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Journal Practicum student: Natalie Radke Date of Entry: 04/04/13

Describe an instructional interaction that is: ___ problematic ____effective This week students in the co taught ELA classes were given time to research and work on the persuasive essay outlines. On Thursday when I gave students time to complete their outlines I realized that they were still very confused and that I may not have done the best job explaining it. I learned from my mistake with first hour to adjust my second hour plans to go over more in depth how to fill out the outline. By doing this I believe I gave 2nd hour a better chance of completing and understanding the outline. On Friday, I started class with first hour by going over the information again and kind of rewinding a little bit. On Friday at the end of class I had the students complete a journal entry that involved answering questions about persuasive writing and how I did teaching the unit. I looked over the journals this past weekend and I learned a lot about what the students understand/are still confused about. This was a great learning experience for me and I feel like I will grow from this as a teacher! Mark the learning variables that made it problematic/effective: Task difficulty ____ Environmental Considerations Curriculum meaningfulness ____ Clarity of Task Prompting ____ Materials Consequences

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If the scenario above was problematic, describe solutions to variables mentioned. If the scenario was effective, describe how the variables were used correctly. The situation started out problematic due to the difficulty of the task and the miscommunication between what I picture in my head as the outcome and what the students were doing. By adjusting my lesson and re-teaching the outline it helped the students to better understand what was expected from them. The task was not meant to be difficult however the way I presented it was kind of confusing.

Based on your reflection above, describe 1 action you choose to be effective and explain why. I think the most effective thing I did in this situation was to create a list of 9 questions for the students to answer as a journal prompt. It was interesting for me to see what they were getting and what went completely over their heads. I gave them the opportunity to write down any questions about the essay that they may still have. Also, I asked them to write a piece of advice that they have for me in order to teach them better. I got some really great responses and it was cool to see who understood what and who I still need to reach.

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