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I was born Le-Vy on the planet Krypton before being rocketed to Sheffield C64 moments before Krypton's destruction.

Thereafter, I assumed the identity of a mild-mannered scrivener hailing from Gotham City who wages a never-ending battle against travesties, travesties of mockeries, and shams of mockeries. I have gone by many names: C. Kent, L. Cranston, B. Wayne, Fielding Mellish; yet, I do not possess any superpowers. My power, true identity, and unwavering commitment to upholding the rules and regulations of CV is revealed at (1:01), where I, and not the Grand High Exalted Mystic Leader of your Raccoons Lodge, demand to know of the supposedly most powerful man on your trivial planet orbiting an insignificant sun in a minor galaxy, the following: Me: How did you get in the clubhouse w/o a Century Village ID? Prez: (laughing) I* have some friends.

Me: You must have told them (the security guards) your name is Baruch.


*When the President does it, that means its not illegal. R. Nixon

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