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Chris Galis

Clockwork Orange: The Ending and The End

Comment [c1]: I don't know if your teacher wanted a title, but if he did, I'd suggest something like this; creative, attention grabbing, and pertaining to your message/ thesis. Formatted: Centered

The ending is without a doubt one of the most important parts of a literary work. Why? Anthony Burgesss A Clockwork Orange is no exception to this literary this literary rule. However, the original American publication cut out the final chapter, changing the message of the novel. The two different endings of A Clockwork Orange convey two different messages about free will. Should Burgesss novel end after the 20th twentieth chapter, the reader will get the impression that humans are flawed because of free will. I could viddy [see] myself very clear running and running on like very light and mysterious nogas [feet], carving the whole litso [face] of the creeching world with my cut-throat britva [knife]. (199) Alexs, the protagonist, desire to kill return(s) directly after a surgery is performed on his brain. The effects of his treatment are cancelled out because of the surgery. He will now be able to commit violent acts without being sick and he is eager for the chance. Alexs return to evilrelapse show(s) what kind of evil humans are capable of is if we have free will. The ending at this point causes Burgesss argument to weaken because the effects Alexs free will once again have has on society. Alex's violent nature is revealed again Wwhen shown a picture of eggs in a nest. Here, Alex says: smash them. Pick up the lot and like throw them against a wall or a cliff or something and then viddy them all smash up real horrorshow.(196) The violent things that Alex says in this chapter lead the reader to believe that free-will only causes violence and death.

Comment [c2]: Happens to the best of us...

Comment [c3]: Interesting. I can't wait to hear more. Comment [c4]: Should you throw a comma right here, the sentence will flow a bit better.

Comment [c5]: Isn't it cool how Burgess uses words that are tough to translate? It is great practice for Shakespeare (and the inevitable struggle to interpret his fancy language).

Comment [c6]: SEE COMMENTS @ END OF PAPER Comment [c7]: "When" works as well... your call

Comment [c8]: Sounds like Alex has a mild case of Tourette's syndrome, eh? Comment [c9]: NAILED IT!!!

While the 20th chapter stresses the potential evil of free-will, the 21st chapter expresses the goodness that can comes from free will it. Tonight I am somehow just not in the mood. I know not why or how it is, but there it is.(205) This shows Alexs is beginning to change for the better and that he was able to change under his own free will. Despite his increasing level of maturity, he still continues to hang around the young and violent teenagers that he resembled at the novels beginningbeginning of the novel. However, he only does this because he does not know that there is any other life available to him. He will have has a chance meeting with an old gang member, Pete, that changes this perspective. This, said Pete to the devotchka,is an old friend. His name is Alex. May I, he said to me, introduce my wife?(208) When Alex realizes this type of life is available to him he begins to make plans to have a wife and kids. He decides he will spend his time looking for a wife and is no longer going to be involved with violence. Alexs free-will eventually led him to be good. This is the point that Burgess wanted to make in his 21st chapter: despite the evils that free will can cause, it will ultimately lead to good. Both endings provide an argument that all humans should be given free will. However, it is the full ending 21st chapter that really gives Burgesss message strength. The fact that free will causes good is what really causes the reader of his book to believe in the importance of freewill. If everyone is given a chance to change on their own, most will eventually grow up and choose to be good moral people.

Comment [c10]: Stick with one format for numbers. In your second paragraph, you write 20th out as 'twentieth.'

Comment [c11]: An astute observation, captain. Very well said.

Comment [c12]: When I first read the end of this sentence, I thought that "the novels beginning" was the name of a place he was "at," like a coffee shop or a hole-in-the-wall bookstore. At a second glance, I figured out what you meant. This correction is just to help clarify your meaning.

Comment [c13]: Is there any way to say this with a bit more feeling? "Led him to be good" is too easy. There are seventeen thousand other ways to suggest that his life "took an upswing." Give it a shot and challenge yourself to be creative with your wording! If you have fun writing, your audience will have fun reading, ya dig?

Comment [c14]: This is a solid concluding statement. It provides closure with a generally agreeable suggestion. But the best essays/articles we read usually "sock us in the face" and leave the reader with something to think about. My face is a little sore (figuratively speaking) but next time I'd like to leave with a "linguistic blackeye."

Chris! Solid paper. I think you've got a strong grasp on what you're trying to say. I know it probably seems like I "went to town" on this response, but I hope it does not come off as discouraging. I remember developing my craft in high school, as well as all the flak that I took from my teachers and peers. Don't sweat it at all, because ANYONE can criticize an artist's work. To me, the Mona Lisa is just an "ugly broad" with a goofy smile. Here's how I think of it: If your essay is a vehicle, I'm your mechanic. If I see something that I want to fix, I do it. It doesn't mean that it HAD to be fixed, but I figured I could make a few extra bucks off you by doing the repairs. What you have here is a vehicle that gets you from point A to point B. If you feel like she drives well, then keep driving. If it were MY car, however, I'd want her to ride with style... maybe even put some fuzzy dice on the mirror for added effect. But before I get too involved in my ridiculous metaphor, I had best get to the point. There are only a couple things that I could suggest to improve your paper. Feel free to take them with a grain of salt. I am not the god of written word, just a dude who is "fixing your car." First, make sure your thesis is properly established and defended. If your thesis was that "the two different endings of A Clockwork Orange convey two different messages about free will", then make sure you really compare and contrast the two endings. I really wanted to hear more about what interpretations there are of the text, based on the endings. Don't get me wrong, you did a fantastic job of explaining the differences, but I think your conclusion would be more powerful if you summarized the alternative endings in one sentence. It would really bring your thesis to a head, so to speak.
Formatted: Font: Italic

Your explanation of the text was phenomenal as well. The part about the surgery and Alex's treatment was appropriate in this sense: it summarizes the events that are important in the novel without being long winded or overly narrative. The ability to do that is very important in writing, so I tip of the hat to you for that. As Mark Twain once said, "If I had more time, I'd have written a shorter letter." What I think he means is that the most effective written message is a short, efficient one. However, I did have a suggestion on how to explain the events with more clarity. Check it out: Alexs, the protagonist, desire to kill return(s) directly after a surgery is performed on his brain. The effects of his treatment are cancelled out because of the surgery. He will now be able to commit violent acts without being sick and he is eager for the chance. Alex, the protagonist, undergoes a treatment that eradicates his desire to kill. Afterward, a surgery is performed on his brain that reverses the effects of his treatment, causing his murderous desires to return. Once again, he is able to commit violent acts and is eager for a chance to do so. In keeping true to Twain's quote, I'll keep my message brief (if you can call this brief). You've done a fine job here. You clearly "get it." If I were your teacher, I'd be looking forward to seeing how you grow as a writer throughout the school year. Long story short, keep writing... it's good for you. My best, Casey Beeman
Comment [c16]: Here, I present the fact that Alex actually HAD a treatment and WHY he had the treatment. Then, I explain what happened afterwards (surgery). I think this more clearly explains what happened for your reader. My high school teacher once told me something that has helped my explanatory writing: *ALWAYS ASSUME YOUR AUDIENCE IS IGNORANT* Comment [c15]: If I didn't know A Clockwork Orange, I might be a little confused. You can explain with more clarity, while still being brief. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.3", Right: 0.3"

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