, go on to the east. Save Rosley at the end room. You can check the PC to view a scene. After, go south to take the stairs. Go up and destroy the wall to get water out. Get up to 4F. Hurry up & go around to save Marthia. So, enter the north room, go around to SW then go south to the room with Marthia. Go right to the room and fight that Realian to save him. You can get Steroid EP from him. In the same room, get Decoder 05. Destroy one more object in this room to get Skill Drug B. Exit out the room and back to the room at north. Destroy few tubes and some Realian can give you Aquajist L, 2000G and Steroid HP. Also, get the Omegajist L from the box. Now, head to the western part. Hit the switch by the lift. Talk to Nielsen for Rosejist S. Go take the door to the stairs. Go down to get C-US5G then head up to 5F. Save your game on the way. Hit the switch to open the door then enter the 1st room for Jadejist. After, enter the last room for the boss fight. Boss: Athra Series 27 Each of them isn't too bad but there are 3. They all weak against Beam, so use Shion's Lock Shot and KOS MOS' X-Buster. Beware of your Break Gauges since they are fairy good to raise the gauges. ----------------------------------------------------------------------<Disc 2> \Chapter 8/ [Elsa] Items: Update File 03, 2000G, Metal Sprint, Skill Drug A, 100G, 200G, Draupnir, Skill Drug D, Angel's EXP, Aquajist L, chaos' Swimsuit Shop List: Aquajist S(100), Aquajist M(500), Zetajist M(600), Terajist(1000), Cleanjist(1000), Antidote(20), Relaxant(50), AntiCrystallizer (1000), G-Vaccine(500), Analyze Ball(4), Trap(200), Nano Repair M (400), Half Repair(1500), Down Repair(50) Thor Bunker(1800), Piper Bunker(3400), VB-16 Nights(2000), VB-Blaze (3500), Delta Edge II(1600), Adona Shooter(3200), Rock Star(2000), Break Knuckle(3200), KWP-X III(2100), KWP-X IV(3800), Medes Driver (1700), Timaios(3200), Phantom Silver(1800), Blood M40(3300),

Platina Bustier(1000), Kagic Shawl(1000), Velvet Borero(2000), Butterfly Suit(2000), Moon Reader(1200), Flying Swallow(2100), Gustav Vest(1000), Gustav Armor(1000), Protect Gear(2100), KAP-COS (1300), KAP-GLA(2300), Double Riders(1050), Brigandi(1050), Rigid Leather(2200), Bullet Neck(600), Cylinder Neck(300), Dog Tag(600), Open Heart(450), Cross Choker(1600), Red Crystal(300), Sun's Cry (1800), Snake Eye(100), Panther Eye(1200), Shock Absorber(100), Fire Wall(1000), Thunder Wall(1000), Ice Wall(1000), Beam Wall(1000), Cobra Bangle(100), Queen Judge(700), King Judge(700), God Circle (1700), Imperial(1700), Soul Collector(1700), Vambrace(700), Rerebrace(300), Nameless Ring(1400), Green Star(2600), Velvet Ring (600), Crimson Ring(300), Yellow Ring(300), Kobalt Ring(300), Silver Ring(300), Burn Avatar(900), Light Avatar(900), Ice Avatar(900), Laser Avatar(900), Forsaken Ring(1800), Revenge Ring(1800), Merciless Ring(1800) Sting Ray II(300), ST Swift HG(300), AIRDE(3000), II-Type Gale (600), Morning Moon(1000), Sea Fire(2200), Hazy Moon(3400), G90 Assault(300), SG-M20(400), SG-M30P(1600), Tempest(2200), Lindwurm (300), EM Faden(400), Lindwurm M2(1600), Schwalbe F(1800), EM Faden R(2100), Volans G(300), ARF-R5(350), GPhalanx(320), ARF-R7(2000), G-Phalanx II(1800), SR Shaula A(2200), AFHunter(460), AF-Command (2500), ZF-Ubara(460), ZF-Granatus(2500), DFV2R(460), DF-V3(2500), RF-Blaze Menace(460), RF-Absolute Shadow(800), RF-Tiger Steel(2500), G-Locus/56(1200), G-Locus/63(2000), CUS3(150), C-US4(1000), C-US5 (1500), D-Sensor(50), D-Guard(200), D-KILLC(300), D-KILL-R(300), D-Treasure I(500), D-Frame I(750), D-A Half(800), D-D Half(800), D-DEA Half(800), D-Revenge(1200), D-Frame II(2500) GeMix: Clear World 4 for Ziggy's Swimsuit Quite a few things you can check out. GeMix got a new world so be sure to check that out. Also, check out the blue plate since there are new things you can buy now. Go down to B1F of Elsa. At the Robot Academy, check the S Console. If you have all 8 reports, do confirm and view them all. You will get Update File 03. Next, you have Decoder 05, so head to Segment Address #05 in Area 13 of the Labyrinthos. It is the EK Device Fury. The ether Erde Kaiser Fury will be added for all characters. Lastly, to the Ancient Temple in the Floating Continent. Place the Arcadian Resource at the Altar by the entrance then you can take the platform to go down. Your party will be divided into 2 teams. Start with Jr's team, walk up and the game will switch to Shion's team. Take the platform up & check the right crystal. With Jr, hit the left switch to raise the platform up. With Shion, move around and hit 3 switches to lower down 3 platforms. With Jr, you can move around to get the 2000G. Hit a switch to lower a platform down and

hit another switch to raise up another platform. Go around to east and use that platform to get up. Take the stairs at the end and the game will switch to Shion. Go around to get on a platform to move up. With Jr, hit the lower right switch. With Shion, go north and hit the switch to turn off the stream. With Jr, move back up and hit the left switch. Hit the object then back track. Turn off that last stream then switch to Shion. Hit the switch and hit the lower left switch. Hit the object then the switch. With Jr, go on to the left and hit 2 switches, as well as one more object. Turn off one stream then go north to hit another switch. Do not take the stairs. Instead, hit the switch to the right then cross. Jr would be back to where he started. With Shion, hit the near south switch. Go east and turn off the stream then go east to hit another switch. Hit another switch to get to the SW. At SW corner, hit the upper right switch. Cross to the right and hit another switch. Go back to the SW corner then take the lower right stream. Go right and cross another stream so you would be around the center. Hit that center switch then cross to the left for another switch. Cross to the north to an Altar. Hit it and a platform will come down. With Jr, take that platform to get the Metal Sprint. Jr can then take the stairs at NW. As for Shion, take the platform at SW. Next area, starting up with Jr. Release the west pink block & south blue block. Go down to SW corner then release the east blue block. Now, make your way to the northern area. Switch to Shion. With Shion, release the north pink block then go up. Release the west pink block. Head up to the northern area so Shion would be by the blue stream entrance. Release the south yellow block then hit the switch. With Jr, release the north white block. This will release all the blocks and lower down a platform. Shion and Jr will also meet up. Now, you can get the Draupnir that's near. Go around to get 100G & Aquajist L on this level. Go down to get Skill Drug A and 200G. Afterward, go on up to the last level to get Skill Drug D, Angel's EXP and chaos' Swimsuit. Once you are ready to go, speak with Captain Mathews to Merkabah. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Strategic Suppression Warship Merkabah] Items: Ex Skill Key II, D-Green, Down Repair, Half Repair, Decoder 10, 1000G, Nano Repair DX, Down Repair, Nano Repair M, Skill Drug C, Aquajist M, Aquajist L, Decoder 12, 1000G, 1000G, Aquajist DX, Aquajist L Segment Address: #11 Once your ES lands, head in and check the upper left corner for Ex Skill II. Do use it then more skills will be added to Styleline. Head in & you can get down your ES to save the game. Get on the ES and take the left gate. On the way, take the right path to D-Green. Go on and destroy object at right for Down Repair. Ignore the next right and move up for another right object for Half Repair. Make your way to the top and hit the switch at the center. Go back

to the room with the save point. Get off the ES and you can go through the door now. Take the platform up. Go north and check the left for Decoder 10. Go north to destroy all 4 locks. Go south for 4 more. Get back down to ride on your ES. Take the left gate again. Make your way to the top & hit the switch at the middle. Ride the east platform to go down. Get off your ES & take the platform up, then go north all the way. Go on and check the center switch. Release a lock above. Get back to your ES and take the platform back up. Take the lower left path. Destroy objects on the way to get 1000G, Nano Repair DX and Down Repair. Next area, take the lower right to get Nano Repair M and Skill Drug C. Back track and take the northern gate this time. Destroy the beams for Aquajist L and Aquajist M. Head back and use the western platform to go down. Back to the characters and go north. There are four rooms, they lead to Decoder 12, 1000G, 1000G, Aquajist DX, Aquajist L and the Segment Address #11 which got Sweet Pain. Make sure you destroy the central object in each room, including the central room. After, take the NE path and go left at the intersection. Go on to the end room for more scene. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Elsa] Items: Update File 11, G-Ignis I Since you have the Decoder 10 and 12, so go back to the corresponding Segment Address for KAP-NAR and Guardian. Next, get back to Merkabah through the EVS. Go all the way to the Core Area where you met with Sellers. Hit the switch at most north. Get back to your ES. Take the left platform to get back to 2F. Head north to the Core Area for Update File 11 and G-Ignis I. Once you are ready, speak with Captain Mathews. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Durandal] Items: Update File 12, Aquajist L, Aquajist L, Rosejist M, Omegajist L, Blue Star, Aquajist DX, Omegajist L, Key Of Weapon Development Area - The boss drops the Key Of Weapon Development Area Segment Address: #06 In the Park Area, you can find Segment Address #06. In the Bridge Area, you can get Update File 12. Speak with Mila at the west. In the 3rd Residential Area, you can save your game. Go on and ignore the locked door. Take the west door. At upper right, there are Aquajist L and Aquajist L. At lower right, there is Aquajist DX. Go on through the upper left door. Now, check the upper right for Rosejist M. Hit the switch at south then take the door at west. Destroy the object to the left for Omegajist L. Now, hit the switch here. You can now check out few locked doors after hitting the switches. A northern room got Blue Star within. Check the lower right room for more scene. Check the west room for the Omegajist L. Take the stairs down at SW then into that room for more scene. Go

save your game then to the Hangar Area. Go on to the east for the boss fight. Boss: Citrine Steal Crescent Moon from her. Her weakness is Beam, so use Shion's Lock Shot and KOS MOS' X-Buster. If not, you can equip characters with Silver Ring. Keep in mind that she's strong against Fire, so don't use any Fire based attacks or Ether. She can use Mystic which seals off your Ether. Be sure to use Cleanjist to cure it. Don't use all your Boost, save some for later. Aside from the Beam based attacks or ether, use attacks that increase her Break Gauge. Ziggy has Choke, that works pretty well on Citrine. Shion can use Eagle Drop to add more. Once she's in Break state, fire away with Lock Shot and XBuster. At later part of the fight, she will attack all of you and give you bad status. Refresh and heal. Make sure your HPs are above 666 then her Seal Of 666 won't wipe you out. After, your HPs will still be reduced to 666. Make sure you heal right after, Boost if you need to. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Elsa] GeMix: Clear World 5 for Vainqueur - This is Jr's best weapon Shop List: Aquajist S(100), Aquajist M(500), Zetajist M(600), Terajist(1000), Cleanjist(1000), Antidote(20), Relaxant(50), AntiCrystallizer (1000), G-Vaccine(500), Analyze Ball(4), Trap(200), Nano Repair M (400), Half Repair(1500), Down Repair(50) Piper Bunker(3400), Combat Lady(5300), VBBlaze(3500), Armed Fencework Divine Eye(5600), Adona Shooter(3200), CompoundV III (5200), Break Knuckle(3200), Blue Nail(5000), KWP-X IV(3800), KWP-X V(5800), Timaios(3200), Critias(5200), Blood M40(3300), Black Relic(5400), Velvet Borero(2000), Butterfly Suit(2000), Dragon Bustier(3400), Gorgona Coat(3400), Flying Swallow(2100), Soaring Robe(3500), Wargod Cloak(3500), Protect Gear(2100), ZIG-Muscle Enhance(3700), ZIG-Frame Enhance(3700), KAPGLA(2300), KAP-SAL (3800), Rigid Leather(2200), Vector Cross(3500), Bullet Neck(600), Rosario Of Love(6000), Cylinder Neck(300), Dog Tag(600), Open Heart (450), Cross Choker(1600), Red Crystal(300), Sun's Cry(1800), Panther Eye(1200), Eagle Eye(4500), Steel Bangle(300000), Titan Bangle(300000), Shock Absorber(100), Fire Wall(1000), Thunder Wall (1000), Ice Wall(1000), Beam Wall(1000), Cobra Bangle(100), Queen Judge(700), King Judge(700), God Circle(1700), Imperial(1700), Soul Collector(1700), Vambrace(700), Rerebrace(300), Nameless Ring(1400), Gross Soul(3000), Dragon Head(3000), Green Star(2600), Velvet Ring (600), Crimson Ring(300), Yellow Ring(300), Kobalt Ring(300), Silver Ring(300), Burn Avatar(900), Light Avatar(900), Ice Avatar(900), Laser Avatar(900), Forsaken Ring(1800), Revenge Ring(1800), Merciless Ring(1800), Idle Pulse(3000), Hammurabi(3000), Lost Kingdom(3000)

V18 Assault II(3900), AIRD-E(3000), ST2Swift(2400), AIRD-E+(4000), AIRD-C II(4200), S Scythe FX(2400), Sea Fire(2200), Hazy Moon(3400), Four&Two Skies(4400), Arc Moon(5000), SGM30P(1600), SG-M Wolf (2200), Tempest(2200), Tempest GP(2400), Drache(4100), Lindwurm M2 (1600), Schwalbe F(1800), EM Faden R(2100), ARF-R7(2000), G-Phalanx II(1800), SR Shaula A(2200), SR Shaula R2(2500), Dorado RK-3(4200), AF-Command(2500), AF-Command T(3700), ZFGranatus(2500), ZF-Turmali (3700), ZF-Topaz(4500), DF-V3(2500), DFV4(3700), RF-Tiger Steel (2500), RF-Phantom Tortoise(3700), GLocus/63(2000), G-Locus/80 (3000), C-US4(1000), C-US5(1500), C-US6(2000), C-US7(2500), D-Sensor (50), D-Guard(200), D-KILL-C(300), D-KILLR(300), D-Treasure I(500), D-Frame I(750), D-A Half(800), D-D Half(800), DDEA Half(800), D-Flame Halve(1000), D-Thunder Halve(1000), DCold Halve(1000), D-Beam Halve(1000), D-Revenge(1200), DClean(2300), D-Frame II (2500), D-Additional EN I(2800), D-Charge(3000), D-Revenge Up(3000) Optional Bosses: Omega Universitas, Omega Id Citrine drops the Key Of Weapon Development Area. Head to the Unified Advanced Technology Lab. Go on and at the area with 3 transporters, take the right one which is number 6. You can use the Key Of Weapon Development Area to open up that gate now. Go on and you can fight Omega Universitas. Optional Bosses: Omega Universitas, Omega Id Omega Universitas is pretty easy to beat. But when you do beat it, it will go into Id Mode, Omega Id. Make sure you at least equip DSensor, D-KILL-R, D-KILL-C and D-Revenge. As for Id, it has 999999 HP. Since its weakness and strength change each turn, so D-Sensor helps. Make sure you have healing items, lots of them, and get one ES to heal all the time. Use Awaken Anima whenever you can, but just watch out for Id's and your Deathblow's affinities, so you won't waste the Anima Gauge. Just so you know, ES Asher's Level 1 Deathblow/ Shoot Buster is Beam based, Level 2 Deathblow/Flare Buster is Fire based; For ES Zebulun, Level 1 Deathblow/AIRD Star is Beam based, Level 2 Deathblow/AIRD Rain is also Beam based; For ES Dinah, Level 1 Deathblow/R Fang is Beam based, Level 2 Deathblow/X Buster is also Beam based; For ES Reuben, Level 1 Deathblow /Iron Cutting Edge is physical, Level 2 Deathblow/Soaring Garuda is Thunder based. As you can see, you should use ES Asher and ES Reuben, as for the third one, up to you. Obviously, it's wise to use the Deathblow that Omega Id is weak against. In fact, it's just the Deathblow, watch out for your Normal Attacks' affinities as well. If you need to spend all ES to heal or cure with items, do so. If Omega Id uses Purging Wave, it does tons of damage to all. If that move somehow got a Critical, that can also wipe out an ES. Further, Purging Wave can also cause bad status. However, at this part of the game, you aren't likely to be strong enough to even survive through the early part of the fight. But, you can check it out since there is no harm if you got wipe out.

Once you are ready, speak with Captain Mathews then take the lift down at the end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Abel's Ark] Items: Rosejist L, D-Beam Halve, Ex Skill III, Terajist, Update File 13, ZF-Smaragdas, Nano Repair DX, Aquajist DX, Rosejist M, Cleanjist, Nano Repair DX, Terajist, G-Regul/85, Decoder 14, Wiseman's Ring, Coat Hardy, Nano Repair M, Aquajist DX, Rosejist S, C-US9G, 1000G, D-Additional EN I, Yasoma Kagura Segment Address: #02, #13 Hit the right crystal to warp to another area. Go up and hit another. At the intersection, go left to get Rosejist L. At the 2nd intersection, go south to get D-Beam Halve. At the 3rd intersection, go right to get Ex Skill III. Use it to get more skills in Styleline. Go on all the way till you get to the gold and blue plates. Save your game. There are 4 orbs ahead. Let's start with the red orb. Hit the crystal to get to purple, green, yellow and another white crystals. The white one leads to the Terajist and Update File 13; The green one leads to ZFSmaragdas; Next, go hit the purple one to get Aquajist DX and Rosejist M. There is also a block you can hit which will make path for a road nearby. After, go hit the yellow one. Get the Nano Repair DX and hit the block at the end. Now hit the purple crystal. Go on and 4 more crystals. Start with the green one for Cleanjist. Do hit the block at the end. Go back for the yellow one. Get the Nano Repair DX and hit another block at the end. Go back for the white one this time. Hit the block at the end to go back for the purple one. Get Terajist and GRegul/85. Hit that crystal at the end. Go on to save your game then a boss fight. Boss: Natus Flamma Equip D-Flame Halve and D-KILL-C. Avoid using any Fire based moves & cure with Down Repair when you need to. Start with Awaken Anima and use Deathblows. Once you reduce enough of its HP, make sure you Charge or heal. After, hit the crystal to get back. This time, let's go with the green one. Go up and keep hitting the crystal to the top. Now rush down and hit the crystal at the end. Next area, similar to the last area but there are two. The left one leads you to the boss but the right one leads to Segment Address #02 with the G-Ignis III within. Boss: Natus Galcies Equip D-Cold Halve and D-KILL-C. Avoid using any Ice based moves, then Awaken Anima and use Deathblows. Charge or heal from time to time. Asides from its various charges, this is rather an easy fight. After, hit the crystal to get back. Go for the blue one this time. At west and NE, you can get Decoder 14 and Wiseman's Ring. Next, go on to hit a crystal. As for the area after, go NW for Coat Hardy. As for the 2 crystals, the north one leads to the boss but the NE one will lead to Segment Address #13 which got the Dragon's Eye within. Boss: Natus Lumen


Equip D-Beam Halve and D-KILL-C. Avoid having or using any Beam based weapons or attacks. So, switch out ES Dinah and make sure ES Zebulun is not equipping any weapon with Beam attribute. Keep on attacking then Awaken Anima and use Deathblows. If it gets into Sniper Mode, heal and charge. After, hit the crystal to get back & on to the last orb which is the gold one. Go around to destroy objects for Nano Repair M, Aquajist DX and Rosejist S. Get the C-US9G from the box. Move on to get 1000G. Hit the crystal to another area. Destroy the right object and hit a crystal. That will switch to the characters. You can destroy the other object. You will be switching back and forth in order to move on. With the ES, you can get D-Additional EN I at west and with the character, you can get Yasoma Kagura at NE. After, with the ES, hit the crystal at NW. Boss: Natus Terreur Equip D-Thunder Halve and D-KILL-R. Avoid having or using any Thunder based weapons or attacks. You can switch out ES Zebulun or get it to have Beam based weapons. Cure with Down Repair when you need to or just Awaken Anima and use Deathblows. Make sure you don't use ES Reuben's 2nd Deathblow. Once you done enough damage, make sure you heal and Charge. Afterward, that's all 4 orbs. Not only that, Awaken Anima Level 3 is now usable so you have a new 3rd level Deathblow. Hit the crystal to get back. Save your game and to the core. You will need to avoid the orbs then destroy objects at the core to get in. Just make sure your ES all equip DBeam Halve and D-KILL-R. Boss: Yuriev Steal the Famous Commander's Ring. Like Citrine from before, it's better that we Break him. So, use Ziggy's Choke, Shion's Eagle Drop III & KOS MOS' W Fang. Observe Yuriev's dialogue to Abel that's within Omega Res Novae. Plus, watch out the M symbol at the Turn Order Window. M means Omega Res Novae and with 1 Boost from Yuriev, Abel/Omega Res Novae can use its Deathblow/Infinitum. Once you got Yuriev in Break state, avoid any Fire, Ice and Thunder based attacks. So, go with the characters' 1st Deathblow. Yuriev can also cause bad status at you, so be sure to cure with items. Further, watch out your Break gauges. Cure if you need to. Mostly, Yuriev will give out the attack signal before Omega Res Novae uses Infinitum, so make sure you heal and defend. Boost if you need to. After, an ES boss battle. Boss: Omega Metempsychosis Equip D-Beam Halve and D-KILL-R. Keep on attacking and heal or Charge when you need to. For bad status, cure with item or Awaken Anima then use Deathblow. If it uses Awaken Anima, better heal then Charge. Since it has a lot of HPs, this will take a while unless you throw in few Level 3 Deathblow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------\Chapter 9/ [Elsa] Best Weapons: Miyuki Special, Moon Bridge, VBDammerung, God Brace, KWP-XX,

Vainqueur, Gnosis Nail GeMix: Clear World 6 to get Brave Heart Note: Items such as Geo Crystal Ore and Ten Spheres, they are already covered in this FAQ/Walkthrough, Ctrl + F to find them Shop List: Aquajist S(100), Aquajist M(500), Rosejist S(3000), Rosejist M (7000), Zetajist M(600), Terajist(1000), Cleanjist(1000), Seven Sisters(6800), Antidote(20), Relaxant(50), AntiCrystallizer(1000), G-Vaccine(500), Analyze Ball(4), Trap(200), Steroid HP(5000), Steroid EP(5000), Steroid S(10000), Steroid V(10000), Steroid EA (10000), Steroid ED(10000), Steroid E(10000), Steroid D(10000), Steroid A(10000), Steroid L(10000), Skill Drug A(1000), Skill Drug B(5000), Skill Drug C(10000), Skill Drug D(50000), Nano Repair M (400), Nano Repair DX(1000), Half Repair(1500), All Repair(3800), Down Repair(50) Combat Lady(5300), Knight Bunker(8000), Armed Fencework Divine Eye (5600), VB-Red(8500), CompoundV III(5200), Barbi Shooter(7900), Marki Shooter(8600), Blue Nail(5000), Barbaro Knuckle(8600), KWP-X V(5800), KWP-XX(300000), Critias(5200), Chaos Lord(7800), Black Relic(5400), VI-SHOT(8200), Dragon Bustier(3400), Gorgona Coat(3400), Velvet Panie(5300), Kagic Blouse(5300), Soaring Robe (3500), Wargod Cloak(3500), True Phoenix(5300), ZIGMuscle Enhance (3700), ZIG-Frame Enhance(3700), DUnit V1(50000), Top Secret Frame (5300), KAP-SAL(3800), KAP-SAN(5900), KAPVEN(5900), Vector Cross (3500), Nano Cure Coat(3500), Union Leather(5300), Long Horn(5300), Bullet Neck(600), Rosario Of Love(6000), Cylinder Neck(300), Dog Tag(600), Open Heart(450), Cross Choker(1600), Red Crystal(300), Sun's Cry(1800), Panther Eye(1200), Eagle Eye(4500), Steel Bangle (300000), Titan Bangle(300000), Platina Bangle(300000), Shock Absorber(100), Fire Wall(1000), Resist Fire(600000), Hydra Heal (998000), Thunder Wall(1000), Resist Thunder(600000), Shiva's Eye (998000), Ice Wall(1000), Resist Ice(600000), Lala Kidul(998000), Beam Wall(1000), Resist Beam(600000), B Absorber(998000), Hero's Bangle(100000), Warrior's Bangle(100000), Rosencrantz(7000), Double Dealer(7000), Cobra Bangle(100), Queen Judge(700), King Judge(700), God Circle(1700), Imperial(1700), Soul Collector(1700), Vambrace (700), Takemikazuchi Magatama(5600), Rerebrace(300), Nameless Ring (1400), Gross Soul(3000), Dragon Head(3000), Amaterasu Jade Magatama(100000), New Yasakani Magatama(450000), Green Star(2600), Velvet Ring(600), Enhance Ring(30000), Burn Avatar(900), Light Avatar(900), Ice Avatar(900), Laser Avatar(900), Forsaken Ring (1800), Revenge Ring(1800), Merciless Ring(1800), Pierce Ring (12000), Bind Ring(15000), Lost Kingdom(3000), Real World(15000), Knight Ring(10000), Gypsy Ring(10000)


Sting Ray V(4400), V18 Assault II(3900), V2 Assault II(7500), ST2-Swift(2400), AIRD-E+(4000), AIRD-C II(4200), ARID-C V(9000), Sentir A-L(8000), S Scythe FX(2400), Four&Two Skies(4400), Arc Moon (5000), Full Moon(9000), SG-M Wolf(2200), Tempest GP(2400), Drache (4100), BZ Avenger(4600), Drache RR(5300), Schwalbe SW(5400), SC Lindwurm(5000), SR Shaula R2(2500), Dorado RK-3(4200), Volans SV (4500), Dorado RK-3(5000), ARF Rastaban(4700), Phalanx XX(4600), AF-Command T(3700), AF-Stealth(8000), AFGhost(15000), ZF-Turmali (3700), ZF-Topaz(4500), ZF-Adamas(10000), DFV4(3700), DF-X(8000), DF-Orb(12000), RF-Phantom Tortoise(3700), RFVajra(8000), RF-Yellow Dragon(14000), G-Locus/80(3000), GLocus/90(5200), C-US6(2000), C-US7(2500), C-US8(3000), C-US9(3500), DSensor(50), D-Guard(200), D-KILL-C(300), D-KILL-R(300), D-Treasure I(500), D-Frame I(750), D-A Half(800), D-D Half(800), D-DEA Half(800), D-Flame Halve(1000), D-Thunder Halve(1000), D-Cold Halve(1000), DBeam Halve(1000), D-Revenge(1200), D-Clean(2300), D-A Block(2200), D-D Block(2200), D-DEA Block(2200), D-Frame II(2500), DAdditional EN I(2800), D-Down Invalid(3000), D-Charge(3000), DRevenge Up(3000), D-Counter Up(4000), D-Additional EN II(5000), DFrame III(5600), D-Counter(8000), D-Treasure II(8000), DAnima(50000) Shopping Note: As I said below, some stuff will only show up if you have done the Seven Moons sub event in Chapter 5 Well then, time to wrap up most side quests. Start with Segment Address #14 and you can get Iron Maiden. Also, the blue plate/shop offer more new items and the GeMix offers another world. Get near the console near the 3 plates in Elsa. Miyuki will contact you. If you have the Geo Crystal Ore, repeat and you can get the Brisingamen. Go into the Female Room and talk to Uutarou. You will get the Crystal Of Geo Crystal. Back to the console & Miyuki will give you Shion's best weapon, the Miyuki Special. Within the Female Room of Elsa, speak with Kamikaze. Now, go to the Durandal through the EVS. You can find Alby at the Dock Area then head toward the Park Area to find Alby again. Within the Park, check the east to find that Alby once again. You will get Heaven's Door. Back to speak with Kamikaze for MOMO's best weapon, the Moon Bridge. Buy the VB-Red from the blue plate. With that and the Ten Spheres, head to the Male Room in Elsa. Check the right room to speak with Panache then pick the 3rd option to get Jin's best weapon, the VB-Dammerung. You will also get the Nine Spheres. Head the Dinner of the Elsa, speak with Adonis to get the Stone Of Sorrow. Use the EVS to get back to Abel's Ark. Check the light at the last area of each of the orb then check the core area to get chaos' best weapon, the God Brace. You will also get the Universe.

Buy the KWP-XX from the blue plate with 300000. This is KOS MOS's best weapon. If you haven't done it yet, clear World 5 of GeMix for Jr's best weapon, the Vainqueur. Speak with Cabrillo by the left lift of the Elsa. You will need to gather 99 Sephirot Branch to get Ziggy's best weapon, the Gnosis Nail. However, you don't have Sephirot Branch and I will cover on this later. If you've followed this FAQ/Walkthrough and did the Seven Moons sub event early in Chapter 5(such as doing the necessary talkings & getting Prescribed Copy), then speak with Awamori near the 3 plates in Elsa. You will get the Paradise's Ring. Not only that, lots of good stuff will be available at the shop. They are Rosejist S, Rosejist M, Seven Sisters, Steroid HP/EP/S/V/EA/ED/E/D/A/L, Skill Drug A/B/C/D, Hydra Heal, Shiva's Eye, Lala Kidul, B Absorber, Hero's Bangle, Warrior's Bangle, Enhance Ring, Real World, Knight Ring, Gypsy Ring & D-Anima. Next, you are ready to take out Omega Id. Since I already covered on where to find it in Chapter 8, you can check above or Ctrl + F to find Omega Id. Optional Bosses: Omega Universitas, Omega Id As said, Omega Universitas is easy to beat. Once you beat it, it will shift to Id Mode, Omega Id. Make sure you at least equip D-Sensor, DRevenge, D-KILL-C, D-KILL-R and D-Down Invalid. As for Omega Id, it has 999999 HP. Its weakness and strength change each turn, so D-Sensor definitely helps. Make sure you have tons of healing items. I usually heal by using the ES that's just before Omega Id at the Turn Order Window. Use Awaken Anima whenever you can. You don't need to charge up to Level 2 or 3, even Level 1 will do. The concept is to use the right Deathblow or Normal Attacks that Omega Id is weak against at that turn. If you need to spend all ES to heal, do so. But, hopefully you don't need to do that all the time. As said on my 1st try out, most deadly move from Omega Id at early part of the fight is Purging Wave. It does tons of damage to all. If that move somehow got a Critical, that can also wipe out an ES. Purging Wave also cause bad status but that's what D-Down Invalid is for. The more HP you reduce, the dangerous this gets. He will start to use Berserker's Wave. Yes, he just Charge but there is something deadly coming. Have all ES Charge. He will use Majin Bodhisattva Palms which can cause lots of damage to one ES. At the last part, still got Berserker's Wave but he will use Kishin Bodhisattva Palms. Now his Normal Attacks upgrades to Black Fighting Palms II, plus able to use the Purging Wave II. Make sure you don't hesitate to waste healing items. You don't want to give Omega Id any chance to wipe you out just because he got lucky with a Critical. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE Purging Wave II getting Critical, he can wipe you out just like that, unless you Charge. Once you beat it, you get Decoder 06 and you will also get Tyrant's Bangle. With Decoder 06, check out the Segment Address #06 for the EK Device B. With


that, all characters learns the B Erde Kaiser ether. If you have been following this FAQ/Walkthrough, then you should have all 3 Erde Kaiser ether. You are now able to defeat Erde Kaiser Sigma. Since I already covered on where to find it in Chapter 3, you can check above or Ctrl + F to find Erde Kaiser Sigma. Optional Boss: Erde Kaiser Sigma As said, Erde Kaiser Sigma will put up Kaiser Shield I, II and III which you will need to summon out Erde Kaiser, Erde Kaiser Fury and B Erde Kaiser to break them. Since you have all of them now, you can finally finish this battle, if you are tough enough. It's weak against Beam and got 100000 HP. Pick whoever you like, but I would recommend KOS MOS with her Blood Dancer and Jin with his Heaven Tracker. Jr's Over Taker is also good, and make sure your characters can cast Safety. Most of the battle is heal and revive/Safety, then once you broke through all 3 shields, he will get serious. Make sure you have full HP and the Safety on, then defend before he uses Kaiser Victory Spark. After, heal & hurry up to finish it off with Shion's Lock Shot or KOS MOS' X Buster. After, pick up the Decoder 03. Go to Segment Address #03 for EK Device Sigma. All characters will learn the Erde Kaiser Sigma ether. That will be all for the Segment File, if you've been following my FAQ/Walkthrough. Head to the B1F of the Elsa, speak with Theodore for KOS MOS' Swimsuit. For beating both Omega Id and Erde Kaiser Sigma, speak with Valencia at the B1F of the Elsa. You will get the Heaven's Door. Anyway, once you are ready, take the left lift. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Miktam] Items: Jadejist, Night Moon, 1000G, Down Repair, 5000G, D-EXP-UP I Move on for the boss fight. Bosses: ES Gad, ES Joseph Equip D-Counter, D-Revenge, D-KILL-R, D-KILL-C and D-Anima. ES Gad's weakness is Thunder, ES Joseph's is Fire. Keep your HP above 50000 then use Deathblow. If they Awaken Anima, that's your cue to heal and Charge. ES Gad's Naglfar can wipe you out if you don't Charge. ES Asher and ES Reuben can focus on using the Level 3 Deathblow to take out ES Gad ASAP. After, go on for more scene. Go up for a box with Night Moon. If you go south, get off the ES and destroy the object at the end for the boss with Jadejist. Go around and destroy objects for 1000G, Down Repair and 5000G. At NW, destroy the gates for D-EXP-UP I and a path to the next area. Save your game and move on for the boss fight. Boss: ES Issachar Equip D-Counter, D-Revenge, D-KILL-R, D-KILL-C and D-Anima. Fire away with your Deathblow but make sure you heal from time to time. You will need to Charge if ES Issachar uses Awaken Anima. After, move on to the Archon Cathedral. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Archon Cathedral]

Items: Update File 04, Half Repair, Nano Repair DX, Gold Fall, Down Repair, Skill Drug D Destroy the statue for Update File 04. Head down to lower right for Half Repair then move on to north. Destroy the left pole for Nano Repair DX. There are also gold and blue plates. Take the upper right door to get in. Go lower left to get the Gold Fall and Down Repair. Back track and go north for the boss fight. Boss: ES Dan Equip D-KILL-R, D-KILL-C and D-Beam Halve. Make sure one other ES equip C-US10 (which is dropped from ES Issachar) and equip the D-Sensor. ES Dan is similar to Omega Id, its weakness and strength will change each turn. Deathblow & heal, watch out for its Awaken Anima. Charge before he does that. Not only that, he can use Disrupter which is really deadly if you don't have full HP. After, to the upper right room and get off your ES to get Skill Drug D. Back track and check the upper left room. Get off your ES and hit the switch. Head down to the Isolated Lab by using the lift. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Immigrant Fleet Isolated Lab] Items: Nano Repair DX, All Repair, D-SPUP I, Delta Edge III, Update File 05, Life Leech, Margulis' Sword, Rosejist M, Aquajist L, Rosejist L, Skill Drug C, 5000G Destroy objects to the right for Nano Repair DX. There are 5 lifts here, take Lift 1 to get All Repair and Lift 5 to get off your ES which will lead to the panel to open the gate. Back track and take Lift 4. Go south and get off your ES. Go around to the SE to get D-SP UP I. There is also a console around south, make sure you destroy that. About NW from that console, hit the switch to lift up another gate. Back to your ES. Go on and get the Delta Edge III at near north. Go on for the gold and blue plates. Get off your ES at near right. Go west to hit another switch. Back to the ES. Go north and get off your ES. Enter the room and hit each monitor, then view each for the path to the Main Room. Download data from the console to get the Update File 05. That's the last update file. You should have all of them if you have been following my FAQ/Walkthrough. Anyway, back track and enter through the gate that's near the plates. Go on and at the end, don't get off the ES yet. Get left and hit the bridge. Get off the ES and go around to get Life Leech. It is around the south. After, get back to your ES. As for the red door here, there are Zohar-like objects you can destroy at the left and right. As for the solution, it is right above the red door. For the right yellow Zohar, match the green part of the solution. As for the left green Zohar, match the yellow part of the solution. After, go through the door for the boss fight. Boss: ES Levi Equip D-KILL-R, D-KILL-C and D-Flame Halve. Deathblow and heal so your HP would


be full most of the time. You can cure bad status with item but you can always just Awaken Anima. Early part of the fight is ok but the more HP you reduce, the more dangerous this gets. ES Levi can wipe you out with various attacks, it is very important you have full HP all the time. Plus, Charge with the ES that isn't doing anything aside from healing or Deathblow. I usually get the ES with the lowest Max HP to Charge most of the time. ES Levi tends to aim after that ES. Thus, if you are using ES Dinah or ES Zebulun, they should do Charge all the time at later part of the fight. Check the shiny object on the floor for Margulis' Sword. Jin also learns a new Deathblow, Eight Dancing Thunderclap Blades. Go east to get back to the area with the gold and blue plates. Get off your ES and you can now go through that east door. Take the lift down. Destroy objects on the way to Rosejist M. Go on to NE. Hit the switch at the end then go back to north. Destroy objects for Aquajist L. Check the left for 5000G. After, go right for more objects to get Rosejist L. Go right again for Skill Drug C. Now, take the left door. There are gold and blue plates here. Save your game. Ride the cart to move on. Go down to the left. Go into the light at the end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------[Miktam Underground Ruins] Items: Benten Clothes, Gustav Neck, Long Horn, Zetajist L, VI Emperor, Skill Drug B, Aquajist DX, Omegajist M, Skill Drug C, Five Spheres Hint: At the later part of the ruins, you can encounter Armaros and Azazel. They are the ones that will drop the Sephirot Branch. Remember that you need 99 of them to trade for Ziggy's best weapon A little puzzle here. Step on the circle then go left. Ignore all circles and head to NE corner for the Benten Clothes. Step on the circle at north then go to the NW corner for the Gustav Neck. Go step on the north circle again. Head back to the west and step on that circle. Go back to the south and step on the circle. Go east and step on that circle. Head to the center and step on that circle. Now you can go around to the north. The east leads to the Long Horn and the west leads to the save point. Go on to the north for more scene. When Shion is in Lost Jerusalem, destroy objects to get to the north. Go on for more scene then the boss fight. Boss: Telos Steal Life Demon from her. She has no weakness but avoid using Fire. Telos uses Satellite III a lot, so equip Resist Beam or even B Absorber. Or, you could get Shion to use her Deathblow Lock Shot. Use Refresh and Break Cure when you need to. When Telos is going to use her Deathblow, heal, put on Safety and defend. Telos will then use U TENERITAS. You can try to Break her but she can cure with Break Cure M. So forget about it. If she uses Heaven Tracker, heal and defend. Use your Deathblow to finish off after. After, KOS MOS learns a new Deathblow, D TENERITAS. Go north to the next area.

Destroy the crystal on the way for Zetajist L. Keep in mind that you can fight Armaros and Azazel. They drop the Sephirot Branch. Go up for the save point. Check the west for VI Emperor and Skill Drug B. Hit the red crystal at NE. Go on & destroy crystals for Aquajist DX, Omegajist M, Skill Drug C, as well as the Five Spheres. Hit the red crystal at the end to the save point. Go on for the boss fight. Bosses: Shion, Kevin Steal Researcher Uniform from Shion and White Y Shirt from Kevin. Just keep on attacking and heal if you need to. This isn't much of a battle. If you want, do Break both of them then Deathblow to finish them off. After, more scene then another boss fight. Boss: Kevin He has no weakness and good against Ice and Thunder, as well as absorbing Fire. Break him with Arts, Normal Attacks or Beam based attacks. Get characters to put on Safety or Beloved Ally just in case. If not, you can use chaos' 3rd Deathblow, Beloved Gospel. Heal from time to time and when he prepares to use his Deathblow, make sure characters have Safety or Beloved Ally. His Deathblow is Immoral Meridian which does 13000 damage to one target. Once you got him in Break state, use Deathblow like X Buster and Lock Shot. At later part of the fight, he will throw in Over Taker and Heaven Tracker. Just make sure you heal and save up your Boost Gauge. After that, he will use Abyss Walker but you can use Beam based attacks like Beam Bolt III. Lastly, he's likely to keep on using Impulse That Results Destruction which can cause 2000 damage to all. You will need to heal and if you don't Boost before he uses another, you will get wipe out unless you have Safety or Beloved Ally. Once Abyss Walker is off, keep on Breaking him then finish him off with X Buster and Lock Shot. After, go south a bit to save your game. Once you are ready, go north for the final battle of the game. Final Boss: Zarathustra Make sure you equip Snake/Panther/Eagle Eye for all, this will come in later. It will start using Fire Bolt III, Ice Bolt III and Thunder Bolt III. They all can hit a target hard. Use Medica L to heal. As for Zarathustra's weakness and strength, strong against them all but Physical. When you can, get chaos to use his 3rd Deathblow, Beloved Gospel, just in case. Make sure you cure with item if it uses Misty on you. Keep on using Arts that increase its Break gauge. If it attacks you all, cure with Medica L All. Soon, it will try to gather energy to the central core. Break Cure your characters then it will use Embryon. This attack doesn't do that much damage to all, but it increases your Break Gauges a lot, almost completely. Keep on Breaking it and once it's in Break state, use any strong Physical Arts or Deathblow. Next, it will use Conmutado. This is where it changes its defensive attribute. This is no problem if you have the Snake/Panther/Eagle Eye equipped. If not, use Analyze Ball. Further, make sure characters still got Safety or Beloved Ally, since it will use Lumen Nebula and


that will mostly kill a target. After that, here comes the dangerous part. The Ring Of Order And Chaos will begin to resonance. You have 2 turns to heal or put on Safety/Beloved Ally/Beloved Gospel and Guard. Otherwise, Circuitos can most likely wipe you out. Make sure you heal after then keep on attacking. Do not waste any Boost Gauge. At the very last part of the fight, distortion will begin to arise in space and time. This is it, use all your strongest move to finish it off before the countdown ends. For those that has Erde Kaiser Sigma but didn't want to be cheap, well, might as well use it now. It will kill it, most definitely. After, that's it. You've beaten the game. Sit back & enjoy the end of the game/ series. If we are lucky, see you in Xenosaga Exceed or/and Xenosaga Frontier. Make the Game Clear save at the end. Load it and you will get Allen's Swimsuit, as well as chaos' Flawless Garment. One more auto update to the Database and it is now 100% complete. You will be just before the final battle and within the Elsa, so there is no New Game Plus. If you go back to the Data in the Title Menu, load the Game Clear data and pick the Memory Code. For most scenes, you can press Square to switch to Swimsuit Mode. This will have characters in swimsuits for that scene.


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