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Drago Elliot (named drago because have small birthmark on hip looking like dragon) Cayetana Draven Victor

Maverick (the slut she hire) Cayeta very listless Meet boy in class whom she like but no notice, he think she a stuck up bitch However, both taking online classes on business and she have him in English literature She begin chatting with him on the online chatline where they were grouped in another group and they really hit it off but she not want to reveal herself after they get close, afraid if he get to know the other sides of her, he no like

Drago Elliot threw him on his bunkbed, feeling like he was a kid again, having his older brother on the top, except instead of a brother who was obsessed with practical jokes, he had a roommate, Sean OConnery, who moved every chance he got. Then there was his best friend Avery Finn who had a lower bunk like him and snored like a bear and the last roommate Rick Riordan who brought back a girl every chance he got. What disturbed Drago was that the girls he brought usually didnt mind that there were three other guys listening in. he opened his eyes and saw that Avery was sleeping, probably resting up until his evening finals. Rick and Sean were nowhere to be seen. Drago himself had just finished his last finals and he needed to get his mind of his results, whatever they may be. He glanced at his phone and he saw his messenger app had a message and he grinned in anticipation. He quickly fired up his computed and logged in with his username DragonE05. He smiled when he saw the nondescript message from a girl he had meet from his online business class, VampiressD06. Gahhhhhhhhhh Hey, whats up? He smiled when he got an almost instantaneous reply. Not me, im deaaaaaddddd!!!!!!! DX Haha, do you really need that many as? I dooooooo (and yes I need those os too) im dying after finals, I need to see the sun Babe, maybe you forgot but vamps burn in the sunand I am not giving you my delicious human type o neg blood Ha! Be careful of leaving your windows open tonight!

Im dorming babe, you could get my roommate for ll you know while I stake your nasty black vampire heart (im pouting sadly and doing puppy eyes) Drago could just imagine her big brown eyes watering up and a cute little pout . . . with sharp fangs about to bit into his neck. The image made him laugh and he told her. I just imagined you pouting and doing puppy eyes just as your fangs are about to go into my neck She sent an instant picture of a little, cute anime vampire sucking the blood off a faceless mans neck and the caption inset your picture here where the head should have been. He burst out laughing, falling back on his bed and whipping his wet eyes. God, he needed this after finals. Hell, he needed her. Dude, shut the fuck up! Some of us are trying to sleep! Avery growled from underneath his pillow, throwing his extra pillow at Drago. Drago caught the pillow and threw it back. I just got a pillow thrown at me because of you. Whos gonna to kiss my booboo? Kiss it yourself, dragon boy! was it sleeping beuty? Drago grinned and looked over at sleeping beauty. Avery made a face at him then came over to sit beside him on his bed. He turned the laptop screen so he could snoop while Drago rolled his eyes. Your cybergirlfriend again? I cant belive you cant find a real girl. She could be a- A fat, hairy ervert preying on innocent college boys like me, yes I know, youve told me like a hundred times. Or she could be a real girl who actually goes to this school, Drago said sardonically. Avery made another face at him then grabbed the computer. Hey, sexy, send me a picture of you Dragon, is that you? Avery looked at an exaspereated Drago with surprise. She calls you Dragon, seriously? Shut up, Avery. Drago took back is computer.

Billie have insomnia and her mother a free spirit that not look after her children and Billie have dreams of kids and family and white picket fence Anushka Nishka, daughter of spy, her parents urge her to be a spy Raith quiet and not know what to do and very shy but come off cold, her parents die and she stay with cousins and she very strictly rasied, she just want to get away and become a romance writer

Nishka and Riordan are brothers, Riordan want to defect Nishka fall in love with her cold handler Vesili, who very loyal to country Riordan and Raith get together Billie fall for Micah, the boy she slept with till she was 8 but had a falling out when she discovered he been sleeping (sex) with other girls and she no like even though they never really dated or promised anything to each other I am not sleeping on the floor or in the bed with you, were the first words that came out of Raiths mouth when Riordan led her into his room. Sean, Drago, and Avery looked up from their respective books and stared very rudely at the newcomer. Holy shit! Sean exclaimed. Hell just froze over. Avery agreed. You owe me ten bucks, Avery, Drago crowed triumphantly. Am I missing something? raith asked selfconsiuosly, still standing by the door. Riordan rolled his eyes and pushed her into the room. This is Raith. Raith, the potty mouth over there is Sean. The gambler is Avery and Drago is theone whose apparently ten dollars richer. Riordan waved at them in an offhand manner as the boys say hi to Raith. Rolling his eyes, Riordan offered Raith a seat on their small black sofa. Do my eyes deceive me? Drago asked, rubbing his eyes in mock amazement. Did I just see you offering her a seat? Avery asked with great drama. Sean merely made a sign of the cross. To Raith, it almost felt as if Riordan never brought girls to meet his friends. Ignore these idiots. Everyone else does, Riordan taunted as h eluounged beside Raith, his left hand lying along the back almost brushing her shoulders. Not the ladies, Drago leered with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Dont let youre wife her you saying that, Riordan taunted back. Youre married? Raith looked at Drago with new respect. The handsome, dark haired man did not seem like any married man she knew. Yah, I couldnt belive it either when Cayeta married him. And she became his sugar mama, too. Drago took no offencse to Averys comments, mainly because he had helped him convince his wife to marry him. Raith raised both eyebrows in confusion and looked to Riordan for an explanation. She runs their antique store. Its both of their business. Drago looked at Avery and Sean in amazement. Sure, he was friends with Riordan but Riordan was not someone who defended anyone. He was the loner in their group and he had fought against all their overtures to friendship for the past four years. Only recently ahd Riordan

curbed his tongue around them but this level of domestication-pulling out chairs, bringing a girl who wouldnt sleep with him-that wa s abit too extreme for them to digest all of a sudden from someone who epitimozed heartlessness. So, uh, you his girldfriend r something? very asked, as usual in his blunt way. Raith blushed and stammered Oh, n-no, no, we-were just friends. F-friends, thats all. Hey, Sean, I think you should take a break form all this studying and go visit your girlfriend. Drago, you should take your sweetheart out. Drago laughedoutrigth at Riordans obvious bid to both change the subject and get them all out. He nudged a still stunned Sean and Avery and winked at them. Hey, now that I think about it, I should go see Mandy. And bring her flowers and get take out. And some alcohol. I need alcohol, too. Riordan frowned at a grinning Sean but gave into his blackmail all the same, throughing his wallet right at Sean. He shrugged his shoulders apologetically but fell on his wallet like a hungry bear all the same. Cmon, guys, lets go. This room is suddenly feeling quiet crowded. Well be back by ten, kiddies. Already standing, Drago garbed his phone and car keyes and salute Raith goodbye. Hey, you never told me to get out, Avery complained petutalyaly. I did, Ava. I told Drago to take you out. Use protection, kiddies. Riordan got up and literally pushed eh three guys out of the door then locked it for good measure.

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